View Full Version : Question as a result of incredible luck -pathfinder-

2013-10-17, 09:51 AM
I am about to play an insanely evil campaign called 'way of the wicked'
We all had characters in mind and mine was a juju oracle, going heavily into the zombies side of things.
Now, this was all fine until we started rolling stats! I got 18 18 18 14 12 11
These rolls are somewhat godlike and it has really made me reconsider my choice as I don't really want to be wasting any of my 18s..
My question is:
Is there a decent evil class which I can play that will truly benefit from having three 18s or should I just squish the rolls into my oracle? ALSO, whilst i have your attention, what does RAW mean?
I'm thinking:
14 str
18 dex
18 con
11 int
12 wis
20 cha
BUT.. I'm 90% sure I'm going to become a vampire/lich so my con would be wasted entirely.
Also, I understand that the bottom line is play what you want but with these stats I want to play everything :P
Any advice or opinions on the matter would be a great help :)
Thank you in advance!

2013-10-17, 11:14 AM
Also, I understand that the bottom line is play what you want but with these stats I want to play everything :P
You can do that.

Consider Half-Elf Oracle 20
Str 18/Dex 14/Con 18/Int 11/Wis 12/Cha 18

Take the Ancestral Arms (Greatsword/whatever other weapon you want) as a racial trait, Paragon Surge and Divine Power as spells known, and anything else you want.

Now you're a tank/full-caster/zombie master.

Edit: and RAW means "Rules As Written", in other words, what the rules say, as opposed to RAI - "Rules As Interpreted" - or what the rules are probably supposed to mean. For example, by RAW, a Dragon Disciple's 10th level ability turns him into a half-dragon, but the requirements for Dragon Disciple are that you can't be a half-dragon, so because of a rule in Complete Warrior, you lose all the abilities of the Dragon Disciple class. Then you gain them again because you just lost the half-dragon template. Then you lose them again, and so on. That's probably not what the designers meant to have happen, so RAI the 10th level ability does not disqualify you from being a Dragon Disciple.

2013-10-17, 11:50 AM
Tiefling Magus would be really good with 3 18s, as would Duergar Hungry Ghost Qinggong Monk or Fetchling Ninja.

2013-10-17, 01:57 PM
With scores like that, MAD is not really an issue. You could pick some classes, or class/race combos, that are fun but not optimal. Nothing comes to mind, but even a racial -2 only puts you at 16 if you use one of your 18 there, and that gives you options. (I wouldn't personally do that, as I lean towards min-maxing, but it is an option.)

BUT.. I'm 90% sure I'm going to become a vampire/lich so my con would be wasted entirely.

Do you mean you want to become a vampire or lich, or you think the game's plot is such that you will be forced to become undead? If you can't prevent it (or you really want an undead character), I'd say put the 11 into Con. You'll have lower HP for a while, but it'll get better eventually. Or at least put one of your 12 or 14 there, if you want to have better HP until the change occurs.

Edit: since you asked what RAW is, I'll note that MAD means something like multiple ability/attribute disorder/difficiency/something. Basically, it describes a class that requires a lot of stats to work, like a D&D 3.5 Paladin: needs Str & Con to fight, as well as its casting stats. Most of the more powerful classes only really need 1 good stat (their casting stat), with Con or Dex as secondary.

2013-10-17, 02:42 PM
Mystic Theurge of Asmodeus (or whichever evil deity you like). Ask for a second magical knack trait and you're good to go and torture yourself with two spell lists and subpar performance.

2013-10-17, 02:55 PM
Thanks everyone for posting!
Unfortunately my group has a cap on the amount of characters with non-standard races so for the moment, I've settled with the half-elf tank/caster/undead god. I think I'll mess around with the con stat and switch it with my dex
Yes, I've been told that my campaign allows for lichdom and/or vampirism and so, I will almost definitely become undead at some point (by choice).