View Full Version : Dungeoncrawl/Megadungeon resources.

2013-10-17, 01:41 PM
I've used the worlds largest dungeon for this hack and slash 3,5 adventure. I'm not sure if I want to keep using it. The rooms seems a bit non-thought-through, and the maps are sort of hard to read. Still, I don't want to make my own dungeon (part of the fun is to DM without that much prep, or thought).

Any good ideas for products to look for?

Brief summary of the events :smallbiggrin:. Not that important, but hey. Me kill PC!

Cleared stuff. Killed fiendish darkmantles. Killed more fiendish darkmantles. Fiendish darkmantles ate PC. Killed more darkmantles. (WHY THE AMOUNT OF THEM?!??)

The orc Barbarian killed 2 PC's, as did longtail. (He invisible in his room. PC is alone in room. He barricades the rest of the team out :smallbiggrin:).

They ran, the portal started to spew out lemures. They went back and shut the portal, but a good portion of area A is pretty much covered in Blobby lemures.

There is this dwarven fighter that has survived. One bloody session (Orc barb and longtail) he practically hired people to go with him and die! 0.0 Then he got some more!

2013-10-17, 02:11 PM
The Survival skill was updated in one of the books to work just as well underground as above-ground, making finding food and water for survival easier. There's this alchemical thing called "Powdered Water" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16053801&postcount=9) that also helps in that regard.

Be aware that (albeit obscure) there's rules for what happens when you don't take a daily rest (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=280467), so you can screw with your party in that regard if you want.

The WLD has myriad problems and as-written basically screws over everyone but purely-mundane characters and paladins.

When the whole world consists of 5-foot hallways, the Emerald Planes spell, the Draconic Breath (line) feat, and the Dragonborn (heart) race start looking really attractive.

Earrings of the Wolf (Dragon Magazine #334, page 71) are essentially 1-mile-radius walky-talkies. A Scout’s Journal (Dragon Magazine #334, page 72) is an auto-map.

2013-10-17, 02:24 PM

2013-10-17, 03:02 PM
Sorry if I was a bit unclear, I'm looking for dungeons, adventures, and other pre-made goodies :) Need not be free, shouldn't be very expensive :)

Ready-to-run dungeon optimal!

-Nice mechanical stuff!

Powdered water. I like the idea xD


Thanks! Definately something I need to play around with!

Edit: come to think of it, I bought "the black vaults of Vali" off RPGDriveThru once, seems to be an unedited version of the dungeon generator. Sort of crappy encounters, tho. Still, will totally use the maps for my up-coming "dungeon of all the minis I have" ;)