View Full Version : Looking for Diablo 2 homebrew PDFs

2013-10-18, 02:49 PM
So a while ago I stumbled on some guys posts on some forum that contained links to PDFs with his homebrew versions of the Diablo 2 Barbarian, Amazon and Paladin.
But this was on my previous laptop, which has since been stolen. And now I just can't find those posts having tried all kinds of Google search term combinations. Does anyone by any chance maybe remember those posts and where to find them?

2013-10-18, 03:43 PM
Dunno about homebrew or anything, but there was an actual licensed Diablo 2/DnD product(s) released.

Linky (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/main.asp?x=d2/diabloii,3)

2013-10-19, 06:49 AM
Oh I know about that one. But those homebrews were nice because they looked rather playable while staying as true as possible to the computer game. Each class had all its skills except the capstone lvl 30 ones and you could choose it once or twice for a bonus that often went beyond just stronger numbers. And all effects were nicely DnD-ified, so they make sense even though being a different game. They probably weren't completely balanced, but what is in DnD 3.5? The Paladin was a bit OP with his nukes and auras, the Barbarian was maybe a tier above vanilla fighters and the Amazon was somewhere in between I think. And it was all nice and polished in PDF format, with progression, levels and requirements for skills and a powerpoint system that made sure the classes cast more like in DnD instead of spamming like on the PC.