View Full Version : How was your most recent character introduced by your dm? Part I.

2013-10-18, 02:55 PM
I got the idea for this thread form the unfortunate events that occurred in the "drove 250 miles thread".

Well, I am kind of hoping this will give DMs who don't know how to ask or want to have ideas of how to add new players RIGHT into their stories.

My story, is about a Wizard 5/Incantarix 1 Beguiler (the critter from shining south). Who among lots of things, has a flaw of Grandiloquent, meaning when he talks, he uses too many words to say the most basic of phrases.

Well, when the party found me, (not knowing it was me), found a small rat in a large desk, hog tied, with a ball gag in it.


2013-10-18, 03:18 PM
My favorite character introduction is when we were in the middle of a dungeon, a giant mario pipe rose out of the floor and one of the characters popped out. Usually that group didn't even bother handwaving character arrival and disappearance though.

2013-10-18, 03:26 PM
Dragon Age:

Some Blightwolves attacked us in a clearing and then someone hidden in the treeline began firing arrows at them while we engaged with melee and spells.

Pathfinder (Eberron):

In one dungeon, the party got trapped in a room with a lowering ceiling. While we battled carnivorous plants (some kind of vine or root I think) poking up through holes in the ground, someone was yelling "hold on!" as they scrambled around behind the walls, flipping switches until the deathtrap ground to a halt. We finished the battle, and he strode into view and introduced himself.

2013-10-18, 03:29 PM
My last guy was a guardian angel to another PC (My character was previously killed off due to power reasons, and he had actually married the PC in question so was thematically fitting since both shared same soul) and as the group faced down over 1000 WereWolf lords, expecting the beating of a life, i charge in (I'm a devoted defender, with access to favor of the martyr and regen) and they had no way of hurting me, i sat for an hour as the dm sat stupified i killed one by one the werewolf lors. Best enterance EVER

2013-10-18, 03:36 PM
Latest for me was that my character was part of an army that the main group was captured by, I was assigned to help them with their mission because I was just a low level grunt who signed up to see the world.

2013-10-18, 03:37 PM
(My character was previously killed off due to power reasons,)

the group faced down over 1000 WereWolf lords, expecting the beating of a life, i charge in (I'm a devoted defender, with access to favor of the martyr and regen) and they had no way of hurting me, i sat for an hour as the dm sat stupified i killed one by one the werewolf lords.

I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest you start building a 3rd character...

2013-10-18, 03:40 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest you start building a 3rd character...

Campaign ended, or i was bound to make a new one. The race was my personaly homebrew, dm approved, and had regen 5/vile. But i lacked real offense power, just could win on attrition

Edit- That was my third character (First was a grappler that was....good. Second was a barb charger who was....better. this guy was just a wall)

2013-10-18, 03:53 PM
Prisoner on a pirate ship that the party encountered.

2013-10-18, 07:10 PM
one of my favorite character introductions was a lesser aasimar sorcerer. He was the only survivor of a boat that crashed on the bank of a river. Another character was a kilorian ranger who lived in that forest. The ranger watched my character, while my familiar and he had a rough time spotting each other. After sleeping for the night in the wreckage, the sorcerer met the ranger in an awkward way. Then the ranger followed the sorcerer to town where the sorcerer met another party member who was on a quest to save some people, so he promptly joined and the ranger decided to join them as well. The forth party member was a cleric/fighter that they met in the dungeon during a skeleton attack that actually may have gone badly.

2013-10-18, 09:48 PM
With the variety of games I'm in (we alternate DM's each week to keep them each fresh) there's a lot...

Uh...in a homebrew sci-fi d20 game my character had just arrived in town as it came under attack. While that character is no hero the town had food, drink, and women. More than that the character got to chop stuff up with their giant sword.

In an L5R campaign my Ratling was stalking some humans hoping to loot what was inevitably going to be a bunch of corpses (Not by the Ratling's hands of course) only to get drug into a big fight and becoming an unintentional part of the group.

My skeleton in AD&D 2e was playing his hands raw in a tavern for some entertainment when the "Captain" decided to drag my character along for the scare factor. Didn't realize that my character was the best swordsman in the group and possibly on that entire island.

2013-10-18, 11:00 PM
Had a cleric/ fighter devoted the setting's Pelor of the Burning Hate. The guy was a complete badass: bald, goatee, stoneplate armour with scenes of victins being sacraficially burned to death engraved in white gold. Was awesome.

How did the DM introduce him? Standing in a sunlit field, whacking pretty red flowers.
They were Dread Blossoms, but still... :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-18, 11:22 PM
My most current one was actually quasi-introduced during the time my first character was during my current campaign.

I was playing a large bruiser guy who was pretty much a knock-off of Krieg from Borderlands 2, so I had already began planning my next one for when the novelty wore off. The entire first section of the campaign my new character was rolling spot checks and scrying on the party while flying invisibly from a distance.

Once the second section kicked in and I changed characters, he mysteriously popped out and coughed at one of the characters who played a comically-intense scaredy-cat.

He had to roll a will save to not crap his pants.
He failed.

Averis Vol
2013-10-18, 11:35 PM
Man, I'm having trouble remembering the last time I actually got to play :P

If I remember correctly, my Factotum crossbow sniper hand just died in a freak electrical storm while saving our downed druid. the Druid got into cover, but I rolled a 1 on my reflex save and was gone. So when the encounter was over, a large electric burst shot out from the generator that had made this indoor storm, and with the distortion, a 6.10 goliath wearing a suit of roman leather armor was launched across the room and through a wall right next to the gnome druid.

I got out and shook the dust off myself and when I looked at the gnome he freaked out and started running away screaming. My character being a simple yet kind brute started looking around to find the source of the wee ones despair, when I saw nothing I called out to ask whats wrong, and with nowhere to run, she started saying "Oh, uh nothing! promise! you can go away now." every time I asked.

In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have shadow jaunted to within a foot or so of her, might have contributed to the scaring. When the party was done looting, they came out, saw me and started drawing blades getting ready for the attack. I stood in front of the wizard and said, :Don't worry, i'll protect you". the fight ended quickly when they saw I wasn't trying to harm their companion, and from there I offered my service as apology for scaring them.

next session I hammer threw a Gargantuan sized snake off the ceiling of an abandoned mall. it was pretty dope. :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-18, 11:40 PM
If anyone one knows anything thing about Faerie Mysteries Initiate, well I was playing two dvati sisters, and they had just woke up, and obviously I wanted the Int to HP... then the party sort of barged in during the middle of the tavern being attacked... It was kinda funny/awkward.

Undead Pebble
2013-10-19, 02:31 AM
As DM I introduced the last character to join my campaign(Kruun Minotaur Barbarian) by having him controlled by a ragamuffyn and attacking the party.

This worked well, since damage is split 50/50 between ragamuffyn and host and as a barbarian he had more hp than the ragamuffyn. He still almost died when the truestrike, power attack, shocking grasp from the Duskblade who was a little late to the fight landed.

2013-10-19, 03:51 AM
My most recent character? That was very painless:

PF Kingmaker game, I joined to replace another player who had left the game, at level 4. I made a Cleric of Erastil. The DM said I was sent as an envoy to the Bishop of Erastil to announce His Eminence's upcoming visit. So I delivered my message to the PCs in charge of the settlement and offered my support in their endeavours.
Dead time: zero.

If you want to hear a more painful story, well I haven't experienced anything as bad as the 250 Miles Drive. I vaguely remember that at one time I also had to sit on my hands for hours, but that must have been a while back, and I have successfully erased most of that experience from memory, thank you very much.

2013-10-19, 07:52 AM
Not the most recent, but once our DM send all three of us an email with our respective introductions.

My character, a cannibalistic hunter, spots an unaware target in the woods, draws his bow and shoots.

The summoner druid gets attacked and starts summoning a fire elemental.

And the pyrokineticist suddenly finds himself in the middle of a forest.

Hilarity ensued.:smalltongue::smallbiggrin: