View Full Version : Hunter Quest

2013-10-18, 03:39 PM
Greetings Giants, welcome to Hunter Quest. This is a private play by post game created for me and my three friends to play through my first attempt at a Quest Thread. You are invited to observe but please remain silent while doing so. Now on to the game.

//Pre-boot scan engaged
//QLC matrices nominal
//Run status OK
//Initiating first-time startup

You are dead. Or at least are not yet alive. Your consciousness has been floating around in this darkness for weeks, or was it seconds, you can’t tell either way. You do remember who you were before the darkness, Your name was Derek Volt and you were one of the last defenders of humanity. You know the legends of when mankind once dominated the globe and their genius allowed them to create the first artificial life Megaman X. The stories say that X and the first generations of reploids that followed him were peaceful and honest beings, perfectly content to stand with humans as equals rather than rulers. But then things changed, with ever increasing frequency reploids began to go “Maverick” and they would lash out violently against any human they could. The Maverick hunters were formed and, with X leading the charge, rebellion after Maverick rebellion was put down and humanity was preserved.

History, or what’s left of it, taught you that over the next thousand years the Mavericks grew in power each time they mustered for war, and every time there were less loyal reploids to fight them off. Then it finally happened, the beginning of the apocalypse was known as the day of Sigma, when the greatest of the Mavericks unleashed a virus that turned every reploid on earth into a murderous Maverick. Humanity was decimated by the uprising and to this day mankind has only survived by hiding in massive arcology city-fortresses.

You and your sister Jessica were among the elite defenders of your home, the arcology Chicago, as members of the Dragoons you were considered the best of the best, while most soldiers of Chicago were tasked with manning the enormous gun batteries built into the city’s armored dome the Dragoons instead made skirmish raids out into the wastelands to look for resources or make surgical strikes against Maverick forces. Then you and your sister were offered a deal, by perfecting download technology discovered in a previous raid renowned scientist/archeologist Dr. Able perfected a means to transfer a human mind into a reploid body and the Hunters were born.

The Hunter division would be an extension of the Dragoons and would work alongside them to take on harder Maverick targets. Dr. Able hoped that with a human mind this new generation of reploids would be resistant to turning Maverick but as a failsafe popular demand insisted that he equip all hunters with a self-destruct device, just in case.
//Startup complete
//Activating unit <DJ-BYTRON>

Finally you live. Maybe. Your body certainly feels strange. As your eyes activate you are greeted by the sight of a plain white ceiling and looking down you cant help but be shocked by your new form. Your torso is large and heavily armored, covered in thick grey and brown plates and your hands are much larger, fingers ending in thick claws.

“Good to see you’re awake Derek, or should I call you Badgertron now?”
Looking to your left you see an old man standing there by a computer panel. His large white beard and bald head go all too well with his white lab coat. You’re lying on a large metal workbench in what looks like a hospital room, complete with dividing curtains and the smell of chemicals.

“Hey Doc. How did things go?”

“Why don’t you tell me? The operation went smoothly enough, your new cyberbrain took to the data of your consciousness easily enough but how do you feel? Everything seem to be working?” The old man’s concern is evident in his eyes, as if he were doting over his own child.

“I think I’m ok. It’s strange, I feel so heavy and, well, strong? I feel like I have a tone of new muscles for things I never had before.” Rising to a sitting position you notice how you tower over the old man, god you must be over seven feet tall and your breath catches in your throat when he gestures over to a full length mirror.

Your face is unchanged, although you somehow know the badger faced helmet above your face can be lowered in battle. Your armor is mostly brown and grey with glowing green accents built in.

“Impressive aren’t you.” The doctor practically beams with pride. “You should be able to access your own schematics with a thought but as you can see you were designed to be a heavy hitter, your armor is some of the thickest we’ve ever built and your buster weapons, found in your forearms, each contain sophisticated focusing lenses, allowing you to discharge your plasma blasts in numerous ways.” “Do you have any questions for me? You should ask them now because you’re expected at the testing fields soon.”

My apologies for that wall of text but some background had to be established of course.
So here are your options.
• Ask a question
• Proceed to the testing ranges
• How is Jessica?
• There were ten of us in this program, how many made it through
the conversion?
• (Write in)

2013-10-18, 04:02 PM
From a mechanical standpoint this game will be run using a d10 system. When you are required to roll dice to determine success, such as when attacking or influencing others you will be called to roll a number of d10s based on how many bonuses and penalties you are taking for the action. Since I know all three players and I, perhaps foolishly, trust them not to cheat so they will make their rolls by rolling real dice and posting their results, a 7-10 is a success with 10 exploding and allowing another roll. when you make a roll include it in a post, only one roll per post.

I will come up with a better looking character sheet soon but for now this is it



Medium Buster**
A medium strength buster shot with a average rate of fire, simple and reliable
Wide Buster**
A shotgun-like wide burst of plasma, devastating at short range against light targets
Lance Buster**
a tight beam of plasma used for long ranged attacks, accurate and powerful but very slow rate of fire.

Auxiliary Systems
Dash jets

When you are attacked an enemy will roll his own d10s and if he gets more successes than you have armor points you loose an armor point. When those are gone he will have to roll higher than your body to inflict body damage, when you run out of body, you are dead. You Can Die, do not think I will go easy on you if you bite of more than you can chew.

To represent lost statistics I will repost the character sheet whenever any of your stats are affected, red *will represent damaged stats, such stats will not recover until you receive repairs.
Your variable buster firing settings all give you two extra dice when shooting but may get bonuses or penalties when using them for their intended purposes.

2013-10-18, 04:14 PM
My vote is for option 4

2013-10-18, 04:29 PM
"You said when we signed up that there was a chance we might not make it through the operation. How many of us made it?"

Dr. Able's expression quickly turns to one of deep regret. "It seems the reploid brains the Dragoon teams had salvaged weren't all as pristine as we had hoped. only five of you made it through the transfer, the other five patients died when the cyberbrains wouldn't take their new data. Such a mortality rate was unprecedented and it seems we are unable to truly measure the validity of a prospective cyberbrain until its too late"

For a moment you can see a glimpse of the man behind the genius, he seems more stressed and worried about the implications of this failure than you would have expected from someone so renowned for his greatness. He quickly regains his composure. "Would you like to go see your sister in the other room? her transfer isn't done yet but there's nothing wrong with making sure she's alright."

• Go see Jessica
• Head to the training field
• Ask a question
• (write in)

2013-10-18, 04:33 PM
I vote option 1

2013-10-18, 04:52 PM
“Could we go see my sister? I know she’s not done but I have to make sure she’s doing ok.”

He smiles warmly “Of course Derek, just follow me down the hall.” He shuts down the computer and quickly removes several cables from the back of your head. You had to crouch so he could reach them, it’s still weird being this big and your probably not going to get used to it for a while.

He leads you out into the hallway and into the adjacent room, the bed is hidden behind a curtain but you can see the silhouettes of three people working busily around another workbench. They pay you no attention as you stoop to fit through the door and don’t object when Dr. Able steps forward to pull the curtain aside.

You don’t know what you were expecting but it probably wasn’t this. You recognize your sister’s face easily enough but both her chest and the side of her head are wide open with countless cables leading out and into the computer banks where the doctors are working.
“How are things proceeding gentlemen?”

One of the technicians speaks up from where he’s elbow deep in your sister’s ribcage.
“She’s taking to the data Doctor but the download speed is slower than expected, she should pull through but it’s going to take at least another hour.” He pulls away from her, bringing out several cables with him. “Sorry you had to see your sister like this sir but we’re taking good care of you, ha if anything you were much more difficult to build, so much armor, so little room for processors.”

“Well there you have it Derek.” Dr. Able lets the curtain fall and turns to you. “You should probably get going now unless you have one last quick question. Also you might want to get used to being called Badgertron by your commanding officers out on that field, That is your new name after all.”

• Get going
• Ask a question
• (write in)

2013-10-18, 04:56 PM
i say we head to the range

2013-10-18, 05:12 PM
“Thanks for everything Doctor, especially for taking such good care of her.”

“It’s no trouble at all Badger, to get to the training field just head down to the lobby and go out the back door, there’s a field set up behind the lab where your commander and comrades are waiting. We’ll send along your sister as soon as she’s ready.”

You exchange a careful handshake, you feel like you could break him by accident, and duck back out the door. Heading down to the lobby is almost a surreal experience as nurses and other personnel quickly move out of your way, they seem uneasy and you suppose you can’t blame them. You are, after all, a walking war machine. One that is all too similar to the ones hunting outside the fortress walls. Leaving through the back door you are greeted by the sight of a large field, it was probably a high school football field at some point, which has been covered with an obstacle course and firing range.

Sitting off to the left on the bleachers are three reploids, from this far away you can only really make out their general shape. One sitting near the base of the bleachers is a large orange four legged model with some kind of large cannon mounted over his right shoulder. He’s chatting with a humanoid model to his right, a green and blue character with no obvious weaponry on him, he seems pretty small, only about five foot 8 by your estimate. Finally there is a dark blue reploid standing at the top of the bleachers, clearly distancing himself from the other two.

Standing near the center of the field is a human wearing regulation military dress, the rank of captain emblazoned on his arm. He’s deep in conversation with a woman wearing a lab coat.

Who do you approach first?
• Go socialize with the other three, might as well get to know your team
• Go introduce yourself to the Captain, he seems busy but you were supposed to report to him…
• Go to work on the firing ranges, the captains busy and your allies clearly need an example set for them.

2013-10-18, 05:18 PM
Player two has just contacted me and he will be here in about a half hour. I'm going to go get some supper in the meantime and give him a chance to catch up. keep checking back to look out for his first post, I'll take that as my sign to continue.

2013-10-18, 05:28 PM
My vote is for option one, need to find out who does what in this team.

2013-10-18, 05:43 PM
so player 1, what do you think so far? first impressions on Badgertron and the setting?

2013-10-18, 05:44 PM
seems solid, should be a lot of fun

2013-10-18, 05:48 PM
great, now we just need to wait for player 2, I'm gonna get to work on the next part. might take a little bit.

2013-10-18, 06:26 PM
You decide to go meet your team, after all the captain seems busy and you need to get to know these guys sooner or later. You stride confidently over to the bleachers, might as well get used to these legs, and the smaller green reploid jumps to his feet to greet you with an open handshake.

“Hey man nice to see you made it. We haven’t heard anything from the docs since we got out here. The name’s Dervish.”

His bright green armor is the color of a deep emerald, a stark contrast to the dark chocolate color of his skin and the three long dreadlocks reaching down to the small of his back. From here you can see two beam saber hilts resting at his hips.

“Nice to meet you man, I’m Badgertron, though you can call me Tron I guess. Care to make the introductions?”

“Of course man. So far its just the four of us, the big guy here is Danger Close Crab, I’ve taken to calling him Mr. Crabs.”

“Cant say I care for the nickname much but it sure as hell beats Danger Close Crab.” His voice is deep, really deep. His torso seems normal enough apart from the giant cannon on his right shoulder but his legs are another story completely. From the waist down he has four legs splayed out in a spiderlike pattern, or more crablike you suppose. He stands a full foot shorter than you but you suspect he might tower over you if he extended his legs all the way.

“Wow, and I thought I was having trouble adjusting to my body. How do you possibly walk with those things?

He shrugs “No idea, the doctors said they programed in how to walk with them, I’ve had no trouble getting around. As you may have guessed I’m our team’s close artillery fire support and dervish here is our close combat specialist.”

Dervish pats one of his beam sabers affectionately. “Let’s just say if you ever need anything chopped into little pieces I’m your man.”

Crabs motions for you all to take a seat. “So what about you big guy? I’m guessing you’re our heavy hitter but what kind of firepower are you packing?”

“Well you’re right about the armor, they tell me I can take an assload of punishment but as for weapons I’ve got two busters that have variable firing lenses, I can go medium blaster range, long range beam lasers and close range shotgun blasts. And I suppose these claws must be good for something.”

“Very nice man, very nice.” Dervish nods sagely. “That just leaves Mr. antisocial over there.” He jerks his thumb over to the blue guy at the top of the bleachers. “He hasn’t said much but you know he can hear us, have you seen those ears?”

Taking a better look at him you can see that the blue guy has some kind of bat theme going on with his head, he has large swept back ears that are moving independently, one is trained on you three while the other is facing the Captain and doctor on the field. If he cares that you’re watching him he doesn’t give any hint.

“He’s a weird one eh?” Dervish shrugs “But I’m guessing he’s gonna be real useful for recon or something.”

Crabs speaks up “Do you know if there’s going to be any more coming or are you the last one to survive the transfer?”

• Tell them about your sister
• A simple yes or no
Either way where do you want to lead the conversation?
• Go talk to the blue guy
• Ask these two something
• Go check out the firing range.
• (write in)

2013-10-18, 07:03 PM
I vote tell them about your sister.

2013-10-18, 07:10 PM
Well well, player 2 has arrived, bee right back, time to go write

2013-10-18, 07:13 PM
also where do you want to take the conversation
• Go talk to the blue guy
• Ask these two something
• Go check out the firing range.
• (write in)

2013-10-18, 07:16 PM
go check out the firing range

2013-10-18, 07:25 PM
“There should be one more of us coming, My sister is just finishing up her download and the doctors said she should be about another hour.”

“Any idea what kind of weapon load out she’s getting?” Crabs asks

“No idea, she was still being put together when I checked in on her, from what I can tell she’s a more human sized model but who knows what kind of weapons they gave her.”

“Ok you’ve got me curious now but you should probably tell the captain it’s gonna be a bit of a wait man, he might not know.” To your right Dervish is casually juggling his beam saber hilts.

“I think he knows, anyway Im interested in giving these weapons a test drive, you guys want to check out the firing range?”

Dervish jumps up, “Sounds good to me. You coming Crabs?”

“I’ll join you guys in a bit, I’m going to let the captain know about your sister, see if he wants to get started without her.”

“Sounds like a good idea.” You agree “ come on Dervish, let’s go blow some stuff up.”

You both head down to one of the end zones of the field where the fieldgoal has been replaced with a shooting gallery. Stepping into one of the booths you see a start button and ready your buster on its medium setting.

Give me three rolls, 2 for your dexterity, 2 for your medium buster, and minus one because these moving targets are fairly fast.

2013-10-18, 07:45 PM
3d10: 10, 8, 4
2 successes, one of which is exploding.
extra roll: 2

total successes: 2

2013-10-18, 07:51 PM
i got 3 successes

a 10 an 8 and a 7, then a 4 on the explosion

2013-10-18, 08:09 PM
Decent shooting, by the way have you seen player 1, he's not responding.

5,4,3,2,1, BEEEEP! After the alarm five flying targets quickly shoot up into the air from the launcher in front of your booth, lining up both of your busters you let loose a volley and catch two of the five in the first burst. Dervish in the booth next to you reams into two others with a rapid-fire burst from his right buster.

The discharge feels natural and there is almost no recoil, probably because your arms are pretty huge. Pressing the button again you flash a grin at Dervish before catching 4 of the next five with a quick double shotgun burst. Dervish catches the last one with another volley.

“Dam man that shotgun blast is nasty, I feel bad for anyone thinking they can beat you by getting close.”

“Hey guys,” Crabs walks over “the Captain is finished, let’s get over there to meet him.”

Dervish slaps you one the back as he jogs past, “I’ll get you next time man now let’s get going.”

You gather at the center of the field and stand at attention in line with the others. After waiting for a bit the captain turns to you. His black hair is cut very short and he sports an impressive handlebar mustache along with his eye patch.

“Attention Hunters! I am your new commanding officer Captain Moloch and you, are the first wave of foolish experiments this lab has produced.” He glares sternly at each of you as he walks down the line, he’s almost two feet shorter than you and he still acts like he knows he could kick your ass.

“A lot of time and effort has been put into you sorry scrap-heaps, for example YOU!” he stops and glares at Crabs, “We lost fourteen good men recovering your shiny new brain, which means you already have a debt to pay back to humanity!” He stops at the end of the line by the Blue one. “If you want to prove to me, and everyone who died to make you, that it was worth it you’re going to have to give it your all. First we’re going to run you through your paces, In front of you is a large obstacle course, You will team up into pairs of two and try to navigate the course as quickly as you can.”

As he speaks he pulls out a controller and presses a button, the course springs to life and he begins leading you over to the end zone by the firing ranges.

“You will try to navigate this course in the quickest time possible, there will be traps, ambushes, distractions, and of course live fire targets trying to kill you. Now get into teams and get ready!”

Who do you pair up with?
• Dervish
• Crabs
• Blue guy

2013-10-18, 08:10 PM
remember with the dice system you may each roll once per post, in that example the first three posts would have been considered

2013-10-18, 08:14 PM
i vote for Bats (blue guy)

Edit: so we each get to roll when you call for one right?

2013-10-18, 08:16 PM
one vote for bats, and another vote for using that as his nickname if dervish doesn't come up with a better one first. :smallsmile:
just waiting on player 2's opinion

2013-10-18, 08:17 PM
I also vote for bats. Gotta see what those ears can do (and whatever else he can do.)

2013-10-18, 08:19 PM
Ok bats it is, I'll get right on that

2013-10-18, 08:35 PM
You walk over to the Blue guy, “Hey Bats, you cool with a teamup?”

He slowly sizes you up, considering his options. When he does speak you can barely hear it.

“Very well Badgertron, just don’t fall behind. I will scout the optimal path and leave you a trail, do not lose the trail. And my name is Slip Shade.”

Well you didn’t expect the condescending tone but hopefuly hes as good as he thinks he is. You both walk over to the starting line.

“Alright you bastards, you have five minutes to clear the course, If you fail its back to the chop shop for you and they’re gonna keep rebuilding you until your good enough to get this right! It will be painful and it will be humiliating, If you don’t want that then do this right the first time.”

You both crouch at the starting line, the doors to the first room of the course swing open with a loud buzzing noise and just like that Bats is gone. It looks like he kicked off his jets and shot through so fast you almost missed it. Running in after him you see a small room with an open door at the other end. Standing in your way are three machines, you know from experience as a Dragoon that these are mechanaloids, not as smart as true Mavericks but still dangerous. Two of them are Float Gunners, hovering gun platforms that are training their lasers on you right now. The third is a Guardroid, a humanoid machine with a beam rifle… and a large needle embedded in his head, he’s shooting wildly like he can’t see. Another needle is sitting above the door to the next room. A small blue light blinking at the end of the needle.
Clock 4:55
• Deal with the gunners first (how?), they’re about to shoot you
• Kill the Guardroid (how?), its directly in your way and seems to be blind
• Specify a different combat strategy

2013-10-18, 08:42 PM
If the Float gunners are close enough to each other, Shotgun-blast them, if not then just shoot them on default mode as fast as possible, then blast the Guardroid

2013-10-18, 08:43 PM
The Floaters are on opposite sides of the room, floating in the two far corners to provide the Guard with covering fire, you could catch them with two different shotgun blasts if you get past the guard
although shooting at two different targets will give you a penalty on your to hit roll
Strategy decision is still up in the air

2013-10-18, 08:47 PM
Ok, so run into the room, blast the guard, then blast the Float Gunners as fast as possible. Using the Shotgun mode

2013-10-18, 08:47 PM
I vote to avoid the guard (he's blind just ignore him if possible to save time,) try to get around him and shoot the two gunners with shotguns before going through the door with a needle above it.

2013-10-18, 08:50 PM
if the guard wont actually affect us shooting the Float gunners im all for ignoring him

2013-10-18, 09:02 PM
lol sorry guys I hadn't realized it had rolled over into another page. wo the plan is to ignore the guard and hit the Gunners? ok give some rolls. Ill take the first three posts.

2dex+2shotgun+2close range-2 split target -1 dedge= three rolls

2013-10-18, 09:04 PM
also remember you have jet boosters of your own, not as fast as Bats but great for maneuverability. :smallsmile:

2013-10-18, 09:06 PM
i got 1 success

2013-10-18, 09:10 PM
with one roll? im going to walk through the roll system one more time to make sure everyone understands.
Step 1 I determine how many dice you players collectively get to roll such as 3
Step 2 you each roll one dice at a time and post the result, one post per dice roll
Step 3 I count the first dice posts, up to the number specified ie 3 so I could the first three posts this time, this is why its important to post failures too
Step 4 I determine results

2013-10-18, 09:10 PM
3d10: 2, 9, 8

2 successes

Also, Double posting is generally frowned upon here. for future reference there is an edit post button in the lower right corner of your posts.

Edit: sorry, so we only get one die (singular of dice) per post?

2013-10-18, 09:13 PM
Also, Double posting is generally frowned upon here. for future reference there is an edit post button in the lower right corner of your posts.

That's ok I'll generally try to keep it in one post while hopefully next time we use the proper dice system. Its probably my fault because I didn't explain it in detail right of the bat. Ill go write the next section now, ask any questions about the dice that you may have now plz.

2013-10-18, 09:14 PM
ok, an interesting method but ok

2013-10-18, 09:20 PM
Alright, I'll try to be as clear as possible so you can be as clear as possible.

dice: plural form of dice
die: multi-sided regular shape, usually with numbers on the side.
(I'm not trying to be condescending, just clear.)

Let's say you say we get 3 dice

Do people get to each roll 3 dice, 3d10?

Or do people each roll 1 die, 1d10, until we hit 3 dice?

2013-10-18, 09:31 PM
everyone rolls one die, and we keep rolling and posting until the requested number of dice has been rolled. If everyone rolls three dice then only that first post could count. This way everyone's successes, and failures, are considered.
so to clarify
everyone rolls one die
one at a time,
and we keep rolling and posting until we collectively have rolled the correct number of dice

You barrel into the room attempting to avoid the Gunner’s shots and shoulder check the blind Guardroid to the side. Closing the distance with a quick dash you aim a buster at each Float Gunner and let loose a shotgun blast each. At this range missing would be pretty difficult and both of them crash to the ground each with one side completely melted. You hurry through a dark hallway, your path lit by needles periodically blinking at you.

“Dam this guy is fast.”

You engage your dash again to try to catch up and come upon the next room. This one has two more Guardroids laying in a heap on the ground, It looks like they were both shot through the side, as if a beam had bored through them both at once, the door is guarded by a Golem, a ride armor piloted by one of the Guardroids, two more Float Gunners sit in the corners again but they’re flailing wildly trying to find a target, a needle protruding from the armor of each of them. Finally on the far left wall a small ventilation grate has been pulled free and a needle shows that Bats probably went through there rather than take the Golem head on. He left you a few needles in the door behind the Golem as a hint.

“As if I needed to be told I couldn’t follow through the vent.” You grunt as your busters warm up for another workout.

Strategy? It’s just you and the Golem, he hits hard in melee and has good armor but that pilot seat is open toped.

Time 4:24
• Close to melee, try out your claws
• Stick to ranged, but these things can dash too, you’re only gonna get one shot before its in your face
• Write in strategy?

2013-10-18, 09:34 PM
i say we use the High powered version of the Buster and cap the pilot.

2013-10-18, 09:36 PM
That firing mode is a tight high power beam intended for long range, its rate of fire is very slow but it will easily cap the pilot if you can connect.

2013-10-18, 09:37 PM
I vote to use the lance to the open pilot seat for the opening shot, then prepare for melee for when he closes the distance, if he survives.

2013-10-18, 09:39 PM
i will second that suggestion

2013-10-18, 09:39 PM
Well what's the consensus? Go straight for the pilot with the lance buster or use it to open his cockpit up for a follow up attack?

ha you beat me to it player one. ok give me four rolls, you need two successes to rip away the upper armor and expose the pilot.

2013-10-18, 09:42 PM
Neophoenix, just roll them all, save some space

2013-10-18, 09:43 PM
I'm ok with that, I was just trying to give everyone the chance to roll dice but if you prefer to have just one player roll that works too.

2013-10-18, 09:46 PM
4d10: 10, 4, 1, 7
2 successes
Extra roll from exploding: 7

total successes: 3

2013-10-18, 09:55 PM
“Let’s try something new.”
You level a buster at the armor protecting the pilot and charge up a Lance Buster. As you wind up for the shot it charges directly at you and has nearly closed the gap by the time you let loose.
The brilliant green laser slams into him and blasts away the armor around the cockpit. You must have hit a weak spot or something because the beam continues with the last of its energy to slam into the pilot’s chest, leaving a deep gouging scar across his breastplate.
Before you have time to feel good about yourself it crashes into you and you just barely catch his large fists with your hands. He’s bearing down on you with his superior size and weight. At this rate he’s going to force you toward your knees.
How do you break the deadlock?
• Wind back for a punch?
• Rip away at his hands with your claws?
• Try to maneuver away with your dash?
• Go for the pilot somehow?
• (write in)

2013-10-18, 10:05 PM
try to dash away, and then try to shoot the pilot with the shotgun.

2013-10-18, 10:09 PM
try to dash away, and then try to shoot the pilot with the shotgun.

Sounds like a fine suggestion since your the one holding him there and not the other way around, disengaging shouldn't be difficult. Time for an easy kill. Five rolls please.

2013-10-18, 10:10 PM
You take this one blackhawk.

2013-10-18, 10:10 PM
I say we drop down and try to judo flip him

2013-10-18, 10:12 PM
If you want to back off and shoot him roll 5 to disengage and fire.

If you want to judo flip roll three

specify which one you try to do

2013-10-18, 10:14 PM
ill go with back off and shoot,

10, 7, 9, 9, 4 then a 4 on the extra.

so four successes

2013-10-18, 10:31 PM
“Well no sense wasting time here.” You let go of his hands and quickly dash back a few feet. Because it had been supporting most of its weight on you its fists come crashing down into the floor, leaving the cockpit completely open.

Stepping forward you place your left buster in his face. “Bye bye.” And with a flash of green light the whole pilot seat is reduced to a smoking crater.

Dashing around the wreck you hurry through the door on the other side to try to save time. A short way into the next tunnel you see another grate on the floor and the trail of needles continues on ahead.

“Looks like he found his way back onto the course.”
You hear gunfire in the room just ahead and arrive to see Bats sword fighting with a Guardroid, He’s taken some hits and his ribcage is exposed. He dashes back just in time to dodge a hit from a Bustard, a two legged missile platform standing on the far side of the room.

“Behind you idiot!” he yells. Turning you see two more Guardroids teleporting into the hallway behind you, they deploy energy shields on their left arms and level their rifles.

There are three Guardroids in this fight and one Bustard, the Guardroid dueling Bats is cut up pretty bad and there seems to be two large locks on the far wall wired into the next door. Maybe if you blow them up the door to the next room will open.

Bats is pretty heavily wounded and two broken Float Gunners in the corners by your door show why. Seems he got caught in a crossfire.

Time 3:25
• Destroy the Guardorids behind you, they could gun down Bats
• The Bustard is packing some heavy firepower. Taking it out is priority.
• Help Bats kill the swordsman Guardroid. This will free him up to blind the two behind you.
• Write in

Sorry about the wait for that one guys.

2013-10-18, 10:39 PM
ok im for option 2 or 3, but im not sure right now, thoughts?

2013-10-18, 10:41 PM
you guys consider your options, I'm going to relocate back to my dorm. Be back in ten minutes or so.

2013-10-18, 10:45 PM
I say go for option 3. This is a big fight, we should try to escape rather than finish it off to save on time.

Free up bats to blind the guards, and then someone needs to go for the door locks.

2013-10-18, 10:52 PM
sup guys I'm back. so are we going to go for the locks or try to fight it out, and how should we go about either approach?

2013-10-18, 10:58 PM
I think the first priority should be to get bats out of close combat and have him blind the other two guards. That should make it easy to run when we get the door open.

Your thoughts, blackhawk?

2013-10-18, 11:00 PM
lets go with take out the guardroid fighting bats so he can start needle chucking so we can gtfo

2013-10-18, 11:02 PM
Ok so how are we gonna get Bats outta melee? should we rush in there with our claws and blindside the Guardroid? or maybe yell for bats to duck and use our guns?
The question is now HOW do we get him out of melee?

2013-10-18, 11:04 PM
Dash in there with our claws.

2013-10-18, 11:06 PM
i second claw rampage

2013-10-18, 11:07 PM
claw rampage it is. give me four rolls. be advised that you may take fire from the two unmolested Guardroids behind you for this action. you can probably take it. Probably.

2013-10-18, 11:09 PM
ok, give'm hell Neophoenix

2013-10-18, 11:12 PM
the hell giving seems to be in short supply...

2013-10-18, 11:16 PM
4d10: 7, 8, 6, 1

2 successes

I had to scoop the dice out of the bottom of my bag; I just got home from work.

2013-10-18, 11:28 PM
You engage your dash and quickly close into melee with Bats and the sword Guardroid. Blindsiding it as it goes to take a swing at bats, your claws rip into his left arm and you don’t let go as your dash carries you past the crippled machine.

Seeing his opportunity Bats shoves his beam sabre, a brilliant pink color, through the wounded Guardroid’s chest, finishing him off. He then quickly turns and with his free hand tosses two needles at the shielded Guardroids behind you. One takes it in the leg and starts flailing around in a panic while the second one deflects the throw with his shield and the needle disintegrates against the plasma.

As you turn around to witness this you feel something slam into your back and you quickly dash to the side again to sidestep the other three rockets.
It’s strange, there’s no pain at all, just warning signs going off in your head that a large chunk of armor has been removed from your left shoulder blade.
You know that those Bustards take a bit to reload so you have a little time before the next volley meanwhile Bats is dodging the shield Guardroid with a series of dashes. Holy crap this guy’s hard to keep track of but it seems like he’s charging something up in his buster.
By the way the guardroid arm is still in your left hand if you want to do something creative with it.

Time 3:16

• Deal with the Bustard while it’s reloading, let bats deal with the Guardroid
• Go for the doors with this opening
• Deal with the guardroid, yell for bats to do something else.
• Other plan entirely?

Once you guys put together your plan of action I think that will be it for tonight. I will archive the thread and we can pick this up again at our leisure.

2013-10-18, 11:44 PM
I vote for using the medium busters on the locks to the door.

Edit: It looks like blackhawk went offline. He's probably done for the night.

2013-10-18, 11:51 PM
ya I think your right. Ok we shal continue another time. now I just gotta figure out how to archive this thread or something

well I don't see how to save the thread but I have all my posts saved on word so I guess that will have to do unless you know how to save this phoenix.

2013-10-18, 11:57 PM
Near the top of the page, right below the page selection is a thread tools drop down. One of the options is to subscribe to the thread. That will allow you to access the thread from your list of subscribed threads.

If i'm right about what you mean about archiving the thread, I don't think we do that here. We just return to the same thread until we're done with it, it's dead (inactive for 6 weeks if I remember correctly), or we reach 50 pages (at witch point we make a new thread usually numbered, like hunter quest II or something.)

Edit: We don't need to save the thread, threads persist automatically.

Edit2: Unless the mods or admins deem the thread unsuitable and delete it, but they only do that to spam and threads entirely devoted to breaking the rules. Threads that shift to breaking rules are locked

we should be fine.

2013-10-19, 12:02 AM
Oh wonderful. I didn't realize the threads hung around like that on their own. Ok then Goodnight player 2. We can discuss when to resume this game tomorrow.

2013-11-06, 02:59 PM
Hunter quest will continue this Friday at 5pm.

2013-11-08, 06:36 PM
game postponed until 6. I will contact both of you to make sure this is ok