View Full Version : [PF] Best blackblade options for a magus

2013-10-18, 07:59 PM
So we're starting a new PF game soon, and a friend of mine is building a magus. But, he's not sure really how to work on it. He intends to take full advantage of the Magus' Spell Combat feature, and he's in between a Dwarf Spell Magus, and a Half-Elf.

In case of either, which weapon would it be better? He says that he likes the idea of a Dwarven Axe, but, I think the falcata will work better if he either picks a dwarf or a half elf, mostly because of the critical threat.

The party consists of:

Halfling druid (supermount... Sort of).
Half-Orc wizard/sorcerer (spellslinger archetype, this is me).
The undefined blob of organic matter that is the magus.
Gnome alchemist (grenadier).
Human cavalier (monstrous mount).
Human cleric/inquisitor or a CG deity.

We will all be starting at level 6, and it's a 35-point buy.

2013-10-18, 08:20 PM
You're right, but it's not a big deal either way. Many things will go down from an ordinary hit with melee damage + shocking grasp, never mind a critical.

2013-10-18, 08:33 PM
A falcata is clearly the better choice, but it's not exactly a dwarf-like weapon. This is part of the reason why I hate D&D's rigid weapon system (and why I don't use it).

Also, 35 point buy is pretty crazy. What the hell. :smallbiggrin:

Many things will go down from an ordinary hit with melee damage + shocking grasp, never mind a critical.

That's... speculative. Most thing really shouldn't go down with 1 normal spell strike or the GM is going really easy on you. :smallconfused:

2013-10-18, 08:43 PM
I'm assuming you are using the 3.5 PB rules and not PF ones?

2013-10-18, 09:24 PM
Yup, we're using the PHB rules. But, I have been building mine with this online character maker (http://www.trovetokens.com/pathfinder.html).

The DM decided with 35 because he disliked the long dice-rolling sessions (I don't mind them, actually I prefer to roll my stats, but eh), and he hates the 28-32 range of point buy. And we all unanimously hate preset stats.

Also, I guess the weapon selection with dwarves/elves/orcs/etc is mostly flavor.

2013-10-18, 10:10 PM
Oh, 35 points in 3.5 isn't that many then. I thought you were using PF rules.

Why aren't you? :smallconfused:

2013-10-18, 10:19 PM
I'm a fan of http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/frigid-touch (frigid touch).

But as for choosing race, if he want multiple uses of a specific 1/day magus arcana go dwarf, otherwise go half elf and dump the favored class bonus into extra arcane pool points. Bladebound magus gets significantly fewer points, and if the GM does multiple fights in a day it can mean a big difference.

2013-10-18, 10:19 PM
Mostly out of practice, to see how the build turns out in the end. But, I have begun using the PHB for getting the character done in the end. The only bad part on the character builder is that it doesn't have the class features.

2013-10-19, 12:07 AM
So we're starting a new PF game soon, and a friend of mine is building a magus. But, he's not sure really how to work on it. He intends to take full advantage of the Magus' Spell Combat feature, and he's in between a Dwarf Spell Magus, and a Half-Elf.

In case of either, which weapon would it be better? He says that he likes the idea of a Dwarven Axe, but, I think the falcata will work better if he either picks a dwarf or a half elf, mostly because of the critical threat.

The party consists of:

Halfling druid (supermount... Sort of).
Half-Orc wizard/sorcerer (spellslinger archetype, this is me).
The undefined blob of organic matter that is the magus.
Gnome alchemist (grenadier).
Human cavalier (monstrous mount).
Human cleric/inquisitor or a CG deity.

We will all be starting at level 6, and it's a 35-point buy.

If he goes Half-Elf, go for the Katana (free exotic weapon proficiency with half-elf alternate race trait Ancestral Arms) That gives you longsword damage, a 15-20 crit range (with keen applied from magus arcane pool), and can be used one or two-handed.

2013-10-19, 12:46 AM
A falcata is clearly the better choice, but it's not exactly a dwarf-like weapon.

hm...roman dwarves.

i like this idea.

2013-10-19, 01:40 PM
hm...roman dwarves.

i like this idea.

I thought dwarves were already Roman... Sort of...

Dwarfs eunt domus.