View Full Version : Advice/help

2013-10-19, 02:40 AM
Okay, just started a raven-loft campaign, and i know this is going to sound silly, but I need some advice on how to stay alive, knowing well that I am probably going to die.

Me=water-orc dragonborn crusader, level 1, have level 2 exp and am leveling up this week, and next session next friday.
help=Have a make to enlarge me and cast endure elements, and a light spell to help my situation.

Whats happening: We had an npc paladin who fell into a sinkhole in a dungeon, me having swim movement went down after him. the sinkhole continues until it is full of water, then if I swim down it opens up into a cave system I think.

Why I am going. The paladin has enchanted full-plate, and he was level 10ish I am sure. I want to go down and get his body for rp purposes, to bury him etc, and to prevent him from coming back as a badass ghoul. As well as get his equipment. DM likely doesnt want me to get the armor, but said he would give me a shot.

From what I gathered/metagamed a little, If I do get anything I will have to fight for it, and likely will have an equal level encounter that will almost kill me if not kill me. I have a reach weapon, and melee weapons, and a low armor class of 16, with a protection spell though I will have 18 I think. I have 20 str and 18 con to help, and from what I know I will have to hold my breath I think. Water is freezing etc, and I will have a trinket to light my way. I can level up to 2, and just want any advice to stay alive/win a duel with a tough water monster equal to my level. I do think my character is pretty beast, but random dice are mean sometimes. I want as much odds in my favor as I can get. I will have 23 hp and 18 ac and be large at the time for the first 10 rounds.

I cannot buy anymore equipment, I was thinking of taking my 2nd level as a fighter to get another feat, or something really to help me out, but I do need something for an edge or I will likely die. I have decided to go for it, despite it being a generally bad idea, but my gm tends to be a nice guy, so if all goes well, It will be a good investment to get my character ahead.

Thanks for anyone who took the time to read this, or give advice. If you have any details you want to know to help let me know.

2013-10-19, 03:53 AM
Whats your int/dex/cha? What maneuvres have you picked and what stance?

Edit: and what feats

2013-10-19, 04:11 AM
Dip Cloistered (or normal) Cleric.

You have now all the protection spells available to a character of your level.
Low Wisdom?
Dip Favored Soul. Choose adequate spells. Proceed.

2013-10-19, 04:42 AM
You know... that set up, diving off into a sinkhole, alone, after some shiny treasure? I mean.... Ravenloft is a Horror Setting... Remember the rules of surviving horror. One of them being "Never go off alone". Much less since you're diving down a sinkhole... you might not be able to get back up. The DM might mention the current is too strong for you to just swim back up. Things to keep track of. At the very least if you're going to do it? Have a party spellcaster buff the hell out of you first, lash yourself to a rock or other sturdy anchor point with a rope so that someone can help pull you back up.

Also watch out for Swarms. I believe two leech swarms would be considered an "Equal encounter" by the CR math. But as you're currently set up? Nothing you can do to stop it. It'd fit in the setting, not like he's throwing a Shark at you. But it will wreck your day. Con draining, you won't see it coming in a sinkhole (Good luck on the spot checks), can't hurt it, and even if you survive the 1d6 damage, and the con draining, you probably will contract a disease and those suck at low level like that.

... and that's the sort of sick, sadistic thing I might throw at a character who went foolishly diving after loot that he should have known "Yeah... not going to let you get level 10 gear without a fight" in a survival horror type setting.

2013-10-19, 04:21 PM
Yeh I know its almost a suicide run, But my character would do it. I had a brofist boxing match with the paladin, even being and npc and would at least want to recover his corpse. Its just what my character would do. He slays the evil of tiamet in the name of bahamat, and is not afraid to die, to slay evil, and protect the good. I really know I shouldnt, but my character would.

I have martial spirit stance, heals 2 wound every succesful hit Melee hit i make.
stone bones, strike, 5 damage reduction if it lands.
leading the attack, not usefull without allies.
crusaders strike, if it lands, i heal 1d6+1per init level, so minimum of 2.
Douse the flames, blocks enemy from making attacks of opportunity, good if I need to get out of there.
Charging minotaur, really good, but I would need to see him first, even though I am a water ork, with a water movement speed of 30, it would be tuff to do.

I chose extra granted maneuver as my level 1 feat.

edit: I have a 300 ft rope, tied to a piton at the top of sinkhole, with several allies, 2 pretty strong. I do have an npc sailor I can bring with me, but If i do he is most certainly dead, as the dm is killing off an npc every hour minimum since we started.
