View Full Version : Mass Genocide in DnD

2013-10-20, 06:02 PM
So in upcoming campaign im playing a wizard who will go into winterhaunt prestige class, refluffed in my world as the spellcasters of the god of death/ice. As the pantheon is homebrewed, this god is filling the primevil role, IE hes the big top dog. My wizard is his prodigy of sorts

So in the name of my God, who wishes to see the world cast into an ice age and all living souls sent to him, I wanta know what cheesy ways i can freeze the world over. I will be using the wight apocolypse as i saw in another thread, so i have the death part down. Next is how to freeze the world

Also note the deity is defending me from divine intervention by other gods, so that is one less issue to worry about

2013-10-20, 06:10 PM
Use snowcasting to apply the cold descriptor to the spell apocalypse from the sky, then use the energy substitution feat (or a rod) to change the elemental damage to cold, unleashing 10d6 cold on 10 miles/level. You can fit the fell drain feat on there with arcane thesis and one more metamagic reducer of your choice. If you get really into metamagic reduction you can even fit the widen spell feat on there, increasing the radius to 20 miles/level.

2013-10-20, 06:14 PM
I prefer the Hivemind Apocalypse, over the Wights. In particular is your god a god of Death, or Undeath? It's a distinction most DnD gods don't actually make, but one with considering. Plus you can take some favored animal of the god, like say, Snow Owls, round up all the Snow owls in the world into one epic casting Sorcerer Hivemind. Winter's heralds. Have them using spells like Control Weather to bring on blizzards, sounds like both Death and Winter.

Apocalypse from the Sky however is probably the best option, as mentioned. Just check with your DM whether you get the RAW, but stupid and cheesy "I have an artifact in my spell component pouch", or if you'd actually have to hunt it down.

Emperor Tippy
2013-10-20, 06:39 PM
The easiest method is a level 27 wizard with 7 levels of Cosmic Descryer, use Cosmic Connection and cast a CL one hundred trillion or so Frostfell and have a Craft Contingent Revivify.

There is also Wishing for a CL one hundred trillion scroll of Frostfell and then using Shapechange to become a Lilitu and use its Item Use ability to auto succeed on the UMD check to use the scroll.

Or do the same thing with Fimbulwinter.

2013-10-20, 07:02 PM
The easiest method is a level 27 wizard with 7 levels of Cosmic Descryer, use Cosmic Connection and cast a CL one hundred trillion or so Frostfell and have a Craft Contingent Revivify.

There is also Wishing for a CL one hundred trillion scroll of Frostfell and then using Shapechange to become a Lilitu and use its Item Use ability to auto succeed on the UMD check to use the scroll.

Or do the same thing with Fimbulwinter.

I was hoping you or ryu would show up and school me in breaking the world over my knee. So is the wish route the only non epic one?

2013-10-20, 07:04 PM
I prefer the Hivemind Apocalypse, over the Wights. In particular is your god a god of Death, or Undeath? It's a distinction most DnD gods don't actually make, but one with considering. Plus you can take some favored animal of the god, like say, Snow Owls, round up all the Snow owls in the world into one epic casting Sorcerer Hivemind. Winter's heralds. Have them using spells like Control Weather to bring on blizzards, sounds like both Death and Winter.

Apocalypse from the Sky however is probably the best option, as mentioned. Just check with your DM whether you get the RAW, but stupid and cheesy "I have an artifact in my spell component pouch", or if you'd actually have to hunt it down.

He is the god of death, we have an undeath god which is basically his little minion. And how can i get these absurd hiveminds? I've seen talks of them but no solid info i can feed my DM

2013-10-20, 07:21 PM
Hiveminds are in the Book of Vile Darkness, under Dark Speech.

Red Fel
2013-10-20, 07:30 PM
Depending on your level of lactose tolerance, you could use the Locate City Bomb. (Note that there is a lot of dispute as to whether that trick even works as advertised, let alone whether your DM will allow it.)

It won't kill anybody with class levels, but either you end up killing a ton of NPCs and mooks, or you end up disabling a town by coating it in ice. Sounds like an ice idea to me. (Rimshot.)

Note that it can be comfortably combined with Fell Drain, leading to an ice-and-wight-ocalypse.

Emperor Tippy
2013-10-20, 07:38 PM
I was hoping you or ryu would show up and school me in breaking the world over my knee. So is the wish route the only non epic one?

It's the easiest and fastest.

How much time, effort, and resources do you want to put into it?

I mean a Major Iceheart creates a 15 mile radius area of eternal winter. Get enough of those and you can freeze the world.

Or you could use a Spell to Power Erudite to get Fimbulwinter onto a Psion's powers known list via Psychic Chiugery and then Metapower: Maximize Power it before using Bestow Power + Affinity Field with an Ice Assassin or Simulacrum of yourself to keep an infinite PP loop going and then just have your Ice Assassin keep teleporting you ML*2 miles further away every round while you cast Fimbulwinter upon arrival and get ported again.

In a day you can cast 14,400 Fimbulwinter's, each with a radius of 20 miles (at ML 20), for a line 576,000 miles long and 40 miles wide that will spend the next year in winter. That is enough to circle the earth at the equator 26 times.

2013-10-20, 08:12 PM
On Hiveminds:

The feat you need to start it is Dark Speech from Book of Vile Darkness. It requires a base Will Save (Not total will save, but base, so you need to be at least somewhat high level before you can start it) of +5, along with 15 Int and Wisdom.

Dark Speech in and of itself has a few minor handy things. You can cower entire rooms full of Good/Neutral people and awestrike Evil Ones, you can destroy objects, you can teach it to Undead who use it for Turn Resistance, etc. But the key one we're looking at here is the ability to create a Hivemind.

You need a small critical mass to start it out. I believe around 20 if I remember the numbers off the top of my head, of animals or vermin. You use Dark Speech (Which damages your stats a bit), which creates a Hive mind of those creatures, and gives you one order you can give them that they will follow without fail. The creatures are treated as a single organism (Sort of like a swarm) with a shared HP pool, etc. They gain additional Int and Charisma as they grow in size, as well as Skill Points and Feats. When their Charisma hits over 17 they become a Sorcerer with levels equal to their Charisma minus 17. Granted it takes a lot of members of the hivemind to hit that point, you're talking about groups of 1000 or so. Which may or may not be easy for you. At that point every... 500 I think, you get +1 level of Sorcerer (Without cap), Charisma boosts, skill points, and a feat.

Once they hit a high enough level of Sorcerer, they can use their bazillion feats to pick up Dark Speech themselves, as animals tend to have a high wisdom to start with, and their Int will be jacked up from Hivemind bonuses. Then your Hivemind can Hivemind other creatures in a chain sort of like the Wight thing. Include your Hivemind along with +X other creatures, larger hivemind, more power, etc. Eventually you'll have pretty much every feat ever printed, minus explicit "Have Class Feature X" feats. Epic level casting, and be a sorcerer who has so much HP that even if heroes banded together against you (Note that they count as one mass of HP, not individual masses, so AoE Fireball or something will still just do Xd6 to them instead of mass murder), they probably won't be able to whittle you down before your epic level sorcerer just nails them to the sky or freezes them solid.

It's cheesy as hell. But it can be interesting as a situation to set up for as a campaign villain. Hell, by the rules your epic level 70th Sorcerer Hive Mind bringing across the Apocalypse only has a CR 2, by the way. Or even less. Yeah.

2013-10-20, 10:33 PM
Depending on your level of lactose tolerance, you could use the Locate City Bomb. (Note that there is a lot of dispute as to whether that trick even works as advertised, let alone whether your DM will allow it.)

It won't kill anybody with class levels, but either you end up killing a ton of NPCs and mooks, or you end up disabling a town by coating it in ice. Sounds like an ice idea to me. (Rimshot.)

Note that it can be comfortably combined with Fell Drain, leading to an ice-and-wight-ocalypse.

Actually, bring on the cheese in great heaps. And the locate city bomb with fell drain is how im dropping the wight bomb on the world, with a few castings i should be able o really upset things

2013-10-20, 10:36 PM
It's the easiest and fastest.

How much time, effort, and resources do you want to put into it?

I mean a Major Iceheart creates a 15 mile radius area of eternal winter. Get enough of those and you can freeze the world.

Or you could use a Spell to Power Erudite to get Fimbulwinter onto a Psion's powers known list via Psychic Chiugery and then Metapower: Maximize Power it before using Bestow Power + Affinity Field with an Ice Assassin or Simulacrum of yourself to keep an infinite PP loop going and then just have your Ice Assassin keep teleporting you ML*2 miles further away every round while you cast Fimbulwinter upon arrival and get ported again.

In a day you can cast 14,400 Fimbulwinter's, each with a radius of 20 miles (at ML 20), for a line 576,000 miles long and 40 miles wide that will spend the next year in winter. That is enough to circle the earth at the equator 26 times.

I would want to try something which hits hard and fast, leaving less room for forces to stop me (im gonna make a go of this at level 8 or so, which means im easily slain unless i work fast)

2013-10-20, 10:41 PM
I suggest pushing the planet farther away from the sun.

2013-10-20, 11:44 PM
Also note the deity is defending me from divine intervention by other gods, so that is one less issue to worry about

If he is powerful enough to do this then why on earth does he need you? :smallconfused:

2013-10-21, 10:20 AM
If he is powerful enough to do this then why on earth does he need you? :smallconfused:

Basically the gods have agreed to treat the world like chess and we mortals are the pawns. Right now he is among 3 deities who are greater gods and divine rank 20, my belief is if i whipe the earth of nearly all living beings, it should tip the balance in such a way he becomes more powerful than them, and the god of evil incarnate can laugh at the silly agreement. Right now if the 3 fought, he would die since equal power levels. If i tip the scales, he will be the bigger bull

Emperor Tippy
2013-10-21, 10:22 AM
If you want to do it at level 8 and in a very short amount of time then about the only way to do it is Shapechange -> Zodar -> Wish for CL one trillion scroll of Fimbulwinter -> Lilitu -> Use Scroll.

2013-10-21, 10:28 AM
Thing is, the other 20s are going to know your plan nearly half a year before you even start it (killing/removing all their worshipers is bound to trigger their portfolio sense no matter what they are gods of), and your buddy-god can only block one of them at a time. Unless your DM is handwaving that of course.

2013-10-21, 10:33 AM
Thing is, the other 20s are going to know your plan nearly half a year before you even start it (killing/removing all their worshipers is bound to trigger their portfolio sense no matter what they are gods of), and your buddy-god can only block one of them at a time. Unless your DM is handwaving that of course.

The way it amounts to is the gods wont interfere because a fight between the 3 would leave 2 gods dead, and gods are selfish and defend there own life before some mortals (and the dm thinks group will stop me, i disagree with his line of thought but were see)

2013-10-21, 03:13 PM
Thing is, the other 20s are going to know your plan nearly half a year before you even start it (killing/removing all their worshipers is bound to trigger their portfolio sense no matter what they are gods of), and your buddy-god can only block one of them at a time. Unless your DM is handwaving that of course.

Bad God needs to plan with lots of feints and false moves. Wave a death cult over here and have an extraplanar invasion hit on the flank all the while his master plan is moving subtly in standard Russian egg plan.

Use nature instead of going against the natural order. Give it a solid push... Blast up one Krakatoa type volcano to kick a huge amount of amount of dust to obscure the sun: then do it again on the other side of the planet.

Think of it this way: a torpedo sinks a ship by putting a big hole in the side that allows water to rush in and the vessel loses bouyancy.

In summary: throw red herrings and work with nature.

2013-10-21, 03:32 PM
I was sitting here all the time it took me to read the thread going "go druid, go druid, go druid" over and over in my mind. Would be pretty awesome if you ask me, but i guess you have your mind set on wizard.

I love the fimbulwinter ideas and the long term nature ideas. Think along the lines of irl global warming theory. Use spells and effects that (in)directly affect and destabilize the whole climate of the setting. Mmm, sounds fun. :smallamused:

Things like melting glaciers can make for a huge disruption in climate that causes permafrost in huge regions, etc. You need alot of knowledge both as player and character about how the setting works though to pullit off.

2013-10-21, 03:49 PM
What, no mention of the Killing Frost of Ghulurak(DMGII pg. 115) magical ritual yet? What did I write that handbook for?

It starts at a 12-mile radius effects and grows a mile in radius per week from there, without limit. Carve a few statues from polar ice, give them some nice symbols of insanity and bam. The best part is that it mind-controls anyone that gets too close and makes them into thralls of the frost, and it perpetuates itself via a compulsion meme.

2013-10-21, 05:16 PM
What, no mention of the Killing Frost of Ghulurak(DMGII pg. 115) magical ritual yet? What did I write that handbook for?

It starts at a 12-mile radius effects and grows a mile in radius per week from there, without limit. Carve a few statues from polar ice, give them some nice symbols of insanity and bam. The best part is that it mind-controls anyone that gets too close and makes them into thralls of the frost, and it perpetuates itself via a compulsion meme.

How is the save for it/ Fixed o raisable?

2013-10-21, 08:23 PM
The save DC is fixed, but decently high at DC 25. Even if you can shake a DC 25 will save with ease, it has to be made every hour you're inside 1 mile radius of the statue. If you place the statues in sufficiently hard to reach places and ward them adequately any would-be heroes will have to make multiple saves.

If you have access to time shenanigans then somehow fixing it so 100 years pass rapidly after erecting the statues then the area that causes a will save expands at 1 mile/month alongside the normal 1 mile/week of the merely dangerously cold area.

2013-10-22, 08:13 AM
i think there is an epic spell called ice age which, well, causes an ice age... Of course, you can make up a huge ritual that does something similar. At the beginning of winter, while sacrificing 10 humanoids with the cold subtype that have just reached adulthood in a temple made entirely of ice makes that winter to be never ending... You can always put a wish or miracle spell somewhere in there.
I mean, if you really want a frozen wasteland as a campaign setting, i wouldn't go for energy-substituted spells all over the place, but 1 epic spell or horrible ritual.