View Full Version : Cobolon and the West Orcs

2013-10-21, 01:26 AM
Krusk and his force can arrive at Cobolon from the north.

EDIT: This is taking place at the end of week 2/start of week 3.

2013-10-22, 05:43 AM
Orcs should post their arrival. Dwarves respond.

2013-10-22, 07:43 AM
A lone rider appears (http://youtu.be/xExo0A3zg98), cresting a hill he looks down upon the Dwarven Fortress tall and proud the Warrior stares for a long moment, his horse pawing the earth beneath him. It isn't long before the drums can be heard, the low rumbling drums, the screech and shriek of goblin warparties accompanying them, as a wave of goblins wash over the hill, spears and swords clattering as they march. Moments later another rider appears beside the first, and nods quietly, behind the goblins, in tidy rows and files march hundreds of Orcish warriors, armed and armored to the teeth, the Orcs move to either side of the Goblins as the wave continues to march. The drums grow louder now, incessant, even as hundreds of massive hulking behemoths crest the ridge line, their bellowing cries shaking the walls of the dwarven capital. A hulking Ogre stops beside the 2 mounted men and seems to converse briefly before nodding and rejoining its fellows. A final trumpet blast blares as the ground shakes from the marching feet and the beating drums, just as it seems to have ended, it picks back up, as hundreds of Trolls join the field, joining the force aligned before the gayes of the Fortress. The 2 riders kick their horses forward and ride across the miles long front of their force, each going across the backline in seperate directions, meeting again in the front even as the force stops just outside Archer range and wait.
Stopping 6.5 "Inches" outside the castle walls to await the Dwarven Envoy. As they get closer the envoy will recognize the 2 riders as an Orc and a half orc

2013-10-23, 12:38 AM
A single dwarf (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2hRTLdvdnk) emerged from the small force huddled behind improvised defenses some distance from the walls of Azuregard. The walls were not built to defense against an army such as this. It would be his dwarves that stood between his people and death, if it came to that. Hopefully it would not. The short humanoid did not falter, did not show fear as he approached the two orcs. His armor and shield shone a brilliant blue in the sun, and his hammer sung the song of the mountain in response to the cries of the orcish horde. His head was adorned with a crown of shimmering light, and the shape of a massive onyx humanoid surrounded his form. "Hail, warriors. Methinks you are far from home, to have come to my gates. I am Harald Bluehammer, Son of Albreckt, Master of Azuregard and King of Coablon. Whom do I address?"

2013-10-23, 03:41 AM
You address Karthis The bloadsoaked, Lord of the West, Defiler of Kayros, Most honored pf the Great Mantis. I have come to pass judgement for your crimes agaibst my people to the North. Will you die with honor dwarf? Or will I burn your city whilst you cower like cravens beneath these earthen walls? A sneer paints Karthis face as he asks the dwarf Tell me dwarf how much have you taken from the goblin hill tribes to the North? How many of their warriors did you lay slaughter to? With what authprity to you plague these lands Lord Dwarf?! Karthis dismounts his horse and has it led away, stepping toward the dwarf as his tusks dribble with rage the barbarian growls so quietly the words are all but whispers, I will hang your corpse, and those of your captains from the gates of your city Little King

Karthis calms himself and glowers down at the dwarf, You have until nightfall to repay these legions what you took from them. 100 gold for every creature in my legion. 120,000 Gold, and we will let you live for the season. Otherwise the ashes of your city will be cold before sunrise.

2013-10-23, 03:54 AM
"I see." The dwarf maintained an aura of calm, refusing to rise to the orc's taunts. "Lord Karthis, it appears you have been misinformed. My father Albreckt established this city five hundred years ago. Long before the goblins were here. We have always strived to live in peace with our neighbors, but they have not given it to us. We have taken nothing from them, and only take from Father Earth what we need to survive. I will pay you no ransom for my people and my home. I will not give into bullying to keep what my father built, and what I have built, with our hands, blood, and sweat. I wish there to be peace between us, Lord Karthis. But know that I will defend Azuregard and its people to my dying breath, if need be. This is our home, and I would rather see it in ashes than in the hands of another.

2013-10-23, 04:20 AM
Karthis bellows in rage and charges the dwarf, drawing his blade midstep and wheeling it over head THEN BURN with this the blade comes ablaze as Karthis brings it down in a massive arc.

OOC- Karthis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=681001) Plans to attack, but the dwarf sees it first. He will charge, using Headlong Rush, which gives you an AoO but doubles his damage, verbally activating his Gloves Truestrike ability, and full power attacks with his +1Flamingburst GreatSword. [roll1] (confirming no crit) [roll2] x2 in damage.

2013-10-23, 02:40 PM
Sense Motive-[roll0]
Granted Maneuver 1-[roll2]
Granted Maneuver 2-[roll3]

2013-10-23, 03:54 PM
Edited above, its your move first :) GODS THIS IS EXCITING~

2013-10-23, 10:12 PM
"DISHONOR!" The dwarf king took a step backwards. "You dare attack another king under truce?" Lifting his hammer into the air, Harald's eyes glowed a brilliant blue, and he lifted his hammer into the air. "I AM HARALD OF AZUREGARD! MY GRANDFATHER EARNED THE MYSTICAL HAMMER THORUNUDIN BY RIGHT OF COMBAT FROM THE MOUNTAIN ITSELF! I AM A CHANNEL FOR THE HOLY DWARVES OF OLD! NORDI GUIDES MY HAMMER, SURDI MY VOICE! I AM CHOSEN! AND WHAT OF YOU, ORC? WHAT POWER CHOOSES YOU? BY WHAT RIGHT DO YOU COME TO MY HOME?" As he spoke, Harald began to grow, the shimmering Marut behind him dissolving before Harald's steadily more impressive form. A blood red aura surrounded him, and the lines of gold and blue in his hammer glowed with the same unearthly light as his eyes. "I give you one last chance, orc. Turn back now, and I will spare your life."

Five foot step back, out of Karthis' reach. Then, free action to activate Incarnum Radiance. +1 to damage for eight rounds. Swift action to reassign Essentia. Emptying Cerulean Sandals, Bluesteel Bracers, and Incarnate Avatar, giving me 5 free Essentia. Putting one into Crystal Helm and Vitality Belt. Putting three into Thorunudin. Standard action to cast Righteous Might from Thorunudin, bringing size to Large. Free action to activate Icy Burst effect.

I dare you.

2013-10-23, 10:21 PM
"DISHONOR!" The dwarf king took a step backwards. "You dare attack another king under truce?" Lifting his hammer into the air, Harald's eyes glowed a brilliant blue, and he lifted his hammer into the air. "I AM HARALD OF AZUREGARD! MY GRANDFATHER EARNED THE MYSTICAL HAMMER THORUNUDIN BY RIGHT OF COMBAT FROM THE MOUNTAIN ITSELF! I AM A CHANNEL FOR THE HOLY DWARVES OF OLD! NORDI GUIDES MY HAMMER, SURDI MY VOICE! I AM CHOSEN! AND WHAT OF YOU, ORC? WHAT POWER CHOOSES YOU? BY WHAT RIGHT DO YOU COME TO MY HOME?" As he spoke, Harald began to grow, the shimmering Marut behind him dissolving before Harald's steadily more impressive form. A blood red aura surrounded him, and the lines of gold and blue in his hammer glowed with the same unearthly light as his eyes. "I give you one last chance, orc. Turn back now, and I will spare your life."

Five foot step back, out of Karthis' reach. Then, free action to activate Incarnum Radiance. +1 to damage for eight rounds. Swift action to reassign Essentia. Emptying Cerulean Sandals, Bluesteel Bracers, and Incarnate Avatar, giving me 5 free Essentia. Putting one into Crystal Helm and Vitality Belt. Putting three into Thorunudin. Standard action to cast Righteous Might from Thorunudin, bringing size to Large. Free action to activate Icy Burst effect.

I dare you.

I don't have any doubts that you would be a challenge if not a match for Karthis, He doesnt tho~ Lets see if he can overcome his orcish rage and see reason, [roll0] Evens he knows this is a waste of time and sends his armies upon you/yours odds, he is an idiot and charges you

Evens, he sees reason.

2013-10-23, 10:29 PM
Growling to himself Karthis spits at the ground and literally throws his weapon to the ground in anger, his body trembles briefly as he calms himself. Run home dwarf, come night your city burns. Karthis spins and walks back to his army with no further words.


Since I am waiting until Nightfall, I will yield initiative for the battle to you.

2013-10-26, 02:07 AM
-ahem- I do have a world to conquer, cant spend all week waiting to slaughter the dwarves~

2013-10-26, 04:40 AM
Patience dude. Beside I am waiting for my first turn to be processed in your game. :smallcool:

2013-10-26, 04:42 AM
Oh look~ I never saw your edit~

2013-10-27, 04:55 AM
Harald briefly considered rushing after the orc, and slaying him there and then. But it would do him no good. Better to keep them here as long as possible. He returned to the crude bunker the dwarves had constructed, and waited, patiently, for nightfall.

Because the map is so huge, I'm not exactly sure how to describe the placement of my units. But on the bottom half of the map, in roughly the middle, should be the box I ordered. Deploying Scouts first, as they have the bows. Harald will be in that unit.

2013-10-27, 05:16 AM
As the night falls, Karthis knows his troops, with their Darkvision have the advantage. He nods to the Troll Commander who sets off at a trot the 300 troll warriors at his back whooping and snarling as the Charge the dwarves position, mindlessly Smashing the first things they see, be it wall, or dwarf, their fearlessness echoing through the valley.

[roll2] <Secunded Commander>

Damaging everything in their paths

2013-10-27, 05:17 AM
Terribad rolls, hopefully the trolls are BA enough to rip your units new ones anyway~

2013-10-27, 09:46 PM
What are those rolls for?
You wont be in combat on the first turn here. :smallcool:

I'll get the map up when I am better and you will see then.

2013-10-27, 09:47 PM
The trolls charged 6"

If the mal is bigger than that I call hax!

2013-10-27, 10:33 PM
Map is way bigger.

2013-10-27, 10:36 PM
I have had until nightfall to move forward, so then I will spend until nightfall moving to within 6 inches (5.9) and then the Trolls charge.


2013-10-27, 10:37 PM
Still about 20" out of range. lol.

Only so far you can slink forward before the Dwarves can open fire on you. So in order to get close enough for a 1-round charge you will need to spend a couple of hours at least creeping up. Even then.. creeping Trolls??

Speaking of which, which units are you leading? Or are you leading from the rear?

2013-10-27, 10:41 PM
I am with my Orc Barbarians,

The Dwarves do NOT have a 20" range... No dwarf has ever had that kind of range ever.


And I am not even planning to sneak, I am also expecting arrow volleys mid charge, I am also expecting to rampage through said arrows and rip apart the first thing I see (My trolls see anyway)

2013-10-27, 10:43 PM
Right.. all of that is what the FoB battle simulates. The first few turns will be you moving forward under fire. Then you charge and the Dwarves die.

2013-10-27, 10:49 PM
What is their range increment?

2013-10-27, 10:59 PM
No sure. But units can fire up to 10x their range increment. So even a light bow with no other improvements can fire 10 inches.

2013-10-27, 11:03 PM
Well, I will let the silly dorfmen fire all they like, charging the full distance (double move actions giving me 6" movements ubtil impact)

Starting at 20 Inches means that turns look like so
Turn 1) 20-14
Turn 2) 14-8
Turn 3) 8-2
Turn 4) Attack rolls as per above,

2013-10-28, 01:40 PM
We plink away with our bows, killing nothing.

2013-10-28, 02:35 PM
Did you roll on that? Massed fire might pincushion 1 of the Troll units?

2013-10-29, 08:21 PM
Well, I only have one unit with bows. So that would be...three Ranged Attack Rolls?

Turn 1:

Turn 2:

Turn 3:

2013-10-31, 07:38 PM
Yep, nada.

So now make the attack roll for the Troll units on their own on the first round of melee.

You will also need to make some discipline checks to wheel the rest of your troops around the trolls to surround the dwarves.

2013-11-01, 02:11 AM
I did roll for the Trolls, the rest of my troops are watching, picking their teeth and possibly eating a horse.

2013-11-01, 02:13 AM
Still half a unit of Dwarves left then as I forgot there was 2 units of them.

Dwarves need to make a Break test with a -1 penalty (to whatever their morale + break bonus is). DC 10 or run. Assuming it is the command unit remaining just to give the poor Dwarves a chance. :smallcool:

2013-11-01, 06:29 PM
Morale Check(penalty included)-[roll0]

If we Break, we run for the hills. Every Dwarf for themselves. The game is up.

At this point, regardless of if any of the warrior Dwarves survive, Cobalon becomes a Nomadic nation. Our city has been taken from us. Until we find a new land, we must keep on the move.

2013-11-01, 07:33 PM
The Dwarves scatter into the abandoned buildings and piles of rubble as the Trolls lumber about attempting to grab them.
Many more Dwarves are slain, but the Dwarf force is broken, scattered and gone. The settlement falls.

You gain a Dwarf Thorpe. Barely even that.
It has been stripped of every item already and yields no plunder. You MUST plunder action it in order to conquer it. It will not produce income at the start of next season and counts as an outpost for the Orcs until you get a road linking it to your capital.

2013-11-07, 04:37 AM
Issuing the order (using the in battle action)

Kill Them All

I will then Raze the City, leaving nothing but ash..

RP generated from the sack?

Also stripping weapons off teir fallen in hopes of additional Resources.

2013-11-12, 11:10 PM
Yeah I will let your force stop, pillage and then sack the thorpe. You going to enslave or murder the Dwarves?

When I do the week 4 update you will get xp and loot from the assault.