View Full Version : The Great Hunt: Where is the 3.0 to 3.5 update rules!

2013-10-21, 10:07 AM
Time for the GREAT HUNT! Psyren, has asked WHERE!!!! are the rules or statements dealing with , that 3.0 things, can be used in 3.5 , if they have not been updated.

So go my forum members, scour the wide webs and show proof or disproof, of this commonly held belief! .


2013-10-21, 10:16 AM
Here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20030718a) you go.

Fax Celestis
2013-10-21, 10:17 AM
nedz got it in one. Well done, sir.

2013-10-21, 10:29 AM
Guess it wasn't such a great hunt?

2013-10-21, 10:38 AM
I just looked at the pdfs I downloaded previously and typed the first part of the document name into AltaVista and found them immediately.
dnd35_update if you're interested :smallsmile:

2013-10-21, 11:00 AM
I wasn't really after any colossal effort on this, but thanks regardless CyberDrag.

Looking through the files though I'm still having trouble finding the exact statement commonly cited, i.e. "if it's not updated it's legal as-is." The closest I've found is this passage:

The purpose of this booklet is not to provide a comprehensive list of everything that has changed with the 3.5 revision. The changes are too large in number and varied in scope to be able to provide an all-inclusive inventory. Instead, what we want to do is to show you a broad picture of what has changed and to provide you with support for updating our most popular product.

Do you need to make these changes?

This booklet is for players and Dungeon Masters who value rules precision and need to know what’s changed so that they can continue to enjoy their 3rd Edition products. You might choose to make notations in your existing books, photocopy and cut up this booklet to add bookmark-like inserts to your books, or simply use this booklet simultaneously with your books. We provide a brief, general overview of the core books and detailed revision notes for Deities and Demigods, Epic Level Handbook, Fiend Folio, Manual of the Planes, and Monster Manual II.

And then the specific changes themselves follow that statement. But the assumption still seems to be that you have to "update" the material yourself, and these guides are only there to "support you."

I just know I'm missing something if this is common knowledge but I still can't really find it.

2013-10-21, 01:43 PM
Though it appears that the specific phrase has not been uttered by WotC officially, it seems to be commonplace for competitions here like Iron Chef and Zinc Saucier.

This update article (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20050110x) has this passage:

Several feats, prestige classes, and spells that originally appeared in the 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons class guidebooks (Sword and Fist, Defenders of the Faith, Tome and Blood, Song and Silence, and Masters of the Wild) have been updated and included in the D&D v.3.5 "Complete" series of books (Complete Warrior, Complete Divine, Complete Arcane, and Complete Adventurer), as well as other sources. The following reference guide tells you where to find the most correct, up-to-date version of your favorite feats, prestige classes, and spells from these books.

Emphasis mine. It could be inferred from this list that if you wanted to use something from say Tome and Blood, you need to check against this list to see if it got updated. If it did not, then it was ok to use as is, since there is no update for that particular class/feat/spell.

2013-10-21, 02:00 PM
But you could interpret that just as easily to mean "if it's not on this list, we left it out on purpose" - or even "if it says 'not yet revised' then it's not yet correct."

And I know it's widely used here, I was just wondering where exactly it came from.

What's particularly interesting about the article you linked is that the psionics books (PH/XPH) are completely absent.

2013-10-21, 02:04 PM
This is an older link from 2005.

When did the Expanded Psionics Handbook come out? I'm guessing later?

And if we go by your interpretation, that means that no one can be a Candle Caster!

2013-10-21, 02:10 PM
This is an older link from 2005.

When did the Expanded Psionics Handbook come out? I'm guessing later?

Nope - XPH came out in April 2004.

And if we go by your interpretation, that means that no one can be a Candle Caster!

A what now? :smalltongue:

2013-10-21, 02:25 PM
Nope - XPH came out in April 2004.

A what now? :smalltongue:

Gotta love the inconsistencies . . .

A friend of mine wanted to make a crazy build that used Candle Caster with a piano playing Wizard. There was a candleabra on the piano so he could use the Candle Caster class abilities to enhance his spells--all while playing the piano.

2013-10-21, 02:25 PM
Candle Caster, is a fun lil prc, that can put spells into candles, and use them as magical scrolls and the like, so you can light a candle and have a maximized acid cloud come from it.

As far as things go it is subpar, but the fact your a full casting wizard anyways, with no casting levels loss, it really doesn't hurt a tier 1 caster.

The crowning jewel of the prc, is that you can put two spells into one candle, saving yourself action economy.