View Full Version : Legends of Skyrim IC

2013-10-21, 09:42 PM
Two messengers left Solitude at dawn, heading for Riften and Winterhold. After weeks of debate, the Moot had agreed on something, even if it was ultimately temporary. The fate of Eastmarch would be in the hands of a group of Thanes. But not all agreed with this plan. They would support it, but most Holds refused to send a Thane, claiming they needed everyone to defend their lands. So far, only three Thanes were going to Windhelm. Selindis the dunmer warrior, Hralti Crosswhite the paladin, and Cynric the shaman.

Hralti was the first to be informed, as he lived in Solitude and was aware of every step the discussions took. A wagon had been arranged to take him as far as the Valtheim Towers, but beyond that the Stormcloaks insisted he walk on foot. The south tower was held by Imperials, the north by Stormcloaks. Needless to say, it was one of the most tense places in Skyrim.

Cynric, being accociated with the College and the Stormcloaks, was provided with an escort of one soldier and one apprentice mage who clearly loathed each other on sight. They would be detouring around through Tumbled Arch Pass so as to avoid having to swim the river.

Selindis, being a dunmer, knew she would have a cold reception in Windhelm, so the local Stormcloak commander sent five soldiers with her to show she had their support. But they could spare no horses, she had a bit of a journey ahead of her.

Batpope Scott
2013-10-21, 10:49 PM
Cynric is a pale-skinned Breton, whose mid-length brown hair hangs, free of his helmet, down just above his back. His close-trimmed beard is quite visible as he looks towards the path ahead. His emerald eyes complete his look. He wears heavy steel armor, but oddly carries no weapons or a shield. He inspects the inside of his helmet, looking for a dent that he knew wasn't there.

Cynric adjusts a strap on his armor as his group travels, trying to distract himself from the uninviting atmosphere his companions are creating with their hostility for one another. He breaks the ice by asking "So, have either of you been this way before? I don't think I've been through the Tumbled Arch Pass."
Am I on foot and do I know their names?

Beowulf DW
2013-10-22, 06:26 AM
Hralti stepped out onto the bridge that connected the towers, feeling more acutely than ever before his indecisiveness on the issue of the civil war. Stormcloaks on one end and Imperials on the other, with himself between them. He could feel the wind picking up as he moved over the expanse. Was Kynareth trying to tell him something, or was the wind merely being funneled through by the high cliffs of this area?

Hralti stared down that the waterfalls below him. Their roar seemed to drown out everything else at this distance. He looked back up: halfway across now. Hralti wondered how he looked to the Stormcloaks on the other side in this strange hybrid of armor and the robes of High Hrothgar. Would they respect his Thu'um or see him as an attempt to replace Ulfric?

He was almost across, now. Hralti lifted his hand in greeting to the Stormcloaks; no need to be impolite. "Hail!"

2013-10-22, 06:41 AM
Selindis exhaled out a cold mist. She was used to the cold, but wouldn't mind a warm fire. She is currently in full Stormcloak gear with iron plates added. She couldn't keep her mind off the events. She didn't knew what was ahead of her. It could go well or bad. She was hoping this council had a majority of stormcloak supporters, otherwise she could kiss the hope of taking out the Thalmor goodby. She looked around, looking for any landmarks to see how much longer it would be.

2013-10-23, 04:51 AM
Cynric is a pale-skinned Breton, whose mid-length brown hair hangs, free of his helmet, down just above his back. His close-trimmed beard is quite visible as he looks towards the path ahead. His emerald eyes complete his look. He wears heavy steel armor, but oddly carries no weapons or a shield. He inspects the inside of his helmet, looking for a dent that he knew wasn't there.

Cynric adjusts a strap on his armor as his group travels, trying to distract himself from the uninviting atmosphere his companions are creating with their hostility for one another. He breaks the ice by asking "So, have either of you been this way before? I don't think I've been through the Tumbled Arch Pass."
Am I on foot and do I know their names?

The mage shakes his head no, glaring daggers at the soldier, who is acting like hr thinks the more cavalier he is, the more it will piss off the apprentice. "I used to patrol down here, a few years back. Mostly quiet, unless a troll decides to come down out of the mountains or a bear or sabercat moves in." The hold hires hunters to take care of such beats, but to the best of Cynric's knowledge it's been several months since the last hunt. The area looks clear, but the wind is picking up, blowing snow across the road.

You're on foot. The apprentice is a stranger, the soldier is an acquaintance named Skeld.

Hralti stepped out onto the bridge that connected the towers, feeling more acutely than ever before his indecisiveness on the issue of the civil war. Stormcloaks on one end and Imperials on the other, with himself between them. He could feel the wind picking up as he moved over the expanse. Was Kynareth trying to tell him something, or was the wind merely being funneled through by the high cliffs of this area?

Hralti stared down that the waterfalls below him. Their roar seemed to drown out everything else at this distance. He looked back up: halfway across now. Hralti wondered how he looked to the Stormcloaks on the other side in this strange hybrid of armor and the robes of High Hrothgar. Would they respect his Thu'um or see him as an attempt to replace Ulfric?

He was almost across, now. Hralti lifted his hand in greeting to the Stormcloaks; no need to be impolite. "Hail!"

The Stormcloaks barely acknowledge him, watching the Imperial soldiers. Every one of them is holding a bow, but none have drawn an arrow. Not yet at least. The Imperials behind him were exactly the same. A few arrows litter the bridge itself. A Stormcloak with a greatsword on his back and a cloak made of bear fur waves him on. "Best hurry up son, before the shooting starts again."

Selindis exhaled out a cold mist. She was used to the cold, but wouldn't mind a warm fire. She is currently in full Stormcloak gear with iron plates added. She couldn't keep her mind off the events. She didn't knew what was ahead of her. It could go well or bad. She was hoping this council had a majority of stormcloak supporters, otherwise she could kiss the hope of taking out the Thalmor goodbye. She looked around, looking for any landmarks to see how much longer it would be.

Her escorts seemed to be treating this like a vacation, laughing and joking as they walked with her. Up ahead she can see the bridge over Darkwater Crossing, a place usually known for being full of Falmer but supposedly the Dragonborn had cleared it out. All the same, the men got quieter and kept their hands on their weapons as the bridge got closer.

Batpope Scott
2013-10-23, 05:06 AM
Cynric shudders a bit on the mention of the troll. "I helped fight a troll down by Markarth a few years ago and it wasn't too hard with five of us, but I had one of those white ones nearly rip my head off my first week in Winterhold." he quickly changes subjects by looking at his other companion and stating "My horror story aside, I don't think I caught your name, apprentice."

Beowulf DW
2013-10-23, 07:54 PM
Hralti wastes no time in heeding the Stormcloak's advice. He resists a slight urge to sprint the rest of the way, and manages to maintain some of his dignity with a fast walk.

"This is actually the second time I've seen these towers. This time, I'll actually be glad to put them behind me."

2013-10-24, 04:26 PM
Selindis knew that Falmer kept underground and even if they didn't, the Dragonborn cleared out most of them. Even so, she kept a hand on her greatsword, just to be safe.

2013-10-24, 05:23 PM
Cynric shudders a bit on the mention of the troll. "I helped fight a troll down by Markarth a few years ago and it wasn't too hard with five of us, but I had one of those white ones nearly rip my head off my first week in Winterhold." he quickly changes subjects by looking at his other companion and stating "My horror story aside, I don't think I caught your name, apprentice."

"Colin. It is foolish to be afraid of trolls, my research has proven that they are repulsed by the smell of juniper, and I took care to bring a good bit of it with me. We are quite safe." The soldier rolls his eyes and keeps watch on the mountain.

Hralti wastes no time in heeding the Stormcloak's advice. He resists a slight urge to sprint the rest of the way, and manages to maintain some of his dignity with a fast walk.

"This is actually the second time I've seen these towers. This time, I'll actually be glad to put them behind me."

The Stormcloak soldiers don't hinder him leaving, and before he's even back on the ground he can hear them shouting insults at each other.

Selindis knew that Falmer kept underground and even if they didn't, the Dragonborn cleared out most of them. Even so, she kept a hand on her greatsword, just to be safe.

They cross the bridge without incident, but the small village on the other side seems deserted. Even the animals are gone. The only sign of trouble is a single arrow, lodged in a door. One of the soldiers pulls it out. "Falmer..."

2013-10-24, 06:34 PM
Well, looks like I spoke too soon. Well, thought "I feel sorry for these people. Most likely attacked at the cover of night. Such a dark fate, dead before you know someone is trying to kill you." she said solemnly

Batpope Scott
2013-10-24, 07:26 PM
Cynric smiles at the apprentice and states "As much as I'd love to believe you've discovered an infallible method of keeping away trolls, Colin, I'll be keeping my eyes open all the same."

Cynric lifts a stone off the side of the road with telekinesis and tosses it into the air lightly, only to catch it again. He hums the tune of "Ragnar the Red" as they walk, trying to make light of the fact that they're out in the biting chill and talking about monsters.

Beowulf DW
2013-10-24, 08:38 PM
The Stormcloak soldiers don't hinder him leaving, and before he's even back on the ground he can hear them shouting insults at each other.

Hralti finally loses his temper. If nothing else, the Way of Voice teaches one to be really loud when one needs to be, even when only using one's su'um. He takes a deep breath and turns on the soldiers at the towers.


Hralti plants his feet and glares at the soldiers for a moment, before turning back and joining his escort.

2013-10-25, 05:23 AM
Well, looks like I spoke too soon. Well, thought "I feel sorry for these people. Most likely attacked at the cover of night. Such a dark fate, dead before you know someone is trying to kill you." she said solemnly

The sergeant in charge turns to one of the others. "Go tell the Jarl about this, maybe some of them were taken alive." He nods and starts jogging back towards Riften. "Sir, even if they are alive, there's not enough men to go after them." He sighs. "You're right, maybe after we get back there will be enough to mount a rescue."

Cynric smiles at the apprentice and states "As much as I'd love to believe you've discovered an infallible method of keeping away trolls, Colin, I'll be keeping my eyes open all the same."

Cynric lifts a stone off the side of the road with telekinesis and tosses it into the air lightly, only to catch it again. He hums the tune of "Ragnar the Red" as they walk, trying to make light of the fact that they're out in the biting chill and talking about monsters.

The wind picks up, howling down the mountainside. But thanks to the vigilance encouraged by Ctnric, the soldier has time to grab his bow, as there is more howling than the wind today. "Wolves!" He kneels, drawing an arrow. The apprentice readies fire spells.

Hralti finally loses his temper. If nothing else, the Way of Voice teaches one to be really loud when one needs to be, even when only using one's su'um. He takes a deep breath and turns on the soldiers at the towers.


Hralti plants his feet and glares at the soldiers for a moment, before turning back and joining his escort.

All is silent as he leaves, the men to startled to retort. Past the towers, the ground raises slightly, and it starts to get colder as he approaches the semi-perpetual blizzard around Windhelm. Up ahead, a massive shaggy shape moves into the road, and Hralti realizes there is a mammoth walking towards him.

2013-10-25, 06:40 AM
"Whatever we decide, we can't save them now. We need to move on."

Batpope Scott
2013-10-25, 05:52 PM
The glow of a bound weapon erupts into life as Cynric summons an ethereal blade seemingly covered in flame made of the same wispy purple as the sword. He starts a slow chant and the light of his incantation is held in hand as he seeks a target with his eyes.
Creating my Grim Heritor with the Elemental(Fire), Guardian and Magnum properties. I'm readying my Incantation to shoot the first wolf I see.

[roll0] initiative.

Beowulf DW
2013-10-25, 07:05 PM
All is silent as he leaves, the men too startled to retort. Past the towers, the ground rises slightly, and it starts to get colder as he approaches the semi-perpetual blizzard around Windhelm. Up ahead, a massive shaggy shape moves into the road, and Hralti realizes there is a mammoth walking towards him.

"Mammoths can be temperamental when they think they're threatened. Should we give it the road? Hralti asks his escort. He stays where he is despite his own warning, to see if the Stormcloaks intend to move for the beast. If they intend to fight it, he will of course help them.

2013-10-27, 02:53 AM
"Whatever we decide, we can't save them now. We need to move on."

The guards look reluctant to just leave, but they nod and the journey resumes. One of the men leans in to speak to her. "I almost expected you to suggest that we go save those people ourselves."

The glow of a bound weapon erupts into life as Cynric summons an ethereal blade seemingly covered in flame made of the same wispy purple as the sword. He starts a slow chant and the light of his incantation is held in hand as he seeks a target with his eyes.
Creating my Grim Heritor with the Elemental(Fire), Guardian and Magnum properties. I'm readying my Incantation to shoot the first wolf I see.

[roll0] initiative.

The soldier fires, missing the lead wolf, but the apprentice throws a gout of fire that keeps them back for a few seconds. Two of them circle wide and come at Cynric from the left.

(you easily got the highest roll)

"Mammoths can be temperamental when they think they're threatened. Should we give it the road? Hralti asks his escort. He stays where he is despite his own warning, to see if the Stormcloaks intend to move for the beast. If they intend to fight it, he will of course help them.

"Mammoths usually mean giants, so yes." Moving off the road, the animal barely gives them a glance. The giant behind it frowns at them but makes no hostile moves, the massive club not leaving his shoulder.

Batpope Scott
2013-10-27, 08:09 AM
Cynric fires his incantation at one of the wolves and quickly tries to recall tips on how wolves attack prey so as to better defend himself from an incoming attack.
Standard action to use incantation, move action to use Tactician's insight to try and give me and my allies a +3 Deflection bonus to AC against the wolves. The DC on the knowledge check is 10+Level of the highest level enemy.
[roll0] Nature roll
[roll1] Attack roll
[roll](Botched the damage roll, going in OOC) Damage, and the attack ignores two points of damage resistance because of the Magnum ability on the grim heritor.Cynric yells out his warnings to his allies as well, hopefully warding them against wolf tricks.

2013-10-27, 11:15 AM
Selindis sighs "I wanted to help them, but have you ever fought Falmer? They are tough, believe me. Plus we need to play it safe, Windhelm need a government and if the majority of the thanes are not in support of our cause, Windhelm falls to the Imperials."

Beowulf DW
2013-10-27, 12:30 PM
Hralti watches the giant and its charge pass.

"A pity they never talk to anyone. I think we could learn a great deal from one another. Does anyone even know how long a giant lives or how they came to be in first place? Or even if they're related to men or mer?" Hralti wonders aloud as he continues along the road with his escort.

"When do you think we'll reach Windhelm, then? I've never visited the city of Ysgramor, before."

2013-11-03, 05:00 PM
Cynric fires his incantation at one of the wolves and quickly tries to recall tips on how wolves attack prey so as to better defend himself from an incoming attack.
Standard action to use incantation, move action to use Tactician's insight to try and give me and my allies a +3 Deflection bonus to AC against the wolves. The DC on the knowledge check is 10+Level of the highest level enemy.
[roll0] Nature roll
[roll1] Attack roll
[roll](Botched the damage roll, going in OOC) Damage, and the attack ignores two points of damage resistance because of the Magnum ability on the grim heritor.Cynric yells out his warnings to his allies as well, hopefully warding them against wolf tricks.

Remembering that wolves attack in waves, letting one pack member tire before another moves in, and the fact they like to surround prey they have cornered, the soldier and apprentice stand with him back to back to avoid being flanked. His attack injures a wolf slightly, but the gouts of fire coming from the apprentice scare them for a moment, buying time. He looks at Cynric. "Can you buy me a moment for some conjuring?"

Selindis sighs "I wanted to help them, but have you ever fought Falmer? They are tough, believe me. Plus we need to play it safe, Windhelm need a government and if the majority of the thanes are not in support of our cause, Windhelm falls to the Imperials."

"I only pray that those poor souls can hold on until help can come...." The group continues, occasionally looking back towards the deserted town.

Hralti watches the giant and its charge pass.

"A pity they never talk to anyone. I think we could learn a great deal from one another. Does anyone even know how long a giant lives or how they came to be in first place? Or even if they're related to men or mer?" Hralti wonders aloud as he continues along the road with his escort.

"When do you think we'll reach Windhelm, then? I've never visited the city of Ysgramor, before."

His escort shrugs. "Never heard of one dying of old age, maybe they got places they go, like the mammoths. My father always said they're not giants, but men. Men who learned the secret of living forever and so they kept growing. But they lived so long they forgot the secret, forgot everything, just silent brutes now. Course, my father also said that if you kill an elf your nose will turn green, so..." They keep walking, and an hour later they see a man standing in the road ahead as if waiting for them.

Beowulf DW
2013-11-03, 06:45 PM
"Haha! Well, your pa might be onto something with the giants, but if your nose went green from killing elves, mine would be the color of an old hemlock by now."

When the stranger is spotted:

"Friend of yours?" Hralti asks, pointing towards the lone figure with his left hand while his right found its way to the sword on his belt. He had traveled the roads of Haafingar alone often enough to not trust to the goodwill of lone strangers that seemed to be waiting for passersby.

2013-11-03, 08:11 PM
"One thing that is a tough lesson we never get used to is that we can't save them all"

Batpope Scott
2013-11-03, 09:06 PM
"Conjure quickly, Colin!"

Cynric waves his flaming sword once or twice as he blasts the first wolf to come forward with his Incantation.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

2013-11-07, 04:33 AM
"Haha! Well, your pa might be onto something with the giants, but if your nose went green from killing elves, mine would be the color of an old hemlock by now."

When the stranger is spotted:

"Friend of yours?" Hralti asks, pointing towards the lone figure with his left hand while his right found its way to the sword on his belt. He had traveled the roads of Haafingar alone often enough to not trust to the goodwill of lone strangers that seemed to be waiting for passersby.

His escort draws his sword. "I don't have friends in Eastmarch." The stranger puts his fists on his hips. "Blasted giant calmed down before you got here, I was hoping for a nice trample. Well, looks like a bit of work today then. Your valuables gentlemen, and quickly. Or else."

"One thing that is a tough lesson we never get used to is that we can't save them all"

"But to not even..." He falls silent as the march continues. An hour later, they're nearly at the hot springs when the man in front stops, staggering a step.

"Conjure quickly, Colin!"

Cynric waves his flaming sword once or twice as he blasts the first wolf to come forward with his Incantation.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

The wolf keeps well back from the fire, avoiding his blade. The soldier is attacked by two at once. He cuts one down but the other grabs his arm in it's jaws and pulls him down. Cursing, he grabs a dagger. The apprentice keeps chanting.

Beowulf DW
2013-11-07, 07:37 AM
Hralti steps forward to within about twenty feet of the highwayman.

"Aak Alun Dez," he intones, using a shout to show the shades of the hearts and minds of those around him.

Technically, my Knowing is always active, but I am trying to fluff my powers as coming from the Thu'um.

Basically, I become aware of the moral and ideological stances of anyone within twenty feet.

"You're either very bold or very stupid. And you might just be very dead by the time this is over."

Depending on the result of the Knowing, Hralti may attack or try to reason with the robber.

2013-11-07, 03:51 PM
Selindis looks at the man in front. She says "What's going on."

Batpope Scott
2013-11-11, 05:38 AM
Cynric slashes at the wolf with his bound sword, trying to free the trapped guard. "Hold on, Skeld, I'll get it off you!"

Sorry! I thought I'd already posted the day before yesterday!

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

2013-11-12, 01:10 AM
Hralti steps forward to within about twenty feet of the highwayman.

"Aak Alun Dez," he intones, using a shout to show the shades of the hearts and minds of those around him.

Technically, my Knowing is always active, but I am trying to fluff my powers as coming from the Thu'um.

Basically, I become aware of the moral and ideological stances of anyone within twenty feet.

"You're either very bold or very stupid. And you might just be very dead by the time this is over."

Depending on the result of the Knowing, Hralti may attack or try to reason with the robber.

Hralti can tell his companion is a little on the wild side but a good person, and the apparent bandit to be a deceitful and greedy fellow, but not without some slight sense of honor. "No need for blades, I don't want to hurt you if I can avoid it."

Selindis looks at the man in front. She says "What's going on."

He turns slowly, revealing the arrow in his shoulder, before he falls over. "Ambush!" The other guards draw their weapons.

Cynric slashes at the wolf with his bound sword, trying to free the trapped guard. "Hold on, Skeld, I'll get it off you!"

Sorry! I thought I'd already posted the day before yesterday!

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

The wolf falls away, bleeding, and the soldier nods his thanks before swinging at the circling predators. At that moment, a fire atronach blooms into being, throwing balls of fire at the wolves. The animals have no interest in prey that fights back and quickly withdraw.

Batpope Scott
2013-11-12, 01:21 AM
Cynric stands with a scowl on his face, watching as they run. He turns to his allies and firmly asks "Are either of you injured?" His reputation as a Restoration mage is apparent as the white glow of a healing spell radiates from his hand.

Beowulf DW
2013-11-12, 07:23 AM
"You tried to set a mammoth on myself and these guards, so your intentions towards our safety are questionable, to say the least. I can see that there's some shred of decency in you; there are some lines you won't cross. However, this does not excuse a life of banditry, nor will it protect you from the consequences. One day you'll be caught by some guards, or tracked down by an adventurer, or even bite off more than you can chew, as I'm sure you have now. There must be somebody in Tamriel who would mourn your passing. For their sake, leave this life behind, and find a more honest line of work."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-11-12, 03:25 PM
Selindis draws her weapon. She readies herself for whatever may come out.

2013-11-15, 04:52 AM
Cynric stands with a scowl on his face, watching as they run. He turns to his allies and firmly asks "Are either of you injured?" His reputation as a Restoration mage is apparent as the white glow of a healing spell radiates from his hand.

The soldier shakes his head. "A wolf can't bite through steel. Well, common wolves can." The apprentice shudders. "I worried so much about trolls I forgot other dangers."

"You tried to set a mammoth on myself and these guards, so your intentions towards our safety are questionable, to say the least. I can see that there's some shred of decency in you; there are some lines you won't cross. However, this does not excuse a life of banditry, nor will it protect you from the consequences. One day you'll be caught by some guards, or tracked down by an adventurer, or even bite off more than you can chew, as I'm sure you have now. There must be somebody in Tamriel who would mourn your passing. For their sake, leave this life behind, and find a more honest line of work."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

"You're right neighbor, can't deny that. But I got a price on my head and if I set foot in any civilized place in Skyrim they'll have me before the headsman. The circumstances of the war can be unforgiving to those that won't take sides. My mother was an Imperial and a mage so the Stormcloaks don't trust me, and my father died fighting for Ulfric in Markarth so the Empire assumes I'm a sympathizer, won't listen to reason. It's either banditry or starvation."

Selindis draws her weapon. She readies herself for whatever may come out.

She sees shapes moving among the trees some distance away, pale skin and black equipment. It can only be Falmer, but why are they attacking in the open like this? Had they followed the group?

Beowulf DW
2013-11-24, 09:22 PM
Hralti continues to offer the bandit a chance to his sins behind.

"That's no excuse. You could have lived as hunter. There are plenty of places where you could settle down and not be found. Probably wouldn't be much different from your life now. You could settle down somewhere in Falkreath; there's plenty of places of lay low, and it's almost as warm as Cyrodil. Or you could try settling down in hiding wherever you've been selling your ill-gotten gains. If you don't know a fence in a city or town, what's the point of stealing from travelers? You could even take Pale Pass south into Chorrol and eventually Hammerfell-no Imperials or Stormcloaks there, I promise you that."


Batpope Scott
2013-11-24, 10:00 PM
"Don't concern yourselves with the 'what if's and let's focus on getting to our post in one piece. As long as we aren't taken down by trolls, I doubt anyone will doubt the use of your precautions." Cynric gives a slight smile before whipping about and briskly walking along the path towards his goal. "Come on, the smell of blood will attract more dangerous predators."

2013-11-25, 03:48 PM
"What the... Was that." Selindis then realizes it. "By Talos! Falmer in the trees!" She yells.

2013-11-30, 07:57 PM
Hralti continues to offer the bandit a chance to his sins behind.

"That's no excuse. You could have lived as hunter. There are plenty of places where you could settle down and not be found. Probably wouldn't be much different from your life now. You could settle down somewhere in Falkreath; there's plenty of places of lay low, and it's almost as warm as Cyrodil. Or you could try settling down in hiding wherever you've been selling your ill-gotten gains. If you don't know a fence in a city or town, what's the point of stealing from travelers? You could even take Pale Pass south into Chorrol and eventually Hammerfell-no Imperials or Stormcloaks there, I promise you that."


"Leaving won't satisfy me. This land sees me as a villain no matter where I go, and I've suffered for it. So now, they're all going to suffer back."

"Don't concern yourselves with the 'what if's and let's focus on getting to our post in one piece. As long as we aren't taken down by trolls, I doubt anyone will doubt the use of your precautions." Cynric gives a slight smile before whipping about and briskly walking along the path towards his goal. "Come on, the smell of blood will attract more dangerous predators."

They nod and follow closely, keeping a better eye on the mountains. A few hours later, they start to go downhill into the slightly less snowy area near Windhelm.

"What the... Was that." Selindis then realizes it. "By Talos! Falmer in the trees!" She yells.

The soldiers circle and raise their shields, weapons ready. But the arrows are few and poorly aimed. There's only two or three Falmer out there.

Beowulf DW
2013-11-30, 11:09 PM
Hralti sighs.

"I believe in second chances, and I gave you two chances to turn back from the wicked path you've chosen. Tragedy and injustice in one's own life is no excuse for inflicting upon others."

The young Tongue draws his blade.

"If you surrender now, it'll be easier for you in the end. If not, consider this your execution."

To the soldiers accompanying him, "Take him alive if you can. Kill him if you have to."

Initiative: [roll0]
If he surrenders: I ask the soldiers to take him into custody.
If not:

Blade and Bow: designating the Stormcloak captain as my ally (move action). We add half our level in damage (min +1).

Ending my turn there, if you don't mind.