View Full Version : Help this Warrior live!

2013-10-22, 02:00 AM
Hey there folks. If it would interest you, help me out with this character.

I'm in campaign where the DM is merciless and the chances that we die are pretty high. The first attack of the game put one of our players at -5. That's what we're up against.

Class: Warrior 1
Race: Human

Str: 15
Dex: 12
Con: 15
Int: 13
Wis: 12
Cha: 15

Weapon Focus (Scythe)
Power Attack

Items: Scythe, Breastplate, Dagger

The idea is that the character will eventually become a paladin of some variety. Multiclassing is not likely to happen. If it does happen at all, paladin is still going to take up the majority of the levels. At this point in the game, we're probably going to have one more battle, and then we'll be arriving in a town and every character will have 2000 gold to work with.

(I could become any class I want, actually. It's not limited to paladin, but I'm more concerned with what to do with my current situation going forward.)

Any suggestions on staying alive would be wonderful! :)


Character is a warrior because DM wouldn't let me start as anything else if I wanted to transition into paladin. All of my warriors levels will be replaced by paladin at some point.

He has a scythe because that was the farming tool he brought with him when he started his adventure. The weapon focus feat is to match it. He's a young man that grew up on a farm.

I'm not trying to minmax here. I made a character because that's the character I wanted to play.

The other party members arrreeee
Dread Necromancer
and a class the DM made up that's like a Monk/Bard (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/27540629/Voice_DND_ver08.pdf) thing.

More Stuff:

The DM wants to bump my HD to 10 and says I could redo the feats.

I don't really want to redo the feats. In fact, I don't want to redo anything. What I'm looking for is what I should do going forward.

I'm not in this to guarantee that my character survives or that we win at the campaign. I'm just in it to have fun.

I'm sorry if I've touched on any nerves. I feel like I've committed every sin of character creation.

2013-10-22, 02:06 AM
Hey there folks. If it would interest you, help me out with this character.

I'm in campaign where the DM is merciless and the chances that we die are pretty high. The first attack of the game put one of our players at -5. That's what we're up against.

Class: Warrior 1
Race: Human

Str: 15
Dex: 12
Con: 15
Int: 13
Wis: 12
Cha: 15

Weapon Focus (Scythe)
Power Attack

Items: Scythe, Breastplate, Dagger

The idea is that the character will eventually become a paladin of some variety. Multiclassing is not likely to happen. If it does happen at all, paladin is still going to take up the majority of the levels. At this point in the game, we're probably going to have one more battle, and then we'll be arriving in a town and every character will have 2000 gold to work with. We're also very likely to encounter undead. A lot of it.

Any suggestions on staying alive would be wonderful! :)

Why are you an NPC class for one

2013-10-22, 02:12 AM
Using a scythe against undead is an awful plan. Get a slashing weapon (against zombies; Greatsword is good) and a bludgeoning weapon (against skeletons; Maul, Heavy Flail, and Greatclub are all fine). Get one enchanted as soon as you can to penetrate DR/magic and hit incorporeal undead.

Also, why are you playing an NPC class? They are not for players. They should not be used. They have no class features.

2013-10-22, 02:14 AM
What is the rest of the party like? Are you all playing NPC classes? :smalleek:

2013-10-22, 02:15 AM
I can help you live, first kill your character then lets make a druid/planar shephard together

2013-10-22, 02:17 AM
Let's try to understand the scope of this nightmare first. OP, why are you a Warrior, what is your party like, what are your campaign restrictions?

2013-10-22, 02:27 AM
Character is a warrior because DM wouldn't let me start as anything else if I wanted to transition into paladin. All of my warriors levels will be replaced by paladin at some point.

He has a scythe because that was the farming tool he brought with him when he started his adventure. The weapon focus feat is to match it. He's a young man that grew up on a farm.

I'm not trying to minmax here. I made a character because that's the character I wanted to play.

The other party members arrreeee
Dread Necromancer
and a class the DM made up that's like a Monk/Bard thing.

There are no restrictions except nothing psionic is allowed.

2013-10-22, 02:32 AM
Character is a warrior because DM wouldn't let me start as anything else if I wanted to transition into paladin. All of my warriors levels will be replaced by paladin at some point.

He has a scythe because that was the farming tool he brought with him when he started his adventure. The weapon focus feat is to match it. He's a young man that grew up on a farm.

I'm not trying to minmax here. I made a character because that's the character I wanted to play.

The other party members arrreeee
Dread Necromancer
and a class the DM made up that's like a Monk/Bard thing.

There are no restrictions except nothing psionic is allowed.

So we have a tier 1 class, and imagine 3 tier 3, and your a warrior because.......only a warrior can transition into a paladin because only peasents have gods :smallconfused: and this is somehow fair to you? Be honest, did you do something in a past campaign to make him loathe you

2013-10-22, 02:35 AM
So we have a tier 1 class, and imagine 3 tier 3, and your a warrior because.......only a warrior can transition into a paladin because only peasents have gods :smallconfused: and this is somehow fair to you? Be honest, did you do something in a past campaign to make him loathe you

Not at all, my good man! This is what I wanted. I wanted to take a character, start him as nothing, and have him become a paladin at some point in the campaign.

What he did not want me to do was take levels into, say, fighter, and then throw away all of my fighter levels and make them paladin levels.

2013-10-22, 02:40 AM
He has a scythe because that was the farming tool he brought with him when he started his adventure. The weapon focus feat is to match it. He's a young man that grew up on a farm.
There is very little in common between a scythe used on a farm to cut grass or wheat, and a military scythe, which is a reinforced polearm with the blade parallel to the pole. Neither is Weapon Focus appropriate for a farm boy to have, unless he practiced killing people with the thing.

2013-10-22, 02:48 AM
Not at all, my good man! This is what I wanted. I wanted to take a character, start him as nothing, and have him become a paladin at some point in the campaign.

What he did not want me to do was take levels into, say, fighter, and then throw away all of my fighter levels and make them paladin levels.

If i must aid you in this endeavor, may the gods forgive me for ever not talking you out of playing a NPC class, but here goes

Pick up Stand Still. DC: 10+ Damage or bad guy cant move. Now use that with a spiked chain or two handing a whip. Combat reflexes. your do just fine when your forcing dc 20 reflex saves at level 1. I would ask the dm to let you re build feats since your so weak already, no offense but its reasonable

2013-10-22, 02:58 AM
If i must aid you in this endeavor, may the gods forgive me for ever not talking you out of playing a NPC class, but here goes

Pick up Stand Still. DC: 10+ Damage or bad guy cant move. Now use that with a spiked chain or two handing a whip. Combat reflexes. your do just fine when your forcing dc 20 reflex saves at level 1. I would ask the dm to let you re build feats since your so weak already, no offense but its reasonable

Well, this is fun! Thank you for the suggestions!

The DM wants to bump my HD to 10 and says I could redo the feats.

I don't really want to redo the feats. In fact, I don't want to redo anything. What I'm looking for is what I should do going forward.

I'm not in this to guarantee that my character survives or that we win at the campaign. I'm just in it to have fun.

I'm sorry if I've touched on any nerves. I feel like I've committed every sin of character creation.

2013-10-22, 03:31 AM
I don't think you've sinned. :smallsmile: But it is rather surprising to hear someone ask for advice making a build stronger, but choose a deeply suboptimal class. The obvious response when someone says 'help me go faster' is 'get a vehicle of some sort, your feet are very limited for speed.' Especially since you're playing with people who go with bicycles and motorbikes. :smallwink:

2013-10-22, 04:39 AM
While being great for a character arc like you are trying, a warrior is highly encouraged to die to monsters. They are balanced to be the stupid city guards dieing to the skeletal hordes of undead to increase the drama.

Perhaps your DM has a plan to almost kill you, being saved by divine intervention and changing everything to paladin? If not, ask him to be a fighter (as a farm boy, ranger would even fit better) at the very least.

It is very hard to balance for your DM otherwise.