View Full Version : The Assault

2013-10-23, 06:34 AM
Sleep doesn't come easy to you, and as you toss and turn you can't stop thinking of the coming battle. Naturally, your greatest concern is your role, what is expected of you and what you can actually accomplish.

With the first ray of sunshine you are awakened for a quick breakfast and your journey starts. For most of you this is a first time passing through the Amn wilderness, and you are surprised by the lush vegetation, you never imagined it would be full of life. Aside from a minor skirmish with some trolls that have taken over a local keep you encounter no problems ad by the time the sun setts you reach the gates of Trademeet. Though the town is smaller than Athkatla it is much better decorated, it is almost as if the entire town is glowing. However, a dark shadow looms over it, and you can see despair and suffering in people's eyes. Walden tells you that you are free until morning, when you will report to Commander Santori.

As the morning comes you feel uneasy. Something is in the air, you can almost taste it. Commander Santori tells you that they need a few man to scout the area. if you are not interested he can send some of his man.

You get to spend the night in Trademeet, be creative with your time.:smallwink:

Skill challenge, if you accept.

5 successes, 3 fails
Stealth and Perception as primary skills.
Acrobatics, Athletics and Insight can be used only once.
If your Acrobatics or Athletics fails you can use Endurance to nullify the fail.

Red Moldova
2013-10-24, 11:49 PM
