View Full Version : Side effects of Durkon's condition

2013-10-23, 02:47 PM
Durkon is now a vampire. We have already speculated about how this will affect his motivation to help the Order of the Stick in their mission. We have talked about how he can still cast spells, and is more tough in a fight.

But now I wonder if we could enumerate some smaller side effects that might come up in the story. I don't want just an indiscriminate list of general properties of vampires, rather list the ways Durkon's role and relation to the Order and to other forces of the comic will change. I'll start.

As we learn in #297 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0297.html) Roy's reforged sword "sometimes glows with a deadly green energy that is particularly harmful to the undead". The swordsmith tried to tell Roy a way to counter this glow, but Roy didn't listen. From this I believe that the glow can appear and harm Durkon even when Roy doesn't mean to do that. It might be possible that the glow appears when Roy is fighting other high level undead, which might be bad for the Order if it happens when comfronting Xykon.
Elan might be very disappointed when he learns that his competence inspiring bard songs (and a few other bard effects) now cannot affect Durkon, because being an undead, he is immune to mind-affecting abilities.
Redcloak might be very well researched in dealing with high level undead, so he could be prepared with techniques to fight Durkon. Unlike Nale, who also knew how to fight a vampire, Redcloak will likely actually fight Durkon.

Silva Stormrage
2013-10-23, 03:02 PM
I think the green glow only hurts undead who get struck by the blade. Not those simply hanging around the blade. Also Durkon's fast healing should negate that anyway for the most part.
Elan's inspire courage and bardic musics might be disappointing yes.
Redcloak also yes will be a strong opponent but no more than any other cleric really. Also Durkon is too high for Redcloak to successfully command him with a rebuke undead attempt. He could probably just regularly rebuke him though. (Redcloak is 17 and Durkon has approximately 15 HD +4 TR = 19 but Redcloak might have an item or two that improves rebuking)

2013-10-23, 03:04 PM
I think the green glow only hurts undead who get struck by the blade.

If that was the case, I don't think the master swordsmith would have tried to suggest a way to counter the glow.

2013-10-23, 03:46 PM
If that was the case, I don't think the master swordsmith would have tried to suggest a way to counter the glow.

Except we've seen the glow in action. The glow didn't hurt the Zombie Dragon when it did effect Xykon. We've seen it demonstrably not do anything except hurt the targeted creature.

2013-10-23, 03:53 PM
If that was the case, I don't think the master swordsmith would have tried to suggest a way to counter the glow.

I think the general consensus is that it was only a joke based on Roy's ultimate goal being a destruction of one particular undead. I don't think a smith in a paladinocratic city would actually want to help anyone in being friends with the undead. While it is certainly possible that Rich planned Durkon to become a vampire so far ahead (what with the irony of Durkon's hatred of undead (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0016.html) and the infamous "death and destruction" posthumous return to dwarven lands prophecies), I don't think that the sword's effect was ever aimed to be used against anyone else than Xykon...

Also, while the effect IS most likely homebrewed, in general, on-strike effects on weapons are much more common than being-in-a-general-vicinity effects.

That being said, the effect has already had its fair share of positive uses (Sabine in Cliffport, the fight with Xykon on the dragon, the fight with Xykon in the dream sequence), so it is certainly possible that it will be somehow used against the party as well. There are possibilities of the effect affecting Durkon even if working on-strike only - e.g.:
Tarquin fights Durkon, Roy wants to strike Tarquin, he dodges, Roy hits Durkon, it's extra effective
Tarquin disarms Roy, uses the sword to strike Durkon, it's extra effective
Roy wants to kill a fly that's sitting on Durkon, it's extra effective :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-23, 04:31 PM
If that was the case, I don't think the master swordsmith would have tried to suggest a way to counter the glow.

It was an unintended side effect of using starmetal. Whenever you're building something, eliminating unintended effects is usually your prime priority, without concern to how useful that unanticipated effect might be.

Gift Jeraff
2013-10-23, 04:36 PM
While it is certainly possible that Rich planned Durkon to become a vampire so far ahead

As early as Day 1, actually. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15709954&postcount=251)

2013-10-23, 04:38 PM
If that was the case, I don't think the master swordsmith would have tried to suggest a way to counter the glow.

As said above, that was just a joke, hinting that the cool new +5 upgrade came with some malus, that turned out to be exactly what Roy needed to fight Xykon.

I think the more important side effect of Durkon's vampirism gonna be finding a regular supply of blood, not forgetting to cast the protection vs sun spell each morning and mingling in most town the order might go through during their coming trip to the last gate. :smallamused:

2013-10-23, 04:53 PM
As we learn in #297 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0297.html) Roy's reforged sword "sometimes glows with a deadly green energy that is particularly harmful to the undead". The swordsmith tried to tell Roy a way to counter this glow, but Roy didn't listen. From this I believe that the glow can appear and harm Durkon even when Roy doesn't mean to do that.

I swear, I'll never fail to be amazed by the lack of comedic humor comprehension in this forum.
No, the "green energy" won't magically jump and attack Durkon. It was a joke, Roy's new sword was revealed having an entirely unexpected and overly useful side-effect which none in their sane minds would say no to, hence the joke about countering it.

Unlike Nale, who also knew how to fight a vampire, Redcloak will likely actually fight Durkon.
I'd substitute "likely" with "possibly".

2013-10-24, 09:36 PM
As early as Day 1, actually. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15709954&postcount=251)

Holy smokes. :smalleek:

Now I need to reread the entire comic in light of this information.

2013-10-27, 03:36 PM
It was an unintended side effect of using starmetal. Whenever you're building something, eliminating unintended effects is usually your prime priority, without concern to how useful that unanticipated effect might be.

And even ignoring the odd circumstance where "harmful to undead" would be an undesirable side effect, there are a number of circumstances where "glowing" would be an undesirable side effect. (If you don't believe me, ask any Rogue.)

2013-10-28, 08:00 PM
It's going to get real irritating having to get explicit permission from the owner every time you need to enter a dwelling.

Except for Dwarven Lands (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0375.html)

2013-10-28, 08:19 PM
I think the more important side effect of Durkon's vampirism gonna be finding a regular supply of blood

He's an adventuring cleric.
As a cleric, his summoning spells are probably a buffet.
As an adventurer, he just has to go walk in the tall grass long enough for a Random Encounter.

The world is his juicebox.

2013-10-28, 09:31 PM
Question: At exactly what time does he have to procure himself a pine box to rest in (an just in case he gets turned to smoke) and does it have to be medium sized, or dwarf sized?

2013-10-28, 10:22 PM
Question: At exactly what time does he have to procure himself a pine box to rest in (an just in case he gets turned to smoke) and does it have to be medium sized, or dwarf sized?

Technically, Dwarves *are* medium sized. Short, but wide.

2013-10-29, 12:07 AM
well it might be problematic when they meet back up with the army of Azure city, or tries to see how the baby is doing...

2013-10-29, 12:58 AM
Redcloak might be very well researched in dealing with high level undead, so he could be prepared with techniques to fight Durkon. Unlike Nale, who also knew how to fight a vampire, Redcloak will likely actually fight Durkon.

I thought of one possible, in fact likely, technique Redcloak might use against him:

Summon an Ag elemental

2013-10-29, 08:10 AM
I thought of one possible, in fact likely, technique Redcloak might use against him:

Summon an Ag elemental

Hehe, good idea!

2013-10-29, 03:12 PM
Durkon's staff can only hold so many charges of Protection from Daylight. What happens when they run out?

2013-10-29, 04:35 PM
I thought of one possible, in fact likely, technique Redcloak might use against him:

Summon an Ag elemental

But where would he get the Good effect to overcome DR? That shouldn't work for an evil cleric.

2013-10-29, 06:52 PM
Durkon's staff can only hold so many charges of Protection from Daylight. What happens when they run out?

Hmm, good question. But there's so many choices it's hard to predict.

Durkon might of course ration the use of those spells and instead not go outdoors when the sun is shining whenever possible. Perhaps the Monster in the Dark can lend him that pink umbrella that casts magical shadow. Varsaavius might already have powerful enough magic spells, such as make Bugsby's Shading Hand hover over him. Durkon himself might have had a suitable magic spell available from the start too, only as a thrall he never told Malack because he never asked. In #638, Durkon did cast Endure Heat spells (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0683.html) on his party members to reduce the effects of sunburn in the desert afterall, maybe he can make those powerful enough for this.

Or, being a cleric, Durkon could research or otherwise learn the protection from sunlight spell and then cast it himself. I have read that DnD has rules for learning a spell from a scroll that contains the spell, maybe there's a way to learn the spell directly from the staff too. Or maybe Malack gave him a spellbook with the spell off-screen so Durkon can eventually learn it. Maybe Varsaavius will research a suitable spell on Roy's request. Maybe even Elan can help in some way.

2013-10-30, 04:35 AM
Or, being a cleric, Durkon could research or otherwise learn the protection from sunlight spell and then cast it himself. [..] Or maybe Malack gave him a spellbook with the spell off-screen so Durkon can eventually learn it.

One more idea: Elan and Haley could visit Tarquin's castle as guests, and Haley can steal a spellbook from Malack's personal library that contains this spell. Note that Malack has already taught spells to Durkon, and that, by DnD rules, makes it easier for Durkon to figure out Malack's notes on another spell.

2013-10-30, 05:17 AM
But where would he get the Good effect to overcome DR? That shouldn't work for an evil cleric.

Vampires (usually) don't have DR Silver+Good, only Silver. Silver and Good is DR of some devils (from srd, Horned Devils and Pit Fiends)... as far as I know, DR Good (sometimes +something else) is mostly only on Evil Outsiders, not Undead.

2013-10-30, 06:25 AM
I think the green glow only hurts undead who get struck by the blade. Not those simply hanging around the blade. Also Durkon's fast healing should negate that anyway for the most part.
Elan's inspire courage and bardic musics might be disappointing yes.
Redcloak also yes will be a strong opponent but no more than any other cleric really. Also Durkon is too high for Redcloak to successfully command him with a rebuke undead attempt. He could probably just regularly rebuke him though. (Redcloak is 17 and Durkon has approximately 15 HD +4 TR = 19 but Redcloak might have an item or two that improves rebuking)

Remember than Durkon can Bolster Himself with one of his Rebuke Undead uses. I mean... Redcloak said to Tsukiko that undead were "Tools". And also, he tought the same about Hobbos (Hobbo bad, Gobbo good) So I would find DELICIOUS that the dog bites Redcloak, twice. "So you said that undead were TOOLS? Maybe, but you are FOOD"

2013-10-30, 06:22 PM
Vampires (usually) don't have DR Silver+Good, only Silver. Silver and Good is DR of some devils (from srd, Horned Devils and Pit Fiends)... as far as I know, DR Good (sometimes +something else) is mostly only on Evil Outsiders, not Undead.

A vampire has damage reduction 10/silver and magic.

Vampire Spawns have DR 5/silver.

I guess an Ag elemental's natural weapon could be magic however.


As a vampire, you get a craft or profession. Maybe he takes Craft Staff.