View Full Version : Friendly Advice Help?

2013-10-23, 05:23 PM
Okay, so I am a slacker. I admit it. What I need is scheduling help so I can actually get my homework done between 4:00 and 8:00 PM, with 4 classes each day.

So, anyone good with schedules?

2013-10-23, 05:32 PM
Set an alarm clock. When it goes off first, get to work. When you finish everything, stop. You really only need to get set on the path:smallsmile:

2013-10-23, 05:34 PM
Don't have an alarm clock, or anything else that has an alarm. My dad's a b****.

2013-10-23, 07:40 PM
Homework really isn't something that needs to be scheduled. It's just something you do. Echoing Sabeki, I think you just need to sit down and do it.

That said, there are things that can help. First, start your homework right away. Nothing kills your motivation like collapsing on the couch. Second, shut off the TV and get away from the computer; they're only distractions. Third, if you need a snack break, wait till you've finished the assignment you've been working on.

2013-10-23, 11:20 PM
Homework really isn't something that needs to be scheduled. It's just something you do. Echoing Sabeki, I think you just need to sit down and do it.

That said, there are things that can help. First, start your homework right away. Nothing kills your motivation like collapsing on the couch. Second, shut off the TV and get away from the computer; they're only distractions. Third, if you need a snack break, wait till you've finished the assignment you've been working on.

To further this, if you need a snack, do so BEFORE homework. It's much harder to concentrate(I've noticed this phenomenon with both of my daughters) when you're constantly thinking about a snack or food. So, come home, grab a drink(water preferably, soda with it's caffeine is going to make you antsy and want to move around), grab a HEALTHY snack(again, something with like..chocolate, is going to make you antsy. eat an apple), prep your workstation(desk, table, whatever), remove all distractions, and sit down and do all the homework at one go(with one exception, and that being Term papers. Those obviously require you to dedicate X amount of time per day until it's finished, trying to do it all at once would probably be nigh impossible).

Red Rubber Band
2013-10-24, 12:17 AM
Okay, so I am a slacker. I admit it. What I need is scheduling help so I can actually get my homework done between 4:00 and 8:00 PM, with 4 classes each day.

So, anyone good with schedules?

I have this problem as well. And it really is a matter of sitting down and doing it. Any excuse/reason/idea that enters your head and leads you to not focus on your work needs to be written down and dealt with after you've put in a solid effort. Else you'll get sidetracked.

2013-10-24, 01:47 AM
As a serial procrastinator myself, I have to agree with the advice thus far given--you need to be doing the work as soon as you get home. If you allow yourself to start some sort of other activity, you'll just keep putting off the homework until it's late and you have a choice between getting 3 hours sleep or dashing the work off in half an hour and messing it up.

2013-10-24, 07:04 PM
To further this, if you need a snack, do so BEFORE homework. It's much harder to concentrate(I've noticed this phenomenon with both of my daughters) when you're constantly thinking about a snack or food. So, come home, grab a drink(water preferably, soda with it's caffeine is going to make you antsy and want to move around), grab a HEALTHY snack(again, something with like..chocolate, is going to make you antsy. eat an apple), prep your workstation(desk, table, whatever), remove all distractions, and sit down and do all the homework at one go(with one exception, and that being Term papers. Those obviously require you to dedicate X amount of time per day until it's finished, trying to do it all at once would probably be nigh impossible).

I second this notion of snack BEFORE starting homework. Never again will I bug-test on an empty stomach. :smalleek:

2013-10-24, 07:10 PM
I recently found this site (http://www.stickk.com/) it's mainly directed at health-related goals but there is an option to "make your own goal". I haven't actually used it yet, but it seems like a nice tool.

Hope it helps! :smallsmile: