View Full Version : I think my dm is going mental

2013-10-23, 10:00 PM
ok, went to my dms house this evening at his request so i could lend him a hand with making one of three main bosses for his epic campaign. He asked to transcribe an npc I am not too sure about. here are the details as he gave them to me.

Base Race: Quickling.
Templets: Vampire, Vampire Lord, Half Fiend. Paragon
Classes & Levels: Rouge 8, Assassin 33, Black Guard 41 Gestault
Base Stats Before Class: 18s All across the board minus Con.

Further Information: Vampire templet was altered to include the Ravenloft age power progression, altered on d&d wiki to give stat boosts as following
Str. 30 Dex. 25 Int. 15 Wis. 13 Cha. 18
After adding all his stat boosts from various templets and level stats he proceeded to tell me what his stats are.

At this point the stats look something like this
Str. 76 Dex. 74 Int. 56 Wis. 48 Cha. 54 AC:108

No magical items given as of yet to his npc so far with the exception of epic boots of swiftness which took his paragon quickling from his 250 base speed to something ungodly.

He expects a party of 3 level 30 characters to take on 3 npcs with various builds with the same ecl. What is he thinking? This npc monster seems too outlandish to be able to be stopped. Any clues as wth too do?

2013-10-23, 10:04 PM
Assuming a similar level of optimization from the other two NPCs, they should be child's play for a group of level 30 PCs with decent optimization. That particular one doesn't even have any spellcasting worth talking about. A well-played Wizard 17 could take it out without any trouble.

2013-10-23, 11:43 PM
Yeah, post epic, it's all about the spellcasting

2013-10-23, 11:54 PM
Yeah, post epic, in 3.5 it's all about the spellcasting
Fixed that for you.

2013-10-24, 02:58 AM
Funny thing about Mr. God Vampire?

He still dies in natural sunlight, or anything that functions in natural sunlight, no saves.

He's still undead, with all appropriate problems thereof.

He still gets nailed with a stake through the heart.

"But he'll run away from that with Wally West speed!"

Not if you put him in a sphere of Force first. Walls of Force are transparent, so sunlight goes through fine...

2013-10-24, 03:02 AM
That is why yoh optimize your Escape Artist check to like 120 to get through a Wall of Force.

2013-10-24, 03:12 AM
He can't get that high. +33 Dex Mod, +44 skill mod (assuming max ranks), Skill focus +3, Epic Skill Focus +10...falls sadly short at +90. Even if he rolls a 20 on the die, he's capped at 110.

Of course, he is only 10 away, and magic items might help get him the rest of the way there. +12 gloves of epic dex, +6 to the roll, vest of escape, another +6 to the roll, and he finally gets to +102 escape artist...meaning he can get through on a roll of 18 on the die or better.

2013-10-24, 03:13 AM
Funny thing about Mr. God Vampire?

He still dies in natural sunlight, or anything that functions in natural sunlight, no saves.

He's still undead, with all appropriate problems thereof.

He still gets nailed with a stake through the heart.

"But he'll run away from that with Wally West speed!"

Not if you put him in a sphere of Force first. Walls of Force are transparent, so sunlight goes through fine...
Actually, vampire lord template makes them immune to sunlight, they take penalties instaed of dying. The only way to kill them is interesting. You remove the head from the body and burn both seperately. After this, put the ashes from the head into a container of holy water and bury the container in consecrated ground.

2013-10-24, 03:15 AM
Okay, fine.

Throw a wish in.

"I wish sunlight affected him like it affects normal vampires."

2013-10-24, 03:36 AM
He can't get that high. +33 Dex Mod, +44 skill mod (assuming max ranks), Skill focus +3, Epic Skill Focus +10...falls sadly short at +90. Even if he rolls a 20 on the die, he's capped at 110.

Of course, he is only 10 away, and magic items might help get him the rest of the way there. +12 gloves of epic dex, +6 to the roll, vest of escape, another +6 to the roll, and he finally gets to +102 escape artist...meaning he can get through on a roll of 18 on the die or better.
Items of Divine Guidance and Guidance of The Avatar, Improvisation, can get you ~+45 ish to the check.

2013-10-24, 04:50 AM
Why, that's horrib... oh, level 30s.

Well, that problem just solved itself quickly.

Lord Haart
2013-10-24, 07:27 AM
ok, went to my dms house this evening at his request so i could lend him a hand with making one of three main bosses for his epic campaign. He asked to transcribe an npc I am not too sure about. here are the details as he gave them to me.

Base Race: Quickling.
Templets: Vampire, Vampire Lord, Half Fiend. Paragon
Classes & Levels: Rouge 8, Assassin 33, Black Guard 41 Gestault
Base Stats Before Class: 18s All across the board minus Con.

Further Information: Vampire templet was altered to include the Ravenloft age power progression, altered on d&d wiki to give stat boosts as following
Str. 30 Dex. 25 Int. 15 Wis. 13 Cha. 18
After adding all his stat boosts from various templets and level stats he proceeded to tell me what his stats are.

At this point the stats look something like this
Str. 76 Dex. 74 Int. 56 Wis. 48 Cha. 54 AC:108

No magical items given as of yet to his npc so far with the exception of epic boots of swiftness which took his paragon quickling from his 250 base speed to something ungodly.

He expects a party of 3 level 30 characters to take on 3 npcs with various builds with the same ecl. What is he thinking? This npc monster seems too outlandish to be able to be stopped. Any clues as wth too do?

Vampire templet was altered to include the Ravenloft age power progression, altered on d&d wiki to give stat boosts as following

altered on d&d wikiYes, he is.

2013-10-24, 07:33 AM
I played a level 22 sorcerer who could have handled - if not necessarily killed - this. He actually faced something similar when the party was in a hurry and the vampire in question was going to take too long to kill.

He threw up a Forcecage around her (no bars version, 3.5, so no save) and had one of his two simulacra of himself teleport inside and use Celerity to cast AMF. The Simulacrum turned back into a slush pile (because we didn't realize at the time that AMFs wouldn't kill its sustaining magic) that was radiating an AMF inside a cube of force. All of the vampire's supernatural powers failed, and without spellcasting, she was unable to teleport out, either.

Might she turn up again? Yes. Was it expensive? Yes. But it was a 1-round negation that let us get around that problem.

2013-10-24, 07:34 AM
Okay, fine.

Throw a wish in.

"I wish sunlight affected him like it affects normal vampires."

Will save negates.

2013-10-24, 08:37 AM
Okay, fine.

Throw a wish in.

"I wish sunlight affected him like it affects normal vampires."

I would normaly do just this, but to restrict uses of wish and miracle spells, he imposes 2 house rules that have been in effect sice 2e.

1. The bad genie angle: This is where wishes and the like enheritedly give you axactly what you ASK for. If I were to wish sunlight effected him the way it does all other vampires, all vampires from that point on in the gaming world would be immune to sunlights effects. Ever seen Aladdin 2? think when the guy asked for the sunken treasure ship, he was teleported to the underwater resting place of that ship. So you have to be careful how you word wishes.

2. Wishes cause magical aging. The more specific you get, the more you age. One made a wish with a human caster and gained percentile roll divided in half for age. He rolled 100 on the table, so I aged 50 years. being 60 at the time the age took me past max and I died and turned to dust.

2013-10-24, 10:06 AM
you could always just Ice Assassin (http://dndtools.eu/spells/frostburn--68/ice-assassin--1279/) it up.

2013-10-24, 10:32 AM
Lemme check... he only has 330 HP but his Spell Resistance of 81 might be a temporary problem.

1) Time Stop
2) Forcecage.
3) Shapechange into Zodar, preferably via previously-cast shapechange.
4) Use Zodar's ability to Wish 25.000 gp worth of nonmagical objects into being. This is one of the safe uses of Wish. In addition, you're immune to aging while you're a Zodar. Your 500-ton block of masonry stone (which costs 25.000 gp) is now resting on the Forcecage.
5) Time resumes. You quicken-disintegrate the Forcecage and the bad guy takes 1000d6 (average 3500) crushing damage, no save or SR allowed.
6) You Forcecage the mist attempting to escape. (hint: it's a vampire!)
7) Permancy that Forcecage.
8) Wait for the vampire to die from being unable to reach his resting place.

Beating a CR 56 enemy with a lvl 17 wizard: 50 bazillion XP and GP
Beating the BBEG on a single round of combat: awesome
Killing the unkillable BBEG with a 7th lvl spell: more awesome
Using "Rocks Fall" on the DM's BBEG: +6 jockstrap of holding

2013-10-24, 10:43 AM
Once he's in the forcecage, couldn't you just teleport holy water, acid or whatnot ? Not as cool as the 500-ton block but you keep him in the same forcecage as a mist.

2013-10-24, 10:51 AM
But then you don't get to say "Rocks Fall!!!"

2013-10-24, 11:10 AM
there's a 500 ton block stated out in d&d somewhere?

2013-10-24, 11:37 AM
There is cost of materials by weight. And 25.000 gp of masonry stone amount to 500 tons.

2013-10-24, 11:45 AM
There's a crushing damage by weight table or something somewhere.

Belial_the_Leveler's method is incomplete. You should dimensional lock the area in question first in case the vampire DOES have spellcasting. Craft contingent spell dimensional lock "when I cast forcecage, dimensional lock the area around me" (assumes you're within dimensional lock's range of the forcecage, but I believe the contingency has to affect you and if you had this contingency you'd make sure you were in the apprpriate area anyways)

Also you could try empowered timestop if you have 11th level slots, giving you (1d4+1)*1.5, minimum three (2*1.5 =3) maximum seven (5*1.5 = 7.5-->7) rounds or maximize for a guaranteed five.