View Full Version : Born of Three Thunders + Quick Recovery, Save DC?

2013-10-24, 10:38 AM
I'm working on an ECL 10 gish build, and fiddling around with Born of Three Thunders + Quick Recovery:

1) Wizard 1. Feat: Iron Will. Human: Sudden Extend. Bonus: Scribe Scroll.
2) Fighter 1. Bonus: Power Attack.
3) Wizard 2. Feat: Cumbrous Will (Savage Species).
4) Wizard 3.
5) Wizard 4.
6) Wizard 5. Feat: Energy Substitution. Domain ACF: Dream Domain.
7) E.Knight 1. Bonus: Martial Study
8) E.Knight 2.
9) E.Knight 3. Feat: Born of Three Thunders.
10) E.Knight 4.

Iron Will + Cumbrous Will gives me a +8 on Will saves, and Dream Domain makes me immune to being shaken. Assume Wis 10ish, so base Will save is +5, with the +8 that's +13 on my Will save to recover from being dazed.

But how do I calculate the save DC for the daze from Born of Three Thunders? Assume I cast Orb of Electricity, CL = 8. According to Quick Recovery:

"DC 10 + 1/2 HD or caster level of originator of effect + relevant ability modifier, or Cha modifi er if there is not an obvious ability linked to the effect"

So... 10 + 5 (HD) + 0 (Cha 10ish) = 15?
Or 10 + 8 (CL) + 4 (Int 18) = 22?

2013-10-24, 11:01 AM
10 + half caster level + relevant ability modifier

10 + 4 + 4 = 18

For a monster without a listed CL or casting stat, you would default to half HD + Cha. Otherwise it's half CL + casting stat for effects without a listed save.

Fax Celestis
2013-10-24, 11:26 AM
10 + half caster level + relevant ability modifier

10 + 4 + 4 = 18

For a monster without a listed CL or casting stat, you would default to half HD + Cha. Otherwise it's half CL + casting stat for effects without a listed save.

What this guy said.

2013-10-25, 02:47 PM
Check out Mark of the Dauntless feat from Dragonmarked.

You cannot be dazed or stunned as long as you have any kind of dragonmark whether it's least, lesser, greater, or siberys.