View Full Version : Social Skills (in the Playground?)

2013-10-24, 01:19 PM
Hey all,

I'm doing a project about social skills for a work/school deal (I work in mental health) and got to thinking: D&D and similar games are inherently a social event. So what sort of social skills would you all wish people had more of or knew how to do better? I'd appreciate any input. Thanks!

2013-10-24, 01:46 PM
Do you mean, better social skills as relating to gaming? Or better social skills in general?

Relating to gaming: being able to share the spotlight, being willing to take the spotlight.

Generally: being able to give and receive criticism without offending or being offended.

Both: being willing to speak up if something's bothering you.

2013-10-24, 02:05 PM
IMO all social skills come back to empathy. Can you figure out what that other person is feeling? Do you care enough to fix it if it's a negative feeling, especially if you're the cause of it?

2013-10-24, 04:25 PM
Do you mean, better social skills as relating to gaming? Or better social skills in general?

I just mean in general, yeah.

2013-10-25, 04:42 PM
Conflict resolution skills. Conflict is not a bad thing. Quite often it can be a good thing if handled in a manor that is disciplined and focuses on both sides coming to an understanding of the issue, rather then focusing on ego masturbation.

Empathy and reciprocity of what you expect others to do for you I tie these two together quite often, But I can not count the times I have met someone who expects the world, But would not give a penny to a blindman.

Ability to listen and reflect To often people wait for a chance to talk, rather then listen and respond.

Ability to give and receive criticism in a constructive way We all make mistakes, we all learn, we give advice from time to time.

Jay R
2013-10-25, 11:43 PM
Basic etiquette.

2013-10-27, 12:09 AM
Thanks for the feedback! :) I'll post back if anything interesting comes of the project.