View Full Version : skyrimnd

2013-10-24, 01:23 PM
hey guys, i play a lot of skyrim and am getting into dnd.
i was wondering how to build a character who uses the equiv. of sneak illusion, light armor and dual daggers, with a hint of destruction as well.

2013-10-24, 01:30 PM
Well, that all depends on the edition you're playing. Is it 3.5, Pathfinder, 4E...?

2013-10-24, 03:36 PM
Keep in mind that it's a very different game system. You're not going to be able to replicate your Skyrim character in D&D, not perfectly anyway.

(Nor should you need to. The Skyrim hero is a solo adventurer, D&D characters are expected to work as part of a group. A perfect all-rounder is usually a bad idea in D&D.)

"Sneak" in D&D is a skill that can be picked up by several classes, but "Sneak attack" is only available to a few. The quickest way to cover dual-wielding, light armour and sneaking would be Ranger, but they don't get any sneak attack bonus, so it wouldn't be like what you're used to.

What Skyrim calls "Illusion" would mostly be called "Enchantment" in D&D (as it affects people's minds). (Unless your favourite spells are Muffle and Invisibility, those would be Illusions in D&D too.)

"Destruction" corresponds, very roughly, to D&D's "Evocation". You're probably better off forgetting it, to be honest - it'll be pretty weak unless you focus a lot on it, and if you do that, you'll have to sacrifice most everything else. If you really miss the option of blasting things with fire occasionally, get a wand.

Edit: a versatile, tried-and-tested-not-to-say-cliched, class for your first D&D character would be a Rogue/Fighter multiclass. Rogue gives you the sneaking, sneak attack bonus, and the option to use magical devices. Fighter gives you bonus feats that you can, if you want, use to learn dual-wielding. Plus, of course, extra hit points and better attacks, which is always nice.

2013-10-24, 03:44 PM
Most of your goals can be met by the Beguiler, from PHB II. The only thing missing is the destruction. You can do that through Use Magic Device to cast fireballs from scrolls or staves or what have you. Not ideal, but close and relatively easy.

If you want to get more complicated, google up a build for Daggerspell mage. That should get everything you want, but it will require multiple classes.

Rogue/Fighter multiclass is simpler than a true spellcaster, and might not be a bad place to start.

How are you getting into D&D? Did you just buy the books, have you found an irl group, is there an online game, other? The people you play with can be a valuable resource; they can also be unhelpful, not very knowledgeable about fiddly mechanics, or otherwise not a good source of help.

2013-10-24, 04:33 PM
i was wondering how to build a character who uses the equiv. of sneak illusion, light armor and dual daggers, with a hint of destruction as well.

Seconding Beguiler. Consider the reserve feat Fiery Burst; it lets you shoot mini-fireballs all day.

Wasn't there a way to channel a Warlock's blast through weapon attacks? If so, that might suit it better.

2013-10-24, 07:51 PM
I was going to suggest daggespell mage or beguiler

Is this a character for a game? Or just making one for the sake of turning your skyrim character into a dnd character? I did that with my baldur's gate character, never intend to use her in an actual game so I dont have to worry about party synergy and can make her the HERO, but if its for a game with other people you have to think about some other stuff.

2013-10-25, 12:29 AM
Most of your goals can be met by the Beguiler

Seconding Beguiler. Consider the reserve feat Fiery Burst

I was going to suggest daggespell mage or beguiler

Yep. Beguiler is what you want, in 3.5 edition. Honestly I'd consider Duskblade too; while a little weak, they're a lot of fun.

These aren't core classes, by the way - they're from additional gamebooks that not all DM's allow (although they're among the most commonly allowed ones). If using only the core rulebooks, you will probably want to go either pure Rogue (using wands for your spells) or some kind of Rogue/Sorcerer hybrid (which is not as strong as a pure sorcerer but definitely a lot of fun in a core-only game).

2013-10-25, 12:38 AM
Another simple, core option (As in using only the basic books) you might want to look into is Rogue into Assassin. Or if you rather have the Good Alignment, Rogue into Slayer of Domiel (Though that's Book of Exalted Deeds, but is functionally "Assassin, but not evil"). You have the stealth skills (Lockpicking, Picking Pockets, Sneaking), you have stealth magic available like Silence (Close as you'll get to Muffle and it's infinite usefulness), and Invisibility. Granted you won't have spells like Mayhem. But you will get "Death Attack" which along with Sneak Attack damage is pretty close to what you'll get with the x15 damage stealth dagger attack perk from Skyrim, at least in functionality.

And Rogue 5/Assassin X is perfectly legal in pretty much every game unless your DM rules "No Evil" or "No PrCs". Again, Slayer is out there if you want to get around No Evil while being exactly the same. There's also a web article they did for "Avenger" as a good Assassin, but as that was an April's Fools Day article your DM may not want to accept it as legit.

2013-10-25, 02:34 AM
Dragonborn gets you a breath weapon, beguiler gets you the rest (breath weapon basically being fire shout from skyrim) Take beguiler/fighter and dual dagger wield, do illusion magic (enchantment i know) and can breathe fire, which is basically destruction magic. Keep in mind dnd magic is Finite, not like skyrim where it comes back in roughly 30 seconds. a breath weapon is like skyrim, infinite but with a cool down time.

Neanderthal= Nord
Grey elf= High Elf
Cat Folk= Khajeeti
Half Drow= Dark Elf
Elf = Wood elf
dnd really has no decent argonians, though you can simply ask your dm for water breathing and take a - 2 con/cha for it, more than fair in my book for fluff reasons

2013-10-25, 02:42 AM
Argonian would probably be something like River Spirit Folk combined with Serpentine Template. Least as close as I could get without LA/RHD. Kinda miss out on the Histskin power but I don't think a lot of races really get... I dunno, equate it with Lesser Restoration as an SLA unless you go into high ECL/RHD.

2013-10-25, 03:49 AM
hey guys, i play a lot of skyrim and am getting into dnd.
i was wondering how to build a character who uses the equiv. of sneak illusion, light armor and dual daggers, with a hint of destruction as well.

Well, rogue//beguiler (gestalt) would be ideal. That said, if you're new to D&D, just play a rogue and have max ranks in the skill "Use Magic Device", then buy wands of spells like invisibility and scorching ray, and scrolls/staffs of spells that have saving throws (like charm person). That's the closest I can think of that can do what you want (the spells come from items, but oh well).

Oh, and shouts can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15170950#post15170950), if your DM will let you use them.

2013-10-25, 04:35 AM
Dragonborn gets you a breath weapon, beguiler gets you the rest (breath weapon basically being fire shout from skyrim) Take beguiler/fighter and dual dagger wield, do illusion magic (enchantment i know) and can breathe fire, which is basically destruction magic. Keep in mind dnd magic is Finite, not like skyrim where it comes back in roughly 30 seconds. a breath weapon is like skyrim, infinite but with a cool down time.

Neanderthal= Nord
Grey elf= High Elf
Cat Folk= Khajeeti
Half Drow= Dark Elf
Elf = Wood elf
dnd really has no decent argonians, though you can simply ask your dm for water breathing and take a - 2 con/cha for it, more than fair in my book for fluff reasons

Bretons are more like half elves I would think..well, lore wise anyway. Human would translate more to redguards, imperials and nords

2013-10-25, 05:38 AM
hey guys, i play a lot of skyrim and am getting into dnd.
i was wondering how to build a character who uses the equiv. of sneak illusion, light armor and dual daggers, with a hint of destruction as well.

Rogue/Beguiler mayhaps?

Bretons are more like half elves I would think..well, lore wise anyway. Human would translate more to redguards, imperials and nords

Yeah, Redguards, Imperials, and Nords would all be considered straight "Humans" in D&D. Fluffwise Bretons would be Half-Elves in D&D, ability wise I'd say they're more like Gnomes.

Dunmer are pretty hard though. Appearance wise they're Drow, but ability and culture wise they're pretty much unique to the Elder Scrolls universe.

2013-10-25, 06:33 AM
Rogue 2 / Beguiler 3 / Unseen Seer 10
Rogue 1 / Beguiler 4 / Unseen Seer 10
Should do the trick.
The first one gets you Evasion but costs you a level of spellcasting.

2013-10-25, 07:04 AM
To recreate the Thuum, then there is a Half Dragon template from one of the Dragon Magazines (356, I think?) for a Cobalt Dragon; it has a Breath Weapon dealing a line of Force Damage 3/day, which has the added effect of automatically bull-rushing the target with a check equal to that of the damage dealt.

While it is a large drain on your feats, the Dragon Breath feat, combined with Maximise Breath gives you a Bullrush check of 42; essentially, against Medium humanoid mook opponents with average strength, (say 20), that's around 35ft pushed back.

To optimize, you need to become larger size; PsyWar 2 with Practised Manister, and Dungeoncrasher Thug Fighter 6 gives you a reasonable capability. By the time you Maximise it, it takes an age to recharge; so you might as well load on a ton more; Lingering Breath and Shape Breath (Cone) is hilarious.

Assuming a Strength of 32 (16 Base, +8 from Half Dragon, +2 Levelling, +2 Item) and fly above them, then breath, you're dealing 21 damage to all targets, smashing them into the ground, dealing 4d6+33 damage to all of those. Who then have to waste their action standing up, and moving out of the area, who then take half damage again, and get bullrushed into the ground once more from the Lingering breath.

2013-10-25, 10:21 AM
I would agree with whoever brought up Warlock. Though what they were referencing was thd Hideous Blow invocation, which is the suck. You could take the Eldritch Claws feat and flavor them as daggers made out of eldritch energy.

2013-10-25, 10:36 AM
I may have need for eye bleach after imagining the thread title...

2013-10-25, 04:02 PM
Here are some handbooks that may be of use to you:
Sneak Attacking Spellcasters (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=1240)
Beguiler Handbook (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=363.0)
Rogue Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8711233)

You could do something like: Spellthief 1/ Wizard 5/ Daggerspell Mage 10/ Unseen Seer 4

2013-10-25, 08:01 PM
You might also be interested in this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=229947). Bear in mind that this is the work of Some Guy From The Internet rather than something from an official book, so chances are it may not be allowed.

I've done my own personal conversion of Elder Scrolls races to D&D 3.5. If you're interested, I can PM them to you.

2013-10-25, 10:34 PM
I like the beguiler for the schools that were referred to. Warlock might work here.

2013-10-25, 11:42 PM
I may have need for eye bleach after imagining the thread title...


Honestly, the "nd" after "Skyrim" just seems redundant to me since Skyrim already has dragons.

2013-10-25, 11:54 PM
hey guys, i play a lot of skyrim and am getting into dnd.
i was wondering how to build a character who uses the equiv. of sneak illusion, light armor and dual daggers, with a hint of destruction as well.
Let's see... some enchantments, some illusions, plenty of stealth... a bit of evocation, probably some combat ability... Rogue 1/Battle Sorcerer 5/Daggerspell Mage 10/Arcane Trickster 4. (Also consider swapping in Unseen Seer, the third rogue/caster PrC)

It's not 100% tweaked out (Unseen Seer is general "better" than Daggerspell Mage), but it'll get you exactly what you want out of this character. Grab your illusion spells and any evocations that catch your eye. (touch spells like shocking grasp are good for daggercasting). Play a human and take Able Learner at first level to keep putting points in stealth skills while you take sorcerer levels.

Alternately, Factotum 20 will serve decently well all by itself, if you want to be more of a rogue-with-a-few-spells-up-his-sleeve.

2013-10-26, 12:12 AM
Another simple, core option (As in using only the basic books) you might want to look into is Rogue into Assassin. Or if you rather have the Good Alignment, Rogue into Slayer of Domiel (Though that's Book of Exalted Deeds, but is functionally "Assassin, but not evil"). The Avenger (http://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCsQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wizards.com%2Fdefault.asp%3Fx %3Ddnd%2Fprc%2F20070401a&ei=oE5rUpXfGcjDtQb134DQAQ&usg=AFQjCNF0w_AJLqevwW1swTawbwhptzKpWg&bvm=bv.55123115,d.Yms) class is functionally the Assassin class without evil. Slayer of Domiel gets and requires weird BoED stuff.

2013-10-26, 12:14 AM
Yeah, I mentioned it. But it's also an April Fools Article... so it may not get as much traction with your DM.

2013-10-26, 12:24 AM
I always found the requirements for the assassin weird. OK it fits with the Dark Brotherhood of TES, but using what you get neither requires an evil alignment nor actual killing. If this is an non-evil game or you simply do not want to play an evil character, this article is a good starting point for convincing the DM of removing the alignment and murder requirement from assassin.

You may want to look at the Shadow (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13129574&postcount=60), winner of the Assassin Zinc Saucier competition.

2013-10-26, 11:27 AM
Well, there is this Skyrim thing for D&D 3.5 I made about a year ago.... (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=255501) >.>

(Warning: product is very,very much unfinished and very, very much untested. Also, I hadn't played the DLC content at the time, so Dawnguard and Dragonborn stuff is not included.)

2013-10-26, 12:22 PM
Beguiler was my first suggestion, but it's gotten mentioned plenty.

My second suggestion would be psychic rogue (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040723b). You get stealth, you get mental powers that are similar to magic and include a nice set of mental and illusion type powers, you get sneak attack, so two-weapon fighting will be a viable option. The only think you're a little short on is blasting powers. However, the feat Expanded Knowledge will allow you to learn powers from other classes' lists, and there are a number of decent blasting powers available on the psion power list.

Psionics uses a whole different set of rules than spellcasting, but if you're new to D&D anyway, it shouldn't really matter, because it's all new to you.

2013-10-26, 01:46 PM
While Beguiler is a fun class, and an excellent illusionist, it's really not going to contribute anything to the melee side of Tylorious' request.

2013-10-30, 12:46 PM
Guys, thank you all for your numerous suggestions.

I understand that you don't necessarily want to be an all around character, but i love the idea of being a jack of all trades. Someone who can do a little bit of everything, just not masterfully, because that is who I am.

2013-10-30, 01:10 PM
If you want to be able to do everything, be a wizard.

2013-10-30, 01:41 PM
If you really want sneak attack, but don't care much for optimization, Spellthief fits your skyrim character fairly well.

2013-10-30, 02:12 PM
Guys, thank you all for your numerous suggestions.

I understand that you don't necessarily want to be an all around character, but i love the idea of being a jack of all trades. Someone who can do a little bit of everything, just not masterfully, because that is who I am.The ultimate jack-of-all-trades class is factotum, from Dungeonscape (wizards are generally too powerful to qualify, since learning the right spells lets you automatically succeed at everything). They get access to every skill in the game, a pool of "Inspiration points" that let them improvise and briefly gain an Intelligence-based bonus to damage, defences or skills, and can cast a few spells (not many at a time or with many daily uses, but they can be changed every day).

2013-10-30, 02:22 PM
Homebrew it: Beguiler chassis (Armor/weapons proficiencies, skills, HitPoints, spells) for warlock BAB and invocations.

You get none of the warlock or beguiler accessory class features... and all their spellcasting.

2013-10-30, 06:32 PM
Hmm, when I think of Jack of all Trades, I tend to think Bard myself. I mean you can focus really hard on being the Face with a bard, and be pretty much the best there is at it. But it always seemed like a decent chassis for the jack of all trades build. Good skill points, spell list which is very "kitchen sink" with Buffs, Heals, Blasts, Illusions, Enchantments, Utility, running around in light armor with a blade rather than being in a dress with a stick like a wizard, or some belt fetish like the iconic sorcerer. Lots of ACFs, feats, etc, to help boost up the Bard in various books. Probably won't be as powerful as the Factotum however.

2013-10-30, 07:03 PM
If you really want sneak attack, but don't care much for optimization, Spellthief fits your skyrim character fairly well.

Spellthief 2/Wizard 5/Unseen Seer 10?

2013-10-31, 07:37 AM
Oh wow, Bard. I love it, I never really even looked in the Bard's direction because I was turned off by the Bard's songs, but looking at all the other things a Bard can do, I really like it.

2013-10-31, 07:39 AM
Just think of the bard songs as battle cries or Shouts.

2013-10-31, 09:30 AM
Bardic Performance can be anything which you can do with a perform check. I once played a stand up comedian Bard.

2013-10-31, 10:25 AM
Your "performance" could be running around waving your hands to direct rivers of glowing mist about the battlefield to invigorate your allies. Or it could be glaring defiantly and occasionally telling people that you and your friends will never give up. Or anything in-between.

One of the most noteworthy feats for bards is Dragonfire Inspiration from Dragon Magic, which lets you add +1d6 bonus energy damage to your allies' attacks per point of bonus you could grant with Inspire Courage.

2013-10-31, 11:37 AM
Oh wow, Bard. I love it, I never really even looked in the Bard's direction because I was turned off by the Bard's songs, but looking at all the other things a Bard can do, I really like it.

Another option is to use Perform (Oratory), which can be great for a leader-type of character, or anyone who can speak effectively (there are a variety of ways to fluff this, including preaching and commanding). It definitely has conceptual synergy with other social skills -your character's eloquent/effective/clever speechcraft not only influences others, but also allows him to cast magic spells.

2013-10-31, 12:26 PM
Everyone here that has played or though about playing a mime bard, raise your hand!

2013-11-01, 04:24 AM
For an Iron Chef competition, (Bladesinger), I used a Bard base with a Dire Werewolf Chassis, refluffed as Howls for the music, along with vocal based spells like Balagarns Iron Horn etc. It wasn't as powerful as it could have been due to the SI taking space away from the Bard abilities, but a Shifter Savage Bard 20 (despite Cha penalty, it is only -1) could provide that same flavour.

Alternatively the Dragon Mag compendium has the Jester base class.

2013-11-01, 07:01 AM
Does the Bard have high medium or low BAB.

2013-11-01, 08:04 AM
Ok, so I have decided to go Bard, and drop all the other things I wanted. This Bard class is so fun I can't believe I haven't tried it before. There is another class that has the ability to add CHA modifier to attack rolls, can you guys remember what that was?

2013-11-01, 10:31 AM
Does the Bard have high medium or low BAB.

Medium. Do you not have a players handbook? If not, check out the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/) site!

Ok, so I have decided to go Bard, and drop all the other things I wanted. This Bard class is so fun I can't believe I haven't tried it before. There is another class that has the ability to add CHA modifier to attack rolls, can you guys remember what that was?

Have a look here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125732) - It's a great place to find synergy for your stats.

Also look into Slippers of Battledancing, Crystal Echoblades and the Sudden Stunning Stunning weapon enchantment for more Cha in melee synergy.

2013-11-01, 10:36 AM
Medium. Do you not have a players handbook? If not, check out the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/) site!

Have a look here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125732) - It's a great place to find synergy for your stats.

Also look into Slippers of Battledancing, Crystal Echoblades and the Sudden Stunning Stunning weapon enchantment for more Cha in melee synergy.

Have we added Snowflake Wardance yet?

2013-11-01, 12:10 PM
I don't have a players handbook yet, but if i enjoy playing with this character, i will definitely get one

Red Fel
2013-11-01, 12:17 PM
I don't have a players handbook yet, but if i enjoy playing with this character, i will definitely get one

As a rule, I recommend having a PHB. Although the online SRD is extremely helpful, convenient, and free, you don't always have access to an online database to check things. Also, the PHB makes browsing for your spells just a bit more convenient than having to click through the SRD menu. Also, the pretty pictures are pretty.

2013-11-01, 12:31 PM
Also some of them are silly, like the iconic sorcerer and his belt fetish...

But yeah, actual books, always good to get. Even if you get the option to buy something as a PDF or pay extra to get a book, I'd get a book. So much easier to search for what you need when you can flip and skim pages rather than scrolling through programs.

Anyway, good luck with your Bard's Tale.

2013-11-01, 12:44 PM
Oh wow, Bard. I love it, I never really even looked in the Bard's direction because I was turned off by the Bard's songs, but looking at all the other things a Bard can do, I really like it.

If you really want to go for the Skyrim feel, grab the Explosive Spell feat for your bard. Turn your Glitterdust spell into a spectacular looking Shout!

2013-11-01, 12:47 PM
well there is always this (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=9830.0) and this (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=8284.0) to start you off with.

Second, while I agree that buying the books is a good thing to do, you can also look around for DnD Tools. I don't know if this is illegal or not, however, since the site hasn't been brought down (yet) and since DnD Tools has come up before at these boards, I assume it to be ok. If it isn't please say so and I'll edit my post.

further, a bard is like the bread of a sandwich: it has great potential and can be anything you want it to be (except for, you know, pan cakes or something) as long as you add the right ingredients.

So, I'd advise you to look around the links I posted, pick the things you like to make a list of wants/not wants so we can help you actually build it. If you really want to help us help you, could you include a list of what the other players are building? That way we can help you identify the powerlevel that woudl work best with your party and see fi we can fill some gaps and make sure you're not treading one someone's expertise.

Btw, this is not in any way menat to be offending in whatever capacity, it's just hard to build a decent sandwich if you don't know what a person's specific tastes are (yes or no to bacon? Yes or no to pesto? Maybe some cheese, and if so, what kind? Parmezan/gouda/cheddar/gruyère?).

2013-11-01, 12:49 PM
thanks guys, so helpful