View Full Version : D20 Crossover shenanigans - Pathfinder + DragonMech

2013-10-25, 03:54 AM
Ok, so I managed to get ahold of the DragonMech core book from Half Price Books earlier yesterday (God I love that store), and I was thinking of incorporating the mecha and...stuff into my Pathfinder game. I am, of course, aware that while they are both D20 and based around the D&D formula of stats, they're two separate entities in some regards.

So before diving in myself and actually reading the book more or less cover to cover (or at least the key bits), is there anything I should be aware of in terms of clashing...whatnot? Like I don't wanna go into the campaign full of hope then realize too late that the mecha are underpowered for mid-to-late-game Pathfinder monsters (mostly of the Lovecraftian type like Mi-Go and whatnot).