View Full Version : Special Mount Question

2013-10-25, 01:44 PM
Just need to clear something up.

The Planar Handbook has Nightmare, lesser; for sale for 5,500gp.
im not a good aligned person, so naturally i want one (so they don't run off).

besides the entry that says they are less likely to travel between Planes for you, are they in all other aspects like a Nightmare? (abilities etc.)

what HD would they be when you buy them?

2013-10-25, 01:48 PM
i have the answer sorry i cant delete this thread for some reason

2013-10-25, 01:48 PM
My research tells me: Standard nightmare.


Another source describes the same thing as Nightmare, lesser.

2013-10-25, 05:47 PM
My research tells me: Standard nightmare.


Another source describes the same thing as Nightmare, lesser.

That's incorrect. The Lesser Nightmare is described on pages 127-128 of the Planar Handbook.

It is nearly identical to the standard Nightmare, but lacks flight, etherealness, and astral projection. It is also slightly less Intelligent and therefore has fewer skills than the regular Nightmare.