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View Full Version : Buying airships

2007-01-04, 09:04 PM
Eberron specifically, I'd like one of my characters to either create or buy an airship. But I have no idea how to price it and I can't find anywhere in Eberron Campaign Setting for rules clearing up my predicament. So if you can tell me the rules or the page of what book they're on I'd be most greatful.

Viscount Einstrauss
2007-01-04, 09:05 PM
Ha, easy. They're free! Just take some levels in rogue and dread pirate.

2007-01-04, 09:10 PM
Ha, easy. They're free! Just take some levels in rogue and dread pirate.

Except doesn't dread pirate say the ship must be worth at least 10 thousand gp? Unless you steal it, but they could have done that normally.

I can't help you with the ship prices, sorry. Normally, I'd play it by ear, but I can see why you'd want to find a reference.

2007-01-04, 09:12 PM
Well, the only incling I have going for me was inspired by looking at ticket prices of riding on one; double the amount for a normal sea-faring ship. So maybe a flying version is double the equivalent of it's aquatic cousin.

2007-01-04, 09:13 PM
I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but a quick look to "airship" in the index of the ECS points me to page 267, where a short description and pricing are given. If you want a detailed schematic of an airship, I can't help ya there.

2007-01-04, 09:22 PM
I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but a quick look to "airship" in the index of the ECS points me to page 267, where a short description and pricing are given. If you want a detailed schematic of an airship, I can't help ya there.
Oh, thank you. I don't need a schematic, I can make one myself, with DM's approval anyway.

2007-01-04, 10:20 PM
ACTUALLY, there's a schematic in Explorer's Guide to Eberron!

And, on top of that, the price for your very own Airship is 92,000gp! However, you'd need to get some other equipment to control it. You see, the elementals are temper-mental, and can ignore the comands of a captain. also, you need a "mark of Storm" to control them, or this weird ship's wheel.

AND there's a PrC class "windwright Captain" I think, that allows you to control them perfectly (ie: like a Paladin and their special mount, sort of).

Explorer's guide to Eberron. woot.

Viscount Einstrauss
2007-01-04, 10:21 PM
So. Like I said- steal it. Steal it or you won't be getting it until epic levels.

2007-01-05, 12:25 AM
So. Like I said- steal it. Steal it or you won't be getting it until epic levels.

Steal it, mod it out to be unrecognizable, and raise a crew of faithful zombie crew members!

You are a Liche bent on conquering the world, aren't you?

2007-01-05, 12:45 AM
Steal it, mod it out to be unrecognizable, and raise a crew of faithful zombie crew members!

You are a Liche bent on conquering the world, aren't you?
I like that. :smallamused:

2007-01-05, 01:00 AM
Or... treating a Boat asa magic item, enchnt it with continual overland-Flight. slow going, but possibly more cost efficient. unfortunatly, i know nothing of this "Eh-berr-ahn" that you speak of, so can't help you there.

2007-01-05, 01:15 AM
Or... treating a Boat asa magic item, enchnt it with continual overland-Flight. slow going, but possibly more cost efficient. unfortunatly, i know nothing of this "Eh-berr-ahn" that you speak of, so can't help you there.
That might actually be cheaper than a normal airship. Good idea.

2007-01-05, 01:15 AM
In Eberron, you probably don't. Those crazy half-elves have a monopoly to maintain. House Orien already has all the railroads, so they'll hang on tight to what they've got. Nonetheless, there are definitely prices listed in the ECS, though I don't have access to mine right now.

Remember, you're also going to need someone to control the elemental. Least Mark of Storm + Wheel of Wind and Water will do it, as will Dominate Monster, Rebuke Elemental (Fire or Air as appropriate), or a ton of Charisma checks, possibly augmented by Charm Monster.

2007-01-05, 01:32 AM
In Eberron, you probably don't. Those crazy half-elves have a monopoly to maintain. House Orien already has all the railroads, so they'll hang on tight to what they've got. Nonetheless, there are definitely prices listed in the ECS, though I don't have access to mine right now.

Remember, you're also going to need someone to control the elemental. Least Mark of Storm + Wheel of Wind and Water will do it, as will Dominate Monster, Rebuke Elemental (Fire or Air as appropriate), or a ton of Charisma checks, possibly augmented by Charm Monster.
I was thinking about maybe having an elemental cohort using the monster class progression in SS. Or force one of the other players to be one. :biggrin:

2007-01-05, 03:44 AM
To acquire an airship, you baiscally need DM approve for it because they need to work it into their plot. They need to rethink wildreness encounters, travel routes and spring for new plot hooks.

The easiest way to get one would be a half elf with the Least Mark of Storm (Wind's Favor) and take the Windwright Captian PrC from the Explorer's handbook. Otherwise you've got to acquire one somehow in game (stealing it, bartering for it, heck, even finding a ruined one and rebuilding it).

2007-01-05, 03:59 AM
So. Like I said- steal it. Steal it or you won't be getting it until epic levels.

At 92,000 gp, a character of 13th level or higher can afford one. A character of 18th level or higher can afford one as easy as anything.

2007-01-05, 04:57 AM
There's also an item from Stormwrack, Cloud Keel, that lets you turn a standard ship into a flying one. The manueverability isn't so hot, and the speed isn't hugely impressive either, but it's a lot cheaper and with a little work you can get the ship moving quite well. As an added bonus, anyone can steer the thing.


2007-01-08, 05:37 PM
Well, sure, Collin152 and JaronK, if you don't want to hijack an airship and become a group of swashbuckling outlaw fugitive air pirate mercenaries with half the governments, dragonmarked houses, and churches on the continent after you, there are probably numerous ways you could create your own substandard little flying ship to dink around in.

But what the hell sort of fun is that?

2007-01-09, 07:14 AM
Windwright Captians get Airships without paying for them, the guild just loans one to them.

2007-01-09, 07:35 AM
I'm going to be playing a game where I'll be taking windwright captain.
Once you get into the class, at level two you're chartered an airship with house Lyrandar. You owe them one-fifth of your goods, but at any point in time you can buy the ship for 92,000. At that point, they charge you for your sailors they provide.

Incidentally, start thinking of names early, it took me ages to settle on mine. Ended up going with a Shakespearean name theme.

2007-01-09, 11:02 AM
what was the name?

2007-01-09, 11:28 AM
Isn't there also an airship in the old Arms & Equipment Guide?

2007-01-09, 07:41 PM
what was the name?

Assuming you meant me, I went with Duncan's Knell.
From the line in Macbeth: "Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell, that summons thee to heaven, or to hell."

I also named other ships in the same line with the same theme--as of now, I have:
The Sound and The Fury
The Muse of Fire
The Brief Candle
Lay On
Naught's Had, All's Spent
Something Wicked
Birnam Wood
Dead for a Ducat
Winter of Our Discontent
The Tempest
Le Petit Mort
Much Ado
Two Murderers
Slings and Arrows
Sea of Troubles
Masters of Their Fates
Cry Havoc
Dogs of War