View Full Version : Playing to fit a role in a group

2013-10-25, 05:42 PM
Should a person ALWAYS try and fit into a certain role within a group or adhere to a certain members persuasions to play a certain class?

The situation is that I would like to try out the wild shape variant ranger, going into MOMM and a bit of warshaper, whilst the member stated above has mentioned, and persists that "for two levels you'll not be contributing much in combat" and "trust me, a druids more versatile. Go full druid".

What should I do in this situation?

Emperor Tippy
2013-10-25, 05:51 PM
If the player is significantly more experienced with that DM's games and the level of optimization and power that the DM thinks of as standard then he probably should be listened to (if someone tried to bring a straight class core only fighter to one of my games I would laugh and tell then to bring out the real character sheet).

Otherwise, play what you want.

Oh yeah, the first five levels of Wildshape Ranger are somewhat lacking in class features but it's still a full AB, 2 good save, d8 HD, good skill point/list, class.

Honestly, Ranger 5 is pretty much strictly better than Fighter 5.

Sure, you aren't a Druid or other tier 1 class but you are still good.

2013-10-25, 05:55 PM
Should a person ALWAYS try and fit into a certain role within a group or adhere to a certain members persuasions to play a certain class?

The situation is that I would like to try out the wild shape variant ranger, going into MOMM and a bit of warshaper, whilst the member stated above has mentioned, and persists that "for two levels you'll not be contributing much in combat" and "trust me, a druids more versatile. Go full druid".

What should I do in this situation?
To your question, do what you like, so you won't contribute for two levels, after that you'll dominate if you play it right. Plus its your character so do what you want to do.

Be glad you're allowed to fit into your group though.
I know some DM's who give no intel about this and are strongly against group forming but I despise it to the bone...
Because I don't want to end up with 5 rangers or 5 wizards again....

2013-10-25, 05:57 PM
The whole point of the game is to enjoy yourself really. Do what you want.

One Step Two
2013-10-25, 05:59 PM
Does the party need you to be a druid for any particular reason? Otherwise, as Tippy said, a great set of skills, and the rest, and if your goal is to get into Master of Many Forms, then Ranger 5 is better than Druid 5, if only because your total loss of spellcasting wont be missed, and the extra BAB is worth it.

2013-10-25, 06:35 PM
Well, I like the idea of playing someone with limited abilities, and a limited amount of skill points. Having spells for most situations just makes things boring IMO. I even said that I'd end up getting several prestige classes if I went druid, and he'd be like "oh but you shouldn't, It'll deny you spell levels" and I just stopped replying when he asked me.

By the way, if I decide to wild shape into something, could a DM make me roll a Knowledge: nature check? to see If I knew the animal?

I mean, even if could just twelve headed cryohydra, I probably wouldn't unless It really called for it. I had the Idea of running off, and then coming back THC and then run off again, then coming back as normal, bluffing that I had cramps or something embarrassing.

2013-10-25, 06:58 PM
"for two levels you'll not be contributing much in combat"

This is a reason not to play just "whatever you want." If you're going to be dead weight, there's no reason in-character for them to keep you around, and is likely to cause resentment out-of-character as well. Play what you want, but don't be a drain on resources and a headache for the other players.

But wildshape ranger shouldn't really have this problem except at very low levels with a very high-op group.

2013-10-25, 07:15 PM
See.... which two levels is he thinking that you are going to be dead weight on? I just have to ask because... if these are low levels, it's not an issue. At low levels just being Full BAB and two good saves means you won't be "dead weight". Being able to hit slightly more reliably, and not get taken out quite as easy by something is and of itself worth while. You don't need to be highly powerful and optimized to be effective at low level.

Really at low level... you're not losing much. Yeah, a Wildshape Ranger will at level 5-6 be weaker than a Druid at 5-6. Then again most everything is except maybe wizard, cleric, archivist, Sha'ir? You're losing out on your combat style stuff but honestly you weren't getting THAT much out of combat style. Particularly if you were planning to Melee. Two weaponing just isn't that good when your only source of bonus damage is Favored Enemy.

I mean I can understand if you were rolling out a Vow of Poverty monk or something and he said, "Look... we're playing Wizards, Clerics and Druids at level 8 to start out with, going to level 15 at least... you... are an albatross around our necks." Yeah. I could understand that.

But as it stands your "Weak" levels are low levels. Where basically everything is weak anyway. Even as a Druid you'd be just as weak for the most part. Light armor, limited ability to do weapon damage not enough spells to see you through the day. Plus side you'd have an Animal Companion but really the best animal companions are ones that add capabilities rather than "Is a combat beast" in my book. Utility > Another Attack Roll.

2013-10-25, 09:58 PM
By the way, if I decide to wild shape into something, could a DM make me roll a Knowledge: nature check? to see If I knew the animal?

Yes. As for your character choice.

1) Play what YOU want. It is your free time and you should play whatever you choose. HOWEVER:

2) Accept tips from experienced players. Don't be like: "I want to play a Fighter1/Wizard 2/Cleric 5." Be like: "I want to play the wild keeper of a small town who is particularly fond of owls. Which class combination can achieve this while not SUCKING ruleswise."

3) Try to fit the power level of your party. Balancing encounters will be easier. Your members won't feel cheated (in character and out of character). And your DM will thank you.

Desire, mechanical stability and general power level is the core to a happy party.

Well, I like the idea of playing someone with limited abilities, and a limited amount of skill points. Having spells for most situations just makes things boring IMO. I even said that I'd end up getting several prestige classes if I went druid, and he'd be like "oh but you shouldn't, It'll deny you spell levels" and I just stopped replying when he asked me.

Even if you like the idea of limits you WILL hit the realization that everything you can do another PC does better if they really optimize.

I would suggest a 2/3 caster or semi supernatural character for your needs. Something with a spell list but a limited choice.