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2007-01-05, 09:37 PM
So I tried to cook up some spells. They are my first ones but don't let that stop you from criticizing (it only helps me learn):smallsmile:.

IKEA's assistance
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 round/2 rounds
Range: Touch
Target: Any object composed of more than 1 part.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: None

When an object, that is composed of more than 1 part, is touched by this spell, the object falls apart in all it's original pieces and spreads neatly on the floor.
When the object is trapped, the trap still goes off unless the caster is warned in advance that said object is trapped (i.e. a successful trap search).
When the caster knows about a eventual trap, it takes the caster 2 rounds to cast the spell and he must make a successful Disable Device check (with a +3 bonus from the spell) in order to disable the trap.
The target object may not exceed 10 feet x 10 feet x 10 feet in dimensions.

Enchantment [Mind-Affecting & Language-Dependent]
Level: Brd 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close
Target: Any creature that understands your language
Duration: 1D6+2 rounds
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: None

When the target hears the spell and fails it's Saving Throw, it instantly choses a random creature (regardless of species and/or sex) and starts kissing him/her/it for 1D6+2 rounds. The creature will start kissing the first creature it sees, or, when there is nobody in sight, it will run around frustrated untill it finds its 'victim'.
In case of a creature with more then one head (i.e. a hydra, ettin, etc.), the caster can only target one head.
The creature the target begins to kiss must make a successful Opposed Grapple Check or is pinned down and smothered with kisses until the end of the duration of the spell or until getting freed.
The creature getting kissed also has a chance to escape by making a successful Grapple or Escape Artist Check.

Sneeze and Go
Conjuration (Teleportation), Enchantment (Compulsion)
Level: Wiz/Sor 8
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close
Target: Any creature
Duration: 1D4+1 day(s)
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: None

When a target is affected by this spell, it has a 20% chance of sneezing every 12 hours for the duration of the spell. When the target sneezes, he/she is immediately teleported for 1D10 x10 miles in a 1D8 direction (1 being North, 2 being North-East, etc.). When there is an object standing on the targets teleport location (i.e. a tree or a house) he/she is 'smacked' against it, dealing 1D12 damage (a 50% chance should suffice).
Anything the target touches during sneezing is teleported along with him and, in case of a companion, is also dealt the same amount of damage when 'smacking' against object. The limitations on the weight of (an) object(s) and/or the number of people teleported along are the same as the Teleport spell (PHB 292).

2007-01-05, 09:53 PM
I'm so learning Jynx'D and casting it on girls when I'm alone with them.

Getting them alone is the hard part. =(

2007-01-05, 09:57 PM
No such thing as a level 8 bard spell, and I don't think Sneeze and Go should be a bard spell anyway. Like the ideas though. Even if Jynx'd is a bit... well... nevermind.

2007-01-05, 10:06 PM
No such thing as a level 8 bard spell, and I don't think Sneeze and Go should be a bard spell anyway. Like the ideas though. Even if Jynx'd is a bit... well... nevermind.

Thanks for that one, stupid mistake.

In my defense: I did write these at 3 o'clock in the morning (it is 4 o'clock now, time for bed:smallfrown:)

2007-01-05, 10:09 PM
That explains a lot. =p Good night though.

2007-01-06, 01:16 AM
With Ikea's assistance, perhaps have the character make a Disable Device check (probably with a bonus from the spell) to disassemble a trap without setting it off?

2007-01-06, 11:17 AM
With Ikea's assistance, perhaps have the character make a Disable Device check (probably with a bonus from the spell) to disassemble a trap without setting it off?

My words. Also, don't deny the Jynx'D victim its grapple check every round.

On an unrelated matter, what does Jynx'D do to an ettin or a hydra?

2007-01-06, 12:08 PM
On an unrelated matter, what does Jynx'D do to an ettin or a hydra?
Hopefully not the first thing that comes to mind...:smallyuk:

2007-01-06, 12:22 PM
I almost blue gatorade out of my nose when I read that!

Jynx'D is one of the funniest spell ideas I've ever seen, imagine casting this in the middle of a battle or on a dragon for that matter....

2007-01-06, 12:34 PM
Thanks Peregrine and icke for the tips.
And in the case of an ettin or hydra... the same effect only with more mouths for kissing.

2007-01-06, 01:24 PM
Thanks Peregrine and icke for the tips.
And in the case of an ettin or hydra... the same effect only with more mouths for kissing.

Alternatively, make the spells' target 'one head'.

2007-01-06, 02:25 PM
Good point.

2007-01-06, 02:27 PM
Maybe give Jinx'd special effects
when there's a difference of two or more size categories between the targe and hi randomly chosen victim...

Also, Escape Artist checks might work well to get out of Jinx'd's effects.

2007-01-06, 02:39 PM
Maybe give Jinx'd special effects
when there's a difference of two or more size categories between the targe and hi randomly chosen victim...

Also, Escape Artist checks might work well to get out of Jinx'd's effects.

I think Jinx'D is annoying enough as it is:smallwink:.

Thanks for the Escape Artist check tip though:smallsmile:.

2007-01-06, 06:24 PM
Edit: added a restriction to IKEA's assistance on how big the target object may be.
Had a revelation on the toilet, thinking how you could break apart a castle with this spell:smalltongue:.

2007-01-06, 08:55 PM
Dragon meets Pixie. Nearby (but not so nearby as the Pixie) bar casts Jynx'D. Dragon Forgoes save altogether. Pixies backs away slowly as Dragon succumbs to the spells efects. Bye Bye Pixie!

2007-01-06, 09:20 PM
I'd probably define "vicinity" better (10' to 30' radius), or possibly make it be the nearest creature, with "preferred" (more attractive in the eyes of the target) getting the advantage, possibly even if slightly more distant.

Jinx'D + Succubus = Nasty.

Also, I'd change Sneeze and Go to use a d12 with clock positions, rather than just cardinal directions. More random teleportation = More Fun.

Possibly also have a random teleport distance (2d10 averages 11, so it's pretty close). If you want to get really weird, you can have displacement from that (another direction roll, another distance roll, this time probably in the hundreds of feet), and even more epicycles of direction rolls, so that they can end up anywhere.

I'd probably also make it follow terrain, so that no matter how you sneeze, you end up at ground level (if standing on the surface), unless you're underground, in which case you end up at close to the same depth, relative to the surface or sea level, depending on which is closest to an open cave (or on the surface, if no open spaces can be found), or flying, in which case you're at close to the same surface elevation. Of course, for flying really high or spelunking very deep, I'd ignore mountains.

Probably just adding needless mechanics to a simple and cool spell, though. Except for enhancing the direction roll; that's simple enough and (IMHO) improves the spell. The other stuff just splits hairs and handles special situations.