View Full Version : [PF] Magus Advice: Dervish or Agile?

2013-10-29, 08:13 AM
So I'm sitting here browsing the forums, sipping my coffee, when something strikes me:

Does it make more sense for a Dex-based Magus to get an Agile Rapier instead of getting Dervish Dance?

More specifically, does it make more sense for a Magus to take the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat instead of the Dervish Dance feat? Cat's Grace is on the Magus list, and with the crafting feat he can just add Agile to any weapon he wields. I'm thinking about ways to guarantee access to Dex-to-Damage. The way I see it, both methods will cost 1 feat slot. Dervish limits you to one weapon type. Craft takes more money, and doesn't come on until Magus 3 and an availability of funds, but allows you to save a lot in the long run by just making a good chunk of the party's gear.

Is it a poor opinion to think Crafting is superior to Dervishing? Is it better to front-load my Magus abilities at the cost of mid/late game money saving?

Firest Kathon
2013-10-29, 08:31 AM
I think this question has to be especially considered in terms of feasability rather than "power". The item creation route can only be done if you have enough downtime in the campaign to craft the items, as well as the materials being readily available.

2013-10-29, 08:36 AM
As near as I can tell, Dervish Dance is promoted over Agile mostly because Agile is in a setting-specific source (PSFG.) Which I consider to be silly because Dervish Dance is also from a setting source (ISWG.) You'll need one or the other to build a viable dex-based combatant.

I suppose there's an argument for DMs being happier if you dedicate yourself to a concept via feat rather than needing a specific magic item property - after all, a Dervish Dance Magus can pick up any scimitar at all and even carry spares, whereas without your specially-made rapier or whatever you'll be up a creek. But, if you craft the blade yourself I don't see it being that big a problem either. Even if you do craft it though, you won't have it until level 5 at the earliest, because you can't spend more than 1/2 your WBL on one item, and doing so will still take you several days and lower the wealth you can allocate to other areas. At low levels the money is important, but at high levels the open feat matters more.

Personally, if you're going Agile anyway, I would use a light weapon instead (e.g. a kukri) so you can also throw in Piranha Strike and keep your Str low. You can even use a kukri with Bladebound.

2013-10-29, 05:25 PM
The way I see it, both methods will cost 1 feat slot.

Dervish Dance requires TWO feats, you still need Weapon Finesse to take it (the only way around this is dipping 1 level of Bard that grants it req-free at 1st level).

You need Weapon Finesse to make either option work.

Agile costs extra $$ per weapon.

Dervish Dance requires 2 Ranks in Perform (Dance) and the Dervish Dance feat.


2013-10-29, 05:37 PM
Depends on how easy access you have to spare time crafting the darn thing.
If you have easy access, then the craft feat wins handily, as you can get more bang on your weapon for less $.
On the other hand, if you have very little down-time, then Dervish Dance might be better, as you might not get an agile weapon you like, but magical Scimitars are fairly common.

In short, talk to your GM about it.