View Full Version : D&D Christmas Adventures?

2013-10-29, 10:35 AM
Hello, I'm looking for any 3.5 christmasy adventure.


Red Fel
2013-10-29, 10:39 AM
Santa puts people who can't give more specifics in their requests on the naughty list.

Don't be on the naughty list. Give specifics.

2013-10-29, 10:43 AM
Play any normal adventure but put on a christmas CD in the background

2013-10-29, 11:29 AM
Play a bunch of white beared red coated barbarians who wield axes. Call it Axe-Mas. Give them small half elvish artificers.

Or just make a one-shot on a mid winter festivity in your campaign world. If the main planet of your world has earth-like day lengths, there has do be something like a winter solstice.

2013-10-29, 11:40 AM
Christmasy = Adventures in snow scenarios, Santa might be kidnapped, some kind of plot similar to Star Wars Holiday Special (they celebrate the Life Day which is our equivalent of Christmas day), hmmm snowy stuff, etc...

I was watching The Big Bang Theory the other day and the guys were playing a Christmas D&D adventure.

I found this: http://skylandgames.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/dnd4echristmascarol.pdf although it's 4E it seems interesting. I was wondering if anyone knew something like this.

Also: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/Santa.pdf it's just Santa's stats.

2013-10-29, 02:29 PM
Source from Wizards of the Coast (warning, PDF): Santa Claus, statted (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/santa.pdf).

EDIT: Santa, can I have a new pair of glasses for Christmas?

2013-10-29, 02:35 PM
You could have Santa (a really fat snow elf) be held hostage by elves of a warmer climate who hate all the jollyness. Have them be lead by the Grinch and call it a day :smallwink:

2013-10-29, 02:42 PM
You could have Santa (a really fat snow elf) be held hostage by elves of a warmer climate who hate all the jollyness. Have them be lead by the Grinch and call it a day :smallwink:

Every mortal the Material Plane likes Christmas a lot...

But Asmodeus, Who lived just in the Ninth Layer of Hell of the Material Plane, Did NOT! Asmodeus hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season! Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason. It could be that his head wasn't screwed on quite right. It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight. But I think that the most likely reason of all May have been that his heart was two sizes too small. But, Whatever the reason, His heart or his shoes, He stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the mortals, Staring down from his palace with a sour, Devilish frown At the warm lighted windows below in their plane. For he knew every mortal in the Material Plane Was busy now, hanging a mistleoe wreath. "And they're hanging their stockings!" he snarled with a sneer. "Tomorrow is Christmas! It's practically here!" Then he growled, with his devilish fingers nervously drumming, "I MUST find a way to keep Christmas from coming!" For, tomorrow, he knew... ...All the mortal girls and boys Would wake up bright and early. They'd rush for their toys! And then! Oh, the noise! Oh, the noise! Noise! Noise! Noise! That's one thing he hated! The NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! Then the Whos, young and old, would sit down to a feast. And they'd feast! And they'd feast! And they'd FEAST! FEAST! FEAST! FEAST! They would start on Who-pudding, and rare dwarven-roast-beast Which was something Asmodeus couldn't stand in the least! And THEN They'd do something he liked least of all! Every mortal in the Material Plane, the tall and the small, Would stand close together, with Christmas bells ringing. They'd stand hand-in-hand. And the mortals would start singing! They'd sing! And they'd sing! AND they'd SING! SING! SING! SING! And the more Asmodeus thought of the Mortal-Christmas-Sing The more Asmodeus thought, "I must stop this whole thing! "Why for fifty-three thousand years I've put up with it now! I MUST stop Christmas from coming! ...But HOW?"

2013-10-29, 02:42 PM
Rescue Rudolph from the abominable snowman on the isle of misfit toys!

Red Fel
2013-10-29, 02:45 PM
... And in the end, the PCs defeat Asmodeus, and rescue Santa. In an act of compassion, and to teach Asmodeus the true meaning of Christmas, Santa gives Asmodeus a present. Asmodeus' face lights up with joy and wonder...

... and then a sneer, as he reveals that his entire elaborate plan was to make people question the merits of the gift-giving season by having the Lord of Nessus receive a voluntarily-given gift from a benevolent being, and bwa ha ha and all that.

Seriously. Did you think this adventure would have a moral or something?

2013-10-29, 02:47 PM
... And in the end, the PCs defeat Asmodeus, and rescue Santa. In an act of compassion, and to teach Asmodeus the true meaning of Christmas, Santa gives Asmodeus a present. Asmodeus' face lights up with joy and wonder...

... and then a sneer, as he reveals that his entire elaborate plan was to make people question the merits of the gift-giving season by having the Lord of Nessus receive a voluntarily-given gift from a benevolent being, and bwa ha ha and all that.

Seriously. Did you think this adventure would have a moral or something?

Moral of the Story: Do. Not. CENSORED. With Asmodeus.

Unless you're a druid with VoP, then you're good to go.

2013-10-29, 02:50 PM
A renowned wizard of great benevolence - St. Anna the Immense - has vanished just before her annual act of charity. St. Anna made a tradition of visiting the various houses of the kingdom, dropping off things she felt they needed (of particular hilarity was the year the king recieved a book on parenting) and touching up the place with a bit of magic. Now, with a week until her annual trip, the wizardess is gone and her tower in disarray. The PCs must discover what happened to her.

2013-10-29, 02:56 PM
A master Artificer has collaborated with the Frost Giants to abduct elves and force them to donate their life force to his crafting. They're being held in a fortress far to the north. The Artificer has a cruel and wicked cohort; bad enough that parents tell their children stories about him to frighten them into good behavior.

The way North is perilous. They encounter Ice Golems, animated objects, and advanced Yetis. The last town before the Icy Wastes is run by an insanely LE dictator; he's taken incredible precautions to protect his townspeople from the Artificer's raids, but is still paranoid that somehow he's about to infiltrate the city. The team also needs to pass through the lands of two sorcerers, one focused on Fire magic (with many salamander minions) and another, focused on Ice magic (with Ice Mephit friends).

When the team reaches the fortress, they find that the Artificer is working on creating an Artifact that will allow him to cast a massive, worldwide Time Stop at the exact moment of the Solstice. He'll be free to Teleport to any location in the world. (He has an exhaustive list of allies and enemies to be punished or rewarded).

Red Fel
2013-10-29, 02:58 PM
A master Artificer has collaborated with the Frost Giants to abduct elves and force them to donate their life force to his crafting. They're being held in a fortress far to the north. The Artificer has a cruel and wicked cohort; bad enough that parents tell their children stories about him to frighten them into good behavior.

The way North is perilous. They encounter Ice Golems, animated objects, and advanced Yetis. The last town before the Icy Wastes is run by an insanely LE dictator; he's taken incredible precautions to protect his townspeople from the Artificer's raids, but is still paranoid that somehow he's about to infiltrate the city. The team also needs to pass through the lands of two sorcerers, one focused on Fire magic (with many salamander minions) and another, focused on Ice magic (with Ice Mephit friends).

When the team reaches the fortress, they find that the Artificer is working on creating an Artifact that will allow him to cast a massive, worldwide Time Stop at the exact moment of the Solstice. He'll be free to Teleport to any location in the world. (He has an exhaustive list of allies and enemies to be punished or rewarded).

... oh... oh my gao...

You... actually included Heat Miser...

... there are no words...

Averis Vol
2013-10-29, 03:18 PM
Every year around christmas I get to working on an old encounter I had planned.

The basics of it was that a chaotic evil Killoren who hated the fact that this chubby dwarven cleric of winter and joy was giving everyone in the surrounding country presents. the only people he skips past though, are the killoren folk. He does this because he respects the killoren way of only using what mother nature provides, but this one, evil bastard isn't content with that explanation.

Cut to the outsider world on the day of solstice's end.....

When they arise in the morning, the children expected to see fanciful things, and the parents a new tool of their trade or some such. But not this year. This year they found only that a small, hissing tree sapling awaited them in their living rooms; its splintery wooden teeth gnashing at them with anger. The PC's are hired by the mayor to go clear out these saplings and find their source. they are easy enough to kill or dispel (I have stats for them somewhere) and when they search through town, they wind up at the very edge of town at a shattered pathway leading up towards the howling mountain range.

Once they report back to the mayor, he informs them that that is where Saint Talvi Syntynyt resides in his fortress of stone. With that said, the mayor offers them a handsome sum of money to make sure the jolly and mysterious dwarf is safe. If they choose to accept, the mayor offers them winter climbing gear, as a natural defense of the saints is that he keeps a snowstorm brewing on the mountain ready to push off hostile intruders.

Now correctly geared, the PC's have to scale the large, snowstormed mountain to reach winterhold; the bastion of joy. The first problem they face is actually getting in; it is a massive, 200 foot stone tower oddly shaped as a tree. if the PC's search around the fore grounds, they see under the fresh powder scenes of blood and battle. The remains of charred and shattered trees cover the ground and pieces of gnome size clothing covered in blood litter the area. A good enough check will find one gnome close to freezing but still alive in the snow. He's at -8, when the PC's find him, so they have to fix him up fast, and once he is, he recants the tale of how the corrupted killoren assaulted winterhold with an army of ancient charred and gnarled trees.

Armed with this knowledge, the gnome tells the party of a secret entrance on the back of the castle; the only problem being that to get to it they will have to weave their way through obstacles 6000 feet above ground during a snowstorm. The PC's can, of course, try and break in the front gate, but that is significantly more difficult.

The inside of the castle is still in progress, but I intended to have the final fight with the killoren being on top of the castle fused with an ancient oak. The dwarf saint is in possession of a helm of opposite alignment and is now chaotic evil and fighting alongside him. The PC's can kill him or save him on their own whim. If they save him, they get a grab out of his artifact bag of holding. If they kill him, well, he's gone and the place crumbles to chaos with no one to lead them.

So, yea, still in the works, but the framework is there if you want to use it.

2013-10-29, 03:33 PM
One of my favorite episodes of Codename: Kids Next Door revolved around the X-Men, reflavored as Christmas-powered Elves, which gave me the idea for the Christmas campaign I ran a few years back. The PC's were a crack team of Snow Elves, deployed by Santa on Christmas Eve to the home of a Gnome child who, in an act of Ultimate Naughtiness, planned to capture the Jolly Old Elf himself, to take control of Santa's List, to rewrite it with himself as the only child on the Nice side. The Gnome had lots of Cleric levels, worshipped Nerul, and was tremendously powerful and evil, in an eight-year-old sort of way. He used a reflavored Animate Dead to bring toys to life, Control Weather to conjure up an impassable blizzard, and Planar Ally to bring in Frosty the Snowman and Jack Frost and bind them to his will. The PC's had a great time, much cocoa and cookies were enjoyed by all.

2013-10-29, 04:23 PM
Something like that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLa66KyaAZU

Make Christmas hilarious, do something not everyone does. You're the DM, you don't have to have a jolly and happy christmas adventure.

Did I mention that I am somewhat bitter about christmas?

2013-10-29, 06:19 PM
Terry Pratchett's Hogfather has some interesting adventure type ideas in it.

2013-10-29, 07:37 PM
I kinda think Santa Claus should have max ranks in escape artist. And every feat that increases it. Seriously. DOWN CHIMNEYS. What's the DC for making it down someone's chimney, anyway?

2013-10-29, 07:39 PM
I kinda think Santa Claus should have max ranks in escape artist. And every feat that increases it. Seriously. DOWN CHIMNEYS. What's the DC for making it down someone's chimney, anyway?

Or maybe Dimensional Door. And it has to have a dragon-esque elemental stomach that fuels his Dimensional Door ability, because of all the cookies and milk.

2013-10-29, 07:46 PM
Adventure to the northern tribe of elves/halflings (they are always so short in every story I know of!) that are ruled by a fat human with a red and white outfit.

EDIT: no, santa has turned evil and bitter because he was fed sour milk and grainy burnt cookies. He is giving everyone Mummies for Christmas, after all, it saves time on wrapping!

2013-10-29, 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by gorfnab
Terry Pratchett's Hogfather has some interesting adventure type ideas in it.

....and here I just read through this whole thread thinking, "Hogfather is perfect for this, I gotta recommend it!"


2013-10-29, 08:17 PM

2013-10-29, 11:12 PM
Small icy crystals dance playfully in the soft chilling breeze. The usual emerald green grass which covers the ground is slowly fading into an ever thickening blanket of snow.

The town of Evergreen, a normally year round tropic, has somehow become a perverbial winter wonderland.Wonderland for any outsider that is. The inhabitants here have never had to deal with such conditions. Few ever have even experienced the sensation of cold like this.

Homes made of light reeds, and thatched palm leaf roofs were all the protection they had from this weather. The elderly, and children are the first to become ill. Coughing and choking with lungs that ached and burned. The fires in the buildings did little to warm them, as the wind blew icy claws that burned the people,s skin with its wicked, non-relenting cold.

Food was becoming more and more scarce as the wild game left to find warmer conditions elsewhere, and the fruit on the trees seemed to wither and spoil. The wild elves here are isolated, and unknown to powers both arcane and divine, as they are secluded and quite primal in their way of life.

The earth had always provided for them and now even the waters had become too cold as the fish had gone to escape the cold. Things worsened day by day as more and more villagers fell ill and some became so ill that death took them away.

Predators who rarely approached the village were attacking the more often as their normal food supply was scarce. It seemed only a matter of time before the people were no more.

A lone man of the cloth, experienced on the ways of the world recieved a vision from his god(ess) _________.A vision that charged him to save these people from a grim fate. The man awoke to find a large celestal reindeer with feathery white wings. He grabbed his holy symbol and mpunted the creature and they flew at amazing speeds to the village.

The traven which would have usually taken months, took no longer than a full night. Upon reaching Evergreen, he dismounted and pulled back his bright red hood. The long white beard upon his chin glowed from the rising sun, giving himself a divine glow. The cold winds had kissed his cheeks a rosey red.

As he walked through the deep snow, his black, silver buckled boots make a hollow crunching sound. The elves looked upon this man with awe and wonder. His rounded belly and jolly smile made him look far from threatening. The man was cautiously approached by several warriors, each weary from sickness wealily point spears and speaking a dialect he had never before heard.

He closes his eyes and sends a silent prayer and the elves language became very clear and understandable. He heard then speak in warnings to keep back. The man spoke to then in their language, "i am Father Nicolas. I am here to help"

Warily they allowed him to enter a main building where most of the villagers huddled together for warmth. A young mother yelled out and began weeping uncontrolably as she held her infant child in her arms. The child no longer lived. But the man went to her side and placed his hand upon his solf golden hair and assured her all would be well.

He placed his hand upon the baby and closed his eyes in prayer. He pled for the power of his dieity to bring back the child from the land beyond death. The entire building was filled with a warn heat, and eyes filled witha splended white light. A moment later he opened his eyed and smiled as the once dead child opened its eyes and cried.

The elves fell to their knees praising Nicolas and his great deed. He only smiled and spoke to them of his deitys powers that returned the child. After conjuring them all a splended feast and healing the sick and wounded, Nicolas set out to find the source of this unnatural occurance.

After twelve days (12 days of christmas) the smow melted away and the land returned to normal. Nicolas however, did not return. It has been nearly a year now and the priests of Nicolas's order need to know what has happened to him.

They hire the players for a search and recover mission. It will take a while for the pc's to get to Evergreen (2 months). But if the pc's have a connection to Nicolas's deity, he (she) may send celestial flying reindeer to expediate their travel to a single night.

A sinister frost mage named Jakk (aka Jack frost) has encased Nicolas in ice, in a sort of suspended animation. His wounds Nicolas inflicted on him was severe and he only recently recovered to encase the area ina a veil of icy death.

Upon returning Nicolas to the clergy, he is revived if the pcs have not the means to do do, and is given the title of ....... wait for it .......
Saint Nicolas.

Not the best christmas story campaign but i just shot it off the hip in 5 minutes.

2013-10-30, 12:36 AM
Source from Wizards of the Coast (warning, PDF): Santa Claus, statted (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/files/santa.pdf).

EDIT: Santa, can I have a new pair of glasses for Christmas?

WoTC devs. Optimizers Extraoridnaire.

Every mortal the Material Plane likes Christmas a lot...

But Asmodeus, Who lived just in the Ninth Layer of Hell of the Material Plane, Did NOT! Asmodeus hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season! Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason. It could be that his head wasn't screwed on quite right. It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight. But I think that the most likely reason of all May have been that his heart was two sizes too small. But, Whatever the reason, His heart or his shoes, He stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the mortals, Staring down from his palace with a sour, Devilish frown At the warm lighted windows below in their plane. For he knew every mortal in the Material Plane Was busy now, hanging a mistleoe wreath. "And they're hanging their stockings!" he snarled with a sneer. "Tomorrow is Christmas! It's practically here!" Then he growled, with his devilish fingers nervously drumming, "I MUST find a way to keep Christmas from coming!" For, tomorrow, he knew... ...All the mortal girls and boys Would wake up bright and early. They'd rush for their toys! And then! Oh, the noise! Oh, the noise! Noise! Noise! Noise! That's one thing he hated! The NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! Then the Whos, young and old, would sit down to a feast. And they'd feast! And they'd feast! And they'd FEAST! FEAST! FEAST! FEAST! They would start on Who-pudding, and rare dwarven-roast-beast Which was something Asmodeus couldn't stand in the least! And THEN They'd do something he liked least of all! Every mortal in the Material Plane, the tall and the small, Would stand close together, with Christmas bells ringing. They'd stand hand-in-hand. And the mortals would start singing! They'd sing! And they'd sing! AND they'd SING! SING! SING! SING! And the more Asmodeus thought of the Mortal-Christmas-Sing The more Asmodeus thought, "I must stop this whole thing! "Why for fifty-three thousand years I've put up with it now! I MUST stop Christmas from coming! ...But HOW?"

... And in the end, the PCs defeat Asmodeus, and rescue Santa. In an act of compassion, and to teach Asmodeus the true meaning of Christmas, Santa gives Asmodeus a present. Asmodeus' face lights up with joy and wonder...

... and then a sneer, as he reveals that his entire elaborate plan was to make people question the merits of the gift-giving season by having the Lord of Nessus receive a voluntarily-given gift from a benevolent being, and bwa ha ha and all that.

Seriously. Did you think this adventure would have a moral or something?

I love you.