View Full Version : Need Gestalt Help Wizard/Fighter Hybrid

2013-10-29, 11:29 AM
I need help with multiple things. First Id like to make a Wizard/fighter hybrid so far my thoughts were mainly focusing on polymorphing itself to fight. I was going to go with a warforged with the mithral body feat as my race. I can become able to cast using the Armored Mage alternate class feature in complete mage. The character can fully support itself by healing itself with repair light damage using my wizard casting. the character is for the most part fully able to support and sustain itself in a battle. So i'm looking for more help to see if there's anyway I can still get full casting and most fighting abilities. I can use most of the books and i'm looking for up to a level 6 idea. you can change race and classes if you'd like and any suggestions would be awesome. If I multiclass at later levels I need to have a reason why unless its obvious. Aka Level 1 Wizard/Fighter 1 wants to go to level 2 Wizard/Fighter 1/ Warblade 1 i'd have to meet a travelling warblade on the road who'd be willing to teach me. Generally you can only find the players handbook classes in my dm's world without looking for days or travelling for weeks.

Please keep to the Complete series of books, Players Handbooks, Dragon Magic, Draconomicon, Dungeonscape, Heroes of Horror, Libris Mortis, MH, Races of: Destiney, Faerun, Stone, Dragon, Wild, and Eberron, Tome of Battle Tome of Magic and Unearthed Arcana.