View Full Version : Feat combination?

2013-10-29, 11:57 AM
I wanted to inquire about a combination of feats- Great Cleave and Spring Attack. I've got a character (an evolutionist) who's got a ridiculously high speed, and would potentially be able to charge into a bunch of mooks, clearing out a room at a rapid pace if they were low-enough level. I know that for Great Cleave to work, you aren't allowed to take a five-foot step, and that this sort of thing is usually up to the DM, but would you allow it if I was one of your PCs?

2013-10-29, 12:07 PM
in mine I wouldn't. I think I know what you're going for. The Anime Samurai who charges into a group of bad guys and suddenly theres a flash of light and th sound of steel striking steel and cut back to the Samurai as he's either posing or sheathing his sword as they all fall to the ground. Unfortunately I think that sort of ability entails something much more powerful that a level 8 fighter could attain.

Frienzied Berserker in the complete warrior gets Supreme Cleave which enables you to take a single 5 foot step during a cleave action. There's probably an ability in Tome of Battle that'll duplicate what you're looking for. I still haven't made it too far through that book.

2013-10-29, 12:08 PM
Pathfinder has the Cleave Through (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/arg-feats/cleave-through-combat-dwarf) feat to let you do that. It's a Dwarven technique, but you can apply it to other races with DM approval per ARG 17.

2013-10-29, 12:09 PM
Depends on context.

If you are a lonely melee in a party of high-tier character, eg. a Fighter in a party of Sorcerer, Wizard, Clerics and Druid, melee needs some love, and I'd be inclined to throw you a bone (of course, I would, first-things-first, to try and prevent such unbalanced party from existing, but that's another story)

But, if the party is Barbarian, Warlock, Bard, Crusader, Ranger, then melee doesn't need any boosts, and everything can be played straight.

2013-10-29, 12:18 PM
A 10th level Dervish can do exactly what you're describing.

2013-10-29, 12:23 PM
The old Master Samurai PrC had Supreme Cleave to accomplish something like this.