View Full Version : LGBTAI+ LGBTAIitP #44: Quick, We Need To Vote A New Title!

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2013-10-29, 07:23 PM
Hello, hello, welcome, one and all, to the forty-fourth iteration of our thread, the humble LGBTAI in the playground thread!

The AI is for All-Inclusive, because we have only so much space but everyone, regardless of orientation, direction, letter, acronym or chosen astrological symbol is welcome here! Also, because Rawhide and his fellow synthetic intelligences are welcome, both because we love and respect them and because, since they ARE the system, we can't keep them out :smalltongue:

We do, unfortunately, have a few rules. We are not an anarchical state! Or, a state at all, but shush.

1. We are primarily a support thread.
This means that the primary focus should be in helping people here feel better; about themselves, about their lives, about their problems. We are also an education thread, but when helping someone learn involves not supporting, we will default to support - Mostly. We are only mostly human, after all.

2. If you want answers to Trigger topics, spoiler-box or privately ask them.
This relates to the above. If you want to ask questions debate, and your responses, or a side response, or something involves not being supportive/active antagonism, spoiler it and LABEL YOUR SPOILERS CLEARLY.

Triggery topics will be listed here, when I can get them straight. (hahaha straight)

3. Avoid discussing Politics or Religion.
It doesn't matter how much these two topics intersect with our forum topic, they are verboten. Sometimes, hints are... Looked over, such as "man, in my countery being gay sucks", but detail is right out, and even that could be considered willful disregard. Be Careful. As the moderators themselves often say, if you aren't sure, Don't.

4. Do not Discuss Moral Justification.
No one here is going to discuss whether or not it's Right" or "Okay" to be LGBTAEIOUsometimesY or anything else. It's not topical, it's not relevant. We are, and we are here to cope with that and with the stresses it causes.
And no, my joking acronym doesn't constitute considering this rule less important.

5. Do Not Post Sexually Explicit Content.
It's against forum rules, it's against decorum, and it will get us shut down pretty fast. What adults do behind closed doors is cool, and allusion is fine. Anything that could involve a diagram, though? No.

6. Again, Spoiler-box [Trigger] topics.
This gets a second mention for it's more specific uses. If someone, even just that one individual person, has a problem with a topic, because it stirs demons best left in their pit, Do. Not. Bring. It. Up. Publically. Use a spoilerbox, and think carefully about whether this is the place to broach the topic at all.

This particular rule includes casual and glorified violence, corporal punishment, and in-relationship rape. Which I would hope fell under politics and sex enough they wouldn't come up anyway, but hey.

Private Consultation.

Due to past fall-out, we now have a lsit of people whoa re willing and able to discuss topics that may not be thread-appropriate but are still topical. They can be reached by Personal Message (PM), thought they may not respond immediately, or may be on sabbatical.

Name: Especially familiar with the topic(s) of
KenderWizard: General/basics, gender and feminism, bisexuality
Musashi: General/basics, asexuality/demisexuality, depression
noparlpf: General/basics, asexuality, greysexuality, biology, Skype
Lea Plath: Genderfluidity
Lycunadari: Genderqueer and agendered
Eldest: General/basics, bisexuality, polyamory, pansexuality will Skype(voice if needed, no video)
HMS Sophia: Trans stuff (esp hormones)
Lix Lorn: General/basics
Tanail: Trans stuff (esp emotional issues), Skype(no voice or video, however)
Absol197: Gender identity issues
Warkitty: Academic/technical discussions
Lentrax: General/basics, depression, bullying
Wormwood74: Transgender legal issues, transgender outside contacts
Astrella: GSRM rights, feminism, trans stuff, Skype
Asteron Questar: Relationships, depression
Mystic Muse: Skype-y goodness.
Socratov: Skype-ness
Chess435: Skype
Irish Musician: PM, Rants/Venting
Metditto: PM/Skype for L, T, GQ, BDSM(Off-thread or Spoiler Triggered), demisexual, feminism, therapy, depression, dissociative identities
inuyasha: Shoulder on which to cry, someone to listen
Partysan: PM/Skype, polyamory, pansexuality, BDSM(Off-thread or Spoiler Triggered), Rants/Venting
TaiLiu: General Transgender information, transphobia.

Some people are also willing to talk off-board, through Skype or email or other means; this is especially useful if your question involves board-forbidden topics such as religion or politics. Also, we can't (and ethically shouldn't!) give medical advice. If you need medical advice, please see a professional!

And as a parting note, I will say that even though moderators do not read PMs, they are still part of the forum and still subject to forums rules. Non-allowed topics and discussion should NOT be conducted via PM.

Previous Incarnations

Like the Glorious and Unconquered Sun, we have risen, lived, died, and risen anew, with many faces, many voices, many hearts. In this past, much can be found, both good, and bad, should one be brave or perhaps, foolish, enough to seek it.

LGBT people in the playground

LGBT people in the playground - part II

LGBTitp - part III

LGBTitp 4: We are a family?

LGBTitp - Part Five

LGBTitp - Part Six

LGBTitp - Part Seven

LGBTitp - Part Eight

LGBTitp - Part Nine

LGBTAitp - Part Ten

LGBTAitp - Part Eleven

LGBTAitp - Part Twelve

LGBTAitp - Part Thirteen

LGBTAitp - Part Fourteen

LGBTAitp - Part Fifteen

LGBTAitp - Part Sixteen

LGBTAitp - Part Seventeen

LGBTAitp - Part Eighteen!

LGBTAitp - Part Nineteen

LGBTAitp - Part Twenty - Critical Hit!

LGBTAitp - Part Twenty-One - BLACKJACK!

LGBTAitP Part 22: The Best There Is

LGBTAitP Part 23: Et tu, ~Bianca?

LGBTAitP: Alphabet Soup-with 24 different Vitamins!

LGBTAitP part 25: Doing Away With Subtitles

LGBTAitP 26: No Time For Snappy Titles

LGBTAitP 27: Of Shoes, and Ships, and Sealing Wax

LGBTAitP #28: Come Taste the Rainbow!

LGBTAitP #29: The Rainbow Outreach Program

LGBTAitP 30: Free Cuddles (Enquire Within)

LGBTAitP #31: Cuddles Are On Back Order. Have Some Snuggles!

LGBTAitp #32: The Great Plushie Invasion!

LGBTAitp #33: The Thread at the End of the Rainbow!

LGTAitP #34: <3!!

LGBTAitp #35: What Midlife Crisis? :3

LGBTAitp #36: May Contain Bites!

LGBTAitP #37: Once upon a time...

LGBTAitP #38: Once More With Feeling!!

LGBTAitP #38: Making Your Way in the World Today....

LGBTAitP #40: Technicolour Partyboat

LGBTAitp #41 - Imprecise Terminology Supercenter

LGBTAitp #42: Better Than Skittles/The Meaning of Life!

LGBTAitp #43 [Insert snappy subtitle here]

LGBTAIitP #44: Quick, We Need To Vote A New Title!

LGBTAIitP #45: Rainbow Anarchy

And, for reference, here is a list of commonly used words and definitions by our community. Please understand that this list is currently undergoing construction right now. Any contributions to the list are appreciated.
Lagerbeta: A fine brewski to be drunk by queers and allies.

LGBT: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*

Trans*: Transsexual and Transgender, with the asterisk denoting that the trans- prefix could be followed by any number of appropriate words. Short hand.

LGBTA: LGBT+Asexual/Allies

Q - Queer and Questioning
U - Unidentified
I - Intersex
L - Lesbian
T - Transgender, Transexual
B - Bisexual
A - Asexual
G - Gay, Genderqueer

Allies: Hetereosexual-Cisgender people who support equality for sexual, gender, and romantic minorities.

Male-to-Female (MtF): Someone who was assigned male at birth, but is female. (AKA: trans woman)

Female-to-Male (FtM): Someone who was assigned female at birth, but is male. (AKA: trans man)

Genderqueer (GQ): Someone who is not of a binary gender; someone who is not male or female.

Cisgender (CG): Somebody whose gender and sex align.

Transgender/Transsexual: Two words commonly used in reference to a person whose sex(body) and gender(mind) are at odds or do not match. Transsexual can also be used to refer specifically to someone who desires to change their physical traits to align with their gender.

HRT: Hormone replacement therapy. MtF's take more progestrogens and oestrogens and FtM's take more testosterone (I think?)

SRS: Sex Reassignment Surgery: Surgery to replace/transform a vagina into a penis, or vice versa depending on direction. Mastectomies or plastic surgery may be used on breasts.

FFS: Facial Feminization Surgery: Surgery to reduce chin/nose/cheekbones. Uncommon.

AFAB/AMAB: Assigned Female/Male at Birth

FAAB/MAAB: Female/Male Assigned at Birth.

Man: A cisman or transman. Male.

Woman: A ciswoman or transwoman. Female.

Androgyne: Gender Identity with male and female aspects.

Genderfluid: Someone who fluctuates between different genders.

Agendered: Someone who lacks a gender.

Third-gendered: Someone who fits in a local society's third gender, usually male performing female tasks, occasionally vice versa.

Masculine: Something generally associated with men.

Feminine: Something generally associated with women.

Lesbian: A woman who is attracted to women.

Gay: A man who is attracted to men.

Homosexual: A person who is attracted to members of their gender.

Heterosexual: A person who is attracted to members of the opposite gender.

Androsexual: A person who is attracted to men.

Gynosexual: A person who is attracted to women.

Bisexual: Complicated, but to use noparlpf definition: 1. attracted to two genders; 2. attracted to one's own gender and another gender; 3. attracted to various genders; 4. attracted to people regardless of gender; 5. ask the person who says they're bi what exactly they mean by that. See also Pansexual

Pansexual: A person who is attracted to people regardless of gender. See also Bisexual

Asexual: A person who does not feel any/some sexual attraction.

Demisexual: A person who is sexually attracted to someone(s) they have formed an intense emotional relationship with.

Polyamorous: A person who is interested in a relationship with more than one person.

Sexual Orientation: How one identifies who they are attracted to.

Gender Identity: How one feels inside society's idea of "man, woman, or other". (GI)

Gender Expression: How one expresses their GI to society. (GE)

Significant Other(s): Person you are in a relationship with. (SO)

Webcomics that touch on... Well, everything related to the thread.
Venus Envy. (http://www.venusenvycomic.com/) Long dead webcomic. The creator has chosen not to continue it and move forward in life.
Rain. (http://rain.thecomicseries.com/comics/first/) A story of a MtF girl in high school.
Khaos Komix. (http://www.khaoskomix.com/)As the creator puts it(from his site): "A complete GLBTWTFBBQ comic about gender and sexuality. (Trigger warnings for EVERYTHING and nothing is safe for work.)"
Always Raining Here. (http://alwaysraininghere.com/index.php/first-page/) "Adrian is heartsick, Carter is horny. This is a story about their misadventures as awkward teenagers as they fumble through unrequited romances."
Tripping over you. (http://trippingoveryou.com/comic/gmorning-sunshine/)An awkward blind date leads to better options.
Questionable Content. (http://www.questionablecontent.net/) The LGBTA characters are well done, and not stereotypes.
What's normal anyway. (http://whatsnormalanyway.net/?p=93) An FtM webcomic. Seems decent so far.
Princess. (http://the-princess.funonthe.net/) A webcomic.
Twokinds. (http://twokinds.keenspot.com/) Keveak: "It generally portrays GRSM matters positively and is quite a nice tale overall."
Misfile (Misfile.com) The Rose Dragon: "Ash is a young boy who, as a result of a screw-up in Heaven, gets stuck in a girl's body in a life he doesn't recognize, and has to deal with the changes and challenges of his new body while trying to get back his old life. Supernatural hijinks and car racing are involved."
I know I missed a few webcomics, and if anyone finds more, feel free to PM them to me with a brief description, and I will add them.

The Brand New LGBTA Arts & Crafts Thread! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=288941)

This will be made beautiful in time, like a growing flower, a rich wine, or, date I say, like we ourselves? Though one must never think that they are not sufficient as they are. Base 0 is important! Let the revelries begin! And also the continued debates! XD

2013-10-29, 07:27 PM
Mmm, that new thread smell!!! I love that smell. :smallsmile:

2013-10-29, 07:30 PM
I vote for Rainbow Anarchy because no reason other than I couldn't think of anything else.

*smells the new thread*

Strangely peachy today.


2013-10-29, 07:31 PM
It smells like a clean hotel room.

I also vote for Rainbow Anarchy, by the way, just 'cause the mental image is hilarious.

2013-10-29, 07:36 PM
"Quick, We Need To Vote A New Title!" has my vote.

2013-10-29, 07:41 PM
Yay, new thread! I also like Rainbow Anarchy.

2013-10-29, 07:42 PM
Quick, We Need To Vote A New Rainbow Anarchy!
Formerly Naked Dragon With Poor Eyesight Running Away From Pie

2013-10-29, 07:46 PM
I would take another look at the boilerplate, there, Siuis...
First sentance, specifically.

Brazen Shield
2013-10-29, 07:52 PM
SiuiS has been told about the typo. >_> I was ignored.

2013-10-29, 07:54 PM
Fine. You win. I'm your bogeyman. All of our death rituals are undeniably and inarguably for the dead alone and the people involved in the obituary all deseve whatever horrible fate is in store for them as evil bigots.

That's not our point. Note that a lot of people who are mourning also aren't happy with trans people being misgendered at their death or queer relationships being denied and stuff like that. I'd be really upset if one of my trans friends got misgendered at their death.

2013-10-29, 07:56 PM
SiuiS has been told about the typo. >_> I was ignored.

that's kinda funny. :smallbiggrin:

Brazen Shield
2013-10-29, 08:01 PM
that's kinda funny. :smallbiggrin:

Yeah, right? XD

Also, for posterity.


I would also like to point out that I am not wearing makeup. >_>

2013-10-29, 08:03 PM
That's not our point. Note that a lot of people who are mourning also aren't happy with trans people being misgendered at their death or queer relationships being denied and stuff like that. I'd be really upset if one of my trans friends got misgendered at their death.

This. Specifically, because that invalidates them as a person who had unique thoughts and feelings, and in death pushes them into the exact same box they'd spent their entire lives trying to escape. Funerals and wakes are all meant for the living to pay their respects to the dead, so the least they could do is show that goddamn respect.

2013-10-29, 08:03 PM
Sigh. I guess it's true that you never hear anything good about yourself by eavesdropping.

Just overheard mum on the phone to someone - don't know who but I'm guessing either her mother or her closest friend - talking about our argument. She still doesn't understand why it was hurtful, why I took it harder than any of my siblings would have. And as for my point about pregnancy, she was saying things like "no, she's not expressed any interest in it before, except briefly last year she was talking about uterus transplants starting to happen, and now I'm supposed to be all 'poor hard-done-by Tam, never going to have a baby'", and "She's becoming a girl, she's eventually going to be surgically altered into being a girl. That wouldn't have been possible a hundred years ago, don't tell me she's so unfortunate because she can't get pregnant."

I would dearly love to bear a child some day. If the chance came along, and I was in a stable and long term relationship, I would jump at it with barely a second thought. But I haven't set my sights on it as a goal, because it's not possible. Why set myself up for disappointment by aiming at the unattainable? That doesn't mean I don't want it, it just means I haven't talked to her about it because there's no point in entertaining fantasies. Bah.

2013-10-29, 08:07 PM
Again, for what it's worth, you've got my empathy there. As much as children (and the idea of having them) scares the **** out of me, I just feel...incomplete, like the whole thing behind transitioning is pointless in a way, because I won't ever have that chance to begin with. Granted, sometimes I see it as a huge advantage for me--not having to worry about periods or complications from pregnancies--but then I feel like an ******* because of the "you're not a real woman if you don't want that/can't do it" rhetoric getting to me. As if all women automatically want kids, and someone who's born female automatically wants to be a guy because they don't. ****ing hypocrisy.

2013-10-29, 08:12 PM
Yeah, right? XD

Also, for posterity.

http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h458/brazenshield/FD103B9C-19A5-42A6-AD91-D56B580ED1EC-865-000000B323021800_zps6d2acc78.jpgI would also like to point out that I am not wearing makeup. >_>
Nice! Notably, I don't this SiuiS posted her photo. :smalltongue:

Sigh. I guess it's true that you never hear anything good about yourself by eavesdropping.

Just overheard mum on the phone to someone - don't know who but I'm guessing either her mother or her closest friend - talking about our argument. She still doesn't understand why it was hurtful, why I took it harder than any of my siblings would have. And as for my point about pregnancy, she was saying things like "no, she's not expressed any interest in it before, except briefly last year she was talking about uterus transplants starting to happen, and now I'm supposed to be all 'poor hard-done-by Tam, never going to have a baby'", and "She's becoming a girl, she's eventually going to be surgically altered into being a girl. That wouldn't have been possible a hundred years ago, don't tell me she's so unfortunate because she can't get pregnant."

I would dearly love to bear a child some day. If the chance came along, and I was in a stable and long term relationship, I would jump at it with barely a second thought. But I haven't set my sights on it as a goal, because it's not possible. Why set myself up for disappointment by aiming at the unattainable? That doesn't mean I don't want it, it just means I haven't talked to her about it because there's no point in entertaining fantasies. Bah.
Yikes. You have my sympathises.

2013-10-29, 08:13 PM
I really wish I could give birth. I've cried to sleep several times considering it too long.

2013-10-29, 08:14 PM
I really wish I could give birth. I've cried to sleep several times considering it too long.
You have my sympathies too, comrade QueerKitty.

Brazen Shield
2013-10-29, 08:16 PM
Don't hold your breath waiting for Si to post a picture.
>_> Something about evil and cameras stealing souls...

2013-10-29, 08:20 PM
Don't hold your breath waiting for Si to post a picture.
>_> Something about evil and cameras stealing souls...
Oh? Well, I can't say I blame her - cameras can be quite dangerous!

Also, what happened to your signature?

Brazen Shield
2013-10-29, 08:28 PM
Oh? Well, I can't say I blame her - cameras can be quite dangerous!

Also, what happened to your signature?

Oh! It's really long and relationship-y and colorful so I don't post it often. Sometimes it also makes the last thing I say look like it is a part of it and that last thing is sometimes missed.
I also forgot to tell the forum not to include it a lot, so most of my edits are "'Shoot! Get rid of the siggy!"

2013-10-29, 08:31 PM
Mine is another vote for Rainbow Anarchy.

Updates: Came out to another friend. Best decision ever. :smallsmile: She was extraordinarily sweet and supportive and everything. She said... too many good things for my registering them. Her first reaction was sheer sweetness, not shock or anything like that. She said that she was happy for me, that I was strong and courageous to do this, that I could count on her, and many other things like that. And we hugged. All the good things I could expect happened, as well as many others that I didn't. She promised to lend me make-up for doing my eyes, because she can't accompany me to buy some before my appointment on Thursday.

She ordered me a start up make-up kit. Adressed to my real name. I cried. I really did. I never cry, normally, and yet I did.


This being absurdly good conditionning... maybe I could even come out to most people by next week?

Otherwise... For the past three days, I've always presented as female. I'm not saying I presented as female all day long, but I wore female clothes and make-up for hours at a time outside the house (buying groceries, going at the library, shopping, etc.). Yesterday, I even was on campus as female, even though I went only to places where no one knows me.

I bought bras yesterday, more specifically push-up bras, to create the illusion that I actually have (very small) breast. It's surprisingly effective. Well, to me at least.

Got misgendered at the library counter, but whatever. Today, I don't care.

Mrr, just had a somewhat draining not-quite-argument with mum.

A couple of things have gone wrong that have resulted in our plans for tomorrow being thrown up in the air. Mum asked why I wasn't worrying about it, and I said that because I couldn't do anything to affect the outcome, worrying was unproductive, so I wasn't. Her response to that was "You're not female."

Half an hour later, I understand that it wasn't meant maliciously. She says she'd have said the exact same thing to either of my sisters if they'd displayed the same ability, or reversed to my dad or my brother if they'd displayed a stereotypically female skill. But it hurt, and when I told her it hurt she didn't understand why. She tried to explain herself, and why I shouldn't take it badly, and it just sounded like a justification. All I wanted was for her to understand that she'd hurt me, and apologise. I didn't care that she hadn't meant it badly. I didn't care why she said it. I just wanted an acknowledgement that it had hurt.

When I pointed out to her that her status and my sisters' status as female is not in question, and mine is, I was treated to a rant about how I had no idea how hard it was to not be able to get pregnant for years, of not being able to breastfeed, of hearing people say "all women can breastfeed". Pointing out that someday I'll know all those heartaches intimately was not received well.

Never in my life before have I wished that I couldn't do something. Now I do. :smallsigh:

I understand what you feel. I don't have anything more to say.

In any case, transgender or not, this kind of comment is sexist.

2013-10-29, 08:31 PM
Oh! It's really long and relationship-y and colorful so I don't post it often. Sometimes it also makes the last thing I say look like it is a part of it and that last thing is sometimes missed.
I also forgot to tell the forum not to include it a lot, so most of my edits are "'Shoot! Get rid of the siggy!"
Oh, I see! Let me try it...

2013-10-29, 08:34 PM
Sigh. I guess it's true that you never hear anything good about yourself by eavesdropping.

Just overheard mum on the phone to someone - don't know who but I'm guessing either her mother or her closest friend - talking about our argument. She still doesn't understand why it was hurtful, why I took it harder than any of my siblings would have. And as for my point about pregnancy, she was saying things like "no, she's not expressed any interest in it before, except briefly last year she was talking about uterus transplants starting to happen, and now I'm supposed to be all 'poor hard-done-by Tam, never going to have a baby'", and "She's becoming a girl, she's eventually going to be surgically altered into being a girl. That wouldn't have been possible a hundred years ago, don't tell me she's so unfortunate because she can't get pregnant."

I would dearly love to bear a child some day. If the chance came along, and I was in a stable and long term relationship, I would jump at it with barely a second thought. But I haven't set my sights on it as a goal, because it's not possible. Why set myself up for disappointment by aiming at the unattainable? That doesn't mean I don't want it, it just means I haven't talked to her about it because there's no point in entertaining fantasies. Bah.

I really wish I could give birth. I've cried to sleep several times considering it too long.

I am so sorry you two, if you ever wish to just talk to some one you can always PM me. and once I get Skype and a camera that to. you have my love. *hugs*

Don't hold your breath waiting for Si to post a picture.
>_> Something about evil and cameras stealing souls...

damn and here I was hoping to see a Pic of you two together. :smallbiggrin:

Brazen Shield
2013-10-29, 08:39 PM
damn and here I was hoping to see a Pic of you two together. :smallbiggrin:

Ah, well see. That wouldn't work either >~<
Si has this sixth sense about when I'm taking a selfie. I don't do it often, but Si just knows. Getting the brat in a picture with me has become almost a game.
Also.... The only picture I have of us, my breasts are bigger than anything else in the picture. It's super embarrassing.

2013-10-29, 08:42 PM
it will happen one day. and then you will have captured Si's soul MUHAHAHAHAHA. that's my evil laugh.

2013-10-29, 08:44 PM
Yeah, right? XD

Also, for posterity.


I would also like to point out that I am not wearing makeup. >_>

You are lucky. :smalltongue:

2013-10-29, 08:47 PM
Also, for posterity.


I would also like to point out that I am not wearing makeup. >_>
Looks good!

Brazen Shield
2013-10-29, 08:49 PM
it will happen one day. and then you will have captured Si's soul MUHAHAHAHAHA. that's my evil laugh.

I like it ~

You are lucky. :smalltongue:

To be fair, SiuiS is just as attractive. Camera-shy, but very pretty.

Looks good!

Thank you, very much. I'm working on learning the art of makeup though. My mother was never one to wear it and thus neither was I.

2013-10-29, 08:50 PM
Mine is another vote for Rainbow Anarchy.

Updates: Came out to another friend. Best decision ever. :smallsmile: She was extraordinarily sweet and supportive and everything. She said... too many good things for my registering them. Her first reaction was sheer sweetness, not shock or anything like that. She said that she was happy for me, that I was strong and courageous to do this, that I could count on her, and many other things like that. And we hugged. All the good things I could expect happened, as well as many others that I didn't. She promised to lend me make-up for doing my eyes, because she can't accompany me to buy some before my appointment on Thursday.

She ordered me a start up make-up kit. Adressed to my real name. I cried. I really did. I never cry, normally, and yet I did.


This being absurdly good conditionning... maybe I could even come out to most people by next week?

Otherwise... For the past three days, I've always presented as female. I'm not saying I presented as female all day long, but I wore female clothes and make-up for hours at a time outside the house (buying groceries, going at the library, shopping, etc.). Yesterday, I even was on campus as female, even though I went only to places where no one knows me.

I bought bras yesterday, more specifically push-up bras, to create the illusion that I actually have (very small) breast. It's surprisingly effective. Well, to me at least.

Got misgendered at the library counter, but whatever. Today, I don't care.

Ah! You are taking leaps and bounds, comrade!

To be fair, SiuiS is just as attractive. Camera-shy, but very pretty.
Also, very green!

2013-10-29, 08:56 PM
Sigh. I guess it's true that you never hear anything good about yourself by eavesdropping.

Just overheard mum on the phone to someone - don't know who but I'm guessing either her mother or her closest friend - talking about our argument. She still doesn't understand why it was hurtful, why I took it harder than any of my siblings would have. And as for my point about pregnancy, she was saying things like "no, she's not expressed any interest in it before, except briefly last year she was talking about uterus transplants starting to happen, and now I'm supposed to be all 'poor hard-done-by Tam, never going to have a baby'", and "She's becoming a girl, she's eventually going to be surgically altered into being a girl. That wouldn't have been possible a hundred years ago, don't tell me she's so unfortunate because she can't get pregnant."

I would dearly love to bear a child some day. If the chance came along, and I was in a stable and long term relationship, I would jump at it with barely a second thought. But I haven't set my sights on it as a goal, because it's not possible. Why set myself up for disappointment by aiming at the unattainable? That doesn't mean I don't want it, it just means I haven't talked to her about it because there's no point in entertaining fantasies. Bah.

That's... really insensitive of hers. :/ I'm sorry, hon. :smallfrown: Like, really, that's just... close to mocking your feelings.

I really wish I could give birth. I've cried to sleep several times considering it too long.

*offers hugs*

Yeah... I don't really care about blood ties that much and would mostly just like to be a mom, but lingering too long on pregnancy tends to upset me pretty hard. :s

Mine is another vote for Rainbow Anarchy.

Updates: Came out to another friend. Best decision ever. :smallsmile: She was extraordinarily sweet and supportive and everything. She said... too many good things for my registering them. Her first reaction was sheer sweetness, not shock or anything like that. She said that she was happy for me, that I was strong and courageous to do this, that I could count on her, and many other things like that. And we hugged. All the good things I could expect happened, as well as many others that I didn't. She promised to lend me make-up for doing my eyes, because she can't accompany me to buy some before my appointment on Thursday.

She ordered me a start up make-up kit. Adressed to my real name. I cried. I really did. I never cry, normally, and yet I did.


This being absurdly good conditionning... maybe I could even come out to most people by next week?

Otherwise... For the past three days, I've always presented as female. I'm not saying I presented as female all day long, but I wore female clothes and make-up for hours at a time outside the house (buying groceries, going at the library, shopping, etc.). Yesterday, I even was on campus as female, even though I went only to places where no one knows me.

I bought bras yesterday, more specifically push-up bras, to create the illusion that I actually have (very small) breast. It's surprisingly effective. Well, to me at least.

Got misgendered at the library counter, but whatever. Today, I don't care.


I understand what you feel. I don't have anything more to say.

In any case, transgender or not, this kind of comment is sexist.

So glad things are going well for you. :smallsmile:

2013-10-29, 08:59 PM
I am sexually and romantically attracted only to kitchen supplies.

That's right, I"m Pansexual.

Proud Tortoise
2013-10-29, 08:59 PM
Mine is another vote for Rainbow Anarchy.

Updates: Came out to another friend. Best decision ever. :smallsmile: She was extraordinarily sweet and supportive and everything. She said... too many good things for my registering them. Her first reaction was sheer sweetness, not shock or anything like that. She said that she was happy for me, that I was strong and courageous to do this, that I could count on her, and many other things like that. And we hugged. All the good things I could expect happened, as well as many others that I didn't. She promised to lend me make-up for doing my eyes, because she can't accompany me to buy some before my appointment on Thursday.

She ordered me a start up make-up kit. Adressed to my real name. I cried. I really did. I never cry, normally, and yet I did.


This being absurdly good conditionning... maybe I could even come out to most people by next week?

Otherwise... For the past three days, I've always presented as female. I'm not saying I presented as female all day long, but I wore female clothes and make-up for hours at a time outside the house (buying groceries, going at the library, shopping, etc.). Yesterday, I even was on campus as female, even though I went only to places where no one knows me.

I bought bras yesterday, more specifically push-up bras, to create the illusion that I actually have (very small) breast. It's surprisingly effective. Well, to me at least.

Got misgendered at the library counter, but whatever. Today, I don't care.


I understand what you feel. I don't have anything more to say.

In any case, transgender or not, this kind of comment is sexist.

:smallsmile: :smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin: :smallsmile:

2013-10-29, 09:05 PM
I am sexually and romantically attracted only to kitchen supplies.

That's right, I"m Pansexual.
Huh. Interesting...

2013-10-29, 09:08 PM
Sigh. I guess it's true that you never hear anything good about yourself by eavesdropping.

Just overheard mum on the phone to someone - don't know who but I'm guessing either her mother or her closest friend - talking about our argument. She still doesn't understand why it was hurtful, why I took it harder than any of my siblings would have. And as for my point about pregnancy, she was saying things like "no, she's not expressed any interest in it before, except briefly last year she was talking about uterus transplants starting to happen, and now I'm supposed to be all 'poor hard-done-by Tam, never going to have a baby'", and "She's becoming a girl, she's eventually going to be surgically altered into being a girl. That wouldn't have been possible a hundred years ago, don't tell me she's so unfortunate because she can't get pregnant."

I would dearly love to bear a child some day. If the chance came along, and I was in a stable and long term relationship, I would jump at it with barely a second thought. But I haven't set my sights on it as a goal, because it's not possible. Why set myself up for disappointment by aiming at the unattainable? That doesn't mean I don't want it, it just means I haven't talked to her about it because there's no point in entertaining fantasies. Bah.

I guess it's like some guys understanding feminism, it's easy to focus on the "Well at least you don't..." or "Well at least *you* can...." rather than seeing it from their point of view and things they *can't* get/have/do?

Either way, that's crap. *Hugs*
My hope is that by the time we grow old, biotech will be good enough to grow us whole new bodies to whatever our specifications are, or at least be good enough to extend out lives until that point.
So you know, maybe science will have an answer.

And just reposting this in case you didn't see my reply.

Mrr, just had a somewhat draining not-quite-argument with mum.

A couple of things have gone wrong that have resulted in our plans for tomorrow being thrown up in the air. Mum asked why I wasn't worrying about it, and I said that because I couldn't do anything to affect the outcome, worrying was unproductive, so I wasn't. Her response to that was "You're not female."

Half an hour later, I understand that it wasn't meant maliciously. She says she'd have said the exact same thing to either of my sisters if they'd displayed the same ability, or reversed to my dad or my brother if they'd displayed a stereotypically female skill. But it hurt, and when I told her it hurt she didn't understand why. She tried to explain herself, and why I shouldn't take it badly, and it just sounded like a justification. All I wanted was for her to understand that she'd hurt me, and apologise. I didn't care that she hadn't meant it badly. I didn't care why she said it. I just wanted an acknowledgement that it had hurt.

When I pointed out to her that her status and my sisters' status as female is not in question, and mine is, I was treated to a rant about how I had no idea how hard it was to not be able to get pregnant for years, of not being able to breastfeed, of hearing people say "all women can breastfeed". Pointing out that someday I'll know all those heartaches intimately was not received well.

Never in my life before have I wished that I couldn't do something. Now I do. :smallsigh:

Well that sucks :(

If it helps, both my mum and I do the same thing, "Can't affect it, don't let it bother you".

2013-10-29, 09:08 PM
I am sexually and romantically attracted only to kitchen supplies.

That's right, I"m Pansexual.


2013-10-29, 09:19 PM

I didn't want to comment on it

2013-10-29, 09:25 PM
I am sexually and romantically attracted only to kitchen supplies.

That's right, I"m Pansexual.

I don't know if I should laugh or cringe. So I'll do both :smallbiggrin::smallannoyed:

Brazen Shield
2013-10-29, 09:53 PM
Though watch it.

2013-10-29, 09:59 PM
It's important to not just not actively discriminate, but also actively support. (http://thelexiecon.wordpress.com/2013/10/30/silence-hides-violence/)

2013-10-29, 10:00 PM
I didn't want to comment on it

I did comment on it, then I decided this natural comedian wasn't worth anybody's time.

2013-10-29, 10:02 PM
I did comment on it, then I decided this natural comedian wasn't worth anybody's time.

I didn't know that could offend anyone. lol.

2013-10-29, 10:04 PM
I didn't know that could offend anyone. lol.
My, is that kitten pressed up against the lens [of the camera]?

2013-10-29, 10:06 PM
My, is that kitten pressed up against the lens [of the camera]?

I doubt it. It looks too cute.

2013-10-29, 10:08 PM
Too cute to refute!

2013-10-29, 10:09 PM
I doubt it. It looks too cute.
Yes, but look at the nose and between the eyes. It looks squeezed.

2013-10-29, 10:16 PM
I would take another look at the boilerplate, there, Siuis...
First sentance, specifically.

It existed as a template for me to pull from, little more. One does not point out extra girders at a construction site! ;)

Nice! Notably, I don't this SiuiS posted her photo. :smalltongue:

Nope! I have three pictures of me that are feminine enough to show, and 0 that are forum appropriate.

You are lucky. :smalltongue:

Yes! It's because I'm Irish. n.n

Mine is another vote for Rainbow Anarchy.

Looks like the clear winner, really.

Updates: Came out to another friend. Best decision ever. :smallsmile: She was extraordinarily sweet and supportive and everything. She said... too many good things for my registering them. Her first reaction was sheer sweetness, not shock or anything like that. She said that she was happy for me, that I was strong and courageous to do this, that I could count on her, and many other things like that. And we hugged. All the good things I could expect happened, as well as many others that I didn't. She promised to lend me make-up for doing my eyes, because she can't accompany me to buy some before my appointment on Thursday.

She ordered me a start up make-up kit. Adressed to my real name. I cried. I really did. I never cry, normally, and yet I did.

Cool! You'll have to share notes on this "make up kit".

That's... really insensitive of hers. :/ I'm sorry, hon. :smallfrown: Like, really, that's just... close to mocking your feelings.

Tentatively, I think it's not quite as disrespectful as it seems. It strikes me that both Tamsin and her mother are feeling that they other person just doesn't get how they feel. That could probably be cleared up by having a sit-down and integrating each other's ideas and experiences.

"I understand, but do not agree" is the heart of meaningful discussion, after all, and getting to understanding is the first step. I'll say no more on it though.

I am sexually and romantically attracted only to kitchen supplies.

That's right, I"m Pansexual.

Eh, it comes up every four or five threads or so.
Rather discriminating against flatware though, don't you think? Erasure at it's finest, leaving out the Cuisinart.

I didn't know that could offend anyone. lol.

Awww kitty!

Fine. You win. I'm your bogeyman. All of our death rituals are undeniably and inarguably for the dead alone and the people involved in the obituary all deserve whatever horrible fate is in store for them as evil bigots.

Oh, come off it. You like to rely on logic and rational thought, yeah? Resorting to lumping us all together as the Other Team against You is pretty juvenile, friend. Especially since I agree with you about half of your argument.

Human discussion is not a logically compiling chain of code with binary end results. You CAN separate threads and in fact often do so. there is no "Well I have to quit because disagreeing means disagree with both parts". Give disagreements a chance from the point of view of everyone being on the same side and trying to discern the truth, rather than everyone for their own side trying to win. It's much nicer, believe you me.

2013-10-29, 10:28 PM
Nope! I have three pictures of me that are feminine enough to show, and 0 that are forum appropriate.
Darn it! Well, when you get a forum appropriate one...

Brazen Shield
2013-10-29, 10:36 PM
Darn it! Well, when you get a forum appropriate one...

I even pulled out the folder of old phone photos to show Si a perspective candidate! The statement remained true.

2013-10-29, 10:38 PM
I even pulled out the folder of old phone photos to show Si a perspective candidate! The statement remained true.
Curses! I am undone, defeated by a lack of proper photographs and the forum rules. Alas!

2013-10-29, 10:45 PM
There, there, Tai. We'll see Si eventually! eventually... mrmrm,a,sdnke

ION, I got started on my NaNoWriMo story! It's a horror story about a ghost train haunted by a girl/thing when the train gets flung into the outer regions of insanity and destruction. Fun stuff!

2013-10-29, 10:48 PM
Tentatively, I think it's not quite as disrespectful as it seems. It strikes me that both Tamsin and her mother are feeling that they other person just doesn't get how they feel. That could probably be cleared up by having a sit-down and integrating each other's ideas and experiences.

"I understand, but do not agree" is the heart of meaningful discussion, after all, and getting to understanding is the first step. I'll say no more on it though.

I guess... just, her coming over as complaining about how she's "supposed" to feel sympathy for Tamsin just really rubs me wrong.

2013-10-29, 10:59 PM
There, there, Tai. We'll see Si eventually! eventually... mrmrm,a,sdnke

ION, I got started on my NaNoWriMo story! It's a horror story about a ghost train haunted by a girl/thing when the train gets flung into the outer regions of insanity and destruction. Fun stuff!
Huh. Tell us how it goes.

2013-10-29, 11:25 PM
I guess... just, her coming over as complaining about how she's "supposed" to feel sympathy for Tamsin just really rubs me wrong.

Oh, on that I agree. And while I would like to think that the 'proper' response would be to examine your own actions to see where I gave the impression that I was 'supposed' to get sympathy came from, but in practice I'd just feel back, pull back for a few hours to a week, and come back later.

I'm sometimes terrible at following my own advice, but I do still try XD

2013-10-30, 12:13 AM
Tamsin: that was a terrible mean thing for your mom to say. And while I don't think it was out of malicious intent, I do hope she really does understand why that is very hurtful.

2013-10-30, 12:14 AM

Mrmrm,asdnke. It means, Mrnmrm,a,sdnke.

Colonel Fedora
2013-10-30, 12:26 AM
Thread, someone is contemplating suicide in r/asktransgender! (http://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/1piowr/i_cant_live_in_this_body_anymore_i_cant_do_it_its/) Could any of you with reddit accounts help talk them down? I'm not sure what to say, but maybe having more people could help.

They're not in immediate danger, but they seem to be extremely upset.

2013-10-30, 12:37 AM
First off, Brazen Shield, you look adorable :smallbiggrin:

Thank you all so much for your input and such over the obituary thing. I feel like since I found out so late (she passed in February... we only just found out now) it's probably too late to find out who wrote the obit and castigate them. I do like the idea of dedicating my novel to her, though, especially since I will be touching on trans* stuff in it (one of the characters realises that they are genderqueer, and that will mean a lot of identity questioning and so on).

Ravenclaw is the bestest but Harry Potter isn't.

Must you keep deriding media that other people are clearly into? I accept that people may have differing opinions on what constitutes a good read/watch/whatnot, but this is the second time in the same thread (#43) that you've done it and it's kind of getting on my nerves. We try to make this a safe space for so many other reasons; I don't see why people's taste in media should be something that gets targeted.

2013-10-30, 01:12 AM
Must you keep deriding media that other people are clearly into? I accept that people may have differing opinions on what constitutes a good read/watch/whatnot, but this is the second time in the same thread (#43) that you've done it and it's kind of getting on my nerves. We try to make this a safe space for so many other reasons; I don't see why people's taste in media should be something that gets targeted.

I thought he meant that the character, Harry Potter, is not the best character?

2013-10-30, 02:29 AM
Saying the character isn't is redundant as he's not in Ravenclaw. Like saying "Good aligned characters are the best but Nale isn't".

Also getting really frustrated with the psychiatric help I've been getting - or lack thereof.
So I've gone from hostpital, to home vist, to area psych, who told me to speak to my endo for a referral (or he could lock me up for a spell), who told me to see the psych who referred me to him in the first place who can see me for half an hour in a month. So it'll be about seven weeks or so since I had the breakdown before I see him.

And I don't want to go to my GP for a referral as I've spent hours and hours talking with these other people so I'd hope they'd understand I'm practically begging them for help, but nobody seems willing or able to do anything.

2013-10-30, 02:40 AM
welp time to hurt myself lol

The Succubus
2013-10-30, 03:16 AM
I am sexually and romantically attracted only to kitchen supplies.

That's right, I"m Pansexual.

I'm guilty of having made that joke before. We do have some genuine pansexual people in this thread (I think I'm right in saying Karen is and there are others too) - try to avoid jokes like that because it's not cool. :smallsmile:

@Zorgy: That's one of the few things I really miss about the NHS. We have proper referral systems in place, so that if a patient needs to be seen by another department, they can be referred directly, without the patient needing to chase everything up. Mental health care is extremely oversubscribed in the UK and I have to admit, most of our GPs are not very good at referring on.

It sucks that you're being bounced around so much - I hope you get some answers soon.

@QK: Your hair is *amazing*. So rich and colorful and long....:smallredface::smallsmile:

2013-10-30, 04:07 AM
I'm guilty of having made that joke before. We do have some genuine pansexual people in this thread (I think I'm right in saying Karen is and there are others too) - try to avoid jokes like that because it's not cool. :smallsmile:

Not speaking for anyone but me, but I don't mind anything about the joke except maybe that it's not new.

2013-10-30, 04:57 AM

I mentioned that I was still raw from last night. Mum told me to get over myself. I did not react well. Blazing row ensued.

2013-10-30, 05:14 AM

I mentioned that I was still raw from last night. Mum told me to get over myself. I did not react well. Blazing row ensued.

That sucks. :smallconfused:
This seems out of character, somehow. Was she already upset over something? Or do you guys get into scuffles often? I mean, you've always seemed pretty reasonable, so if something bothers you enough to still be upset later, I would assume you were actually really upset and not just being pissy. And she... Didn't?

Well, I hope your day can pick up from there, at least. Sorry, Tam.

The Succubus
2013-10-30, 05:20 AM
*squeezes tight*

Sounds like giving each other some space for a few days is probably the best thing to do here, at least until your mum settles down a bit. She really seems like she's taking this as a personal attack on herself for some reason or she mistakenly believes you're doing this out of spite/mischief. Perhaps she sees something she doesn't like about herself being reflected in you?

Dunno if any of that was useful. *squeezes again*

Brazen Shield
2013-10-30, 05:38 AM
Not speaking for anyone but me, but I don't mind anything about the joke except maybe that it's not new.

Yeah, this. :(


I mentioned that I was still raw from last night. Mum told me to get over myself. I did not react well. Blazing row ensued.

I have opinions about this whole thing, including the other things you said about your mom over the last few hours. They are what you might call triggers though? so I am keeping my month shut until I find a better way to explain them. I don't want you to feel like I am ignoring you :(

2013-10-30, 05:39 AM
It's important to not just not actively discriminate, but also actively support. (http://thelexiecon.wordpress.com/2013/10/30/silence-hides-violence/)

Nice article. I don't even mind the use of profanity this time.

Also getting really frustrated with the psychiatric help I've been getting - or lack thereof.
So I've gone from hostpital, to home vist, to area psych, who told me to speak to my endo for a referral (or he could lock me up for a spell), who told me to see the psych who referred me to him in the first place who can see me for half an hour in a month. So it'll be about seven weeks or so since I had the breakdown before I see him.

And I don't want to go to my GP for a referral as I've spent hours and hours talking with these other people so I'd hope they'd understand I'm practically begging them for help, but nobody seems willing or able to do anything.

Geez, that sucks. Good luck I guess. Wish I could help.


I mentioned that I was still raw from last night. Mum told me to get over myself. I did not react well. Blazing row ensued.

I'm sorry. You should probably take some space for a few days, like Succubus said. Maybe something else is bugging her that's making her so short about this?

2013-10-30, 05:55 AM
Also getting really frustrated with the psychiatric help I've been getting - or lack thereof.
So I've gone from hostpital, to home vist, to area psych, who told me to speak to my endo for a referral (or he could lock me up for a spell), who told me to see the psych who referred me to him in the first place who can see me for half an hour in a month. So it'll be about seven weeks or so since I had the breakdown before I see him.

And I don't want to go to my GP for a referral as I've spent hours and hours talking with these other people so I'd hope they'd understand I'm practically begging them for help, but nobody seems willing or able to do anything.
... *hug*

Mental health care is so completely ridiculous. It's almost impossible to get any help unless you end you in the emegency, i.e. before it's too late.

Ah! You are taking leaps and bounds, comrade!

:smallsmile: :smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin: :smallsmile:

So glad things are going well for you. :smallsmile:
Thank you :smallsmile:

Cool! You'll have to share notes on this "make up kit".
Will do!

It's important to not just not actively discriminate, but also actively support. (http://thelexiecon.wordpress.com/2013/10/30/silence-hides-violence/)

2013-10-30, 06:02 AM

I mentioned that I was still raw from last night. Mum told me to get over myself. I did not react well. Blazing row ensued.

She's not the only one who has feelings. :/ Bleh. I guess the best thing would be to wait a bit, maybe get a family member to mediate?

I'm sorry, dear. This is something hard for her but it doesn't make it okay to just completely dismiss you.

2013-10-30, 06:36 AM
Mental health care is so completely ridiculous. It's almost impossible to get any help unless you end you in the emegency, i.e. before it's too late.

I did end up in emergency a few weeks ago :/

2013-10-30, 06:38 AM
I did end up in emergency a few weeks ago :/

So it's more like "it's impossible to get any help". :smallsigh:

2013-10-30, 06:43 AM
Saying the character isn't is redundant as he's not in Ravenclaw. Like saying "Good aligned characters are the best but Nale isn't".

Also getting really frustrated with the psychiatric help I've been getting - or lack thereof.
So I've gone from hostpital, to home vist, to area psych, who told me to speak to my endo for a referral (or he could lock me up for a spell), who told me to see the psych who referred me to him in the first place who can see me for half an hour in a month. So it'll be about seven weeks or so since I had the breakdown before I see him.

And I don't want to go to my GP for a referral as I've spent hours and hours talking with these other people so I'd hope they'd understand I'm practically begging them for help, but nobody seems willing or able to do anything.

I'm sorry you're having so much difficulties finding help, Zorg. :smallfrown:

2013-10-30, 06:49 AM
Germany to allow third gender:

Bundesrepublik Deutschland = Cool.

2013-10-30, 06:49 AM
I did end up in emergency a few weeks ago :/
Oh, so it's actually worse than here. Sorry for that. At least, I did get actual help when I went there (the fact I stayed in the hospital for a month both times must have helped with that).

2013-10-30, 09:10 AM
We've made up. Mostly I think it was the fact that she leads a stupidly high stress life. The foster kid we've had for the past two years is incredibly high maintenance, my granddad (her father) died last month and she's executor, one of her friends has terminal cancer, and she's just running on empty all the time. She needs to take a break, but that would involve letting someone down so she can't let herself do that.

The Succubus
2013-10-30, 09:22 AM
That's good to hear, Tamsin. =)

It's always hard when folks take too much on themselves because even if they take a break, there's that nagging little voice saying "you should be doing more". Is there anything you could do for her? Like a small gesture of some sort to put a smile on her face? It might make you feel a little more perky as well. :smallsmile:

2013-10-30, 10:09 AM
We've made up. Mostly I think it was the fact that she leads a stupidly high stress life. The foster kid we've had for the past two years is incredibly high maintenance, my granddad (her father) died last month and she's executor, one of her friends has terminal cancer, and she's just running on empty all the time. She needs to take a break, but that would involve letting someone down so she can't let herself do that.

Oh, well, I'm glad you made up. And I hope things get less stressy for your mom soon too.

2013-10-30, 10:14 AM
We've made up. Mostly I think it was the fact that she leads a stupidly high stress life. The foster kid we've had for the past two years is incredibly high maintenance, my granddad (her father) died last month and she's executor, one of her friends has terminal cancer, and she's just running on empty all the time. She needs to take a break, but that would involve letting someone down so she can't let herself do that.

Ah, that was the missing component, then. I don't know very much about an Internet stranger's life; who knew? :smallwink:

I'm glad you've patched up, and I hope things are smoother from here on out. :smallsmile:

2013-10-30, 10:52 AM
Thread! Woo!

ION, I now have tights, but haven't tried them on yet. Hope I look girlier with them. :D

2013-10-30, 11:10 AM
Finally worked up the courage to call the hospital for the laser appointment, get put on jingle for ten minutes and then heard that the specific reception closed half an hour ago. >.> Guess I'll have to try again tomorrow.

2013-10-30, 11:13 AM
Finally worked up the courage to call the hospital for the laser appointment, get put on jingle for ten minutes and then heard that the specific reception closed half an hour ago. >.> Guess I'll have to try again tomorrow.

That's a pain. Bureaucrazies. They transfer you to another department who tell you they're the wrong department, transfer you back, you're put on hold, then you're transferred to the right department, and you get a recorded message telling you they're closed for a week. Better luck tomorrow.

2013-10-30, 11:13 AM
Soooo I guess I took some pictures for y'all, and I doodled again.
My friend's OC (http://i.imgur.com/xIR08c2)
Me :O (http://imgur.com/a/xaLiS)
:O wow your are very Pretty QK aside from teh blurry one, but that because it is blurry.

Germany to allow third gender:

Bundesrepublik Deutschland = Cool.


We've made up. Mostly I think it was the fact that she leads a stupidly high stress life. The foster kid we've had for the past two years is incredibly high maintenance, my granddad (her father) died last month and she's executor, one of her friends has terminal cancer, and she's just running on empty all the time. She needs to take a break, but that would involve letting someone down so she can't let herself do that.

i am glad to hear you were able to mend that bridge. i hope your mother can find some way to relax once in a while, so you two don't fight again.

2013-10-30, 11:45 AM
Hi new thread

I've been mostly sleeping the past... while... I lost count. Something about a flare of ill-feeling due to having my period every 2 weeks or something.

I was starting to feel a bit better, when last night I lost, or rather realized I didn't have, the friendship of someone I thought was a close friend of mine. An asexual's heartbreak.

Anyways *hugs* to people. Looks like there's several people who need it.

2013-10-30, 11:49 AM
it is nice to meet you Bluewind. you can Call me Cav for short. anyways welcome. we have hugs cookies, cake, and pie for those that don't like cake. i am totally not one of those poeple.and i am working on bring in Hot Chocolate.

2013-10-30, 11:50 AM
Hi new thread

I've been mostly sleeping the past... while... I lost count. Something about a flare of ill-feeling due to having my period every 2 weeks or something.

I was starting to feel a bit better, when last night I lost, or rather realized I didn't have, the friendship of someone I thought was a close friend of mine. An asexual's heartbreak.

Anyways *hugs* to people. Looks like there's several people who need it.

That stinks. I hope the physical stuff gets itself sorted out soon. The spoilered stuff really sucks though. I've been there. *hugs*?

2013-10-30, 12:18 PM
welp time to hurt myself lol

Please Don't QK!

2013-10-30, 12:20 PM
Whoa, yeah, self-harm is never a good idea.

Lady Serpentine
2013-10-30, 12:22 PM
welp time to hurt myself lol

Meep. I can't tell if that's joking or not?

If not... Yeah, please don't. *hugs tight* Why would you? You looked good, did something bad happen?

If yes... Please don't do that then? :x Can be kinda triggery for people, including me.

2013-10-30, 12:23 PM
If yes... Please don't do that then? :x Can be kinda triggery for people, including me.

And me!!! :smallannoyed:

i am your your Friend QK and i always help my friends. please don't hurt yourself. or joke about it.

Mono Vertigo
2013-10-30, 12:57 PM
Just saw that in the news: an Argentinian transgender little girl just received her new papers (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/argentina/10339296/Six-year-old-becomes-first-transgender-child-in-Argentina-to-change-identity.html).
Getting somewhere!

2013-10-30, 12:58 PM
Just saw that in the news: an Argentinian transgender little girl just received her new papers (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/argentina/10339296/Six-year-old-becomes-first-transgender-child-in-Argentina-to-change-identity.html).
Getting somewhere!

the world can improve, if ever so slowly. :smallsmile:

2013-10-30, 01:25 PM
I missed my appointment. The clinic sent me a map that I didn't know about, and main reception at the hospital didn't know where they were.

So I walked around town for an hour. I found it in time to talk to the receptionist, and be told it'd take three weeks to get another appointment. So I burst into tears.

I didn't know I could cry.

Receptionist decided to go over the doctors head and give me an appointment next week. But I was still sad, so I came home, and got some cuddles.

Can I have some more cuddles?

2013-10-30, 01:26 PM
I missed my appointment. The clinic sent me a map that I didn't know about, and main reception at the hospital didn't know where they were.

So I walked around town for an hour. I found it in time to talk to the receptionist, and be told it'd take three weeks to get another appointment. So I burst into tears.

I didn't know I could cry.

Receptionist decided to go over the doctors head and give me an appointment next week. But I was still sad, so I came home, and got some cuddles.

Can I have some more cuddles?

*hugs and cuddles*

Awww :/

That sucks, I'm sorry that happened. At least the receptionist did their best for you.

Lady Serpentine
2013-10-30, 01:31 PM
Can I have some more cuddles?

Of course you can. *cuddles and wraps my wings around you* Do you prefer a full-on feathery cocoon, or just wing-hugs? I can do either.

2013-10-30, 01:33 PM
Can I have some more cuddles?

you may always have Cuddles. *wraps arms around and Cuddles*

Mono Vertigo
2013-10-30, 01:36 PM
I missed my appointment. The clinic sent me a map that I didn't know about, and main reception at the hospital didn't know where they were.

So I walked around town for an hour. I found it in time to talk to the receptionist, and be told it'd take three weeks to get another appointment. So I burst into tears.

I didn't know I could cry.

Receptionist decided to go over the doctors head and give me an appointment next week. But I was still sad, so I came home, and got some cuddles.

Can I have some more cuddles?

2013-10-30, 02:15 PM
I missed my appointment. The clinic sent me a map that I didn't know about, and main reception at the hospital didn't know where they were.

So I walked around town for an hour. I found it in time to talk to the receptionist, and be told it'd take three weeks to get another appointment. So I burst into tears.

I didn't know I could cry.

Receptionist decided to go over the doctors head and give me an appointment next week. But I was still sad, so I came home, and got some cuddles.

Can I have some more cuddles?

Aw, hon. That really sucks. I tend to have really bad luck with stuff like that too.

*offers all the hugs*

2013-10-30, 03:09 PM
You are lucky. :smalltongue:


I didn't know that could offend anyone. lol.

That kitten is so cute that you are forgiven.:smalltongue:

Saying the character isn't is redundant as he's not in Ravenclaw. Like saying "Good aligned characters are the best but Nale isn't".

Also getting really frustrated with the psychiatric help I've been getting - or lack thereof.
So I've gone from hostpital, to home vist, to area psych, who told me to speak to my endo for a referral (or he could lock me up for a spell), who told me to see the psych who referred me to him in the first place who can see me for half an hour in a month. So it'll be about seven weeks or so since I had the breakdown before I see him.

And I don't want to go to my GP for a referral as I've spent hours and hours talking with these other people so I'd hope they'd understand I'm practically begging them for help, but nobody seems willing or able to do anything.

I am so sorry, you have my support, if it's worth anything.

If this was any other tread there is no way I would be reading 10+ pages. I kinda got attached to this thread. I'm choosing to look at that as a positive thing.:smallwink:
Anyway, hugs for those who want them, and some baked goods for everyone, I made some this morning.
OK, they are leftovers, since I made too much, but they are still good.

2013-10-30, 03:12 PM
I missed my appointment. The clinic sent me a map that I didn't know about, and main reception at the hospital didn't know where they were.

So I walked around town for an hour. I found it in time to talk to the receptionist, and be told it'd take three weeks to get another appointment. So I burst into tears.

I didn't know I could cry.

Receptionist decided to go over the doctors head and give me an appointment next week. But I was still sad, so I came home, and got some cuddles.

Can I have some more cuddles?
*cuddles* + *muffin proposal*

2013-10-30, 03:15 PM

Karen Lynn
2013-10-30, 03:22 PM
I want to watch Croods.

2013-10-30, 03:36 PM
Germany to allow third gender:

Bundesrepublik Deutschland = Cool.

Ah, last time i heard about that i didn't hear anything about an 'X' in other papers than birth certificate.

I missed my appointment. The clinic sent me a map that I didn't know about, and main reception at the hospital didn't know where they were.

So I walked around town for an hour. I found it in time to talk to the receptionist, and be told it'd take three weeks to get another appointment. So I burst into tears.

I didn't know I could cry.

Receptionist decided to go over the doctors head and give me an appointment next week. But I was still sad, so I came home, and got some cuddles.

Can I have some more cuddles?

:smallfrown: *cuddles, hugs and snuggles*

I know it's already several pages old, but i'm glad i could catch up at all. What i wanted to say was concerning being able to get pregnant:

This topic always gets me down. I don't know if i'll ever accept the fact that i can't, or how long it will take. Rationally i know that this doesn't decide whether i'm a women or not and that there are also many cis women who can't get pregnant, but since when did this stop feelings from being there.
Someone i (barely) know will become a mother in about 2 weeks. Yesterday i chatted a bit with her and when the topic changed to her being pregnant i instantly got really down. I was in uni (i chatted with her during a lecture) and i had to "flee" to the restroom and cry there until i could think about anything else again.

Also, hugs to Tamsin, Astrella and everyone else who wants.

I have once again not even enough free time to sleep, so i'll just go sleep as long as i still can.

2013-10-30, 03:39 PM
So i am going to the movies today, and i am stuck between Escape Plan and Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs 2. what do you all recommend?

Karen Lynn
2013-10-30, 03:41 PM
Haven't heard of Escape Plan. If it's space based and cool sci fi looking, go for that. Otherwise, Cloudy.

2013-10-30, 03:43 PM
*cuddles razovor*

They're good cuddles, too. Quality. I'm wearing my Soft Kitty hoodie, and it is super good for cuddles.

2013-10-30, 03:49 PM
Just saw that in the news: an Argentinian transgender little girl just received her new papers (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/argentina/10339296/Six-year-old-becomes-first-transgender-child-in-Argentina-to-change-identity.html).
Getting somewhere!
Yay, trans rights! Well, just have to wait until America has a good thing like this.

Can I have some more cuddles?
Yesmaamee, you can. *Huggles the tears away*

Oo, Ooh, can we watch Wreck it Ralph!!!

This topic always gets me down. I don't know if i'll ever accept the fact that i can't, or how long it will take. Rationally i know that this doesn't decide whether i'm a women or not and that there are also many cis women who can't get pregnant, but since when did this stop feelings from being there.
Someone i (barely) know will become a mother in about 2 weeks. Yesterday i chatted a bit with her and when the topic changed to her being pregnant i instantly got really down. I was in uni (i chatted with her during a lecture) and i had to "flee" to the restroom and cry there until i could think about anything else again.
I have once again not even enough free time to sleep, so i'll just go sleep as long as i still can.

Well, that's too bad. I hope you feel better soon, comrade! Dammit Tai has instilled that in me.

2013-10-30, 03:50 PM
Haven't heard of Escape Plan. If it's space based and cool sci fi looking, go for that. Otherwise, Cloudy.
escape plan is some action thriller involving Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone

2013-10-30, 03:51 PM
Oo, Ooh, can we watch Wreck it Ralph!!!


Karen Lynn
2013-10-30, 03:52 PM
Oh... Cloudy 2 is my suggestion, then!

Wreck-it Ralph was awesome!

2013-10-30, 03:53 PM
Grumble grumble grumble rules grumble grumble grumble

2013-10-30, 03:54 PM
Thanks for the huggles, and the cuddles, and the hugs, and the snuggles. :smallsmile:

*Offers Zorg cake*

Hope things get better for you.

Karen Lynn
2013-10-30, 03:56 PM
Might want to watch that link... Seems it may be a rule breaker...

2013-10-30, 03:57 PM
if i could play my copy of the movie with you all. i would. :smallfrown:

2013-10-30, 04:02 PM
It's a shame this thread isn't a hangout in SL / we're not in the FUTURE YEAR 20X6, because then that could be really easy to pull off. Plus, we'd all be able to look like our [desired] selves in GLORIOUS 3D!

2013-10-30, 04:03 PM
So, I'm still around, just not posting much because I'm still struggling a lot with depressions. But you're all in my thoughts –*I hope all of you who are feeling down will find something that makes you smile. :smallsmile:

Also, it seems to be the time to post some pictures (so many pretty girls in here!), so here are some of me:

Two new ones:


And one from my birthday last month:

And because I just realized that my birthday cake had the colours of the pansexual flag, have a picture of that as well:

– Juniper

Karen Lynn
2013-10-30, 04:09 PM
Juniper~ *eeveepounce*

You look so pretty! Especially that first and last top!

And is that a bronze oakleaf necklace? :smallconfused:

Lady Serpentine
2013-10-30, 04:09 PM
It's a shame this thread isn't a hangout in SL / we're not in the FUTURE YEAR 20X6, because then that could be really easy to pull off. Plus, we'd all be able to look like our [desired] selves in GLORIOUS 3D!

Also the whole neural stimulation thing to let us feel said selves.


Ooh, very nice~ You're both androgynous and quite pretty. (I admit that I read you as slightly weighted towards female, but that's probably because I knew you prior to your figuring all this stuff out.)

2013-10-30, 04:09 PM

I now need to post random pictures because its a picture marathon.


2013-10-30, 04:12 PM
I can play this game to. :smalltongue:


2013-10-30, 04:13 PM
So, I'm still around, just not posting much because I'm still struggling a lot with depressions. But you're all in my thoughts –*I hope all of you who are feeling down will find something that makes you smile. :smallsmile:

Also, it seems to be the time to post some pictures (so many pretty girls in here!), so here are some of me:

Two new ones:


And one from my birthday last month:

And because I just realized that my birthday cake had the colours of the pansexual flag, have a picture of that as well:

– Juniper

Ohmigodsopretty. :D

2013-10-30, 04:18 PM
I can play this game to. :smalltongue:


You are cute.:smallredface:

Mina Kobold
2013-10-30, 04:31 PM
*Pastries, pillows, hugs and/or everything else to everybody*

Looks like I missed a lot of people having a pretty bad time. I just wish I could do more than being the silly Kobold sending digital shows of support. ;_;

So, I'm still around, just not posting much because I'm still struggling a lot with depressions. But you're all in my thoughts –*I hope all of you who are feeling down will find something that makes you smile. :smallsmile:

Also, it seems to be the time to post some pictures (so many pretty girls in here!), so here are some of me:

Two new ones:


And one from my birthday last month:

And because I just realized that my birthday cake had the colours of the pansexual flag, have a picture of that as well:

– Juniper

You look amazing, Juniper. You look quite androgynous to me, swaying just the teeniest bits to one side. but it actually is different sides in each picture, so it is hopefully not that bad. ^_^'

What is bad is that I am so jealous of your wardrobe. So jealous. OwO

Also the whole neural stimulation thing to let us feel said selves.

I am kind of debating with myself if it would be a good or a bad thing to have such Matrix-like technology. On one hand, I'd probably rarely unplug from it. On the other, I can be me AND play with the laws of physics while meeting all you amazing peeps. :smallsmile:

2013-10-30, 04:33 PM
*Pastries, pillows, hugs and/or everything else to everybody*

Looks like I missed a lot of people having a pretty bad time. I just wish I could do more than being the silly Kobold sending digital shows of support. ;_;

you are not the only one my friend. but like you i do what i can.

Lady Serpentine
2013-10-30, 04:35 PM
I am kind of debating with myself if it would be a good or a bad thing to have such Matrix-like technology. On one hand, I'd probably rarely unplug from it. On the other, I can be me AND play with the laws of physics while meeting all you amazing peeps. :smallsmile:

Hey, you're meeting people and such. So it's not like you're not getting out. And you're also doing fun crazy things. At no risk to your physical body. So why is not unplugging bad?

2013-10-30, 04:36 PM
this talk reminds me of the movie with Bruce Willis where he was plugged into a robot but could unplug at any time.

Mono Vertigo
2013-10-30, 04:39 PM
I know it's already several pages old, but i'm glad i could catch up at all. What i wanted to say was concerning being able to get pregnant:

This topic always gets me down. I don't know if i'll ever accept the fact that i can't, or how long it will take. Rationally i know that this doesn't decide whether i'm a women or not and that there are also many cis women who can't get pregnant, but since when did this stop feelings from being there.
Someone i (barely) know will become a mother in about 2 weeks. Yesterday i chatted a bit with her and when the topic changed to her being pregnant i instantly got really down. I was in uni (i chatted with her during a lecture) and i had to "flee" to the restroom and cry there until i could think about anything else again.

Pregnancy terrifies/disgusts me in about all its aspects. Being unable to be knocked up by BF is actually a relief for me; no need to worry about the freaky, unlikely case condoms/pills/combo of these two won't work. (Because, yes, these cases exist, they're very rare and unlikely, but if they aren't statistically absent, I can't dismiss the risks. And, of course, doctors can't wrap their mind around the idea a woman might never want to have children. If a woman makes that choice early on, they're rather not do anything, in the case she changes her mind later. Yeaaaah.)
I'm sure I would make a terrible mother, too! But that's beside the point.
What else does my uterus brings me, beside the potential of pregnancy? It brings me periods, which are borderline crippling, and constitute a money sink (also, several girls I've met can't understand why I don't want to have them, because they're naturaaaaaal, yeah, right, you know what else is natural, a fist to the guts, that's both natural and accurately describing the pain). Nothing more.
Well, okay, technically, it brings me hormones I need, but that's not great comfort. This is something that medication can bring me, unlike the other two.
It would really, really be great if I could donate that organ to someone who'd make better use of it, like you. Hell, I don't even think I'm alone in thinking this; there are fewer women who want to be mothers than one might think. But right now, medical science doesn't quite allow this. Let's hope it will very soon.

2013-10-30, 04:49 PM

I now need to post random pictures because its a picture marathon.


...I actually don't remember if you're a guy or a girl, and after viewing your pictures I am no wiser.

2013-10-30, 04:52 PM
You are cute.:smallredface:

thanks :smallredface:

Brazen Shield
2013-10-30, 04:55 PM
Me too!

Sorry. It's the only other one I had on hand and omg hormones made me break out so bad ya'll are getting no where near what my face looks like right now DX

Edit: Found some!!


2013-10-30, 04:56 PM
it is ok my work causes a similar effort. but i have learned to keep it under control, you will soon too. :smallsmile:

2013-10-30, 04:57 PM
So, I'm still around, just not posting much because I'm still struggling a lot with depressions. But you're all in my thoughts –*I hope all of you who are feeling down will find something that makes you smile. :smallsmile:

Also, it seems to be the time to post some pictures (so many pretty girls in here!), so here are some of me:

Two new ones:


And one from my birthday last month:

And because I just realized that my birthday cake had the colours of the pansexual flag, have a picture of that as well:

– Juniper


Go back to your home on Adorable Island!!!

2013-10-30, 05:22 PM
Yayyyyy! New thread!!! And Halloween is tomorrow!!! Gonna be a playboy bunny :smallbiggrin: though I have a dentist appointment tomorrow too. Awesome. :smallannoyed: hope everyone is doing well!

The Succubus
2013-10-30, 05:23 PM
Do I even need to say to get photos? :smalltongue:

@V: You are a very naughty girl but forgiveness is available for a 30% cut of the spoils. :smallamused:

2013-10-30, 05:24 PM
And Halloween is tomorrow!!!

Ooh, I need to get the water-gun out.

"Trick or treat!"
*Levels water gun.* "I dunno, how about you tell me."
*Gives treats.* "Please don't shoot us!"
"Sorry, that was a trick." *Shoots with water gun.*

2013-10-30, 05:25 PM
i don't think you need to say it Succubus, but a friendly reminder never hurts, so Akowrules don't forget PICTURES. :smalltongue:

2013-10-30, 05:25 PM
Do I even need to say to get photos? :smalltongue:

Nope! Already planning on pics, since so many of my friends already desire them haha. I'd do it tonight, but I'm borrowing a Bowtie from a friend. I'll be receiving that tomorrow, so I'll take the pictures then!

Also, I'll be wearing it to the GSA dance I have on Friday. It's going to be fun!!

2013-10-30, 05:26 PM
Ooh, I need to get the water-gun out.

"Trick or treat!"
*Levels water gun.* "I dunno, how about you tell me."
*Gives treats.* "Please don't shoot us!"
"Sorry, that was a trick." *Shoots with water gun.*

face off your water-gun versus my hydro cannon. :smalltongue:

2013-10-30, 05:28 PM
face off your water-gun versus my hydro cannon. :smalltongue:

Face off both of those against my attract :smalltongue:

2013-10-30, 05:28 PM
+ 25 resistance to Attract.

2013-10-30, 05:29 PM
Face off both of those against my attract :smalltongue:

Unfortunately, that only works on targets who are the opposite gender. Because apparently, gay pokemon aren't a thing.

2013-10-30, 05:35 PM
To other transwomen:
Is it just me, or does watching/reading fiction with a good female protagonist affect anyone elses dysphoria?

2013-10-30, 05:37 PM
To other transwomen:
Is it just me, or does watching/reading fiction with a good female protagonist affect anyone elses dysphoria?

I'm only a little qualified to answer this, but not really. It might vaguely interest me, or take my attention off it, but no more than anything else.

2013-10-30, 05:43 PM
...I actually don't remember if you're a guy or a girl, and after viewing your pictures I am no wiser.

Sex = Guy
Gender = Varied, usually male (Not right now ^-^)

2013-10-30, 05:46 PM
Just saw that in the news: an Argentinian transgender little girl just received her new papers (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/argentina/10339296/Six-year-old-becomes-first-transgender-child-in-Argentina-to-change-identity.html).
Getting somewhere!

Ooh, nifty.

I missed my appointment. The clinic sent me a map that I didn't know about, and main reception at the hospital didn't know where they were.

So I walked around town for an hour. I found it in time to talk to the receptionist, and be told it'd take three weeks to get another appointment. So I burst into tears.

I didn't know I could cry.

Receptionist decided to go over the doctors head and give me an appointment next week. But I was still sad, so I came home, and got some cuddles.

Can I have some more cuddles?

Geez, that sucks. *hugs*

So, I'm still around, just not posting much because I'm still struggling a lot with depressions. But you're all in my thoughts –*I hope all of you who are feeling down will find something that makes you smile. :smallsmile:

Also, it seems to be the time to post some pictures (so many pretty girls in here!), so here are some of me:

Two new ones:


And one from my birthday last month:

And because I just realized that my birthday cake had the colours of the pansexual flag, have a picture of that as well:

– Juniper

Dude I really like your hair.
And yeah, still reading you as more masculine in some and more feminine in others. You do androgyn...ity?—well.

2013-10-30, 05:55 PM
I'm only a little qualified to answer this, but not really. It might vaguely interest me, or take my attention off it, but no more than anything else.

For me its weird, it sorta helps, but it also makes me think about it for sometimes even days after.

Proud Tortoise
2013-10-30, 06:39 PM
So I have Ears of Holding.

No, really.

2013-10-30, 06:47 PM
So, I'm still around, just not posting much because I'm still struggling a lot with depressions. But you're all in my thoughts –*I hope all of you who are feeling down will find something that makes you smile. :smallsmile:

Also, it seems to be the time to post some pictures (so many pretty girls in here!), so here are some of me:

Two new ones:


And one from my birthday last month:

And because I just realized that my birthday cake had the colours of the pansexual flag, have a picture of that as well:

– Juniper

You look amazing!
Also, the haircut in the third picture is really cute ^^

2013-10-30, 06:56 PM
....... Ok I lied. I took a picture now. Hee hee. But tomorrow you wonderful people will get the whole thing! :smallbiggrin:

http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b560/Akowrules/image_zps3393ac5e.jpg (http://s1291.photobucket.com/user/Akowrules/media/image_zps3393ac5e.jpg.html)Sorry about the lighting. I know it sucks.

2013-10-30, 07:04 PM
And because I just realized that my birthday cake had the colours of the pansexual flag, have a picture of that as well:


see what I did there

2013-10-30, 07:12 PM

see what I did there

What you did there.

I see it.

2013-10-30, 07:14 PM
So I have Ears of Holding.

No, really.
Please explain


see what I did there
I am on my phone so I can't do a photo so *facepalm*

2013-10-30, 07:28 PM
Can some one tell me what pansexual mean? I have all these ideas and I wnt to know the real defination.

2013-10-30, 07:30 PM
Can some one tell me what pansexual mean? I have all these ideas and I wnt to know the real defination.

Pansexual roughly means attraction to people of various other genders, mostly regardless of gender. Generally when the question comes up, we get into arguments about what pan means vs. what bi means, which is messy. I'd suggest you PM somebody from the list in the OP who would be willing to discuss it privately.

2013-10-30, 07:34 PM
Thanks noparlpf I will do that. I don't want to accidently cause an arguement.

2013-10-30, 07:34 PM
I kind of think I am a Pansexual, I just don't know. I'm kind of weird in not finding out after all these years.

2013-10-30, 07:36 PM
I kind of think I am a Pansexual, I just don't know. I'm kind of weird in not finding out after all these years.

You're not weird. Lots of people take a while to suss themselves out.

2013-10-30, 07:43 PM
How about this after I have my talks with the OPs and a little research I could submit a possible defination that is agreeable with everyone on what pansexual means?

2013-10-30, 07:49 PM
Woah, everybody in this thread is incredibly pretty o.o

Kinda makes me want to post my pic here too, but I'm afraid of putting it in the internets. >.<

Thanks everybody who helped me with my problem earlier. My mind is much more clear now, and as soon as I prepare my plan B, in case things go horribly wrong, I will set my plans in motion. :smallsmile:

2013-10-30, 07:55 PM
How about this after I have my talks with the OPs and a little research I could submit a possible defination that is agreeable with everyone on what pansexual means?

Trust me, there isn't one.

2013-10-30, 08:00 PM
How about this after I have my talks with the OPs and a little research I could submit a possible defination that is agreeable with everyone on what pansexual means?

Isn't there a definition in the OP already?

2013-10-30, 08:02 PM
Isn't there a definition in the OP already?

There is, but not everyone agrees on it.

Proud Tortoise
2013-10-30, 08:03 PM
Please explain

I was at the doctor and they removed a few cubic centimeters of rock-hard earwax. :smallyuk:

2013-10-30, 08:06 PM
Also, re Bi/Pan:

Can of Worms

The Can of Worms looks like a normal debate subject of the same type. When the can of worms is opened (as a free action, because talking is a free action) all creatures who can hear, read or otherwise perceive the opener's words must take a DC 28 will save or rage for 5d4 minutes as a Barbarian of first level. This does not count against their normal rage time if they have one.

2013-10-30, 08:06 PM
Oh my...
Were you having hearing problems?

2013-10-30, 08:09 PM
To other transwomen:
Is it just me, or does watching/reading fiction with a good female protagonist affect anyone elses dysphoria?

All the time, yeah.

I kind of think I am a Pansexual, I just don't know. I'm kind of weird in not finding out after all these years.

Sorry for exploding earlier. I'm not doubting you are, but someone who I've never seen on the thread before (granted, I've only been here four iterations myself, so I'm not exactly an old-timer) popping in as soon as it starts and making the oldest pan joke in the book set off red flags. I'm pan, too.

Also, re Bi/Pan:

Can of Worms

The Can of Worms looks like a normal debate subject of the same type. When the can of worms is opened (as a free action, because talking is a free action) all creatures who can hear, read or otherwise perceive the opener's words must take a DC 28 will save or rage for 5d4 minutes as a Barbarian of first level. This does not count against their normal rage time if they have one.

This. Out of curiosity, I went back to the first iteration of the thread, back when SMEE was regularly posting. We've been arguing about the difference between bi and pan even then...it's unbelievable. How we haven't gotten over it by now is beyond me.

Karen Lynn
2013-10-30, 08:12 PM
Cavalier, it always, always, always results in arguments here.

Also, PM'ed.

2013-10-30, 08:38 PM
Blegh. :smallfrown:

I've come down with a nasty full-body rash over the past few days that I went to see the doctor about today. Apparently it's something called Pityriasis Rosea. It isn't dangerous or contagious at least, but I'm now covered in spots all over my body, they itch like the Nine Hells, and I likely won't see the end of it before the year ends. :smallsigh: Naturally, there's no cure, and any sort of treatment revolves around reducing the itching. So I'm going to be pretty miserable for quite some time.

Karen Lynn
2013-10-30, 08:41 PM
Odd how that looks a lot like my psoriasis...

Go to walgreens or walmart and look in their skin care stuff for a line called "Eucerin". A tub of this stuff works wonders. It's occlusive, so use a bit just after getting out of your bath.
http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/eucerin-original-moisturizing-creme/ID=prod8061-product?ext=gooPersonal_Care_PLA_Creams_prod8061_p la&adtype={adtype}&kpid=prod8061&sst=2d8ef153-bd0e-14a9-1aed-000025c20ef3

2013-10-30, 08:43 PM
Yikes :smalleek: Well, all of us who have bug bites in weird places can somewhat relate.
Also, agreed on 'Can o' worms' thing.

2013-10-30, 08:45 PM
"Armin opened Can of Worms. . . it was Cataclysmicaly effective!"


2013-10-30, 08:58 PM
To other transwomen:
Is it just me, or does watching/reading fiction with a good female protagonist affect anyone elses dysphoria?

Mhm. I like reading fiction with female leads because it's still sorta a bit of escapism for me, but it can turn bad and get me jealous and dysphoric.

Blegh. :smallfrown:

I've come down with a nasty full-body rash over the past few days that I went to see the doctor about today. Apparently it's something called Pityriasis Rosea. It isn't dangerous or contagious at least, but I'm now covered in spots all over my body, they itch like the Nine Hells, and I likely won't see the end of it before the year ends. :smallsigh: Naturally, there's no cure, and any sort of treatment revolves around reducing the itching. So I'm going to be pretty miserable for quite some time.

Awm that sucks. :c
Hope it won't be too bad and passes soon.

Proud Tortoise
2013-10-30, 09:05 PM
Oh my...
Were you having hearing problems?

Strangely... no.

Blegh. :smallfrown:

I've come down with a nasty full-body rash over the past few days that I went to see the doctor about today. Apparently it's something called Pityriasis Rosea. It isn't dangerous or contagious at least, but I'm now covered in spots all over my body, they itch like the Nine Hells, and I likely won't see the end of it before the year ends. :smallsigh: Naturally, there's no cure, and any sort of treatment revolves around reducing the itching. So I'm going to be pretty miserable for quite some time.

:smalleek: well, hell.

2013-10-30, 10:12 PM
"Armin opened Can of Worms. . . it was Cataclysmicaly effective!"

Don't worry my friend you were not the only one.

Blegh. :smallfrown:

I've come down with a nasty full-body rash over the past few days that I went to see the doctor about today. Apparently it's something called Pityriasis Rosea. It isn't dangerous or contagious at least, but I'm now covered in spots all over my body, they itch like the Nine Hells, and I likely won't see the end of it before the year ends. :smallsigh: Naturally, there's no cure, and any sort of treatment revolves around reducing the itching. So I'm going to be pretty miserable for quite some time.

At least it is temporrary. Find the brightside, at least it is not a horrible skin eating parasite that my area fights.

Also cloudy with a chance of meat balls was cute 2, just finished it.

2013-10-30, 10:29 PM
Don't worry my friend you were not the only one.

At least it is temporrary. Find the brightside, at least it is not a horrible skin eating parasite that my area fights.

Also cloudy with a chance of meat balls was cute 2, just finished it.

It was



I was lucky enough to miss for once the local bout of strep throat/scarlet fever, which I've had both several times before.

2013-10-30, 11:13 PM
Pregnancy terrifies/disgusts me in about all its aspects. Being unable to be knocked up by BF is actually a relief for me; no need to worry about the freaky, unlikely case condoms/pills/combo of these two won't work. (Because, yes, these cases exist, they're very rare and unlikely, but if they aren't statistically absent, I can't dismiss the risks. And, of course, doctors can't wrap their mind around the idea a woman might never want to have children. If a woman makes that choice early on, they're rather not do anything, in the case she changes her mind later. Yeaaaah.)
I'm sure I would make a terrible mother, too! But that's beside the point.
What else does my uterus brings me, beside the potential of pregnancy? It brings me periods, which are borderline crippling, and constitute a money sink (also, several girls I've met can't understand why I don't want to have them, because they're naturaaaaaal, yeah, right, you know what else is natural, a fist to the guts, that's both natural and accurately describing the pain). Nothing more.
Well, okay, technically, it brings me hormones I need, but that's not great comfort. This is something that medication can bring me, unlike the other two.
It would really, really be great if I could donate that organ to someone who'd make better use of it, like you. Hell, I don't even think I'm alone in thinking this; there are fewer women who want to be mothers than one might think. But right now, medical science doesn't quite allow this. Let's hope it will very soon.

I agree with this in so, so many ways, Musashi.

....... Ok I lied. I took a picture now. Hee hee. But tomorrow you wonderful people will get the whole thing! :smallbiggrin:

http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b560/Akowrules/image_zps3393ac5e.jpg (http://s1291.photobucket.com/user/Akowrules/media/image_zps3393ac5e.jpg.html)Sorry about the lighting. I know it sucks.

XD Very nice!

Also, re Bi/Pan:

Can of Worms

The Can of Worms looks like a normal debate subject of the same type. When the can of worms is opened (as a free action, because talking is a free action) all creatures who can hear, read or otherwise perceive the opener's words must take a DC 28 will save or rage for 5d4 minutes as a Barbarian of first level. This does not count against their normal rage time if they have one.

Funnysad because it's true.

This. Out of curiosity, I went back to the first iteration of the thread, back when SMEE was regularly posting. We've been arguing about the difference between bi and pan even then...it's unbelievable. How we haven't gotten over it by now is beyond me.

:smallfrown: That makes me sad.

Blegh. :smallfrown:

I've come down with a nasty full-body rash over the past few days that I went to see the doctor about today. Apparently it's something called Pityriasis Rosea. It isn't dangerous or contagious at least, but I'm now covered in spots all over my body, they itch like the Nine Hells, and I likely won't see the end of it before the year ends. :smallsigh: Naturally, there's no cure, and any sort of treatment revolves around reducing the itching. So I'm going to be pretty miserable for quite some time.

Aw, Cody, that sucks. I hope Karen's suggestion works.

Getting into my novel characters' headspace a little too early; I currently feel like I am in drag by wearing a skirt and tights. I am wondering how much is character and how much is some sort of identity questioning on my own part that's coming up from somewhere inside me I didn't know about. I've always thought I was cis female, but I keep getting weird dysphoria in more than one direction.

2013-10-30, 11:22 PM
:smallfrown: That makes me sad.
It's like the river in the Hera****us metaphor: the argument is new every time because the thread is new every time.

2013-10-30, 11:24 PM
It's like the river in the Hera****us metaphor: the argument is new every time because the thread is new every time.

You guys are atrocious when it comes to not talking about Fight Club.

Brazen Shield
2013-10-30, 11:24 PM
It's like the river in the Hera****us metaphor: the argument is new every time because the thread is new every time.

And yet you all keep talking about it?:smallfrown:


really though? Wanna? :3

2013-10-30, 11:31 PM
And yet you all keep talking about it?:smallfrown:


really though? Wanna? :3

Queastion mark

2013-10-30, 11:34 PM
You guys are atrocious when it comes to not talking about Fight Club.

I just mean that it's dumb to be surprised that "the thread" has been having the same conversation over and over when all the posters get replaced every ten iterations or so, and no one reads the previous threads.

Brazen Shield
2013-10-30, 11:44 PM
I just mean that it's dumb to be surprised that "the thread" has been having the same conversation over and over when all the posters get replaced every ten iterations or so, and no one reads the previous threads.

It took me two hours to catch up in the last thread. Times that by, what? 43? That is 86 solid hours OF READING. I speak only for my self but that could take me more than a month, with a new thread popping up in however long a time is normal. So no.... I haven't read any of the other threads all the way through, except the last one and that particular topic never came up.
That being said:
The question was asked. Someone followed the advice of another and promptly explained why bringing it up was a bad idea: the question was taken back. And here we are. Still. Talking. About. It.
It's silly. :/

Queastion mark

Yes :) one for
"Ugh, really though? You posted before me?"

And the second being "on second thought..."

Also didn't think anyone but Si would see it XD.

2013-10-31, 12:14 AM
I just mean that it's dumb to be surprised that "the thread" has been having the same conversation over and over when all the posters get replaced every ten iterations or so, and no one reads the previous threads.

I know. But this isn't the first time we've had an eight-way conversation consisting of "lets not talk about [topic]", "yes, let us not." "Totally not talking about [topic] and neither should you", etc. I'm teasing mostly. The idea that we have enough people to not understand the topic happened proves itself.

It took me two hours to catch up in the last thread. Times that by, what? 43? That is 86 solid hours OF READING. I speak only for my self but that could take me more than a month, with a new thread popping up in however long a time is normal. So no.... I haven't read any of the other threads all the way through, except the last one and that particular topic never came up.

Yeah. I got up to about page 9 of thread one before I glazed over my eyes. Got to page 32 before I stopped quoting things from people who aren't here anymore.

The question was asked. Someone followed the advice of another and promptly explained why bringing it up was a bad idea: the question was taken back. And here we are. Still. Talking. About. It.
It's silly. :/

Honey, don't talk about not talking about fight club. XD

2013-10-31, 12:24 AM
It took me two hours to catch up in the last thread. Times that by, what? 43? That is 86 solid hours OF READING. I speak only for my self but that could take me more than a month, with a new thread popping up in however long a time is normal. So no.... I haven't read any of the other threads all the way through, except the last one and that particular topic never came up.
That being said:
The question was asked. Someone followed the advice of another and promptly explained why bringing it up was a bad idea: the question was taken back. And here we are. Still. Talking. About. It.
It's silly. :/

Yes :) one for
"Ugh, really though? You posted before me?"

And the second being "on second thought..."

Also didn't think anyone but Si would see it XD.

I did see it at first I can't highlight white text on my phone, which is what I am on right now. I was just asking about the keyboard thing. Intitially.

2013-10-31, 12:24 AM
Yeah, we're gonna be meta for a while, aren't we? All well, I suppose if it was literally ingrained from thread one than we might never get rid of it. Maybe we should put: "We understand bi and pan are similar, but it's really up to the person if they're either, neither, or both" or something like that? Then, if someone asks, we can direct them to that.

2013-10-31, 12:29 AM
Yeah, we're gonna be meta for a while, aren't we? All well, I suppose if it was literally ingrained from thread one than we might never get rid of it. Maybe we should put: "We understand bi and pan are similar, but it's really up to the person if they're either, neither, or both" or something like that? Then, if someone asks, we can direct them to that.

I will still do research and try to present a good defination that everyone, is comfortable with. I want to try and give back to my circle of friends here. :smallsmile::smallredface:

2013-10-31, 12:40 AM
Yeah, we're gonna be meta for a while, aren't we? All well, I suppose if it was literally ingrained from thread one than we might never get rid of it. Maybe we should put: "We understand bi and pan are similar, but it's really up to the person if they're either, neither, or both" or something like that? Then, if someone asks, we can direct them to that.

This seems like a good compromise. Although most people apparently fail to read the commonly used terms as it is, it'd at least be a viable agreement for everybody affected.

I will still do research and try to present a good defination that everyone, is comfortable with. I want to try and give back to my circle of friends here. :smallsmile::smallredface:

Sorry, but the "research" that exists still isn't conclusive enough, regardless of who did it and when, and everybody is still going to argue about which means what despite the prefixes involved. It's not worth talking about anymore. Especially since lots of people who feel one way or the other are not masters of verbal debate and can't express their opinions in a super-meta, logical way (myself included).

2013-10-31, 12:41 AM
I did see it at first I can't highlight white text on my phone, which is what I am on right now. I was just asking about the keyboard thing. Intitially.

I posted the same thing she wanted to, but faster.

Yeah, we're gonna be meta for a while, aren't we? All well, I suppose if it was literally ingrained from thread one than we might never get rid of it. Maybe we should put: "We understand bi and pan are similar, but it's really up to the person if they're either, neither, or both" or something like that? Then, if someone asks, we can direct them to that.


I'm just going to put it in the list of Trigger Topics. At that point, someone it triggers who opens the spoiler and gets into an argument has only themselves to blame.

Hopefully, no one opening the spoilers and responding also prevents the topic from coming up in thread very much, as well :3

2013-10-31, 12:45 AM
That's a good idea. As long as it states the trigger topic in question is discussing the difference or whichever is "better"/"more open-minded," rather than mentions of being bi- or pan- at all.

Not that I'm saying you would do that intentionally, but if it isn't properly worded it might drive a lot of potential newcomers away.

2013-10-31, 12:47 AM
Cut off the problem at the source, aye!
yay I have good ideas

2013-10-31, 12:49 AM
I will drop it I just want to be helpfull. :smallsigh::smallfrown: well good night friends. :smallsmile: it feel like a long time since I could call some one friend. :smallredface: and now I feel I have a lot all fo you.

2013-10-31, 12:57 AM
That's a good idea. As long as it states the trigger topic in question is discussing the difference or whichever is "better"/"more open-minded," rather than mentions of being bi- or pan- at all.

Not that I'm saying you would do that intentionally, but if it isn't properly worded it might drive a lot of potential newcomers away.

That's a good point. Although I don't think we've actually had discussion about which is better, just about which is what. A pickle. I think discussion about what bisexual and pansexual are may be inseparable from comparison between the two.

I will drop it I just want to be helpfull. :smallsigh::smallfrown: well good night friends. :smallsmile: it feel like a long time since I could call some one friend. :smallredface: and now I feel I have a lot all fo you.

It's a tough topic, really. I do think that if you have this definition, it should be spoiler'd and labeled.

2013-10-31, 01:06 AM
Juniper~ *eeveepounce*

You look so pretty! Especially that first and last top!

And is that a bronze oakleaf necklace? :smallconfused:
Thank you! That necklace is made out of wood, and I think it's the leaf of a Japanese maple.

Also the whole neural stimulation thing to let us feel said selves.


Ooh, very nice~ You're both androgynous and quite pretty. (I admit that I read you as slightly weighted towards female, but that's probably because I knew you prior to your figuring all this stuff out.)
Thank you. And slightly female is fine. ^_^

Ohmigodsopretty. :D

*Pastries, pillows, hugs and/or everything else to everybody*

Looks like I missed a lot of people having a pretty bad time. I just wish I could do more than being the silly Kobold sending digital shows of support. ;_;

You look amazing, Juniper. You look quite androgynous to me, swaying just the teeniest bits to one side. but it actually is different sides in each picture, so it is hopefully not that bad. ^_^'

What is bad is that I am so jealous of your wardrobe. So jealous. OwO

Silly kobold is great support! :smallsmile:
And thanks! Swaying to different sides is actually good, that means I can still try to look really male/female if I want to and am not "stuck" with androgyny. :smallsmile:

You should see the rest of my wardrobe. :smalltongue: Just joking, most of it is pretty boring.


Go back to your home on Adorable Island!!!

Dude I really like your hair.
And yeah, still reading you as more masculine in some and more feminine in others. You do androgyn...ity?—well.

You look amazing!
Also, the haircut in the third picture is really cute ^^
Thank you! I'm still a bit experimenting with my haircut, every time I go home my mother cuts it slightly differently. I think I had like 6 different haircuts in the past 6 months. :smallcool:


see what I did there

Getting into my novel characters' headspace a little too early; I currently feel like I am in drag by wearing a skirt and tights. I am wondering how much is character and how much is some sort of identity questioning on my own part that's coming up from somewhere inside me I didn't know about. I've always thought I was cis female, but I keep getting weird dysphoria in more than one direction.
Something similar happened to me too, but some months after I started writing about an agendered character. For me it was just less dysphoria than realizing that being agender felt right – especially after I found out that that's a real thing and not just something weird I invented for a fantasy story.

– Juniper

Brazen Shield
2013-10-31, 02:12 AM
I did see it at first I can't highlight white text on my phone, which is what I am on right now. I was just asking about the keyboard thing. Intitially.

Oh. SiuiS was on the desktop and I was sitting behind on the couch on my phone. So Si had the keyboard and is a much faster typing on a keyboard than I on my phone. XD

Lady Serpentine
2013-10-31, 02:16 AM
So uh. Currently a bundle of nerves for many reasons, not least of which is that I just came out to the first person I've told who could out me to anyone else I know IRL; in fact, she could out me to everyone I know IRL.

I do not, in fact, think that she would, because from what I know of her she's a better person than that, but... Still stressful. Can I have hugs and such please?

2013-10-31, 02:33 AM
So uh. Currently a bundle of nerves for many reasons, not least of which is that I just came out to the first person I've told who could out me to anyone else I know IRL; in fact, she could out me to everyone I know IRL.

I do not, in fact, think that she would, because from what I know of her she's a better person than that, but... Still stressful. Can I have hugs and such please?


It'll be fine, dear.

Lady Serpentine
2013-10-31, 02:35 AM

It'll be fine, dear.

*curls up and nods*

I hope so, yeah. (Also would PM you but need to keep space clear for her reply.)

2013-10-31, 03:19 AM
So it's 3am and I can't sleep ._. Dysphoria is the worst thing and none of the people that normally help me are online that's not their fault it's just how it is. so instead of being able to function normally I just have to pore over every facet of my appearance, personality, and demeanor that comes across as masculine

Lady Serpentine
2013-10-31, 03:22 AM
Anything that I can do to help you out? *offers hugs of any variety desired in addition to other aid*

2013-10-31, 03:25 AM
idk I'm really hungry I guess but if I eat I'll get (more) fat and ugly so yeah no

Lady Serpentine
2013-10-31, 03:27 AM
Judging by the pictures I saw of you earlier, you're a perfectly healthy weight and quite pretty, so... I'd say starving yourself is unnecessary.

2013-10-31, 03:27 AM
@ Queerkitty: *hug*
@ C'Nor: *hug*

EDIT: Yeah, as C'Nor said, not a good idea. Self harm either. If you need to talk, you can PM me. I, hum, have some experience with both issues.

"Good day, dame C! art thou not presenting
thy oral in the first of all four weeks?"
"Indeed, dear sir, I be the very first,
And shall be proof of all mistakes and faults
As can be done in tasks unknown to all.
This plight, I did expect, working as I,
Sadly, on days more early than others;
And thus my time, such as it is, cannot
Be more ill-used than when I write, as now,
Iambic pentameters complaining about the whole damn mess."

2013-10-31, 05:37 AM
So I have a weird thing.

I started up an exercise program tonight, and went through with it as far as I could (being light headed and rather out of it for about 30m after). I feel good. I feel like my body is waking up again. But I'm also angry. Territorial. Willing to settle disputes like Mike Erhmentraut and just say "shut up, here's how it is, deal, walk or get hurt". And it's familiar.

I used to feel like this all the time.

I don't know when it went away, exactly. But I do know a combination of a bad scary movie and taking my cat to the get made me rethink violence, and that image issues made me cut out martial arts and fitness completely.

So I'm thinking, this is just getting my blood going an damping my testosterone slightly. And... I'm... Well. I suppose this is the boilerplate concern. Is this supposed to be normal? How much of my femininity has been reinforced by lower testosterone? Will I lose touch with myself again if I get into shape, for real?

If I were on hrt this wouldn't be a concern. But I'm not. Although that thought was reaffirming; the idea that while testosterone may make me more masculine, I am not stuck with testosterone and am not cheating by switching is... Soothing. Very light blue to an otherwise brick red veneer.

E: actually, it might be breaking through character armor. That would be interesting.

The Succubus
2013-10-31, 05:57 AM
I used to be a fairly aggressive sort and I found that martial arts actually helped me feel calmer and less violent. It depends a lot on the style you're doing but maybe something like aikido or kenjitsu might be good for you. :smallsmile:

2013-10-31, 07:04 AM
Sometimes I think the only reason I think I have been able to avoid seriously hurting myself is that I am so afraid of blood that anything even resembling cutting is right out.

Not feeling particularly bad atm, the thought just popped in my head.

2013-10-31, 07:22 AM
So... Coming out plans!

* I'm seeing my best friend on Sunday. So that's settled.
* I think I will tell my director on Monday. I'll try to have some other things to say as well.
* I've decided that my first "out" day at school will be next Thursday.
* Beforehand, on Wednesday, I will change my name on Facebook. I might change my picture too, but it's already a picture of Daria at the moment, so yeah...
* On Thursday, I don't have class, but I come to chair the executive comity. So I'll come in early and stay late in the association's meeting room, in order to do as much publicity as possible.
* I've written a note, to show people. If they act surprised, etc., I just show a copy. I don't want to have to talk, it never ends well. It's in French, but this is the translation:

On this Thursday November 7, I am going out publicly for the first time as a transgender young lady. This means that my gender identity (F) doesn't match my assigned gender (M) or my sex (M). Concretely, this implies that for now on, I will be a woman. Unfortunately, this scchematic description does not describe the complexity of my experience, nor that of all other transgender people.

Here are the things that will change :
- my gender, and all that implies;
- my name;
- my body;
- my gender expression (clothes, etc.);
- my grammatical markers of gender (-e makes me happy :) [the original reads: "les -e me rendent heureuse :)" In French, -e is the most common mark of the feminine gender. I purposefully said "heureuse", the feminine of "heureux".])
- my vulnerability to discrimination;
- my well-being.

These changes will not be instantaneous. For instance, I must frequently change my gender expression depending on people I plan to meet and I am not yet very regular with using the feminine. After all, gender transition is a process.

Everything else will not change. For example, none of these things will be altered :
- my passions;
- my dreams;
- my involvement in the association;
- what I like and dislike;
- my opinions;
- my habits, except insofar as they relate to gender expression;
- my identity, the person I am and always have been, deep inside.

I recognize that this is a difficult period of adaptation, not only for me, but without any doubt also for you and everyone around me. I understand that some may have difficulty accepting this. All the same, I would appreciate your explicit support a lot: transphobia (negative attitudes toward transsexuality) being everywhere, every little act that will make me forget it in my daily life will make me happier.

I am conscious that my situation is exceptional. If you have respectful questions about this, ask them (today or another time, in person or otherwise), and I shall do all I can to ask them and help you understand.

Caroline [X]

Comments? Especially on the letter...

2013-10-31, 07:23 AM
Speaking as someone who has held the blade to himself before, I know what it takes to want to put it down.

I know how badly it hurts, but I also know that if the need and desire is great enough, you will find the resolve to follow through, the fear if blood can be overcome. But I also know that as long as you have friends you can talk to, people you can trust with the pain and fear, then you can overcome what it is that hurts you so badly, that physical harm provides relief.

I love you all. If any of you needs to talk, my PM box is open.

2013-10-31, 07:26 AM
On self-harm: I'm another open PM box.

2013-10-31, 07:29 AM
So... Coming out plans!

* I'm seeing my best friend on Sunday. So that's settled.
* I think I will tell my director on Monday. I'll try to have some other things to say as well.
* I've decided that my first "out" day at school will be next Thursday.
* Beforehand, on Wednesday, I will change my name on Facebook. I might change my picture too, but it's already a picture of Daria at the moment, so yeah...
* On Thursday, I don't have class, but I come to chair the executive comity. So I'll come in early and stay late in the association's meeting room, in order to do as much publicity as possible.
* I've written a note, to show people. If they act surprised, etc., I just show a copy. I don't want to have to talk, it never ends well. It's in French, but this is the translation:

On this Thursday November 7, I am going out publicly for the first time as a transgender young lady. This means that my gender identity (F) doesn't match my assigned gender (M) or my sex (M). Concretely, this implies that for now on, I will be a woman. Unfortunately, this scchematic description does not describe the complexity of my experience, nor that of all other transgender people.

Here are the things that will change :
- my gender, and all that implies;
- my name;
- my body;
- my gender expression (clothes, etc.);
- my grammatical markers of gender (-e makes me happy :) [the original reads: "les -e me rendent heureuse :)" In French, -e is the most common mark of the feminine gender. I purposefully said "heureuse", the feminine of "heureux".])
- my vulnerability to discrimination;
- my well-being.

These changes will not be instantaneous. For instance, I must frequently change my gender expression depending on people I plan to meet and I am not yet very regular with using the feminine. After all, gender transition is a process.

Everything else will not change. For example, none of these things will be altered :
- my passions;
- my dreams;
- my involvement in the association;
- what I like and dislike;
- my opinions;
- my habits, except insofar as they relate to gender expression;
- my identity, the person I am and always have been, deep inside.

I recognize that this is a difficult period of adaptation, not only for me, but without any doubt also for you and everyone around me. I understand that some may have difficulty accepting this. All the same, I would appreciate your explicit support a lot: transphobia (negative attitudes toward transsexuality) being everywhere, every little act that will make me forget it in my daily life will make me happier.

I am conscious that my situation is exceptional. If you have respectful questions about this, ask them (today or another time, in person or otherwise), and I shall do all I can to ask them and help you understand.

Caroline [X]

Comments? Especially on the letter...

Wow, you have this all planned out well. Good luck!

2013-10-31, 07:39 AM
So... Coming out plans!

* I'm seeing my best friend on Sunday. So that's settled.
* I think I will tell my director on Monday. I'll try to have some other things to say as well.
* I've decided that my first "out" day at school will be next Thursday.
* Beforehand, on Wednesday, I will change my name on Facebook. I might change my picture too, but it's already a picture of Daria at the moment, so yeah...
* On Thursday, I don't have class, but I come to chair the executive comity. So I'll come in early and stay late in the association's meeting room, in order to do as much publicity as possible.
* I've written a note, to show people. If they act surprised, etc., I just show a copy. I don't want to have to talk, it never ends well. It's in French, but this is the translation:

On this Thursday November 7, I am going out publicly for the first time as a transgender young lady. This means that my gender identity (F) doesn't match my assigned gender (M) or my sex (M). Concretely, this implies that for now on, I will be a woman. Unfortunately, this scchematic description does not describe the complexity of my experience, nor that of all other transgender people.

Here are the things that will change :
- my gender, and all that implies;
- my name;
- my body;
- my gender expression (clothes, etc.);
- my grammatical markers of gender (-e makes me happy :) [the original reads: "les -e me rendent heureuse :)" In French, -e is the most common mark of the feminine gender. I purposefully said "heureuse", the feminine of "heureux".])
- my vulnerability to discrimination;
- my well-being.

These changes will not be instantaneous. For instance, I must frequently change my gender expression depending on people I plan to meet and I am not yet very regular with using the feminine. After all, gender transition is a process.

Everything else will not change. For example, none of these things will be altered :
- my passions;
- my dreams;
- my involvement in the association;
- what I like and dislike;
- my opinions;
- my habits, except insofar as they relate to gender expression;
- my identity, the person I am and always have been, deep inside.

I recognize that this is a difficult period of adaptation, not only for me, but without any doubt also for you and everyone around me. I understand that some may have difficulty accepting this. All the same, I would appreciate your explicit support a lot: transphobia (negative attitudes toward transsexuality) being everywhere, every little act that will make me forget it in my daily life will make me happier.

I am conscious that my situation is exceptional. If you have respectful questions about this, ask them (today or another time, in person or otherwise), and I shall do all I can to ask them and help you understand.

Caroline [X]

Comments? Especially on the letter...

You just got +10 awesome points.:smalltongue:

I am not an expert, but my PM box is always opened.

2013-10-31, 07:52 AM
So... Coming out plans!

* I'm seeing my best friend on Sunday. So that's settled.
* I think I will tell my director on Monday. I'll try to have some other things to say as well.
* I've decided that my first "out" day at school will be next Thursday.
* Beforehand, on Wednesday, I will change my name on Facebook. I might change my picture too, but it's already a picture of Daria at the moment, so yeah...
* On Thursday, I don't have class, but I come to chair the executive comity. So I'll come in early and stay late in the association's meeting room, in order to do as much publicity as possible.
* I've written a note, to show people. If they act surprised, etc., I just show a copy. I don't want to have to talk, it never ends well. It's in French, but this is the translation:

On this Thursday November 7, I am going out publicly for the first time as a transgender young lady. This means that my gender identity (F) doesn't match my assigned gender (M) or my sex (M). Concretely, this implies that for now on, I will be a woman. Unfortunately, this scchematic description does not describe the complexity of my experience, nor that of all other transgender people.

Here are the things that will change :
- my gender, and all that implies;
- my name;
- my body;
- my gender expression (clothes, etc.);
- my grammatical markers of gender (-e makes me happy :) [the original reads: "les -e me rendent heureuse :)" In French, -e is the most common mark of the feminine gender. I purposefully said "heureuse", the feminine of "heureux".])
- my vulnerability to discrimination;
- my well-being.

These changes will not be instantaneous. For instance, I must frequently change my gender expression depending on people I plan to meet and I am not yet very regular with using the feminine. After all, gender transition is a process.

Everything else will not change. For example, none of these things will be altered :
- my passions;
- my dreams;
- my involvement in the association;
- what I like and dislike;
- my opinions;
- my habits, except insofar as they relate to gender expression;
- my identity, the person I am and always have been, deep inside.

I recognize that this is a difficult period of adaptation, not only for me, but without any doubt also for you and everyone around me. I understand that some may have difficulty accepting this. All the same, I would appreciate your explicit support a lot: transphobia (negative attitudes toward transsexuality) being everywhere, every little act that will make me forget it in my daily life will make me happier.

I am conscious that my situation is exceptional. If you have respectful questions about this, ask them (today or another time, in person or otherwise), and I shall do all I can to ask them and help you understand.

Caroline [X]

Comments? Especially on the letter...

That letter is great. if you don't mind it i might outright steal parts of it if I decide to use letter when I come out.:smallbiggrin:

2013-10-31, 07:57 AM
So... Coming out plans!

* I'm seeing my best friend on Sunday. So that's settled.
* I think I will tell my director on Monday. I'll try to have some other things to say as well.
* I've decided that my first "out" day at school will be next Thursday.
* Beforehand, on Wednesday, I will change my name on Facebook. I might change my picture too, but it's already a picture of Daria at the moment, so yeah...
* On Thursday, I don't have class, but I come to chair the executive comity. So I'll come in early and stay late in the association's meeting room, in order to do as much publicity as possible.
* I've written a note, to show people. If they act surprised, etc., I just show a copy. I don't want to have to talk, it never ends well. It's in French, but this is the translation:

On this Thursday November 7, I am going out publicly for the first time as a transgender young lady. This means that my gender identity (F) doesn't match my assigned gender (M) or my sex (M). Concretely, this implies that for now on, I will be a woman. Unfortunately, this scchematic description does not describe the complexity of my experience, nor that of all other transgender people.

Here are the things that will change :
- my gender, and all that implies;
- my name;
- my body;
- my gender expression (clothes, etc.);
- my grammatical markers of gender (-e makes me happy :) [the original reads: "les -e me rendent heureuse :)" In French, -e is the most common mark of the feminine gender. I purposefully said "heureuse", the feminine of "heureux".])
- my vulnerability to discrimination;
- my well-being.

These changes will not be instantaneous. For instance, I must frequently change my gender expression depending on people I plan to meet and I am not yet very regular with using the feminine. After all, gender transition is a process.

Everything else will not change. For example, none of these things will be altered :
- my passions;
- my dreams;
- my involvement in the association;
- what I like and dislike;
- my opinions;
- my habits, except insofar as they relate to gender expression;
- my identity, the person I am and always have been, deep inside.

I recognize that this is a difficult period of adaptation, not only for me, but without any doubt also for you and everyone around me. I understand that some may have difficulty accepting this. All the same, I would appreciate your explicit support a lot: transphobia (negative attitudes toward transsexuality) being everywhere, every little act that will make me forget it in my daily life will make me happier.

I am conscious that my situation is exceptional. If you have respectful questions about this, ask them (today or another time, in person or otherwise), and I shall do all I can to ask them and help you understand.

Caroline [X]

Comments? Especially on the letter...

Like noparlpf said, you've put a lot of thought into it! I have nothing to add or critique really. I wish you the best of luck! *hugs* :smallsmile:

2013-10-31, 08:06 AM
I made a coming out video and posted it on my facebook;

I'm out now. :smallsmile:

I wonder when I'll get my first hateful comment.

~ Andrea

2013-10-31, 08:18 AM
Like noparlpf said, you've put a lot of thought into it! I have nothing to add or critique really. I wish you the best of luck! *hugs* :smallsmile:

Wow, you have this all planned out well. Good luck!
Thank you!

My attitude to... most everything is: "All you need is plan. All you need is plan. All you need is plan, plan. Plan is-a all you need."

You just got +10 awesome points.:smalltongue:

I am not an expert, but my PM box is always opened.
Do awesome points provide a synergy bonus on my disguise check? It would cancel my -2 penalty for disguising as a different gender.

Thank you!

That letter is great. if you don't mind it i might outright steal parts of it if I decide to use letter when I come out.:smallbiggrin:
Please do, I'd be honoured :smallredface:

I made a coming out video and posted it on my facebook;

I'm out now. :smallsmile:

I wonder when I'll get my first hateful comment.

~ Andrea
Congratulations! :smallsmile:

(I left you a not-hateful comment.)

2013-10-31, 08:20 AM
So it's 3am and I can't sleep ._. Dysphoria is the worst thing and none of the people that normally help me are online that's not their fault it's just how it is. so instead of being able to function normally I just have to pore over every facet of my appearance, personality, and demeanor that comes across as masculine

Aww, poor kitty. I know the feeling. Stay strong. :)

I made a coming out video and posted it on my facebook;

I'm out now. :smallsmile:

I wonder when I'll get my first hateful comment.

~ Andrea

We're hoping never, though that doesn't usually work.


You really do look good, though. And you do look pretty androgynous. :3

So you're lookin' good.

2013-10-31, 08:20 AM
I made a coming out video and posted it on my facebook;

I'm out now. :smallsmile:

I wonder when I'll get my first hateful comment.

~ Andrea

Youtube is blocked at work, so I can't look right now, but good for you.:smallwink:

Do awesome points provide a synergy bonus on my disguise check? It would cancel my -2 penalty for disguising as a different gender.

You want to disguising as male?:smallconfused:

2013-10-31, 08:23 AM
Youtube is blocked at work, so I can't look right now, but good for you.:smallwink:

You want to disguising as male?:smallconfused:
No, but they know me as male and I'll be dressed as female.

2013-10-31, 08:23 AM
I made a coming out video and posted it on my facebook;

I'm out now. :smallsmile:

I wonder when I'll get my first hateful comment.

~ Andrea

I left you a comment! I bet you'll never guess which one is me. :smalltongue:
(The joke is I use the same username for nearly everything :P)

2013-10-31, 08:27 AM
I made a coming out video and posted it on my facebook;

I'm out now. :smallsmile:

I wonder when I'll get my first hateful comment.

~ Andrea

I like the video, short and straight to point ^^

Please do, I'd be honoured :smallredface:

If I decide to use a letter (not sure if it is the right option for me yet) I will. ^^

2013-10-31, 08:33 AM
No, but they know me as male and I'll be dressed as female.

They think you are male, but that doesn't make you less female.:smallwink:

2013-10-31, 08:36 AM
They think you are male, but that doesn't make you less female.:smallwink:
I've never been so glad to concede defeat :smallsmile:

2013-10-31, 08:37 AM
I made a coming out video and posted it on my facebook;

I'm out now. :smallsmile:

I wonder when I'll get my first hateful comment.

~ Andrea

Can't watch it yet, but I will as soon as I can.

Proud Tortoise
2013-10-31, 08:45 AM
Sometimes I think the only reason I think I have been able to avoid seriously hurting myself is that I am so afraid of blood that anything even resembling cutting is right out.

Not feeling particularly bad atm, the thought just popped in my head.

My main motivation for not committing suicide, maybe even just to see what happens after death, is that I have convinced myself that reincarnation exists and can be retroactive.

2013-10-31, 08:59 AM
I used to be a fairly aggressive sort and I found that martial arts actually helped me feel calmer and less violent. It depends a lot on the style you're doing but maybe something like aikido or kenjitsu might be good for you. :smallsmile:

It's a matter of maturity I think. It can be a tool for channeling aggression, but it can also just be an enabling agent.

So... Coming out plans!

* I'm seeing my best friend on Sunday. So that's settled.
* I think I will tell my director on Monday. I'll try to have some other things to say as well.
* I've decided that my first "out" day at school will be next Thursday.
* Beforehand, on Wednesday, I will change my name on Facebook. I might change my picture too, but it's already a picture of Daria at the moment, so yeah...
* On Thursday, I don't have class, but I come to chair the executive comity. So I'll come in early and stay late in the association's meeting room, in order to do as much publicity as possible.
* I've written a note, to show people. If they act surprised, etc., I just show a copy. I don't want to have to talk, it never ends well. It's in French, but this is the translation:

On this Thursday November 7, I am going out publicly for the first time as a transgender young lady. This means that my gender identity (F) doesn't match my assigned gender (M) or my sex (M). Concretely, this implies that for now on, I will be a woman. Unfortunately, this scchematic description does not describe the complexity of my experience, nor that of all other transgender people.

Here are the things that will change :
- my gender, and all that implies;
- my name;
- my body;
- my gender expression (clothes, etc.);
- my grammatical markers of gender (-e makes me happy :) [the original reads: "les -e me rendent heureuse :)" In French, -e is the most common mark of the feminine gender. I purposefully said "heureuse", the feminine of "heureux".])
- my vulnerability to discrimination;
- my well-being.

These changes will not be instantaneous. For instance, I must frequently change my gender expression depending on people I plan to meet and I am not yet very regular with using the feminine. After all, gender transition is a process.

Everything else will not change. For example, none of these things will be altered :
- my passions;
- my dreams;
- my involvement in the association;
- what I like and dislike;
- my opinions;
- my habits, except insofar as they relate to gender expression;
- my identity, the person I am and always have been, deep inside.

I recognize that this is a difficult period of adaptation, not only for me, but without any doubt also for you and everyone around me. I understand that some may have difficulty accepting this. All the same, I would appreciate your explicit support a lot: transphobia (negative attitudes toward transsexuality) being everywhere, every little act that will make me forget it in my daily life will make me happier.

I am conscious that my situation is exceptional. If you have respectful questions about this, ask them (today or another time, in person or otherwise), and I shall do all I can to ask them and help you understand.

Caroline [X]

Comments? Especially on the letter...

That is seriously ****ing awesome.

I made a coming out video and posted it on my facebook;

I'm out now. :smallsmile:

I wonder when I'll get my first hateful comment.

Right now!

"Your shoes are terrible and clash with your hair, possibly!"

There. I dare say you have been quite verbally flogged, and that this should be the worst thing to happen to you all week. u.u

2013-10-31, 09:11 AM
Looking good, Juniper!

To other transwomen:
Is it just me, or does watching/reading fiction with a good female protagonist affect anyone elses dysphoria?

Yeah, mostly it feels pretty good. But of course as soon as i stop reading/watching reality hits hard.

So uh. Currently a bundle of nerves for many reasons, not least of which is that I just came out to the first person I've told who could out me to anyone else I know IRL; in fact, she could out me to everyone I know IRL.

I do not, in fact, think that she would, because from what I know of her she's a better person than that, but... Still stressful. Can I have hugs and such please?


*hug offers for everyone else*

Personal update
I now know 3 people at the new uni, but i still got always misgendered. Even though all know my name, and i even told one that i'm transsexual. But well, i keep correcting them until they get it right :smalltongue: And at least most people apologize for misgendering, which is nice.

2013-10-31, 09:23 AM
Personal update
I now know 3 people at the new uni, but i still got always misgendered. Even though all know my name, and i even told one that i'm transsexual. But well, i keep correcting them until they get it right :smalltongue: And at least most people apologize for misgendering, which is nice.

Ye'll get there. *Hugs*

2013-10-31, 09:28 AM
*hug offers for everyone else*

Personal update
I now know 3 people at the new uni, but i still got always misgendered. Even though all know my name, and i even told one that i'm transsexual. But well, i keep correcting them until they get it right :smalltongue: And at least most people apologize for misgendering, which is nice.

*Takes a hug*
That's terrible. But at least they apologize for saying the wrong name! That's a good start!
*Sets up auto hug dispenser for Tanail and others*

2013-10-31, 09:29 AM
"Your shoes are terrible and clash with your hair, possibly!"

*gasp!* How rude! :smalltongue:

I tend to wear hiking shoes, so they might well look very unfashionable.

Congratulations! :smallsmile:

(I left you a not-hateful comment.)


*Hugs and cookies for everyone!*

2013-10-31, 10:22 AM
Good Morning Everyone. :smallbiggrin:

So I have a weird thing.

I started up an exercise program tonight, and went through with it as far as I could (being light headed and rather out of it for about 30m after). I feel good. I feel like my body is waking up again. But I'm also angry. Territorial. Willing to settle disputes like Mike Erhmentraut and just say "shut up, here's how it is, deal, walk or get hurt". And it's familiar.

I used to feel like this all the time.

I don't know when it went away, exactly. But I do know a combination of a bad scary movie and taking my cat to the get made me rethink violence, and that image issues made me cut out martial arts and fitness completely.

So I'm thinking, this is just getting my blood going an damping my testosterone slightly. And... I'm... Well. I suppose this is the boilerplate concern. Is this supposed to be normal? How much of my femininity has been reinforced by lower testosterone? Will I lose touch with myself again if I get into shape, for real?

If I were on hrt this wouldn't be a concern. But I'm not. Although that thought was reaffirming; the idea that while testosterone may make me more masculine, I am not stuck with testosterone and am not cheating by switching is... Soothing. Very light blue to an otherwise brick red veneer.

E: actually, it might be breaking through character armor. That would be interesting.
i also face a issue with myself about violence, i have never denied on here that i like guns, knifes, and all sorts of violence, but i know that if i stay violent i could hurt some one so i use out lets such as virtual violence in video games, writing stories, and every once in a while got hunting. maybe Siuis you just need to find a way to let it out, in such a way that it won't hurt anyone, rather then try to avoid it.

I made a coming out video and posted it on my facebook;

I'm out now. :smallsmile:

I wonder when I'll get my first hateful comment.

~ Andrea

i alsol posted andrea. i really like the video. :smallbiggrin: but gods how thoses pants clashed with your shirt. :smallyuk::smallwink:

Mina Kobold
2013-10-31, 10:39 AM
So... Coming out plans!

* I'm seeing my best friend on Sunday. So that's settled.
* I think I will tell my director on Monday. I'll try to have some other things to say as well.
* I've decided that my first "out" day at school will be next Thursday.
* Beforehand, on Wednesday, I will change my name on Facebook. I might change my picture too, but it's already a picture of Daria at the moment, so yeah...
* On Thursday, I don't have class, but I come to chair the executive comity. So I'll come in early and stay late in the association's meeting room, in order to do as much publicity as possible.
* I've written a note, to show people. If they act surprised, etc., I just show a copy. I don't want to have to talk, it never ends well. It's in French, but this is the translation:

On this Thursday November 7, I am going out publicly for the first time as a transgender young lady. This means that my gender identity (F) doesn't match my assigned gender (M) or my sex (M). Concretely, this implies that for now on, I will be a woman. Unfortunately, this scchematic description does not describe the complexity of my experience, nor that of all other transgender people.

Here are the things that will change :
- my gender, and all that implies;
- my name;
- my body;
- my gender expression (clothes, etc.);
- my grammatical markers of gender (-e makes me happy :) [the original reads: "les -e me rendent heureuse :)" In French, -e is the most common mark of the feminine gender. I purposefully said "heureuse", the feminine of "heureux".])
- my vulnerability to discrimination;
- my well-being.

These changes will not be instantaneous. For instance, I must frequently change my gender expression depending on people I plan to meet and I am not yet very regular with using the feminine. After all, gender transition is a process.

Everything else will not change. For example, none of these things will be altered :
- my passions;
- my dreams;
- my involvement in the association;
- what I like and dislike;
- my opinions;
- my habits, except insofar as they relate to gender expression;
- my identity, the person I am and always have been, deep inside.

I recognize that this is a difficult period of adaptation, not only for me, but without any doubt also for you and everyone around me. I understand that some may have difficulty accepting this. All the same, I would appreciate your explicit support a lot: transphobia (negative attitudes toward transsexuality) being everywhere, every little act that will make me forget it in my daily life will make me happier.

I am conscious that my situation is exceptional. If you have respectful questions about this, ask them (today or another time, in person or otherwise), and I shall do all I can to ask them and help you understand.

Caroline [X]

Comments? Especially on the letter...

... Is it all right if you're my hero now? I wish I could just write a letter and come out like that, congrats! ^_^

I made a coming out video and posted it on my facebook;

I'm out now. :smallsmile:

I wonder when I'll get my first hateful comment.

~ Andrea

Yay for Andrea! ^_^

Yeah, mostly it feels pretty good. But of course as soon as i stop reading/watching reality hits hard.

That's kind of why I probably would only rarely unplug from a Matrix-like device. I love reading stories of amazing people who can do or be what I can't, but that fact is also very painful.

Personal update
I now know 3 people at the new uni, but i still got always misgendered. Even though all know my name, and i even told one that i'm transsexual. But well, i keep correcting them until they get it right :smalltongue: And at least most people apologize for misgendering, which is nice.

Apologising is nice, but I hope they get it right soon! :smallsmile:

2013-10-31, 10:40 AM
...I actually don't remember if you're a guy or a girl, and after viewing your pictures I am no wiser.

Not sure how to take this honestly :|

2013-10-31, 11:08 AM
Happy Halloween everyone!!! I wish you all the best of days, and hope the day after this one is even better! And the one that's after that is even better, and it just repeats this cycle. :smallbiggrin:

I'd like to help people on this subject of self harm, but I know very little on the topic. Certainly not enough to provide advice on, other than to not do it. Wish I could be a bigger help around this thread. All I seem to do is post my issues and pictures, though i don't think anyone minds the pictures, considering how much of a positive reaction I get from you wonderful people when I post them. :smallredface: But I still wish I could be a bigger help. I don't feel like I'm carrying my weight around here.

2013-10-31, 11:11 AM
Happy Halloween everyone!!! I wish you all the best of days, and hope the day after this one is even better! And the one that's after that is even better, and it just repeats this cycle. :smallbiggrin:

I'd like to help people on this subject of self harm, but I know very little on the topic. Certainly not enough to provide advice on, other than to not do it. Wish I could be a bigger help around this thread. All I seem to do is post my issues and pictures, though i don't think anyone minds the pictures, considering how much of a positive reaction I get from you wonderful people when I post them. :smallredface: But I still wish I could be a bigger help. I don't feel like I'm carrying my weight around here.

Akowrules you offer hugs and always try to brighter our days. you do amazing work Akowrules!

2013-10-31, 11:42 AM
I never mastered the formal apology, so I'll just say this.

Sorry for my earlier outburst, SiuiS, Lena, Jaycemode, noparlpf. Sorry everyone else, too.

2013-10-31, 11:46 AM
I called again today and have my first appointment for laser next Monday. I also got some nice blue nail polish.

I never mastered the formal apology, so I'll just say this.

Sorry for my earlier outburst, SiuiS, Lena, Jaycemode, noparlpf. Sorry everyone else, too.

Mew. Is okay.

2013-10-31, 11:59 AM
Happy Halloween everyone!!! I wish you all the best of days, and hope the day after this one is even better! And the one that's after that is even better, and it just repeats this cycle. :smallbiggrin:

I'd like to help people on this subject of self harm, but I know very little on the topic. Certainly not enough to provide advice on, other than to not do it. Wish I could be a bigger help around this thread. All I seem to do is post my issues and pictures, though i don't think anyone minds the pictures, considering how much of a positive reaction I get from you wonderful people when I post them. :smallredface: But I still wish I could be a bigger help. I don't feel like I'm carrying my weight around here.

Some burdens are not yours to carry, dear. And some of the burdens we speak of are not meant to be carried by others. But by sharing them we lessen our loads even that tiniest bit. And sometimes, that is enough to make the weight upon our souls bearable again.

The fact that you listen, that you let us speak our problems, and do not judge us for them, that is enough.

That is why we love you.

2013-10-31, 12:29 PM
I never mastered the formal apology, so I'll just say this.

Sorry for my earlier outburst, SiuiS, Lena, Jaycemode, noparlpf. Sorry everyone else, too.

No worries.

2013-10-31, 12:30 PM
So who is going to post halloween costumes tonight.

2013-10-31, 12:34 PM
So who is going to post halloween costumes tonight.

Does sitting around in my underwear eating discount candy alone count?
Just kidding. I'll be sitting around in my clothes playing Pokémon alone.

2013-10-31, 12:42 PM
Does sitting around in my underwear eating discount candy alone count?
Just kidding. I'll be sitting around in my clothes playing Pokémon alone.

and here folks we have an example of a beautiful piece of cosplay simply know as the Gamer.
Sure i think that works just fine. :smallbiggrin:

Mono Vertigo
2013-10-31, 12:43 PM
No costume for me today. And I think I'm implicitly forbidden from scaring away the kids, because we haven't even taken the time to buy candies this time. I can have drastic methods for scaring away solicitors, even the holiday-sponsored ones.
BF not coming home before a while. It's a shame. He was doing legal medicine this summer, and loved it. He's learnt whole new ways to be creepy.

2013-10-31, 12:52 PM
Yay, my charger is gonna get here early! (https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=940011020084000387 4191)

2013-10-31, 12:53 PM
No costume for me today. And I think I'm implicitly forbidden from scaring away the kids, because we haven't even taken the time to buy candies this time. I can have drastic methods for scaring away solicitors, even the holiday-sponsored ones.
BF not coming home before a while. It's a shame. He was doing legal medicine this summer, and loved it. He's learnt whole new ways to be creepy.

Maybe when I get the chance I'll start nicking organs. Then I can just show kids real dismembered animals/humans.

2013-10-31, 01:03 PM
*Takes a hug*
That's terrible. But at least they apologize for saying the wrong name! That's a good start!
*Sets up auto hug dispenser for Tanail and others*

Aye it's not too bad, and i can cope with it, so i don't care (much) ^^

*marvels at the hug dispenser and spends the next few hours taking hugs*

I called again today and have my first appointment for laser next Monday. I also got some nice blue nail polish.

Awesome, I wish you a happy lasering :3

I also gotta check soon if i really have to pay for laser myself either way, then i could already start. Beard shadow probably is one the most obvious clues at the moment, together with face shape.


2013-10-31, 01:05 PM
Not sure how to take this honestly :|

If you were trying for androgyny, congratulations! You succeeded!

If you weren't... sorry, I guess? Androgyny is awesome though!

2013-10-31, 01:08 PM
So who is going to post halloween costumes tonight.

I will be! I posted one here last night since some of my Skype friends kept nagging me about it. Though I have the full costume today!

Yay, my charger is gonna get here early! (https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=940011020084000387 4191)

Yay! Always good to have things come early. Or most things. Some things would not be good if they come early. But this is one of the good things!

Me at lunch in my costume:

http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b560/Akowrules/6755a5dc-70f0-498f-9794-4a4acf84eab1_zps9dee855a.jpg (http://s1291.photobucket.com/user/Akowrules/media/6755a5dc-70f0-498f-9794-4a4acf84eab1_zps9dee855a.jpg.html)

Sorry if I look weird. I generally make that kind of face when in front of friends.

2013-10-31, 01:21 PM
I really don't like the premise of halloween and trick or treating. "Give us sweets or we'll do bad things to your house!"

2013-10-31, 01:23 PM
I really don't like the premise of halloween and trick or treating. "Give us sweets or we'll do bad things to your house!"

It's not really like that around here. Mostly, anyway. Over here the premise is kids dress up and get free candy from strangers. Occasionally (and it does vary by neighborhood) you get teenagers egging houses and stuff, though. But teenagers do that at other times of the year sometimes. Teenagers are silly.

Mono Vertigo
2013-10-31, 01:26 PM
I really don't like the premise of halloween and trick or treating. "Give us sweets or we'll do bad things to your house!"
I've decided that if I get that, my answer shall be "Careful, now, I know both the police's number and what constitutes vandalism or assault."
Again, given I'm living in an apartment on the 3rd floor, the point might be mitigated by the fact neighbours would be affected by potential vandalism as well.

The Succubus
2013-10-31, 01:30 PM
I really don't like the premise of halloween and trick or treating. "Give us sweets or we'll do bad things to your house!"

Now Cassie, you're being a little cynical. Trick or treating is an innocent childhood activity. Why, many of my friends went trick or treating when they were young and they've grown up to be productive members of society. One of them works for a law firm, sending letters out to people that might have infringed on DRM and asking for payments. Another is a full time patent lawyer. The final one works as an enforcer for a protection racket.

See? Happy and well adjusted people upon whom trick or treating set no bad examples. =3