View Full Version : a question about the shadow craft mage

2013-10-29, 10:08 PM
Does the class feature Extend Illusion stack with a meta-magic rod of extend?

I'm in a group that has some of the worlds worst rules Nazis and bullies and I'm trying to get the fine details on my SCM

2013-10-29, 10:22 PM
Extended Illusion (Ex): After a shadowcraft mage reaches 4th level, the duration of any illusion spell she casts or and spell-like ability from the illusion school that she uses is doubled, as if the Extend Spell feat had been applied to it. The levels and casting times of these spells and spelllike abilities don't change, however. This ability stacks with the effect of the Extend Spell feat, which still changes the spell's effective level.

So yes, it can stack as the meta-magic wand just makes the spell work as though that meta-magic had been applied.