View Full Version : Anyone good at making maps?

2013-10-30, 10:52 AM
So I am about to start a small project of making a characters empire, which I am thinking of using in later games and was hoping to get a map of the actual Area of land he rules. I myself can not do these things well and so came here in the hopes of finding someone who was capable of making such a map for me.

The area this map will be taken place in is a large mountain range that at its center on the tallest peak is my characters castle/ home village Highmount (unorginal I know, if you have something though I am all ears for it). The area is constantly covered in snow all the way down to the very bottom of the mountain a few thousand feet down (causing a natural obstacle of thin air making it hard for normal armies to invade). On each tier of the mountain I was hoping of making it seem like a magic rune circle that surrounds the peak. What the runes mean, no one knows, and they can only be seen from an ariel view from high above the mountain.

So for example the top tier of the mountain would only house his home town, and the capital of his empire. While about 250ft-500ft. down there are 3 new towns equally spread out. And the next tier down (another 250ft-500ft) there are now 6 towns. So on so forth, each town is set up so that it represents one of the ruins in the circle that can only be seen from the sky, making it unable to be broken unless you destroy an entire town.

Would this be possible for anyone to undertake? If so Please and thank you.

2013-10-31, 08:53 AM
hmmmm i like making maps.

so mountains with your characters castle on the highest one and a town on each other one with the runes. maybe.

2013-10-31, 10:46 AM
I have a world map 80 inches long by 32 inches high for a world called Equran. Its a downloadable color JPEG found here (https://sites.google.com/site/pointsystemgaming/psg-core-rules/world-of-equran). It contains a series of different terrains, kingdoms, and cities.

A map that can be easily adapted to any game setting.

2013-10-31, 10:49 AM
More like

On highest level there is his castle
500ft below there are 3 towns spread evenly
500ft below above level are another 5 towns
500ft below above level are another 7 towns
500ft below above are another 9 towns
500ft below above level (starts to level out in a forest area) are another 11 towns
bottom of mountain before the forest there are another 13 towns.

Each of these towns forms a rune in the magic circle, but if you could make this I would really appreciate it _volcan_. Thank you for such a quick reply as well.

@Hovannes Thank you for the offer, however I personally like my worlds to be something that I do not have to pay for. When I have to pay for something it means it is fully complete and someone else's idea's not my own. And as this is going to become part of a world building project myself and a fellow DM friend of mine are going to work on it needs to be very specific. Again thank you though for the offer.

2013-11-05, 07:13 AM
Not sure about a World Map (seems to be what you're asking for), but I found a website that generates City Maps (http://www.inkwellideas.com/roleplaying_tools/random_city/). Just thought I'd share it.

Snooping around here I found this (http://giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=307578). Mite help more than the City Map maker, though I've yet to try it (currently on my cell).

2013-11-06, 11:10 AM
Thank you Dewards for the help. Oddly enough that will help later on in the world design process.

2013-11-08, 10:36 PM
You might also try The Cartographer's Guild (www.cartographersguild.com). The folks there might be willing to make a map for you, and will definitely help you learn how to make them with many different programs.