View Full Version : Standard Loadouts: what do yours look like?

2013-10-30, 02:44 PM
I have a list of items that I practically auto-include on any character who can afford it. I would like to hear comments on the list, along with any lists anyone else may have.

Basic Loadout: (2000+1050+1000=4050)
-Handy Haversack [2000 gp]
--Main Pocket [0 gp]
--Side Pocket 1 [1050 gp]
----Everful Mug (200)
----Endless Rations (350)
----Magic Bedroll (500)
--Side Pocket 2 [1000 gp]
----Healing Belt (750)
----50' silk rope (10)
----Crowbar (2)
----Flint and steel (1)
----Small steel mirror (10)
----Winter Blanket (0.5)
----Everburning Torch (110)
----Dagger (2)
----Wood Shield (3)
----Firament stone (moon) (110)
----1 gold piece, 5 silver pieces (1.5)

2013-10-30, 02:48 PM
There's like a list of useful items I wouldn't bother looking anywhere else than that I'm on my cell so I don't have a link but I guarantee someone will give it any second now.

2013-10-30, 02:50 PM
There's like a list of useful items I wouldn't bother looking anywhere else than that I'm on my cell so I don't have a link but I guarantee someone will give it any second now.

You mean Shax's Indispensible Haversack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8235865)?

2013-10-30, 02:58 PM

this is a good list

The Fury
2013-10-30, 02:58 PM
I think Spycraft does something similar with what they term "bundles." Basically equipment packages that speed up changing loadouts.
(The only long-term experience I've had in Spycraft was in a Stargate SG1 game which was built on the same rules so I might be wrong.)

Your basic starting loadout looks good though. The only thing I'd add to it might be a map of the general area the campaign is set in, just because I like having maps as a player.