View Full Version : Statting the Bard of Rage - Homestuck's Gamzee Makara

2013-10-30, 03:07 PM
I'm currently statting out a character based on Gamzee from Homestuck - he's a rather dangerous and capricious clown character, who has some cool abilities I want to replicate. I've got some of them down, but I'm not sure about the others - it seems that some of the solutions obviate others.

So, for those of you who don't know or care about Homestuck:

- Gamzee is immune to damage. Absolutely. You can beat him up, he'll bleed, and he might even fall over, but he can never die from being beaten up. I'm thinking some combination of Trollblooded + Gheden template to model this.

- Gamzee can use any weapon at any time with perfect proficiency. Obviously, Master of Masks is perfect for this.

- He can fly into a Berserker rage, and deals massive, massive damage while in one. He's pretty useless, physically, without it. Frenzied Berserker, appropriately enough, is pretty good for this.

- He can control the emotions of others: Whether by driving other people into a rage, or stopping them from attacking him by catching them off guard.

Let's go for a gestalt build to give him the maximum amount of versatility:

Magic-Blooded Unseelie Fey Gheden Human Jester 20//Lion Spirit Totem Whirling Frenzy Barbarian 1/Warblade 5/Master of Masks 1/Frenzied Berserker 10/Warblade+X

Gheden gives us Toughness as a bonus feat, so we can get Trollblooded easy - setting us on the right track to making him unkillable. But it also sacs our Charisma, so Gamzee wouldn't be able to do his Jester side very well. On the plus side, Jester has Good Ref and Will, and the other side has Good Fort, so his saves don't need shoring up. The Jester musics are way more appropriate for him than Bard, otherwise I'd use Bard instead. Hopefully, Jester still has Calm Emotions and Rage as a spell. Warblade I put in mostly for the manuevers - full attacking is efficient but it gets old.

Anyone know how to properly build him without the build falling over on itself? I'm having trouble.