View Full Version : The Silver Stars of the Eclipsing Moon

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2007-01-06, 12:11 PM
Paddyfool: http://www.rpgwebprofiler.net/view.php?id=48592
Amiria: http://www.thetangledweb.net/profiler/view.php?id=6623
Ozzy_G: http://www.rpgwebprofiler.net/view.php?id=48404
Skenardo: http://www.thetangledweb.net/profiler/view.php?id=6658
OOC thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30869&page=3

(Greetings. I am the Guardian Angel of Hope. I will be watching over you on your journey. Yes, you will be going on a journey. The journey will go over mountains, under the ground, and across oceans. You will be taken through the sands of time, you will stride through the tower of the ages, and you will be touched by the light of divinity. All thanks to your own spark of divinity. Keep this spark. Guard it. It will be the thing that will allow you to fight, survive, win, and eventually restore the light to the spreading darkness. So is the prophecy of Hope.)

The streets of Sapphire port is busy as usual. Named because of the large blue sea it lies next to, and known for its size and grandness. Everywhere people are bustling back and forth, bartering as if their life depended on it. There really is nothing that can't be found in this city. Baztikk, Lisaa, Sasha and Bronsk are all wandering one of the main streets of Sapphire port. The street is filled with voices and people yelling and talking, however the talking suddenly stills as a commotion breaks out by the guard station. Those close enough can see that a young girl is arguing with one of the guards from the station.

"It is true. I promise. Please, I beg you. You have to help me." The girl pleads innocently.

"Shut up." The guard replies, as he brutally slaps the child across the face, causing her to bleed from her lips. "We are very buzy here, and we don't have time to kids and your pets."

"But." The girl tries to object but is shoved to the ground by the guard.

"Didn't you hear what I told you? Now get out of here before I arrest you for causing a ruccus."

(Sapphire port is plagued by bandits who pay orphans and street urchins to bother and distract the guards of the city, so that thieving becomes easier. Children also have very few rights in Sotonia unless they come from wealthy families. Most children living on the streets have very little chance of surviving to adulthood on their own.)

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-06, 12:45 PM
Bronsk Sieffson

The lean young Nord with the ragged brown hair watches the scene awkwardly. A patch on his shirtsleeve in the shape of a cross with a green leaf marks him as a professional healer and herbalist. His garb is simple, but well worn from travel.
Breaks my heart to see these things happen. And one so young, too...
After a few more seconds' indecision, he walks to the guard station, and offers a hand to the child.
"Here," as he speaks, the man's voice is rough and accented. "Let me help hyu up."

2007-01-06, 12:58 PM
The girl looks up at Bronsk uncertainly. "Th-thanks." She stutters and stumbles to her feet with the aid of Bronsk. "P-please. You have to help me."

2007-01-06, 02:55 PM
Sasha Corrine

Sasha was a couple yards from the incident as it unfolded; she was perched on a small bench, arranging the multitude of scrolls within her backpack so it wouldn't lean to a side. Those who've spend some time in Sapphire Port have seen this girl running errands for a local wizard. Indeed, though few knew her by name, most knew the young blonde woman, barely an adult herself, by sight. Her clothing was a simple robe ensemble, a pastel blue that matched her eyes and cinched with a simple white belt. Although a dagger was tucked into the belt, this was mostly for sure; tucked in by her right hand was an ivory wand, most likely a much more dangerous weapon in her hands than a dagger of any kind. Despite her profession, a silver holy symbol hangs from her neck, declaring her to be a follower of Isis.

As the incident unfolds, Sasha mostly keeps her eyes lowered; she's never been one for confrontations, particularly since some guards considered her young enough to be a nuisance still. Despite this, as the woman shoulders her more comfortable backpack and carefully picks up a stately raven from the ground, apparently her familiar, she sneers at the guards. "Thank the gods we have such big, strong men to protect us from sweet, innocent children." She sneers angrily, her voice rising somewhat more than she intended.

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-06, 05:47 PM

The healer raises an eyebrow. "What's wrong? Iz someone ill?"

2007-01-07, 09:37 AM
Lisaa Silvershadow

Lisaa walks through the street with the hood of her cloak pulled up when the agitated voices makes her aware of the ongoings at the guard station. She stops and watches as the guard pushes the girl to the ground.

As the two humans meddle in the dispute to aid the girl, Lisaa approaches the group. The small, cloaked figure glares at the guard from under the hood and speaks with a melodic, female voice. "What has she done that requires such rudeness ? She just needs some help !"

2007-01-07, 10:43 AM
The brute of a guard turns towards Lisaa. "This is none of your business stranger." The guard replies before pushing himself through the crowd and back into the guard station.

Meanwhile, the girl tries to explain the situation to Bronsk, but she stutters and repeats herself. "Yes. Y-you see t-t-that m-m-my dog and, and, and." She swallows. "M-Mia and, and. There w-was this s-s-sound you see, and t-then all t-these s-s-stones began to f-fall down. And, and... please you h-have to save Mia."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-07, 10:59 AM
Bronsk looks alarmed, his shaggy eyebrows leaping up on his face.
"Someone iz hurt, yah? Lead me to him, maybe not much time!" He frowns and looks around, thinking quickly.
If she can be moved, it may take more than one person.
"Lady," he says, suddenly, pointing a dye-stained finger at the oddly-cloaked lady. "If hyu feel pity, come and help! Thiz one says there's someone hurt by rocks."
Bronsk glances briefly at the other person to enter the scene, but then shakes his head
No more than a child herself. No sense getting her involved too.
"Lead!" He says to the girl, his hands already sorting through the pouches along the bulky belt at his waist. "I will follow."

2007-01-07, 12:45 PM

The slender woman turns to the healer with the accent. "I heard it. Yes, I will help." She removes the hood of her cloak and looks around to see if any others want to join them before her expectant gaze falls on the child.

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-07, 01:46 PM
The shaggy-haired young man goggles at the elf in front of him, how that the hood has been removed.
By Ingshath! Such beauty!
He looks down hastily, conscious that he's been staring, and mumbles
"Thank hyu, M'Lady."
A soft but insistent growl rings inside Bronsk's head
Keep hold of your wits, you addled Bugbear! You've seen elves before!

2007-01-07, 03:41 PM
The girl seems to finally have regained her composure, and she smiles joyfully at the prospect of receiving help. "Yes. Thankyou, thankyou." She begins to pull Bronsk after her towards the exit of the city.

2007-01-07, 04:04 PM

Even as the apprentice gathered her things and prepared to leave, her eyes stay on the young girl. Most children, after pestering the guard, disappear... this one had found two strangers, and seemed to be talking to them, rather excitedly. "I wonder what's wrong?" She asks the raven in her hands, who blinks and stays silent. Transferring the raven to her shoulder, she hurries over, dodging through the crowd with minor difficulty.

"Excuse me? Is everything all right?" When she reaches the man and the elf, she looks down at them quite curiously. Although young, she's quite tall and stands with her shoulders back, eyeing the people curiously. "I just wanted to know if she needs help..."

2007-01-07, 05:21 PM

Lisaa follows the girl and the healer and looks over her shoulder to the young woman. "Yes, there is probably someone hurt, maybe in a collapsed building." The elf quickens her steps and overtakes the girl to look her in the eyes. "What happened ? Did something collapse ?"

((Maybe roll Sense Motive for me if she answers my questions.))

2007-01-08, 09:54 AM
"Nonono. No building. In the mountains. Me and Mia and my dog was there, and then suddenly there was a rockslide, and Mia and my dog was trapped in a cave under it, and Mia asked me to run for help, and, and I can't get her out from underneath the rocks on my own." The young girl answers with enthusiasm. She does seem to be honest, but worried.

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-08, 12:28 PM
"Mountains!" Bronsk exclaims, stopping for a moment. "How far away? If it'z a rockslide, we need tools maybe."

2007-01-08, 02:19 PM

At the explanation, Sasha gasps dramatically, clasping a hand over her mouth. A rockslide... the poor dears... "I can ask my employer, he's a wizard... he may know a spell or two to help remove the rocks." As she speaks she recalls the scrolls in her own pack, wondering if any of those would be of help.

2007-01-08, 04:32 PM
The girl tilts her head curiously at Sasha. "Magic? Yes, magic can work. Just please help Mia." She then turns to Bronsk. "It is far. Up in the mountains. When Mia got trapped, I ran and I ran and I ran, and even then I got tired many times. We have to go very far, and we must hurry. For if it becomes dark, I will not see where Mia is." She explains without drawing her breath even once.

2007-01-08, 05:12 PM

Lisaa stops and turns to the young woman. "Are you sure that this wizard will help us ? Magic is very expensive.", she asks with a doubting look on her face. Lisaa looks up to the mountains looming beyond the city and then at the child again. "But it happened today, right ? Or did you run through the night."

2007-01-08, 05:37 PM
"It happened today. Mia took me out early this morning, and we spent a long time in the mountains. If we hurry, we can be there before the sun begins to go down."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-08, 07:16 PM
Bronsk looks speculatively at the sky, and then turns to the elf and the young yellow-haired lady.
"We must hurry, but... Hyu two; hyu know where to find some er," Bronsk furrows his brow for a moment "er...Ruckstrackers, er...Shovels! Shovels. Yes? Five minutes may save an hour if we haf them."

2007-01-08, 07:31 PM

Sasha shakes her man at the older man with the strange accent. "I wouldn't know, but surely a shopkeep here must have some... this is a port city, after all, you can find almost anything. And the wizard is a fine man, he would surely donate a spell to save a child." She says this last question to the elf, and although she has a confident outlook, inside she is worried. What she says is true, if only she can get his attention away from his studies... "If I am not back soon, leave without me; I will catch up." With that, the apprentice takes off at a brisk run, skirting around villagers as she runs for the wizards study.

2007-01-09, 04:20 AM

"There should be an ironmongery nearby. Picks and crowbars might also be useful. But not too much or we'll be slowed down.", says Lisaa and points down the street. She looks after the blonde woman as she darts through the crowd. "I wonder if she will find us again outside the city ..."

The elf turns to the girl. "You must be tired and hungry. Here, eat some of this." Lisaa opens her belt pouch and presents some trail rations. Then she takes off her backpack and also offers her a waterskin. "And something to drink. Dry food requires a good amount water."

2007-01-09, 07:13 AM
The young girl gratefully accepts the food offered to her by Lisaa. "Ah. Thank you kind lady." She replies with a smile before nibbling on the food.

Meanwhile, Sasha arrives at the home of her employer. She enters the building and finds the old arcanist in his study, reading a dusty old tome. At the sound of her entrance however, he slams it shut and exclaims in frustration. "Is it impossible to get a little peace and quiet in your own study nowadays?" He turns around and notices Sasha. "Miss Sasha. What is the meaning of this?"

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-09, 01:12 PM
Bronsk nods, and sets off in the direction the elf pointed towards the ironfounders. When he arrives, he looks decidedly agitated.
"Hexcuse me! I need quickly to buy two er, shovels and a pick! There's been an accident in the mountains!"

2007-01-09, 04:30 PM
"An accident you say?" The attendant exclaims before swiftly retrieving the goods Bronsk requested. "There you go then. That will be two gold coins per shovel and three gold coins for the pick. That makes... seven golc coins total please."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-09, 04:51 PM
"Right." Bronsk reaches a chemical-stained hand into a pouch at the oddly-bulky belt at his waist and pulls out a small leather purse. He hastily counts out seven shining gold coins and places them on the counter.
So much for a nice inn tonight. ,he thinks to himself.
He snatches up the tools, and trots back to the street where he'd left the two women.

2007-01-09, 05:54 PM

Lisaa and the girl are still where the healer left them. They stand near a wall and nibble some dried fruits and nuts. "Hey, we are here !", shouts Lisaa and waves. She puts the waterskin back into the backpack and looks at the tools. "We could take of the metal ends, they would fit into my backpack. Then the shafts would be easier to carry. We could use them as walking sticks."

2007-01-09, 05:55 PM

"Excuse me, sir, my apologies." The sorceress hurries through an apologetic curtsy, before excitedly approaching her employer. "Sir, there's a child in the mountains that's been caught in a rockslide... I was hoping you knew of some spells that could help her." She bites her lip, hoping that the man isn't irritated enough to give her a hard time over this.

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-09, 06:00 PM
Bronsk catches himself staring again and quickly looks down at the ground. He frowns for a moment. "They would be loose later then, yes? I can carry them; it's not a problem. Has the other girl returned?" he asks, looking around.

2007-01-10, 04:03 AM
"A child trapped in the mountains? Serves them right for playing there. It really isn't my problem." He turns back to his workbench. After a short amount of silence, he speaks again though. "Although... I suppose I should help you. Now let me see if I have anything you can use." He searches through the mess of his workbench and pulls out a few scrolls. "I am not sure what the situation is, but take these and see if they might be of use. I expect you to only use them if you have too though, and I also expect you to return those you don't use." He says and hands Sasha a scroll of Grease, a scroll of Animate Rope, a scroll of Reduce Person, a scroll of Enlarge Person and a scroll of Floating Disk. He ponders the situation, and then pulls out a black and green wand from his robes. "Take this wand with you too. It might be of use if you need to actually destroy the rocks. Do be careful with it though. If it were to hit someone, the results could be lethal."

2007-01-10, 04:50 AM

"Alright, but I can take one of them.", says the elf and puts the backpack on again. "No, she didn't return yet. But she said the we should leave without her and that she'd catch up with us. The city is big, I have no idea how much time she needs to get to this wizard ... and convince him to help us."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-10, 12:07 PM
Bronsk bites his lip thoughtfully as he slings the tools across his shoulders, and nods, finally.
"Yes. We should quickly go. I will carry these tools, M'lady." He turns back to the child. "Hurry! lead us to your friend."

2007-01-10, 01:33 PM

For a moment, Sasha was quite apalled with her employer, and debating raising a fuss until he finally deigned to help. So very kind of him. "Thank you so much, sir. I'll return with these immediatly." She promises, loading the scrolls carefully into her bag, and bending a corner of each one to remind her which were her bosses and which were hers. She sticks the wand carefully into her belt, next to her ivory one, being quite careful not to accidently set it off; she one accidently struck herself in the leg with a Magic Missile doing this, and limped for a week. With a respectful curtsy, the sorceress takes her leave, half-sprinting through town in hopes of finding the man and the elf before they leave.

2007-01-10, 02:03 PM
The girl nods slightly, then begins to pull in Bronsk and Lisaa. "Yes. We must hurry. Must not keep Mia and Bing waiting. She and Bing maybe harmed and maybe hurting." They begin to walk through the streets, towards the exit. As the exit is getting nearer, they hear the sound of someone running behind them, and notice Sasha barely catching up with them.

After much walking and chatter from the young girl, they finally find themselves arriving at the scene. Before them, they see a large part of the mountain side covered in mostly round rocks of all different sizes. "It was here... I think." She says and points to a large rock surrounded by several smaller ones, which seems to cover a cavern of sorts. "Mia. Are you in there?" The young girl shouts towards the rock.

"Yes. I'm here. And you're not going to believe what I found. Oh, but that can wait. Did you find someone to help?" A feminine, young yet mature voice calls out.

"Yes. We're gonna get you out, and Bing too." She then turns to the group who promised to help her. "Please help me get Mia out."

(The area is quite similar to the picture below. Mia should be buried beneath the uppermost part of the rockslide, with some rocks above her cavern, but most below.)

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-10, 03:00 PM
Bronsk heaves a sigh of relief that this 'Mia' is still all right.
"We'll haf hyu out of there in just a minute!" the lean Nord hefts the pick and strides up towards the top of the scree, and begins clearing away rock.

2007-01-10, 03:23 PM

Lisaa looks at the mass of stones, lies her bow to the ground and takes off her cloak and backpack. "Only one pick ... the shafts of the showels will break if we use them as levers." She begins to roll, shove and throw away the smaller rocks that lie in front and atop of the cave.

2007-01-10, 03:31 PM

As the two more physically able people go to work on the rocks, Sasha slowly draws the black and green wand from her belt. Hopefully, her employer knew whay he was talking about. "Okay, sir, let's see what this does..." She whispers, and experimentally points the wand at the rocks near where the man is digging, praying that it works.

I'm assuming a Spellcraft roll to activate the wand blindly...

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-10, 03:31 PM
======OOC: Rudo, I think it's Use Magic Device========

2007-01-10, 04:00 PM
As Sasha probes the wand, the knowledge of the contained spell flows into her mind, and she identifies it as Lesser Orb of Sound. She whispers the activation word and a piercing clear sound shoots out from the wand and into the rocks. One of the rock cracks and breaks into several small pebbles. Lisaa and Bronsk meanwhile move most of the rocks, and finally, there only seems to be a few stones that are too heavy to budge for even Bronsk. There is also the huge rock blocking the cave entrance, which not even everyone together manages to budge an inch.

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-10, 04:08 PM
Bronsk wipes a bit of sweat from his brow as he tries to catch his breath after the most recent attempt
"Whew! This one will not move. Can hyu use the wizard's wand on this one?" he asks, apparently talking to Sasha.

2007-01-10, 04:23 PM

Lisaa breathes heavily and schlepps herself out of the way. She rests against a rock and drinks from her waterskin. "Yes, try to weaken it with some well-placed shots. Then we can shatter it to pieces with the pick."

2007-01-11, 10:33 AM

From the other side of the hill, anyone listening can hear a scramble of rocks and a wolfish growl. Over the course of a few mintues, the sound of clattering rocks seems to move across the ridgeline above the rockslide.

Eventually, a small well-dressed hobgoblin pops his head over the side of the ridgeline, carefully eyeing the assembled group.

"These rocks, nasty unstable little blighters, wot? You all out 'ere on a pleasure cruise or som'ing?"

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-11, 10:55 AM
Bronsk's eyes widen as he sees the creature above the rocks and hears its unitelligable babbling "Zunds! Aef Trunchkin!" He steps forward a pace and brandishes the pick at the hobgoblin
"Stay back! Lisaa, Sasha, watch out; there are more maybe!"
Careful, Bronsk...

2007-01-11, 11:23 AM

Sasha was busy aiming the new wand, looking for a good place to fire the shot, when the sudden appearance of a strange man caused her to yell the activation word in surprise, releasing an unexpected blast of sound into the rock. Turning, she draws not her dagger, but an ivory wand at the creature. As nice as it is to hear her mother tongue and not the commonly-used traders talk, she'd heard enough stories of robbers on the paths to know to be wary.

2007-01-11, 11:38 AM
[Common]"Oy! Watch where you're waving that stick; you'll have som'uns eye out if you're not careful. Wish you adventuring types would stop 'ssuming that there's naught but bandits outside the city walls; why on'y last week I got a nasty scratch from some would-be hero."

The hobgoblin pauses, and then sets down his pack slowly.

"Perhaps I should indroduce me'self. Name's Baztikk, commisioned guard for the Trader's Union for the better part of two years. Here's me papers; most people don't believe me until they see them. Though honestly, most people don't believe me after they see them either."

The hobgoblin slowly unfolds a piece of paper tucked into his waist. An arcane mark glows a brilliant yellow on the page, and the contract indeed describes the terms of the hobgoblin's legitimate employment as a caravan guard.

2007-01-11, 12:38 PM

Lisaa is quite flabbergasted by the sight of a well-dressed sontonian-speaking hobgoblin. Eventually she picks up her bow and stands up. "So, this sounds interesting. And what are you doing here ?", asks the elven woman.

2007-01-11, 01:02 PM

The yellow-skinned hobgoblin bows slightly to the elf, appreciating her recognition of his linguistic skills.

[Sotonian]"I were out hunting; nothin' like fresh rabbit, eh? I hear you lot making a ruckus, and decide to come see what's the commotion all about."

[Common]"So what's all this about, then? Unless you all be the rock-breaking brigade, I imagine there's something you're looking for. Mayhaps I can help?"

The hobgoblin gives an uncomfortable look at the pick still brandished his way, but tries to put on his most diplomatic face.

2007-01-11, 01:52 PM
The blast from the wand managed to create several cracks in the large rock, but it didn't do enough damage to it so that it crumbled.

2007-01-11, 02:47 PM

"There is someone trapped in a cave. This rock is the last obstacle." Lisaa climbs onto the rock against which she was leaning earlier and turns to the healer. "He is nice enough and this writ looks legit. I think it is safe if you use that pick for its designated purpose."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-11, 02:48 PM
Bronsk lowers the pick warily, but seems a bit more relaxed now that casual conversation seems to be happening, nonethless, his voice is tense as he says "If hyu wish, M'lady." He turns to the hobgoblin with a scowl on his face "I am Bronsk. If hyu wish truly to help, help us move this rock."

2007-01-11, 03:03 PM
"A rescue? How thrilling! Not foh them, o'course. Now, moving that stone. Looks nasty heavy, but I'll do what I can."

From the top of the cliff, the hobgoblin grabs his pack and then slowly picks his way down to where everyone else is. He examines the rock carefully to see if there's anywhere that he can get some leverage on it to help push.


2007-01-11, 03:35 PM
There is a small crack between the rock and the cave beneath. With a lever, and a lot of strength, you might be able to tip it over and make it roll down the mountainside. Through the crack, you can also barely make out two shapes. One that looks like a dog, and one that looks like a human.

2007-01-11, 03:39 PM

Putting his mouth to the crack, Baztikk calls into the cave.

"Allo in there! Don't worry yourself, we'll 'ave you and yer pup out of there in no time."

Turning back to the group, he points to the crack that he found.

"I think we can pry this rock away, but we'll need summat like a crowbar. Any of you got something along those lines?"

2007-01-11, 03:48 PM

The elf rolls her eyes and smiles dryly at the healer. "I told you to get a crowbar, didn't I ? Well, but the four of us might tip it over if all push it together." She lies the bow down again and climbs to the top of the rock.

((I guess this can work as a Strength check for the strongest character (Bronsk ?) and the others use the Aid Another action.))

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-11, 04:00 PM
Bronsk looks bashfully downwards and coughs "Sorry. I was rushed." he straightens up again and wedges the pick into his oddly-bulky belt and clambers up to the top, following Lisaa.

2007-01-11, 05:49 PM

"Hold on, I think I can loosen it up a bit." Sasha declares, eagerly removing a marked scroll from her pack. Unrolling the parchment, arcane words can be seen written in luminescent ink that seems to shift and shimmer on its own across the page. Her trained eyes follow the words carefully, and holding the parchment in one hand, she begins to recite the words in a strange tongue, using many strange hissing and clacking syllables. Her free hand, her right one, draws a strange gesture in the air, before she steps forward and places her hand where the boulder and the surrounding rock meet each other.

Casting Grease

2007-01-11, 06:25 PM
At first, the stone barely seems to budge, however, once Sasha completes her magic spell, it becomes much simpler. She and the young girl barely have enough time to get away from the rock before it comes tumbling down, thanks to the combined efforts of Lisaa, Bronsk and Baztikk.

"Ah, thank you so very much." The young girl squeals and dashes into the cave. From where she is standing, Sasha can see both the girl named Mia and the dog she had just helped. Mia is a beautiful maiden with red and blue hair. She is clothed in a cloak coloured in all the colours of the rainbow, and she is holding several scrolls. The dog is a rather large dog, almost resembling a wolf except for its docile behaviour. What is behind them seems far more interesting though. Right behind Mia is a large door, built into the wall of the cave. The entire door seems to be covered in strange markings which she can't dechiper from where she is standing.

Mia, the girl and the dog all walk out of the cave, and Mia bows respectfully before Sasha. "Thank you so much for getting me out of there and taking care of Astrid for me."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-11, 06:51 PM
Bronsk clambers down from above the cave mouth, his shirt made dirty by dust and sweat. He bows stiffly, ruffled hair waving about his head. His voice is thick and accented as he says "Of course. It is our pleasure." He peers behind her at the doorway in the mountain. "What iz that?"

2007-01-11, 10:08 PM

Sasha grins and mimics the bow in return. By her garb, the woman seemed to be a follower of Iris, and therefore due some respect. "It was my pleasure, though the men and the elf did most of the heavy work, I'll admit." She speaks politely, but her eyes keep getting drawn to the door, like a child's to candy. After a few strained moment, she's unable to resist. "Excuse me, I must see..." Leaving that statement there, she steps around the woman and hurries to the door, growing excitement at some great discovery.

2007-01-11, 10:20 PM

The hobgoblin doesn't join the rush towards the runed door, and instead squats down on the ground with his hand outstretched to the dog. He calls to it quietly, offering it a piece of dried rations he draws from his belt pouch.

"Poor little fellow...that couldn't have been fun."

Baztikk looks up from the dog for a moment, and looks right at Mia.

"That's a lot of scrolls you're carrying there. What brought you up to this neck of the woods?"

((OOC: Using lycanthropic empathy and diplomacy on the dog. Other lycanthropes might notice me communicating.))

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2007-01-12, 03:08 AM

Lisaa climbs down to the opening and bows slightly. "My pleasure." She casts a side glance at the hobgoblin and the dog but then she also looks a the large door behind Mia.

2007-01-12, 09:37 AM
The great dog seems to respond gently to Baztikk's offer, and gently takes the treat offered. Mia smiles towards Baztikk and strokes the large dog. "I'm... honestly not sure. I can see it is a door but... I have never heard anyone mention it before. I took Astrid up here to teach her a little about Lady Shiba and nature. We weren't planning on going here, since the area isn't very safe, and it is quite far from town, but Bing sensed something. The two of us chased after him up here, and I found him standing outside this cave. Before I could get him to leave, the rockslide was triggered, and I had to get both of us into the cave in order to avoid being killed by the rocks. Luckily Astrid wasn't caught in the rockslide, so she managed to get away and get help. That is, you." She smiles a grateful smile at the three standing before her. "While she was gone, I noticed the door and tried to understand what it means, why it is here and what it is all about. Unfortunately, I can't answer as to why it is here, or why no one knows about it. The scrolls are mostly about Lady Shiba, but two of them are blank, and the other two I've used to write down the runes and symbols on the door... Oh. Pardon my rambling. I tend to talk away and forget what I'm speaking about, or who I talk with. I feel that I need to repay you for helping me out and taking care of Astrid. Do you want some money perhaps? Or access to the Church Library? Or perhaps a place to stay? You seem like travellers. Oh... there I go blabbering again. You really have to apologize." Mia replies with a blush.

After carefully looking at the door, Sasha has to resign and realise that she does not understand what the runes mean. There is no drawings to get a meaning from either. Only seven strange symbols close to oddly shaped holes in the door.

The symbols resemble

A green http://members.ozemail.com.au/~adamndeb/Mercury.jpg

A white http://www.digitalsky.org.uk/venus/venus-symbol.jpg

A red http://www.isymbolz.com/astronomy/planets/ap003-mars.jpg

A yellow http://www.cafeastrology.com/images/jupitermed.gif

A blue http://www.isymbolz.com/astronomy/planets/ap008-saturn.jpg

A purple http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/archive/9/96/20051206234028!1_Ceres_(0).png

And finally, a brown http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/2093/earthsym.jpg

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-12, 12:46 PM
Bronsk clears his throat, looking a bit uncomfortable. "I could not ask for a boon; it'z only what should be done." he rubs the back of his neck, looking no one in the eye. "But...if the Church library holds teks on medicine or herbs...I would enjoy a visit, sometime?"

2007-01-12, 01:06 PM

A deep, regretful sigh escapes Sasha as she realizes that the runes are indeciphrable, as of now. Such a shame, a wonderful opportunity wasted. With a last, longing look, she turns and returns to the group. "I'm not a traveler, I'm employed as a wizard's aide in the city. And I wouldn't mind some coin; I'm a student, and always in need of wands and scrolls."

2007-01-12, 01:42 PM

Lisaa smiles and quickly ponders over Mia's chatter. "I'm Lisaa. There is no need for remuneration. But a meal and a roof for the night would be nice. We traveled quickly for several hours and then removed all those rocks. I'm quite worn out and the day is getting short."

2007-01-12, 01:56 PM

The hobgoblin scratches the friendly dog behind the ears, pleased to see how well it responded to him. He then looks at Mia appreciatively.

"Um, well. Can't say that I can take much credit for the rescue...only came along at a lucky time is all. That been said...I wouldn't half mind getting a nice roof for the night. Not always a simple job, getting meself a friendly inn. Besides, can't say I'd mind chatting to your lovely dog a little more."

2007-01-12, 06:29 PM
"Of course. Just drop by the church tomorrow and I'll arrange it so that you're allowed to use the library." She turns to Lisaa and Baztikk. "And I'm sure I can find some housing for you tonight. I will take care of that." She then turns to Sasha. "Unfortunately, I can't pay you much but..." She pulls out a small purse and empties the contents in Sasha's hand. A few gold coins and a few jewels glimmers and glows in the light. Sasha counts the valuables to be worth approximately 50 gold coins.

"Yes. And now we go back home. Mia and Bing is safe, so I am happy. You have all been very nice." Astrid suddenly bursts out. "Mia, can I go home now?"

"Yes, of course. Let's go back." She turns to the group. "You're going to come back with us right?"

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-12, 06:31 PM
Bronsk smiles.
"Jah, of course. I'm just glad hyu are both well."
He brown eyes shine with excitement as he thinks ahead to browsing the library.
Just think what I can learn!

2007-01-12, 06:37 PM

Looking around at the others, the hobgoblin flashes a very friendly smile. He picks up his pack, settling it on his shoulders, before falling into step behind the dog. As they start to depart, he pauses for a moment.

"Say...I can't help but think that there might be summat valuable behind that fancy door. After all, people don't just build those sorts of things for no good reason. I'd like to have a poke 'round ere tomorrow, see what I can unearth. Any of you interested in joining me? We might get more out of it by pooling our resources."

2007-01-12, 07:54 PM

The sorceress quickly coints the coins, then slides the bag into a pocket of her robes, reminding herself to add it to her purse later. "I appreciate your generosity, and I am glad everything turned out all right." She nods to the woman, then turns her attention to Baztikk, her eyes shining at his proposal. "I would love to come back with you tomorrow! Any chance to learn more about this door would be amazing..."

2007-01-13, 03:44 AM
"So you're going to return here tomorrow?" Mia asks. "Well, I can understand that. I have to admit that I'm a bit curious as well. Want me to help sir... hmm. Now that's funny. I don't think I've gotten your names."

2007-01-13, 04:47 AM

"Yes, I also want to take a closer look at this door tomorrow.", says Lisaa and picks up her cloak, backpack and bow. As the group starts to walk she turns to Mia. "As I said, I'm Lisaa."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-13, 10:03 AM
Bronsk gives an aggrieved look "I am Bronsk Siefsson, healer and herbalist" He indicates the patch in his shoulder, as he hurredly gathers up the tools

2007-01-13, 11:51 AM

"As I said, me'name's Baztikk. Caravan guard extraordinairre! Now, let's get ourselves back into the city before dark falls. We'll all be needing good meals and some rest if we're to accomplish much tomorrow."

2007-01-13, 01:07 PM
"I am Sasha Corrine, it's a pleasure to meet you." Sasha grins happily at Mia as she talks. "If you don't mind, I wouldn't mind joining you all for dinner myself; the kitchen's a bit bland at the wizard's place."

2007-01-13, 01:49 PM
"Lisaa, Bronsk, Baztikk and Sasha. Those are some nice names. I am Methraniane Neraniane Tsukino, priestess in the service of Lady Iris. But call me Mia. That is the name I use among friends." She takes Astrid's hand, and the group begins the travel back to Sapphire Port. The trip back is quite uneventful and they are back in the city as the sun fades in the horizon and the moon rises into the heavens. At the gates, Astrid waves goodbye as she runs home, while Mia leads her guests to the church of Iris. The building itself is a quite large building, consisting of a square white base, with a dome in all the colours of the rainbow on the top. Along the walls, several windows of stained glass depicts various saints of Iris. Mia takes the group through the garden and through a side entrance normally reserved for those who live in the church. Mia leads them up some stairs, through a hallway and into one of the rooms in the hallway.

The room is quite, consisting of a bed for one person, a bookshelf filled with books and a table with six small chairs next to it. The only light into the room comes from a window with its shutters only partially closed. On the table is a wax candle, a pestle and mortar and two bowls. One seems to have been often have had burning things in it. "This is my room. If you would please stay here while I arrange food and lodging for you." Mia says before she leaves the room.

2007-01-13, 02:16 PM

Walking over to the bookshelves, Baztikk begins to peruse the topics, but carefully doesn't touch any of them. As he looks, he speaks in a quiet, slightly concerned, voice.

"I've never had much time for gods and religions, least of all the human ones. So many of them seem to have some kind of problem with my kind. I hope there isn't any complex ettiquette I'll need to follow here."

2007-01-13, 05:08 PM

Lisaa sags down on one of the chairs. "So, here we are again. Let's see what they have for supper. But maybe I rather sleep at the home of a friend of mine. The beds in churches and monasteries have a bad repute.", she says as she lifts her smirking face.

((I really expected that the temple of Isis wouldn't be in Sapphire port but in some village nearby. :smallredface: ))

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-13, 08:54 PM
Bronsk sits on the floor, looking at nothing much. "What do hyu think that door in the mountains was?"

2007-01-13, 10:16 PM

"Well, people don't generally go dropping fancy doors in the wilderness for no good reason, do they? Far as I know, locked doors are meant to keep people out, or summat else from getting out. An those 'oles an symbols, that's a riddle or a fancy lock or summat, eh? Any of you every hear stories about something valuable around 'ere?"

2007-01-13, 10:26 PM

Sasha shakes her head as she cradles the raven, which had sat quietly upon her shoulder this entire time, in her hands as she leans against a wall. "I have never heard of any sorts of legends, besides the usual: Witches, demons, shape-shifters..." For a moment she goes eerily quiet after the last one, before continuing. "Oh, don't worry about ettiquette. After hours, churches are usually rather informal, and travelers tend to be pardonned more for bad behavior... My parents were clergy." She hurries through the last part by way of explanation, tapping the symbol of Isis that hangs from her neck.

2007-01-13, 10:40 PM

The hobgoblin's ears perk up as Sasha speaks, and he gets a whimsical smile on his face.

"You say witches, demons and shape-shifters to all be in the same category? But I've met some goody-two-shoes nature lovers who happen to have that particular talent. Surely not all who can change their form are evil?"

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-13, 11:13 PM
Bronsk clears his throat noisily, looking decidedly uncomfortable.

2007-01-14, 01:18 AM

"Oh, of course there are exceptions." Sasha agrees eagerly, stroking her raven as she speaks. "But that just proves the rule. I mean, for every friendly and peaceful 'nature lover', there are two or three who would use that power to punish anyone who they see as enemies of nature." For a moment she goes silent, indecisive about wether she should continue, but she does go forth. "Besides, have you not heard the legends? Of people who are so horrible and evil, that some nights they turn into the very beasts they are inside, then run about mauling decent folk and raping virgins? Obviously there's some folklore to it, but there are some horrid things in this world."

2007-01-14, 05:30 AM

"Yes, shape-shifters are a part of nature ... for good or for evil. I think that a part of their bad reputation comes from fear. They are mysterious and more powerful than normal people, but they look like them and could live right amongst them. I can understand why they are feared ... and why people always expect the worst of them. However, these legends that they go on a killing spree some nights seem to be true.", says Lisaa and leans back on the chair. "I've also heard an increasing number of rumors about them in the streets. Anyway, back to that door. It was build for a reason. maybe a vault is behind it or a crypt."

She turns to Sasha. "Have you transcribed the symbols ? Maybe we could find something about them in the library."

2007-01-14, 12:47 PM

Sasha shakes her head. "I've never even seen them before, not that I know of, anyways. If they don't mind me looking through the library, I could try to find something on them, though." She lets the subject of shape-shifters drop; obviously, she was quite uncomfortable with it.

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-14, 01:01 PM
The lean young Nord says nothing, but crosses his legs beneath himself and closes his eyes.

Vakri...are you there?
They don't know, do they?
I do not think so...But I think you should join them in their investigation for now...

Bronsk seems to be concentrating on something.

2007-01-14, 05:10 PM
Just then, the door opens slowly, and Mia enters with a large tray. Upon it are five bowls and five spoons. The bowls are filled to the brim with hot stew. Mia unloads the bowls on the table, then walks back to the door. A young boy appears in the door and hands Mia another tray with five cups and a mug, before he bows before her and leaves. Mia smiles after him before she closes the door and begins to unload the next tray. "I'm sorry that it took such a long time. I hope you haven't waited too long." She says, placing the second cup on the table.

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-14, 05:54 PM
Bronsk remains silent for about half a minute before opening his eyes with a start.
"Sorry! I must have drifted off!" He sniffs the air and smiles "If that iz stew I smell, then we are to be good friends indeed, Mia!"

When the others are seated, Bronsk tucks in to the stew with great enthuiasm.

2007-01-14, 11:21 PM

The hobgoblin politely nibbles some of the stew, but doesn't eat much. He quietly listens to the conversation drifting away from the topic of shapeshifters, although he gives Bronsk a strange look as he appears to zone out.

"I'd 'elp with the bookwork iffin I could, but my reading isn't the best. If I could get another look at those stones, I could probably make a guess at what they do. I've had more than a few opportunities to dissect traps and the like."

Turning to their hostess, Baztikk brings his yellow-skinned face into a gentle smile.

"Thank you again for the stew. Could I ask you an awful big favor? I'd like to let me boss know I won't be there in the mornin'. Could I leave a note here at the temple which someone could take to him during their normal errands? He's right in the main merchants square, it's a safe area and an easy place to find. I'd also like to bring a couple extras with us to the cave tomorrow. You don't happen to have a crowbar and a collapsible long wooden pole that I could borrow?"

2007-01-15, 03:57 AM

Lisaa listens to the conversation of her companions and notices their reactions but she remains silent until Mia appears. "It's alright, Mia.
Thank you.", she says and turns her chair towards the table.

2007-01-15, 11:52 AM
Mia smiles and snaps her fingers over the mug. "Akirono, Deva, Nairo, Skanio, Ektifiser, Aquario." And with those words, the mug is filled with crystal clear water. She pours the water into each of the five cups then turns towards Baztikk. "Yes. I'd love to do you that favour. And though I'd love to help you with the other things, I am afraid I don't have any such tools."

2007-01-15, 01:21 PM

"Ah well...never mind. I'm sure we can make do without them."

Taking a scrap of paper out of his backpack, Baztikk scrawls a quick message to his employer, and hands it to their host.

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-15, 01:48 PM
Bronsk handles his cup a little awkwardly.
"I would like to know; what is it you do, Mia? Research?"

2007-01-15, 02:55 PM

As the others speak, Sasha listens with earnest, politely sipping the stew from her bowl. For the first time, the bird seems to really come alive; she stretches her wings, then flaps down to the table to stand besides the bowl, looking up at Sasha expectantly. The woman looks at the raven, then carefully sifts a few small pieces of vegetable onto her spoon and blows on them until cool, before offering them to the bird, who chomps on the items hungrily. "Thank you again for your hospitality, Mia." She says, nodding her head to the woman as the bird eats.

2007-01-15, 05:05 PM
Mia nods happily towards Sasha as she accepts the note from Baztikk before she turns to Bronsk. "Well, I do that too. I love history and lore, so I read quite a lot of books. I do work her primarily as a Healer though. It doesn't take up much time though. Since people doesn't get ill very often, and since Iris has blessed me with magical powers from her, I rarely have to work hard to cure my patients. It does happen that I have to travel to villages with epedemics and the like, so I also get to see much of the world. When my abilities as a Healer isn't needed, I sometimes lead Sermons and Prayers. My superiors think that I have too much book knowledge and too little social knowledge, so I'm usually left alone with my studies. Oh, and I also work as a teacher for the children who are training to become priests." She suddenly shuts up and rolls her eyes. "There I go again."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-15, 06:24 PM
Bronsk perks up a little "A Healer as well! Iz good there's little enough illness. The plants here in the South are very strange, though. I've had to relearn almost everything."

2007-01-15, 06:56 PM

Coming out of a reverie, the hobgoblin poses a question to the group which has been troubling him for a while.

"It seems strange that this door hasn't been seen before. It seems like the sort of thing that people would have talked about, but you said that you hadn't heard of it before. Was it visible before the rockslide?"

2007-01-16, 04:00 AM

Lisaa silently spoons her stew and listens to the others with half an ear.

2007-01-16, 02:40 PM
Mia ponders the question. "No. Well, the cave was visible before the rockslide that trapped me happened. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to dive into it. However, and do know that I've almost never been on that particular place before, I have never seen that cave in all my days here at this church. I have never heard anyone speak about it before either, and I haven't read anything about it, but that might be because I simply weren't looking. I don't know, but I'm going to try and find out now."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-16, 04:11 PM
The Bronsk runs a hand through his ragged brown hair "I wonder. Sometimes the spirits of the world use gates to travel from their world to ours..."

2007-01-16, 04:37 PM

"Spirits? You're telling me some wispy-bodied ghost made that door? No way mate, I'm betting on dwarves or summat. If they're not digging something up, then they're burying it again."

2007-01-16, 05:39 PM

"I don't think that Bronsk speaks of undead. But maybe something just as dark, creatures from the lower planes or something like that.", says Lisaa as she finishes her meal.

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-16, 06:38 PM
Bronsk waves a hand, suddenly animated. "No no no. The Spirits are not just gespenst and devilkin! The spirit world iz much more! All haz spirit, from the rocks to the trees, to the animals. Even the water and air! The demons and ghosts and angels are just other spirits. Less subtle, but still spirits. Not all of them are evil, and many, yes many are helpful! Hyu must only understand them first."

2007-01-16, 10:30 PM

"Keep yer mitts on. All I'm saying is that I don't care how many spirits you've got wandering around in the rivers and lakes; that door wasn't built by dewdrops and rainbows. Someone had to chisel the rock, at least that's how I see it."

There is a pause, and the hobgoblin consider's Bronsk's point some more.

"Of course...if what ee says is right about there being all sorts o' spirit-likes...then I s'pose we can't rule it out. In any case, only way we'll ever know is to get our hands dirty tomorrow."

2007-01-18, 02:30 AM
Mia finishes her meal, then stands up. "It is getting late. If you wish, I can show you to your rooms."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-18, 07:39 AM
Bronsk shakes his head at the hobgoblin before rising from his seat as well.
"Thank hyu. I could use the rest."

2007-01-18, 10:55 AM

Following Bronsk's lead, Baztikk also thanks his hostess for the meal and then gets up to follow them to the rooms. As they stand, he goes over and talks to Bronsk queitly.

"I 'ope I didn't say nothin to offend you. Didn't mean to speak 'gainst your beliefs, but I was just saying I'd ne'er seen anything like what you were saying. So no 'ard feelings, right?"

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-18, 11:12 AM
Bronsk looks at the hobgoblin with an appraising look in his eye.
There's more to this one than others of his kind...
Finally, he speaks.
"I offer a trade; if hyu listen with an open ear, I will not threaten you with tools again. Deal?" He offers his hand, with a half-smile.

2007-01-18, 11:56 AM

A smile comes to the hobgoblin's face.

.oO(At least he's got a sense of humor. And he doesn't seem as hostile to me as others often are.)

Shaking Bronsk's hand with his own yellow-skinned hand, the hobgoblin feels relieved.

"It's a deal. When we're out there tomorrow we'll all 'ave summat to contribute. I won't be standing in anyone's way. Besides...if there is some kind o' spirit 'anging round that door, it'd be nice to 'ave someone nearby who knows 'bout that sort of thing."

2007-01-18, 02:08 PM

Lisaa follows Mia to the rooms and watches the scene between Baztikk and Bronsk. "Thanks, Mia. And good night to you all.", she says and enters her room.

((You spake of rooms. How many are there ? One for the men and one for the women or single rooms ?))

2007-01-18, 11:25 PM
Sasha smiles widely at the men as they shake hands. "See, now, I've seen men tear apart one another for less. Good for you two." She nods to the men, then to Mia, before heading into her room as well.

((Ditto on the room question.))

2007-01-19, 09:29 AM
With a smile, Mia guides her guests to their rooms. The boys get one room, and the girls get one. "Have a good night then. I will see you tomorrow."

2007-01-19, 12:28 PM

"Oh Mia, would it be alright for me to have a look through the library if I wake up early? I'd be interested in reading up on any local legends about that door."

After she answers, and they've entered the room, Baztikk sits down on his bed and looks around at the sparse but comfortable accomodations. He says goodnight to Bronsk and lays down to sleep for a couple of hours. When he awakes again, he pads silently out of the room and goes downstairs to the library in order to look through the books. He examines the shelves, hoping to find some books on local legends and myths, and reads as many as he can, hoping to find a lead on the origins of the door. He remains there, quietly reading, until everyone wakes up.

((OOC: Ring of Sustenance means that I only need two hours of sleep. I move silently through the house, but only to avoid rudely waking people up. I also don't light any candles, I read using my darkvision. Also, the only weapon I bring is the dagger I keep permanently strapped and hidden on my back (Search DC 30).))

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-19, 12:46 PM
In the relative privacy of the shared room, the lean young Nord sits cross-legged in a corner, and reaches for one of the pouches on his oddly-bulky belt, drawing out a smooth placard of bone, etched on one side. Bronsk gazes at it for some time, and then replaces it in his pouch. He closes his eyes and begins his meditative trance.

Wild Wolf, Spirit's Heart. Guide my footsteps, heed my call.
The gleaming aurora curtains the winter sky above the limitless black plain, as it always does. Two misty yellow lamps of light appear out of darkness and approach. A great wolf, its coat tasselled silver and its eyes yellow furnaces, pads closer.
Spirit Sender, I have come. What is your need?
I seek the power and the blessing of the spirits. Lend me your strength in the day to come.
A moment of silence falls across the endless black landscape, the sky shimmering overhead. Finally, Vakri seats himself.
Hmm. An interesting day, Bronsk.
Yes. New friends, I guess. There's that doorway too; is it of the spirits?
I am unsure. But I sense that it is important, somehow. There may be some trouble in store, as well. I shall bring you spirit powers.
The silver wolf fades away, and for a minute or so silence once again dominates the fey landscape. Finally, Varki reappears, carrying five shining orbs in his mouth. He places them carefully on the ground.
To end, to heal, to save, to find, to quench. They may help, but stay alert.
Thank you, Vakri.
The wolf fades away, but the orbs remain for a lingering moment, pulsing brightly and then fading. The lights overhead pulse as well, and eventually fade away into perfect black.

Bronsk's breathing deepens, and begins snoring slightly.

OOC: Bronsk will sleep like a LOG until morning, and someone wakes him up.

2007-01-19, 04:43 PM

Lisaa sits down on her bed and takes off her belt, chain shirt, and boots. Then she crawls under her blanket and softly hums some melody.

2007-01-19, 07:44 PM

As morning breaks, Baztikk quietly sneaks back into the room. He begins quietly packing up his bag, and once the day has begun, wakes Bronsk.

"Bronsk, it's time to wake. Let's go and rejoin the others."

2007-01-19, 07:49 PM
In the morning hours, Mia enters Lisaa and Sasha's room and gently wakes them up. "Miss Lisaa, Miss Sasha. It is time to wake up. Please get dressed and come to my room. I believe me and Baztikk has found a clue to the door."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-19, 07:54 PM
"Wstgfl?" With a grunt, a bleary-eyed Bronsk stands up and stretches. "Ergh. All right. Let'z go."

2007-01-20, 01:35 AM

"Good Morning." Lisaa jumps out of the bed and refreshes herself. Then she dresses and mutters "I hope there is also breakfast in her room."

((I suppose that Mia left the room after waking us up))

2007-01-20, 05:02 PM

Inside Mia's room, the group finds the cleric sitting next to a table. On the table is a large book and a basket of bread. There is also a mug of water, and five cups. "I'm glad you could come so quickly." Mia says, opening the book. "Last night, I met Baztikk in the library. The two of us stumbled over this book, and it mentions one of the symbols on the door. Listen to this."

"Michelle Ami, also known as the maiden of water is perhaps the most profilic of those who fought in the war. (...) At some point, Ami was found to always be carrying a strange blue pendant in a shape consisting of a short line over another, with another line curling itself out from the long line. No one knows what happened to this pendant, because she hid it before she died. However, on her deathbed, she said that "the key to the key is within my soul". Thus far, no one has been able to understand what she meant by it,"

"The war the book is referring too is a war during the foundation of Sotonia as a nation against werecreatures. Both I and Baztikk agree that the pendant described is very similar to one of the symbols that was inscribed on the door. I am curious as to what you think though."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-20, 06:44 PM
Stumbles a bit at the word "Lycanthrope" as he enters the room, but then drifts over to the table, picking up a piece of bread and some water.
"I don't know much about history, m'afraid," Bronsk mumbles through half a mouthful of bread. "But I think the door is important somehow. I would like to come along when hyu investigate."

2007-01-20, 06:57 PM

"Mia mentioned that the necklace itself is nowhere to be found. Since we've got so little to go on, I don't know if we need to worry ourselves about it; we might be able to get through the door without the necklace. After all, we don't even know if it's connected for certain."

He pauses to take a sip of water before continuing.

"However, that specific symbol might be important; if the door is a puzzle or summat then that symbol could be a part of the soution."

2007-01-21, 05:56 AM

This recent frequency of the topic of werecreatures is strange. Hmm, maybe something bad will happen, with all these rumors around ... or maybe I'm just paranoid.

Lisaa lets the words of the book sink into mind. "Hmm, the maiden of water ... a blue pendant ... this colour is often associated with water. Maybe water is the key ... maybe some of the other symbols are tied to different elements ...", she says slowly. "I don't know, just some thoughts."

2007-01-21, 03:24 PM

Sasha smiles at the elf, oddly energetic for so early in the morning. She was many things - a werewolf, a sorceress - but most cruel and evil of all, she was a morning person. "Thoughts are good. This is why many mages and professors work in groups, thoughts multiply with one another." She recites, remembering her mentor's speech on the topic with some disdain. "I know this pendant sounds promising, but we don't have any idea where to find it, and no doubt many others have tried already... unless any of you can think of leads?"

2007-01-21, 05:42 PM
"Except for the things she left behind, there doesn't seem to be anything that can give leads. There is a museum in the capital where they have most of the things they believe belonged to her... but yes, it really is odd that no one has found it before. Although water might be a clue. If not for the pendant then perhaps to the door. If blue is water, that would perhaps mean that red is fire. But what about the other colours. Brown, that might be earth. But what is left then? Air... might be purple or white but... I don't know. And what would the other three colours mean then? Ether? Void? Spirit? Those are only regional elements. Only fire, earth, water and air are considered world elements..." Mia shakes her head. "This really is a strange happening. It doesn't seem too coincidential either." Mia mumbles then quickly regains herself. "I'm thinking about the rumours. The daughters of the queen of Nephreitos, the sudden increase in sightings of werecreatures, and the Vanadis of Miklagard having godlike powers. Somehow, I feel that they are all tied to the revealing of that door."

2007-01-21, 05:48 PM

"Right, so wot do we want to do then? I can't imagine us waltzing into the museum; don't think they'll 'ave much time fer us at all. I think our best shot will be opening the door, unless any of you have a better idea. And if we can't get it open, then maybe we'll find some more clues there today."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-21, 07:49 PM
Bronsk smiles "Hyu know, I think he's right; unless it'z a sealing door, why not open it?"

2007-01-22, 02:26 PM

The elf nods at Baztikk's suggestion. "Yes, let's return to this door today. If it is opened by a riddle then me have a chance to solve it. And if not ... well, we still have a pick."

Lisaa turns to Mia "I also heard lots of those rumors recently, also about werecreatures. Did you also hear that a trading company allegedly hired a werewolf ? Anyway, as yet I can't see how the daughters of the queen of Nephreitos and the powers of the Vanadis are linked with this."

2007-01-22, 03:50 PM
Mia shrugs. "I've heard those rumours yes, but I'm not sure if I believe them. Wouldn't it be very dangerous for those who worked with the werewolf if it turned out he was unable to control his powers? Anyway, I can not see a direct link either, other than that it is odd, and that odd things have been happening recently. And I am unsure if it is coincidental, or if there is some underlying plot that we don't see."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-22, 04:04 PM
Bronsk clears his throat. "Hyu know, werewolves iz not all bad. Sure, they Are strong, and wolflike, but when hyu understand the natural world, hyu know they iz no better or worse than anyone else. The difference is power!" Bronsk smiles, as he warms to his topic "If the greengrocer iz a bad man, well, often there's little he can do; even if he murders, he can be stopped easy. A werewolf, if wicked, iz much worse, but!" the young Nord lifts a finger "they can be a powerful force for good, too." He seems to realize that he's been talking too much, and hurredly takes a drink of water, hiding behind the mug.

2007-01-22, 04:05 PM

The hobgoblin is extremely careful not to give any response to Lisaa's comment.

.o0(Now 'oo was running their mouth 'bout me? Must'a been Julian...that lad can't hold his liquor. Drunk as a pixie in a beer bottle, and that's before 'ee even starts.)

"So, shall we get going? We may 'ave a long day ahead of us. And if there is something to all these rumors, we don't want to be caught out after dark."

2007-01-23, 05:18 PM
"Oh yes. I'm sorry to keep you." Mia hurriedly stands up. "I can clean up here, so just go ahead. I hope that you can figure out something more today. I will try my best too. Hopefully there are someone who works here who has a bit of knowledge."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-23, 05:22 PM
Bronsk stands quickly, and bows awkwardly. "Thank hyu, M'lady, for your hosp- erm. Hospitalty? Hostpitalty? Erm." He blushes slightly and hurredly walks to the door, seeming anxious to leave.

2007-01-23, 05:41 PM

Lisaa rises smiling. "Good bye, Mia. Thank you. Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva.*" She picks her things up from the floor and follows Bronsk to the door.

* = "Sweet water and light laughter till next we meet"

2007-01-23, 05:45 PM

The hobgoblin gathers his belongings and joins them as they leave. On their way out of the city, he buys a crowbar a long collapsible pole, and a high-quality magnifying glass from some street vendors.

"The glass should help me get a better look at the door...and the crowbar might help us get it open."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-23, 05:48 PM
"All right all right, So I should have bought a crowbar." Bronsk makes a face as he walks out of the door.

2007-01-23, 05:52 PM

Baztikk grins at the comment.

"Well, you seemed so attached to that pick, I didn't want to say anything. Besides, if you're going to threaten me with tools, we at least should each have one in case we need to duel. Would hardly be fair otherwise."

The hobgoblin makes a face back at Bronsk, very happily surprised at how well they are getting along.

2007-01-23, 08:16 PM

"Now, a duel would be an interesting change of pace..." Sasha replies with a smirk. She was so excited to be going back to the strange door... "If your crowbar and pick don't work, I can try some of my master's scrolls on the door as well."

2007-01-24, 04:35 AM
Mia smiles and sends the group on their way with well wishes and blessings. The group travels up to the door, and arrives as the sun is nearing her highest position in the sky. There doesn't appear to have been any changes to the door, or to the surrounding area.

2007-01-24, 09:23 AM

"Right, before we do anything, I'd like to take a close look at the door. Someone puts a door out in the wilderness, they're liable to protect it with some sort of wards or traps or summat, right? I'll take a good close look at it, see if I can find anything along those lines."

Drawing the magnifying glass from his belt, Baztikk proceeds to meticulously go over every inch of the door, looking for gas nozzles, acid sprayers, spikes, and any other sort of nasty surprise.

((OOC: Search, taking 20. Total check result: 28))

2007-01-24, 12:08 PM
Baztikk carefully searches the door for any unpleasant surprises there might be. He discovers that the door is protected by several magical guards that are triggered when someone tries to open the door. After an even closer search, he finds that the spells progress in a circle, so that once a spell goes of, the next spell will prepare itself and trigger should the attempts to break through continue. Unfortunately, he is unable to dechiper which spells will go off, due to his lack of training in spellcraft. He also notices that the holes next to the symbols work not only as a lock, but also as a puzzle. Each key will activate and deactivate some traps, and only when all traps are deactivated will the door open.

2007-01-24, 01:20 PM

The hobgoblin explains his findings to the group, and then sits back for a moment to examine the entire situation.

"There could be some very nasty surprises here...I don't think that my crowbar will do us much good at all."

((OOC: So are the holes keyholes that require a specific key, or are they just triggered by putting something in them?))

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-24, 01:25 PM
Bronsk paces around the room, looking thoughtful. "Why would anyone add a puzzle as a door lock? It makez no sense! Keys, yes. Traps, yes. But a puzzle? A puzzle only can mean zat whoever built the door wanted it to be opened much later by people she didn't know. Unless we also need a key, a riddle iz no safeguard!"

2007-01-24, 01:39 PM

Sasha stands back respectfully as Baztikk scrutinizes the strange door. She knows as well as anyone that, sometimes, people need no distractions in order to figure out something. "This is an item of great magic, I think." She says aloud to Bronsk, smiling as she approaches the door and places a hand on it. "Magic is not an easy thing for us... mortals to understand. Baztikk, is there any way I can help you with this?"

2007-01-24, 01:41 PM

"Bronsk makes a good point. Puzzles are meant to be solved, and that means there must be clues. Maybe we should start with that symbol that Mia found in the book. It seems that it must be an important part of the puzzle."

2007-01-24, 01:44 PM

The hobgoblin explains in detail where the magical traps seem to be located.

"Sasha, I have no skill in deciphering what kind of spells might be cast. Perhaps you can identify them?"

2007-01-24, 01:45 PM

"It sounds like powerful and dangerous magic. The safest way to open it is to solve its puzzle.", says Mirage and stares at the coloured symbols on the door and muses. "The yellow and the blue look very different from the others and the red is the only one which has an arrow ..."

2007-01-24, 01:51 PM

Sasha listens intently as Baztikk explains the trap. "Interesting... let's see what's been put up here." Turning her eyes to the door, Sasha steps so her toes are almost touching the wall, and places her hands against the stone as she examines the magical trigger and the spells that lie beneath. She can almost feel the arcane energy of the door, but she focuses her effort, trying to tell what the magic was set forth for...


2007-01-24, 03:43 PM
Unfortunately, she find herself unable to comprehend even the simplest of the wards. She only manages to identify that the door is enchanted so as to resist being dispelled by the spell "dispel magic".

(You can put things into the keyhole. But if it isn't the correct key, the door will sense it as an attempt on intrusion and activate a trap. Trying to pick the lock requires a difficult sleight of hand check along with a disable device check.)

2007-01-24, 03:49 PM

"Okay...how should we proceed? Picking these locks without setting off a trap would be extremely difficult, but I'm willing to give it a try. Do any of you have other ideas?"

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-24, 03:50 PM
Bronsk looks a little nervous. "If it'z a riddle, should be not wait for Lady Mia? Her life is the study of such things."

2007-01-24, 03:56 PM

"Indeed, Mia's help may be valuable. But she said that she would need today in order to find out more, and I would be sad to leave here without learning more about this door."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-24, 03:59 PM
"All ze same. I would be more sad to leave here without mine head. Look, but not touch, ya?" Bronsk sets the pick down and sits, contemplating the symbols and colors on the door.

2007-01-24, 04:09 PM

"Alright...I suppose that makes sense."

The hobgoblin sits down on a nearby stone, examining the symbols.

"Say...those colors, they got anything to do with those elements Mia was talking about? I didn't really follow it at all, but it sounded promising."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-24, 08:06 PM
Bronsk looks thoughtfully at the ceiling for a moment. "Or ze shapes? Seven of them, and seven colors. Hm. Well," he says, running a hand across his simple-sewn shirtsleeve, "Seven colors matches rainbow colors, yah? Only problem, iz no Orange. Brown is close, tho'." He turns to Sasha "Whatever keyz we need, they go in that order, maybe? White iz last?"

2007-01-24, 11:20 PM

Sasha nods, pondering Bronsk's inquiry. "It's the only logical order that I could think of... perhaps the creator of this door was a follower of Isis." She thinks aloud as she looks at the door. "Which would mean six other keys to find..."

2007-01-26, 04:47 PM
While the group ponders the conundrum placed before them, they hear the young girl suddenly shouting for them not far away. "Hey. How is it going? Have you found something out? I've brought you some lunch." A quick glance reveals to the group that it is the girl from yesterday, Astrid, and her dog.

2007-01-26, 04:57 PM

Seeing the girl and her dog, Baztikk immediately jumps up and waves to them.

"Hello there! Very kind of you to bring us some food. And your company is of course a pleasant treat as well."

Baztikk says this last bit to the dog, leaning down to scratch its ears and head.

2007-01-26, 05:34 PM

Lisaa turns and smiles. "Hello, you two. How nice that you drop by. Thanks for the food."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-26, 07:35 PM
Bronsk nods acknowledgement, as he wanders closer to the door, examining closely the colored slots.

2007-01-26, 07:39 PM

"You didn't happen to see Mia on your way out here, did you? She's doing a little background research for us, and we were hoping she might have found something."

2007-01-27, 05:51 AM
Astrid nods her head. "Yes I did. She said that she had delivered the message she was asked to deliver, and that she might have found out something new. She couldn't say anything for certain though. Or... well she did say that she knew someone who could help you get to the capital swiftly, but she didn't say much. I'm sorry I couldn't be of any more help."

Bronsk leans closely to examine the slots. There, next to each of the holes, he manages to see small, almost invisible paintings. Each hole has a different painting next to it. An even closer look reveals that...

Next to the blue symbol is a painting of a wolf.
Next to the yellow symbol is a painting of a hummingbird.
Next to the red symbol is a painting of a dragon.
Next to the white symbol is a painting of a rabbit.
Next to the purple symbol is a painting of an fox.
Next to the brown symbol is a painting of a mouse.
Next to the green symbol is a painting of a bear.

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-27, 05:12 PM
Bronsk relates his discovery to the other party members .
"But as to their meaning..." he shrugs, "I don' think thiz gate iz a spirit-gate."

2007-01-27, 06:06 PM

"A wolf next to the blue, and the blue was connected to the werewolf woman. But it can't just be keyed in on were-creatures. I mean, who has ever heard of a were-hummingbird. Maybe you just need to touch the door with the creature that is depicted. We could test that out fairly easily...just need to find a mouse or something."

2007-01-27, 11:00 PM

"Or a werewolf." Sasha suggests, smirking slightly as though it were a joke. Very hilarious. The sorceress shifts nervously, wondering what these new revelations meant.

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-28, 09:42 AM

The tall young Nord laughs nervously.
Why does that keep coming up?! Has someone noticed? Can they tell?
His panicked thoughts to himself, Bronsk tries to change the subject.
"Maybe there's more than only thiz door, jah? I will look around a little while we think."

2007-01-28, 11:58 AM

"Good idea, Bronsk. While you do that, maybe I should go see if I can catch a mouse. If I can find one, then we can test out my idea about the door being keyed to animals. Of course...I hope it isn't right; that would mean that we'd need to find a dragon in order to open the door. And those are a little hard to catch, no?"

2007-01-28, 04:11 PM
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Astrid asks timidly.

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-28, 04:16 PM
Bronsk calls from the other side of the room
"Could hyu look at the door? There's animals there, but we don't know what they reprs...resper...erm. Mean. Any ideas?"

2007-01-28, 05:30 PM
Astrid leans close to the door in order to see the symbols. "Hmm... I don't know. If it is related to the sacred church though, the symbols... I think that the Wolf means Loyalty. It could also mean Courage and Leadership. The Hummingbird... that is harder. Hummingbirds are very rare, but... Humility. Or perhaps Grace or Devotion. Dragon, that means Power, Glory and Might. The Rabbit is also a bit difficult. It means Swiftness, but also Beauty and Compassion. The Fox, he is Cunning, Smart and Detached. The Mouse, she is Lucky. She is also Hopeful and Flexible. Finally, the Bear represents Strength, Endurance and Faithfullness. At least... that is what I think they mean. You shouldn't trust it too much though. I'm not as wise or smart as Mia."

During Astrid's explanation, Bronsk discovers a small panel in the wall with a strange description. As he runs his hand across the odd symbols, they suddenly make meaning to him. Unfortunately most of the symbols have been erased by Time, so the remains create some individual words, and only one complete sentence.

"Door... realm ... for only a true son or daughter of Gleipne shall be allowed to open the door... Die... hands... chosen... remain... day... opened... revival... Signed ... ... of ... Nijizuishou."

Meanwhile, Baztikk actually manages to catch a mouse without having to go too far. The poor little fellow has apparently been chased up to the mountains by something else.

2007-01-28, 05:41 PM

Wondering what could have driven the mouse to come this high up, Baztikk is grateful for his good fortune and returns to the group.

"Well, we're in luck! One mouse, ready to go. It looks like you've managed to find something too..."

Baztikk sits down at the mouth of the cave and places the mouse into a sealed pocked of his backpack. He then takes out and assembles the long pole he purchased earlier in the day, and also draws out some small sturdy twine. Carefully, he ties the mouse to the end of the pole, securely wrapping it in the twine from neck to toe, leaving only the snout exposed. Once that is completed, he goes to look over Bronsk's shoulder to see what he has found, keeping a careful eye on the mouse.

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-28, 08:18 PM
Bronsk looks at the bound mouse on the stick and lifts and eyebrow.
"Did not we just have lunch?" Smiling softly to himself, Bronsk passes his hands across the inscription once or twice more. "Thiz writing. You put your hands on it, and it makes sense. I don' know why."

2007-01-28, 10:00 PM

After having a look at the writing, Baztikk sits down again, stroking the mouse's head affectionately.

"Son of Gleipne? Isn't Gleipne's church associated with the moon? Bronsk, you probably know more about that than I do."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-28, 10:17 PM
The young Nord waves a hand dismissively.
"The gods, hyu know, their realm iz different from the spirits'. If people paid more attention to the spirit world, the natural world would be in far better harmony. Some of zem are good, but ze others! Ach."

2007-01-29, 03:50 AM

Lisaa walks to the small panel and also touches it. "There seems to be a warning written with this 'Die'. Maybe 'hands' of the 'chosen' ? Who are the true sons and daughters of Gleipne ?" She directs her last question at Astrid and Bronsk.

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-29, 07:16 AM
the healer spreads his hands helplessly. "What do I know of such things? In Nordmar, hyu know, men offer prayers to their own gods. I'm sorry; mine education didn't have such things." He casts his eyes down at the floor "if hyu want a guess, I'd say it meanz only priests or something can open the door."

2007-01-30, 01:35 AM
"I am afraid that I don't know anything either. I haven't heard anything about Gleipne. But..." Astrid says before she moves over to the panel and touches it. "How do you know what is written here? I don't understand these symbols."

2007-01-30, 01:38 AM

"I can't really explain it...they just started to make sense when I touched it. Maybe it has something to do with age?"

.o0(It couldn't be...No, of course not. It wouldn't have worked for the others if it was.)

2007-01-30, 08:30 AM
"Hmm... a translator that only works for adults? That might make sense. If that's the case, what is behind those doors are not meant for children." She sighs. "I'm sorry I can't be of more help."

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-30, 10:27 AM
Brow furrowed, Bronsk picks absentmindedly at the patch on his shoulder.
"I'm inclined to think whoever writes this thought opening the door was a good thing. Nijizuishou...Iz this a name? A word I don't know?"

2007-01-31, 03:15 AM

"Yes, a good thing for the true sons and daughters of Gleipne, some kind of revival. But it could be a bad thing for other people.", says Lisaa and stares again at the symbols on the door.

2007-01-31, 03:45 AM
"Perhaps Mia knows more. Shall I run and tell her what you have found?"

2007-01-31, 09:13 AM

"Yes, please do. We shall remain here."

2007-01-31, 01:03 PM
"I will." She begins to run, but suddenly halts and turns around. "Oh, I almost forgot. Mia told me that she wanted you to come back earlier than yesterday. I think she found something out that she was eager to tell you about." And with those words, she leaves.

2007-01-31, 06:05 PM

"I don't think we're going to get much more done here. But if this door is now exposed, then perhaps there may be clues in the surrounding area. We should have a look around before we go, keeping an eye out for other doors, or maybe even some unusual tracks. It might be that others have decided to visit the area, summoned by the door?"

The Great Skenardo
2007-01-31, 06:24 PM
The healer nods. "Yes. Maybe more clues are hidden?"
I wonder why the child could not hear, when Baztikk and I could?
Stepping outside the cave into sunlight, Bronsk stretches with a grunt.
"Ah, yez. Much better out here. Hyu know, I've never liked caves much."
Bronsk begins a search of the hillside, looking for more inscriptions or entrances.

2007-01-31, 08:50 PM

Using his nose and eyes, Baztikk looks around for any tracks which seem unusual or don't belong.

2007-02-01, 01:04 AM
Unfortunately, the search is fruitless. There are no other inscriptions, doors or caverns that can be found.

2007-02-02, 05:20 PM
Time passes, and it is beginning to become late.

2007-02-03, 05:14 AM

"It's getting late. Mia probably won't arrive today. We should make a camp here. Maybe we'll get some vision in our dreams about how to open this door.", says Lisaa. "I can keep watch for a while, who else ?"

The Great Skenardo
2007-02-03, 10:42 AM
Bronsk looks out at the deepening dusk. "Sure. 'm no stranger to camping outside. I can take the last watch. Erm." He looks around thoughtfully. "I'll see if I can't chase down some firewood, maybe!" So saying, Bronsk strides off, looking to gather fallen wood for a night's fire.

2007-02-03, 11:19 AM

"I thought Mia wanted us to come back tonight. It sounded like she'd found something. But if you want to remain here, I'm alright with that."

2007-02-03, 02:07 PM

Sasha shivers a bit as she looks around. She's never camped outside, and quite frankly, wasn't too keen on the experience... still, she didn't want to miss more of a chance to study the door. "Maybe we should check with Mia first?" She suggests hopefully.

2007-02-03, 06:24 PM
Time passes, and not before the full moon is standing far up in the sky does Bronsk return, carrying a large quantity of firewood.

The Great Skenardo
2007-02-04, 05:28 PM
Rushing back to the cave, Bronsk sets down the wood hurriedly.
"Sorry, everyone! I had a vision! The Door, it is very important!" the young healer blanches. "Oh! Quick, before I forget this, it is very important." He frowns and taps the side of his head frantically "Erm. It was in Nord! How shall I translate? Uh. 'Home is where the heart iz, spirit iz in heart. Mirror hides my spirit. My possessionz iz mirror.' " Bronsk looks around at the others a trifle nervously. "Please! Try and remember it, it is important!"

2007-02-04, 05:46 PM

Lisaa looks up confused at Bronsk's ravings but tries to memorize it. "What ? Home and heart and spirit. The spirit is hidden by a mirror which are your possessions ? Hmm ... hmm ... hmm ..." She seems to subvocalize what Bronsk said.

2007-02-07, 03:46 AM
Time ticks by, and it is now past midnight.

The Great Skenardo
2007-02-07, 12:37 PM
Sitting around the fire, the young Miklaagardian draws up his knees and smiles into the flames.
"I had a vision, hyu know. Beautiful, she was...Skin like smoke and radiant like the sun. Hyu would call her an angel, I think, but to me she is Hoffentsangel, spirit of hope. She told me that thiz door is important, and we need find the keyz to open it. That clue I gave hyu, it's the last hint to find the lady's key."

2007-02-07, 05:47 PM

Lisaa's thinks about words that Bronsk said. What if ... could it be ... impossible ... but it makes sense ... a werewolf could open the door ? All this talk about werewolves recently ... my home is where my heart is, with me, a restless spirit ... and my spirit is in my heart, could the spirit be the werewolf of me ? The mirror of my self which I hide from others and which I own, from which I can't be divided ... this sounds right, but what to do now ? Can I trust this people ? From what we have talked so far, they seem to be wise and tolerant and don't condemn werewolves ... a trading company accepted a werewolf to work for them. We also welcomed the hobgoblin quite quickly when he appeared. Should I reveal my true self to them ? This door might be very important ...

Lisaa coughs slightly and stands up, looking insecure at the others. "Uh, I might have an idea. Well, somehow. Could it be that a werecreature could open the door ? They are usually outcasts and wanderers, their home is where their heart is. Their were-spirit is always with them and they hide this mirror of their self from other people. They own this were-side of them, it can't be taken from them.

You might wonder how I can think such thoughts, but," she takes a deep breath, "to tell you the truth, and don't fear, I am a werewolf."

The Great Skenardo
2007-02-07, 09:37 PM
The young Nord sits quite still for a few seconds, heart racing furiously.
Her too?! Then maybe...
Standing slowly, Bronsk Seifsson turns towards Lisaa.
"To say that takes great courage, but I would have hyu know you are not alone." With a grunt, Bronsk turns to the full moon, hands tucked behind his back.
"I too am werewolf."

2007-02-08, 12:25 PM
The night continues to drift away into the morning as the full moon begins to descend in the sky.

The Great Skenardo
2007-02-08, 12:37 PM
Taking silence as acceptance, Bronsk moves a little way off and curls up to sleep for the remainder of the night.

2007-02-08, 03:51 PM

With the intimate revelations, Sasha seems rather startled. 'Just like me...! I didn't know there were others so close...' The human girl sighs and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, smiling at the older elf. "I hate to steal your thunder, but I'm afraid I'm a werewolf..." She looks to Bronsk's sleeping form and to Baztikk. "One hell of a coincidence, right?"

2007-02-08, 04:36 PM

Lisaa looks completly flummoxed and sits down. "Coincidence ... coincidence ? This can't be a coincidence. All this talk about werewolves and the strange happenings recently. I believe Mia was right. There is some connection in some or all of this. And now this door ... and Bronsk's vision. Some otherworldy being brought us together and led us to this place." She gets her own bedroll from her backpack and sits down on for her watch.

2007-02-11, 03:59 PM
Again time passes. The night goes by uneventfully, and the sun rises in the horizon as the village awakens to life. Joining the sun however, is Mia. As the rest of the group awakens from sleep, Lisaa notices the priestess climbing up towards the cave, waving her hand and smiling when she notices that Lisaa sees her. She also carries with her a rather large book.

The Great Skenardo
2007-02-11, 04:05 PM
Bronsk stands and waves in return, then turns to Lisaa and Sarah, his face quite serious.
"Now we must decide: do we tell her?"

2007-02-12, 05:30 PM

"I say we shouldn't tell her, unless it is neccessary. But I trust her, I believe that she won't be too scared and that she will keep our nature secret.", says Lisaa and waves to Mia. "Hey, maybe she's also one of us ..."

2007-02-13, 05:45 AM
Mia arrives, flushed but smiling. "Ah. Great to see that you're all in good shape. I became worried when you didn't return. When Astrid returned and told me about your discoveries, I rember reading about them, and here is the book." She proudly displays the book for all to see. "The war of the beasts... hopefully this can shed some light."

"The Ninjizuishou, or the warriors of light, was a group of seven strange heroes. Led by the Mystic known as Michelle Ami, they created seven strange relics. The reason for this is currently unknown, as most history regarding them has been destroyed due to mysterious circumstances. What little is left describes only their leader..." "Here comes some description of her as a person. She is described as a very intelligent and strict person. She apparently also studied something called physics and chemistry, and was very skilled with math. Now this is something I found interesting. "Despite being described as a woman in the service of Good, she and her group allied themselves with the werecreatures during the war of the beasts. The reasons, and outcome, of this is not known. Rumour has it that the relics they created was used to seal away the greatest weapon of the werecreatures..."

Mia stops reading. "That is the only relevant information I could find I'm afraid. I am not sure how much we should trust this though. The book itself is pretty badly made, and seems to be based of rumours and prejudice rather than facts..." She glances around swiftly. "I don't know about you, but I am interested in finding out what all of this really is all about." Suddenly she realise what she has been doing and blushes. "Uhm... what have you found out?"

The Great Skenardo
2007-02-13, 06:40 PM
The shaggy-haired young man casts a sidelong glance to his new companions (including a strangely comatose hobgoblin) and then speaks
"I think...we are interested too. I was visited by a spirit last night;" his features soften as he seems to recall the experience. "A powerful spirit of good and hope. She told me..." a slight hesitation "That to open this door iz first test that leads to a great truth." The young Miklagaardian spreads his calloused hands. "She told me much that you now know; Nijizuishou, Ami. She also told me that Ami was shapeshifter; a werewolf."
Bronsk pauses to evaluate Mia's reaction.

2007-02-13, 09:13 PM

Sasha listens to the story with keen interest. She has never heard this tale, either from her parents or from the magic tomes she's read. Very intriguing. "If the dream-girl is right, then we have a good werewolf woman who led the 'warriors of light', and they used relics to seal something away." She looks pointedly back at the door, then to the others. "Coincidences abound."

2007-02-14, 12:25 PM
Mia's features seem to slowly freeze. "A... a werewolf?" She suddenly says. "Nono, that can't be. That would make... no... sense... at all." She ponders the statement once more. "No... you're right. It makes perfect sense. Why else would she help the werecreatures? And the great truth... that's probably the "weapon" this book talks about. But I don't think it is a weapon. Why would they seal away a weapon that could grant them victory? No... something with that seal created a dark period where knowledge was lost. The truth, it has to be knowledge about such relics of the past. At least partly... ah I am rambling again, but I think that this is reasonable." She turns to Bronsk. "And if an angel really did approach you and told you to open the door as a test, it must mean that some grand plan is being set into motion, and we have to make sure that the plan succeeds." She stands up. "Ami is our best clue. I have spoken with a friend of mine in the Wayfarers guild. He needs someone to help him with some work, and he promised to help out by giving me access to the teleport chamber between Sapphire port and the capital. In return, I have to do him a few favours. You should use that chamber and travel to the capital. Visit the museum that holds the remaining items left behind by her, and see if you can find out more." She looks swiftly at everyone present. "At least... that is my suggestion." She finishes timidly.

The Great Skenardo
2007-02-14, 09:27 PM
The young healer smiles in response
"The Capitol! That would be grand adventure! Just...promise me I can still look through the library when we return, yes?"

2007-02-15, 02:33 AM

"I've never been in the capital, it is such a big city ... but it would be very interesting. To use a teleport chamber and see Ami's things in this museum.", says Lisaa and smiles.

2007-02-15, 05:43 AM
Mia's face lights up. "Great. I will bring you there at once." She says and beckons for the group to follow her. "I presume you have all the things you need. I'll give you a few coins, enough to get yourselves some rooms at an inn and it should also cover the entrance fee to the museum." Mia states, impatiently waiting for her companions.

2007-02-17, 06:36 AM
The group returns to the city, where Mia leads them to a rather large building. Above the building there is a sign which reads "Wayfarers Guild: Sapphire Port". Mia opens the building and leads the group in. Inside the building they are greeted by a fair haired, tall man. "Greetings fair Mia. Are these the ones you were talking about?"

"Yes they are. Everyone, meet sir Reginald. Reginald is the leader of the Sapphire Port division in the Wayfarers Guild. He will allow you to use the Teleport chamber in return for helping him with a job. Reginald, this is sir Bronsk, sir Baztikk, miss Lisaa and miss Sasha."

"A pleasure to meet you. If you would be as kind as to follow me, I will instruct you on how to use the chamber, as well as the favour I need of you." He beckons for the group to follow him.

Mia smiles and bows gently to the group. "I have to leave you now. Is there anything you need me to do for you while you are gone, or something I should bring with me when I come after you later?"

The Great Skenardo
2007-02-17, 11:29 AM
Bronsk offers a handshake and a stiff bow to sir Reginald. "But don't call me sir, please, "he appends, "Bronsk iz fine."

When Mia speaks, Bronsk turns towards her, apparently thinking hard. "It'z a guess...but maybe research werecreatures? I think iz vital hyu understand them. Goodbye, Mia." the healer says, with another small bow. "Hyu are a princely host!" he freezes. "Erm. I mean, not 'princely' of course, but, uh..." With another awkward bow, he hurries off after Reginald, his face distinctly red.

2007-02-20, 03:39 AM
Mia smiles and waves goodbye. Reginald leads the group through a door in the end of the room, up a flight of stairs, and through a hall with several rooms. Over each room is a sign with the names of different large cities. He finally stops before one of the rooms. The sign above the door reads "Wayfarer HQ". "This is the room you're allowed to use." Reginald informs and opens the door. The room inside is... very empty, and very small. There is a small painted circle in the middle of the room. "The chamber is very simple to use. You simply have to enter that circle, and you will be instantly transported across the continent to the capital. Let me show you." He steps into the portal and disappears into thin air. A few seconds later, he reappears. "Any questions?"

The Great Skenardo
2007-02-20, 10:22 AM
Bronsk walks into the painted circle :D

2007-02-20, 06:26 PM

Lisaa nods. "Greetings, sir Reginald. This magic circle is really amazing. I feel honored that I may use it." She follows Bronsk to the circle and speaks to again to the mage. "How does this teleportation thing feel ?"

2007-02-27, 03:53 PM
Before he can answer, Bronsk and Lisaa feel themselves lifted up in the sky as their surroundings change. For what appears to be a short eternity, they fly through an empty void. The experience is both exciting and slightly frightening, but eventually the void changes into a room just like the one they left. The only exception being that they are alone in it. A few seconds later, Reginald and their two companions step through it. "Hopefully, this demonstration is better than how I can describe it." He nods sagely. "I will leave you to do what you need to do now. I'll call on you when I need your help." With another nod, he leads them out of the chamber and into the main room of the Guild Head Quarters. "The museum you seek is nearby. Just go out and left. Follow the path to the end, then turn right. The museum will be the third building to your right."

The Great Skenardo
2007-02-27, 05:28 PM
Flushed with excitement, the young healer steps out into the street, experiencing the capitol for the first time and looking around eagerly.

The Great Skenardo
2007-02-28, 05:01 PM
Remembering himself, Bronsk nods in a businesslike fashion and begins making his way to the Museum.

2007-02-28, 06:49 PM

"Hey, this was exciting, and not disconcerting. Many thanks.", says Lisaa to Reginald. Then she follows Bronsk into the streets of the capital.

2007-03-01, 12:11 PM
The capital is quite a sight. The buildings are all of quite high quality (using Sotonian standards) and the streets are packed with people. Lisaa and Bronsk have to push their way through the crowd in order to get to the Museum. The Museum itself is quite easily to distinguish, being made entirely out of wood, unlike the surrounding buildings. It has two floors and a strawroof, making it seem like a simple hut in the middle of a forest of brick buildings. Upon entrance, they see that the museum is built just like an old forest cabin, with an elderly man standing at the entrance. He smiles as the two of you enter. "Welcome." He says with a hoarse voice. "You have come here to watch my museum dedicated to the Great Michelle Ami, haven't you." He smiles. "Great, great. It will be one silver piece each, and you're free to enter."

The Great Skenardo
2007-03-01, 12:15 PM
The young Nord grunts and extracts a silver piece from his belt pouch.
"Thiz building...it is quite old? Or iz it in her style?"

2007-03-01, 01:08 PM
"Ah. Nice eye you have there lad. Yes, this building is built to be an exact copy of the great Michelle's home in the forests just outside our fair city. That home still stands, even though it is older than the hills, just another testament to the great Michelle's power. But youngsters today, they don't care about history. So it fills my heart with great joy to see you kids wanting to see the relics handed down from one of the greatest women in history." The man suddenly coughs and accepts the coin from Bronsk. "Thank you, young man. I hope you find it both entertaining and educational. If you have any questions, please direct them to my daughter. She should be on the second floor."

The Great Skenardo
2007-03-01, 01:15 PM
"Uh, yes. Thank you." Bronsk begins walking around the house, filing away the fact that the house still stands for later consideration.

2007-03-01, 06:42 PM

Lisaa gives the man a silver coin. "Here. It is a very nice building. I like it. And you say that the original still stands outside the city ?"

2007-03-02, 04:02 PM
"Yes it does lass. Should be about one hour walking westwards. Quite an interesting building too. Apparently, there are secrets hidden there, not even my family has found. You're free to visit it if you like." The man nods with a smile.

As Bronsk walks around, he finds that the museum seems to contain several mundane items. A table, a few chairs, a bookshelf, all accompanied by a small plaque telling that object so and so belonged to Michelle, usually accompanied with some sort of praise towards her.

"This preciously adorned chair did once belong to the great Michelle... This bookcase is the only thing that remains of Ami's great library..."

To begin with, Bronsk can't help but feel slightly disappointed as there are no things that stand out, however walking through the mainroom of the building, he stumbles across a small blue coin encased in clear glass.

"This sapphire coin, known as "the teardrop of time" once belonged to the beloved Michelle Ami and is one of five magical relics left from her era. This beautiful coin is said to have the power to predict if an action will have a good or a bad outcome. Magical as it is, only those blessed by Ami can use the powers of the coin."

Looking further, he comes across a beautiful cup made of white gold, adorned with magnificent sapphires. A similar brass plaque rests on the table beside it, and on it is written...

"This sacred cup is "The chalice of dreams". It is one of five magical relics once in the possession of the grand maiden Michelle Ami. Never full and never empty, never does a liquid spill from it, unless it is to the holders intention, always will a drop of water remain in this cup, no matter how hard you try to empty it. This is only the surface of the powers said to be hidden in this cup. When filled to the brim with water, one can use it to see the dreams of others, or even speak with them from far away. It is protected however, and only those blessed by water may use the powers in this holy chalice."

Bronsk finds one final item like this on the first floor, a magnificent mirror made of gold, with a frame of sapphires.

"This mirror with reflection like the blue waves of water is the "Mirror of truth". It is one of five magical relics left behind from Michelle Ami, and it is said to be her greatest treasure. Those staring into the mirror will find that it reflects not your appearance, but your soul. No illusion can reflect in it's surface, and no unholy beast can stare in the radiant reflection it emanates. When held, a descendant of Ami may use it to call her realm into existence."

Bronsk finds himself staring into the mirror, when suddenly, his reflection changes to reflect his werewolf self. The sudden change startles him, but he still manages to notice an eerie glow from one of the two rooms on the second floor. The glow lingers for only a second, but he still manages to see it clearly enough to realize it was there, and not a figment of his imagination. Just at the same time, two women exit the other room. One is a beautiful lady, around 25 years old, with blonde hair and beautiful clothing. The other is a rather buff looking girl, with brown hair. The two talks about something, but he doesn't understand what they are saying, before the lady smiles and begins to descend the stairs. On her way out, she notices Bronsk and smiles gently at him before she leaves the building. The buff girl shrugs and returns into the room she just left.

2007-03-02, 06:12 PM

Lisaa follows Bronsk around in the museum. "Here are some interesting magical items of Ami. They seem quite useful ... I wonder if we need any of them to open the door ... and how we could get them then. I'd hate it to steal from these people."

The Great Skenardo
2007-03-02, 08:51 PM
"Ehm?" Bronsk turns back to Lisaa with a start "Sorry, I was distracted..." He seems to mentally replay the conversation, and a pained look comes to his face "Stealing! No no no! Surely, Mia can arrange for loan of these artifacts for a few days? Or even just study? I will not steal from a museum; they iz special things. Close to spirits." He spreads his hands. "Ah...Lisaa; would hyu look into this mirror?" He points to the exhibit. "I feel the legends may be true: it sees the other half of me." He glances upstairs. "Excuse me."
With measured tread, Bronsk ascends the steps leading to the glowing second room.

2007-03-03, 09:02 AM
The room where the glow came from seems to be a small study with a window leading out to the back alley behind the museum. There are a few shelves, a desk with a few alchemists tools and a bookcase. There is also a beautiful sword with sapphires inlaid in the hilt. He cannot see any objects that could have been the source of the glow he saw earlier, but the sword is one of the five relics.

"This sword is called "the blade of Justice" It is one of five magical relics, and was Michelle Ami's trusted weapon when she judged the guilty. This sword chills to the bone, and can cleave through any chain of oppression, and any form of trickery, be it lie or deceit. Only a descendant of Michelle Ami may wield this weapon though. Anyone else will find their body frozen solid."

If Lisaa looks into the mirror, she will find that her reflection is that of her werewolf form.

2007-03-03, 10:17 AM
Another man walks through and starts peering at the artefacts. He gives you a nod to say hello, but does not speak. He is fairly nondescript, a normal young man, pale skin, dark hair, but rather shabby for someone looking at museums. He wears quite thin clothes, you'd think he'd catch a cold, and has a backpack slung over one shoulder. He has a knife in his belt, and is fairly well muscled, but he doesn't give the impression of being a mighty warrior or anything. Just an ordinary young man, looking at the artefacts.

2007-03-03, 11:08 AM

Lisaa gazes into the mirror but then quickly turns away from it. With a side glance to the young man the elf follows Bronsk into the small room. "What's wrong ? You seem somehow agitated ... was it the mirror ? I also saw my other form."

The Great Skenardo
2007-03-03, 12:01 PM
Bronsk scratches his head and looks around the room with some confusion.
"Another relic, at least, but..." he turns around full circle "I thought I saw a glow from thiz room. The sword, maybe?" He sighs "I don't know. So many questions, but who can we ask?" striding outside the room, Bronsk glances down at the newcomer
Hm...another visitor. With a somewhat awkward nod, Bronsk proceeds down the stairs and continues looking through the museum in search of the fifth relic.

2007-03-03, 12:28 PM
Ugh! You hear the young man cry out in shock. He's standing in front of the mirror, a startled expression on his face. He turns and walks quickly away, looking worried and glancing about furtively.

2007-03-03, 03:19 PM
The fifth relic isn't found on the first floor. Instead, Bronsk has to return to the second floor, to the other room where he first saw the two women, in order to find the fifth relic. The fifth relic is a white staff with a beautiful tip made of a sapphire. Unfortunately, the plaque that belongs to it is being held by the buff girl from earlier, and she is currently polishing it.

2007-03-03, 03:30 PM

Lisaa gives the young man a weird look. She follows Bronsk to the last relic. "Ami had a magic staff ? I wonder what powers it has ...", she says loud enough for the buff girl to hear.

2007-03-03, 04:33 PM
The girl looks up. "Powers? This staff ain't got no powers. You been reading grandpa's old notes again?" She says relaxed. "Sorry to disappoint ya, but these pretty sapphire objects ain't got no magic powers. None that still work at least. I know it says so on them plaques, but ya shouldn't believe them. Yer just gonna get yerself fooled that way. Pa likes to think that them relics have some kinda magic mumbojumbo powers on em. He's obsessed with Ami. Ye can't trust him to speak truth 'bout her." She places down the plaque, and they both manage to read what it says on it.

"This staff is the "Staff of Compassion". It is one of five magical relics that once belonged to the Great Nymph Michelle. This magical staff has the ability to heal any wound, no matter how deep. The healing waves may only be commanded by a descendant of Ami though."

"But dinnae tell grandpa that I told ya this. He'll go bonkers." She extends her hand. "I'm Nina. The guard o' this ol' museum. Can I help ya with anything else?"

The Great Skenardo
2007-03-03, 07:03 PM
The young man takes Nina's hand with a slight grin. "My name iz Bronsk. I guess you could say we're interested learning about Ami. Do hyu know much about the Ninjinzuishou?"

2007-03-03, 08:39 PM
"The Nijizuishou eh? Well, ya woulda thought it, considering I should be a descendant of two of em an all. Unfortunately, there ain't much to know 'bout them. Almost as if some kind o' magic is preventing ya from learning 'bout them. Ah well. I'll tell ya what I know. Them Ninjizuishou people was some kind o' ragtag band of heroes and heroines. And what a ragtag team it was. The leader was a human, the rest of the group, something else entirely. Dunno completely 'bout all of them, but one o' em was apparently a Minotaur. Ne'way, they were supposedly involved in some kind of big mumbojumbo. Some keys or summat, that they had to keep hidden. Apparently, those keys hide the tool to prevent a cataclysm. Apparently one o' em still lives. The most powerful o' em all. Those keys had unique elements, ye see. Ami's were water. That Minotaur had the Spirit as his element. An they all hid this secret that had summat to do with them werecritters. I dunno anything else. I mean, I could probably remember eventually, but I dunno remember anything else right now."

The Great Skenardo
2007-03-03, 09:42 PM
The shaggy-haired youth nods, scratching his stubbled chin absently.
"Erm. If I may ask...From which two are hyu descended? Ah, nevermind." Bronsk reddens and waves a hand quickly. "Nevermind. I was wondering about these artifacts...Can a scholar get access to them? To study briefly?"

2007-03-04, 04:20 AM
"Study them? Yeah, s'pose so. Ye hafta speak to grandpa 'bout that though. Ye won't be able to borrow em for some time though, since grandpa's needs em the day after tomorrow, or so he says. I'm sure he'll let ya study em after that."

The Great Skenardo
2007-03-04, 10:31 AM
Bronsk smiles "Wonderful! Erm. What happens the day after tomorrow?"

2007-03-04, 12:01 PM
"I dunno. Ye hafta ask grandpa, though I dun think he will tell ya. He dinnae want to tell me after all. Why are ye curious 'bout em anyway?"

The Great Skenardo
2007-03-04, 12:33 PM
The tall Nord thinks for a moment, possible responses flitting through his head
well, I had a vision of an angel while I was alone in the woods, and she told me...
I'm interested because Ami was a werewolf, and so am I, incidentally, and she...
I'm trying to open a hidden door in a mountain that's heavily sealed. No, I have no idea what's behind it, but I have this feeling I ought to open it...
"Um...because I am interested in knowing more about Ami?"

2007-03-04, 02:51 PM
"Heh. Good answer." She smiles. "Well, if ya need any more help, just ask."

The Great Skenardo
2007-03-04, 03:10 PM
"Right." With a half-bow, Bronsk turns and proceeds back downstairs, a thoughtful expression on his face. He glances at the other visitor to the museum, and shrugs to himself.
looks like he'd be more comfortable in an arena than a museum.

2007-03-04, 03:29 PM
Bronsk sees the young man walk out the front door quickly. He flashes a nervous glance at Bronsk.