View Full Version : Possible actions while grappling

2013-10-31, 11:10 AM
The SRD lists (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#ifYoureGrappling) the range of possible actions while grappling.

Now, I don't think it is useful to see this list as exhaustive. If you would, you could not use any Ex, Sp, Su or any other ability (like manifesting powers), simply because those cases are not discussed in this list.

Furthermore, while you can retrieve a spell component with a fullround action or a light weapon you could never draw a non-spell component non-weapon item (like a potion). Which is odd, to say the least.

How would you rule those cases that don't appear on the list, but should be possible in context?

There is a specific situation I have in mind: a character is surprised and grappled by a giant octopus, the rest of the party to far away to arrive in time. The character has a Handy Haversack containing a Potion of Gaseous form.
If it would be possible for the character to retrieve the potion form the Haversack and drink it, there is a chance for survival. Otherwise, he would be just dead.

2013-10-31, 02:16 PM
The SRD states you can Retrieve a Spell Component as a full round action. So it would seem plausible that you could retrieve a potion from a haversack as a full round action. Not sure you could retrieve anything from a regular backpack, kinda hard to rummage through a backpack while grappling. The item would have to be readily accessible, like in a weapon sheath, belt pouch, bandier, or magically brought to the top of your backpack. :smallbiggrin:

You can't cast a spell with a somatic component. Somatic actions are fairly complicated, but drinking a potion is pretty simple. It would stand to reason you might spill some contents while grappling. Not sure if you would deem it as a full round action to drink potion, required to win grapple check, or assign a concentration DC. Spells DC's are normally 15+level, during a grapple the DC increases by 5, so perhaps a concentration DC 5 check to drink a potion. That's pretty low. I'm liking the full round action to drink a potion that is already in your hand, but these are all interpreted rules and suggestions, so the DM would need to make any final rulings.

BTW: Most EX and SU abilities do not require material, focus, or somatic components and should be usable during a grapple.