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View Full Version : My first prestige class (d20 modern)

2007-01-06, 04:07 PM
EDIT: Not my d20 modern character.. this is a d20 class... sory, i was dumb with the title.

Let me start off by saying that this is the first class ive ever written. Its also one of the first posts I've made on a d20 board (the very first one is what i copied/pasted from to make this post) I need help figuring out what to about saves for this class and also how the class as a whole feels. Its meant to be achieved through the fast hero/gunslinger track and is sort of a cinematic gunslinger. the modern day hero type person... anyway, tell me what you think. Now, i may be posting in the wrong place as this is mostly classic D&D, but as a whole, it just says homebrew design(d20) so i figured id give it a try.

Firearms Fanatic
Prerequisites: Knowledge (Tactics) 10 ranks, Intimidate 10 Ranks
Base attack: +7
Feats: Weapons focus in at least 3 firearms. Personal Firearms Proficiency, Close Combat Shot
Firearms Fanatics devote their lives to the guns they love- all of them. While some gunslingers lean more towards one weapon of choice, the Firearms Fanatic is more comfortable with an arsenal befitting a small country. No gun is too big or too small for these truly demented individuals. While Soldiers and snipers are typically very discreet and covert, Firearms fanatics are exactly the opposite. Arrogant and flashy, the firearms fanatic likes to make his presence known….and feared.
Bonus Feats: The Firearms fanatic may select any feat listed as a bonus feat: Weapons focus, Guns Akimbo, Supressive Fire, Advanced Firearms Proficiency, shot on the run, Hard Eyed, Double Tap, Precise Shot

Level 1:
Base attack bonus 0
Special abilites: Quick draw, Quick Learner
Defense Bonus: 1
Reputation: 0

Level 2:
Base attack Bonus: 1
Special abilities: Quick Reload
Defense bonus: 1
Reputation: 1

Level 3:
Base attack bonus: 2
Bonus Feat
Defense Bonus: 2
Reputation: 1

Level 4:
Base attack Bonus: 3
Special abilities: Make my Day
Defense bonus: 2
Reputation: 2

Level 5:
Base Attack Bonus: 3
Special Abilities: Finely Tuned Machines
Defense: 3
Reputation: 2

Level 6:
Base Attack Bonus: 4
Bonus Feat
Defense: 3
Reputation: 3

Level 7
Base Attack Bonus: 5
Special Abilities: Aggressive Negotiator
Defense: 4
Reputation: 3

Level 8
Base attack Bonus: 6
Blind Fire
Defense: 4
Reputation: 4

Level 9
Base attack Bonus: 6
Bonus Feat
Defense: 5
Reputation: 4

Level 10
Base attack Bonus: 7
Blaze of Glory
Defense: 5
Reputation: 5

Quick Learner
Firearms Fanatics know guns inside and out. Even weapons they have never seen before have an air of familiarity. Firearms Fanatics attacking with ranged weapons they are not proficient with take a -2 penalty instead of a -4.

Quick Draw
The Firearms Fanatic gains the feat “Quick Draw” Even if he does not meet the prerequisites. Firearms Fanatic may draw as a free action.

Make my Day
Firearms Fanatics have more firepower than most people ever dream of… Quite frankly, that’s terrifying. At the beginning of an encounter, Before initiative is Rolled, The Firearms Fanatic may spend an action point to make an intimidate check to frighten his opponents out of action. If the Intimidate check succeeds, the Firearms Fanatic receives a surprise round, in which all opponents who failed their save are flat footed.

Finely Tuned Machines
The Firearms Fanatic becomes increasingly familiar with his weapons. All weapons that have Weapons focus applied to them gain an additional +1 to hit. This stacks with Weapons focus for a total of +2

Aggressive Negotiator
Once per encounter, when a diplomacy or bluff check fails, the Firearm Fanatic may quick draw any weapon and make an immediate intimidate check (regardless of who’s turn it is) with a +5 circumstance bonus. The intimidate check replaces the failed Diplomacy or Bluff Check

Blind Fire
Firearms Fanatics have a greater chance to hit a concealed enemy with a weapon they have Weapons focus with. 50% miss chances become 25% Miss chances, 25% miss chances become 10% Miss chances.

Blaze of glory
When the Firearms Fanatic is attacked and approaching death (15 HP or lower) he may spend 2 action points and make an instant attack against any opponent with any two weapons on his person. These two attacks are made with the highest attack bonus, regardless of size restriction or proficiency. This may be up to two auto fire attacks. Immediately following those two attacks, the Firearms Fanatic drops to -5 hit points and is bleeding out

like i said... this is my first attempt at a class. Criticism is welcome. thanks.

2007-01-06, 05:59 PM
Make My Day: What Will save? Intimidate is resisted with a level check.

Blind Fire: What about miss chances other than 50% and 25%?

2007-01-06, 06:01 PM
Oh, something that bugs me.

This class has a 10-level advanced class progression, but 7th level prestige class prerequisites.

I'm so confused and annoyed by that.

2007-01-08, 09:05 AM
Will save got thrown in there by accident, i've removed it.

The reason for 10 level progression and and 7th level requirements, im not quite sure why i did that. every class i had been looking at had 10 levels of progression. hadnt looked at prestige classes apparently. I can either trim it to 5 levels, or lower the prereqs.

2007-01-08, 11:40 AM
I would reduce it to five levels. Especially since you'd need to be at least 10th level to get +7 base attack without strong levels. I wouldn't make it an advanced class since there's already the Gunslinger and Soldier. Advanced classes are still supposed to be able to cover a variety of roles even though they're more specific than base classes so you shouldn't make one that does the same thing as an existing one.

Giving Quick Draw for free at this high a level is a bit wrong. I've had personal experiance with the Archaic Weaponmaster getting free Quick Draw at a high level. It basically meant that the character (an Iaijutsu specialist) was useless for loads of levels before he got quick draw free since he didn't want to waste a feat on something he was going to get free later.

2007-01-08, 12:46 PM
Make My Day should probably require the Fanatic to have a gun drawn at the time. On that note, to address Closet Skeleton's point, perhaps drawing could be an immediate action instead of a free action for Fanatics. That would work well with MMD too: basically, as long as the Fanatic can move and has a gun, he can still use MMD.

2007-01-08, 03:18 PM
Giving Quick Draw for free at this high a level is a bit wrong. I've had personal experiance with the Archaic Weaponmaster getting free Quick Draw at a high level. It basically meant that the character (an Iaijutsu specialist) was useless for loads of levels before he got quick draw free since he didn't want to waste a feat on something he was going to get free later.

Its always up to the player to decide what feats to take. If they want to gimp themselves for several levels because they will get a feat for free eventually, so be it. Personally, thats a bit like metagaming. The player decides not to take a feat because they get it for free... even though its essential for their character. To me, the character would learn the feat because they needed it.