View Full Version : Looking for stuff

2013-11-01, 03:34 AM
Alright, I'm trying to make a 3.5/Pathfinder Character based off a character I wrote in a book many moons ago. The man is named Zerrva, he is cursed with immortality. Furthermore, when someone touched him, it would cause pain to the person. Zerrva was cursed and has to deal with his crushing loneliness. Its a sad story but I just got such a love for this character i created. I want to make him into character so I can play him in my 3.5/Pathfinder game. I got a Home-brew Immortality template to use, but I'm wondering if there is anyway to get the "Auto-touch attack" thing. Were if anyone touched me it dealt it dealt damage or become sick. Any help guys?

Elric VIII
2013-11-01, 03:51 AM
Okay, for the immortality thing, you have the Wedded to History feat and the Ageless quality. Basically, what this does is make it so that your character is from an ancient time and through some means (immortality, stasis, reincarnation, etc) you are around in the current day. You can find this in Dragon 354 if you want a non-homebrew option.

For the painful touch, consider either the Dread Necromancer for Charnel Touch or the Sickening Grasp reserve feat. I'm not sure there is anything that works unconditionally, but you can easily spend your out of combat time readying yourself to discharge one of those abilities on anyone that touches you.