View Full Version : Tower of Doom and Shadows Over Mystara Modules?

2013-11-01, 08:33 AM
Basically what the topic title says. Got a new person who wants to crack into Tabletop DnD. They had some minor experience with the old arcade games, Tower of Doom and Shadows Over Mystara back in the day, and they asked me if I could run an adventure version of them to help ease them in.

Anyone know if they made modules for it? And possibly if they were updated to third edition? It's pretty old so I'm not sure if they did. But it's also fairly well known and iconic, so I figured there may be a chance.

Sadly my searching hasn't turned up anything yet.

2013-11-01, 09:19 AM
There weren't any old system versions and I haven't heard of any fan conversions, but was there really that much of a story to follow? Heck, you could probably find a playthough on Youtube and just jot down notes.
But I would definitely encourage your gang to check out the rest of the Known World (and Mystara in general). Sadly out of print, many of the products are available in PDF format, and the dead tree versions are usually found on ebay or Amazon.
Some useful links
Official, if messy, 3.x site: Vaults of Pandius (http://pandius.com/)
The Piazza. Useful forum (http://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/index.php)with active members developing the stuff:
Maps (http://www.thorf.co.uk/mystara/cartography.php?p=u00), trying to reconcile the differences between the various official products.
Mystara.net (http://mystara.net/)- a list of some other nice sites.
For completeness' sake (http://www3.telus.net/strawberryjamm/mystara_d20/main.html)
And of course, Bruce Heard' (http://bruce-heard.blogspot.no/)s blog where he expands on some Mystaran stuff (mostly the kingdoms of Alphatia)