View Full Version : Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk (Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 IC)

2013-11-01, 11:40 AM
Chapter One: The Free City of Greyhawk

Zagig's Bridge

Earthday, Growfest

Dark clouds roll across the sky promising a heavy rain some time in the near future. The warmth of the season is quickly vanishing in the absence of the sun and an unseasonably cold wind whispers over the Cairn Hills, making travelers pull their cloaks more tightly about them as they make their way down the road.

It's been hours since you saw another soul on the River Road to the Free City of Greyhawk. The rushing waters of the Selintan echo up the deep river gorge on your left, breaking the silence with an undercurrent of low, ominous thunder. As you crest a low hill, a small settlement comes into view some 100 yards ahead. Perhaps a dozen weather-beaten shacks and hovels crowd around a crossroads where the River Road branches west across the looming stone expanses of Zagig's Bridge. At the road's edge, a massive statue of a robed figure holding a longsword points across the bridge into the craggy spur of the Cairn Hills. Two caravan wagons crowd the center of the crossroads, their ransacked contents strewn about the road. At least three humanoid corpses litter the ground nearby, along with the carcasses of three horses. A half-dozen brutish, hulking humanoids in leather armor and wielding handaxes pick through the wagons, while several companions go door to door, terrorizing the inhabitants of the tiny community.

Several orcs in leather armor pick at the remains of a caravan in the middle of the River Road, just in front of Zagig's Bridge. Others are kicking in the doors of the nearby hovels. Judging by the screams issuing from within, their business is not benign. Overlooking the whole scene is a massive statue of a robed man holding a longsword, pointing across the bridge into a craggy spur of the Cairn Hills. Atop the bridge's framework looms a cloaked and hooded figure mounted on a mammoth draconic beast with a long tail ending in a wicked barb. This leader seems to be directing the raiders in their grisly business.

Your caravan's towards Greyhawk has been steady and eventful for weeks, leaving you with little to do except scout the roads ahead and warn the other travelers in your party about which plants are poisonous. Troubling rumors from other travelers you've passed on the road have been making everyone the caravan nervous for some time now. Stories of attacks, and of entire caravans going missing.

Stories such as these are hardly uncommon, and hardly a month passes without some bandits or monsters waylaying travelers on the road. So when Delik, the ginger bearded merchant who hired you as an escort, sent you ahead to scout out the road for signs of trouble you thought he was being overly cautious. Seeing so many orcs picking over the ruins of a wagon and forcing their way into people's homes you see now that his fears were well justified.

Summoned to Greyhawk by the worshippers of St. Cuthbert who dwell there, and ordered to make all speed possible to reach the Free City as quickly as possible, your journey has not been a pleasant one. The road has been packed with travelers going in the same direction as you and every inn you've passed has turned you away with an empty belly. Sleeping on the ground and eating the meager provisions you brought with you has done little to endear you to the people of Greyhawk.

When you heard screams in the distance you ran tracking them to their source and found wanton carnage being wrought at the hands of orcs. These transgressors have offended the decrees of St. Cuthbert and they seem intent on carrying out more acts of wickedness still.

Many months have passed since your people exiled you from their ranks, and thus far your search for a worthy magic that will win you back into their good graces has been in vain. Tales of the great wizards such as Tenser and Mordenkainen himself who are said to dwell in Greyhawk drew you to the free city. For surely one of them would be willing to part with some scrap of arcane knowledge that would allow you to return home.

Screams and the ringing of steel spurned you down the winding road towards Greyhawk, and brought you to the site of a battle. The travelers laying slain at the orc's feet proved unable to stand before their might, and more innocents seem likely to fall if no one comes to their aid. Your magics might tip the balance in their favor thus brining you one step closer to returning home.

For some time now you've been looking for a way to wash away your debt to the Thieves Guild, and they've turned away every attempt you've made to broker a peace. Bounty hunters, thieves, assassins, and city guards have all pursued you at one time or another looking to collect the reward the guild has offered for your head. Then you got the letter from a high ranking member of the guild itself, offering you amnesty if you would carry out a simple task.

Suspicious but curious you made your way towards Greyhawk stopping at a cluster of homes outside of the city itself. You paid a couple a few coins to let you sleep there for the night while you planned out your next move. Resting soundly you awoke to screams and the sound of splintering wood. Rough voices and heavy footsteps warned you that two robbers had forced their way into the beggar's home, probably the same people who have been attacking caravans on the road for days.

A window in your home gives you an easy escape route, all you'd have to do is climb down the tree just outside. However the couple who sheltered you will almost certainly be killed or lose what little they have if you do nothing.

The shadows provided by the clouds have granted you a break from the ceaseless Growfest sunshine, although the ominous clouds gathering overhead do promise to drench you to the bone any moment. Your journey towards Greyhawk has allowed you to hear many rumors that suggest the one you seek could be in the free city. Disappearances, murders, and dark acts have been going on for some time now. When you heard the screams of the travelers being slaughtered by the orcs you thought for a moment you had stumbled upon the vampire's latest victims. Despair wrestle with bloodlust as you catch the scent of blood in the air.


Violet, Yurias, Fyodonn, and Karloas may begin at any point within four squares of the river road coming from either the north or the south. Cabraxis is currently in the home in the north west corner.
The O's mark the current locations of the orcs, the W marks the location of the Wyvern. https://sites.google.com/site/kenosaga/ZagigBridge.jpg

2013-11-01, 12:34 PM
Cabraxis is rudely awakened by the fracas in the next room. He quickly dons his armor and gathers his belongings. He is halfway outside the window but suddenly stops, thinking of the helpless old couple that had let him stay the night.

Oh, bugger me. he says under his breath. He pivots and kicks open the door of his room, and yells Ho villians! Are you looking for a fight?!

Initiative [roll0]

2013-11-01, 01:13 PM
Approaching from the north, on the east side of the road

Karloas looked at the death and gratuitous violence and clenched his teeth. He was still a fair distance from the nearest visible orcs, but close enough for his crossbow: he hurried off the road and crouched behind a house, hoping that the orcs would be too busy killing and looting to notice him. Placing a bolt carefully on his crossbow, he leaned out from behind the house, took aim and fired at the closest orc.

attack roll [roll0]

hope I did that right :p

2013-11-01, 01:30 PM

Bursting through the door Cabraxis found two orcs eagerly tearing the place apart. The scrubbed wooden table had been flipped over onto it's side, chairs were shattered to splinters, and the homespun tapestry that had been hanging on the wall last night lay in a shredded mess on the floor.

The owners were cowering in the corner with their arms wrapped around one another. Destroying all of their meager worldly possessions seemed to have been distracting the orcs but Cabraxise's dramatic entrance caught their full attention.

Smiling with his yellow jagged teeth the nearest of the orcs hefted the ax in his hand while the other moved to block the door. "You should have run when you had the chance little man."

Nice to see that Cabraxis isn't the type to leave a kindly old couple to be murdered by orcs. His a rogue with a heart.

Cabraxis 17
Wyvern 17
Yurias 15
Karloas 13
Orc Raiders 12
Ulgrek 3

Kniss, do me a favor and roll for initiative, when your turn comes up we'll go ahead and apply your attack roll.

2013-11-01, 04:48 PM
Fyodonn looked over the scene for a moment. "Orcs! we always found those critters in our path. Sielah, heel. Let's try to help the villagers first."
The ranger and his friend started to run towards the houses.

EDIT:Fyodonn is approaching the village from the south.
In case it is needed to speed up combat, his intention is to attack the orcs that are around the L-shaped house on the south-west.

2013-11-01, 06:46 PM
Violet rushes over from the south walking calmly, having a look at the scene, keeping hold of her thirst views the Wyvern and rush's for the nearest orc. Draws her rapier and crossbow going into battle with the first orc seen for any indications of what she is looking for.


2013-11-01, 09:56 PM
Yurias begins hurrying down the road approaching the village. As he does so he readies a bolt in his crossbow. Sparks of red energy begin to dance across his fingers as he begins the incantation to ready a spell.

2013-11-01, 11:11 PM
Snapping it's enormous jaws the wyvern suddenly spreads its leathery wings and leaps off of the bridge soaring over the road. The flapping of the wyvern's wings kicks a large amount of dust the blinds Fyodonn momentarily. Wiping the grit from his eyes he hears sharp yelp and when the dust settles he sees that the wyvern has seized Sielah by the leg. The creature's enormous talons have raked along his wolf's flank leaving a bloody wound, but he is still struggling to break free from his attacker.

The cloaked orc riding the beast is obviously startled by his mount's sudden attack but he cheers and urges the beast to take flight with Sielah.

Wyvern Attack Roll: 20, damage 20
Wyvern Grapple Check: 31
So we need a grapple check from Sielah to see if she can fend off the wyvern's attempt to nab her

2013-11-02, 09:13 AM
Ah, stick a fork in your yapper, orc. Cabraxis says to the mouthy one. Or better yet, allow me!
Cabraxis lunges forward with his rapier.

Attacks and Damage [roll0]

2013-11-02, 04:49 PM
Yurias continues up the path, pausing only briefly to fire at the nearest orc, before he continues cautiously up the path.

Damage: [roll1]

2013-11-02, 05:28 PM
Wrapping its talons around Sielah's midsection the wyvern begins soaring upward towards the rooftops with another keening wail.

Yurias's arrow buried itself in the dirt next to one of the orc raiders who rounded on the wizard with a furious expression.

Lacking any sort of skill Cabraxise's orc opponent batted his rapier aside with the blade of his ax. While the block might have been clumsy it left his arm ringing painfully.

Sadly both Cabraxis and Yurias missed their attacks. Violet is up but Karloas can make an attack of opportunity against the wyvern.

Cabraxis 17
Wyvern 17
Yurias 15
Violet 15
Karloas 13
Orc Raiders 12
Ulgrek 3

2013-11-03, 02:48 AM
Fyodonn is startled by the quickness of the attack. "Sielah! hold on!".
Seeing that the beast is going to take off again, the ranger tries to deal at least a strike to the wyvern and its rider.

Attack or opportunity on the wyvern:

Since Fyodonn has Combat reflexes, and if - Sakutian - you judge that he was adjacent, Fyodonn tries an AoO on him also:

Sadly both Cabraxis and Yurias missed their attacks. Violet is up but Karloas can make an attack of opportunity against the wyvern.

Cabraxis 17
Wyvern 17
Yurias 15
Violet 15
Karloas 13
Orc Raiders 12
Ulgrek 3
Fyodonn rolled a 7.
I didn't roll a separate initiative for Sielas, maybe it's better that it has its own. If you're ok from next round I will roll separately (if there will still be something to roll...)

2013-11-03, 05:31 AM
Sielah tried to sink his fangs into the wyvern but the creature's tough scales proved too difficult to penetrate for the injured wolf. However when it soared upward it exposed its soft underbelly to Fyodonn and his sword traced a line of crimson across the beast's chest.

First blood goes to the ranger.

Yeah CalamaroJoe you can go ahead and roll a separate initiative roll for Sielah at the start of the next round if you want to.

Cabraxis 17
Wyvern 17
Yurias 15
Violet 15 is up!
Karloas 13
Orc Raiders 12
Fyodonn 7
Ulgrek 3

I'm going to go ahead and post the enemies defenses and their hp so you guys will know if your attacks are successful at once and then you can incorporate the info into your posts.

Orc Raiders (8) AC15 HP 27/27
Wyvern AC 18 HP 52/57
Ulgrek AC 13 HP 34/34

2013-11-04, 02:36 AM
Violet runs up and rushes into the orcs. Tumbles in there range . and then attacks the orcs [roll1] / [roll2]

damage:[roll]1d6+4 / 1d8+4

2013-11-04, 02:38 AM
sorry i haven't been here. i have been jammed packed with college work

2013-11-04, 04:12 AM
Well, like I posted before:

Karloas loaded his crossbow, took aim and let loose a bolt at the nearest orc.

(I'm guessing he misses :p )