View Full Version : Opportunity Knocks IC

2013-11-02, 12:24 AM
Thunder booms overhead. Lightning lances the sky, and somewhere in the world, a new monster is born.

But none of that concerns you. Right now, I have pressing matters to attend to.

A story? Very well. I suppose I can arrange that...

It all began one dark stormy night. One similar to this one, in fact. It all begins in the south of the Red Desert Kingdoms At that time, the kingdoms of the Pacifica Alliance were at war with the Orc Nations of the Atlantic.

It was a time of chaos across this great Pangea. And in that chaos, some few heard the knock of Opportunity at their door...

"My Lords!" The cry came from outside. A scout burst into you rooms, yelling out his report.

"My Lords! The Paladins have left the city! They have begun their march to the front!"

2013-11-02, 08:23 AM
Yes, tell me something I don't know. I've been watching all evening." Ven turns to him and flashes him a smile. His teeth are black. Just then a raven lands on the windowsill.

Bound to Malphas, the Turnfeather in order to scout on the paladins myself with the raven. The pact should end before we go anywhere, so I can bind my preferred vestiges before we leave

2013-11-02, 10:06 AM

As the man bellowed and rapped at the door, a pretty blonde face materialised in the window off to its flank - her blue eyes bright and smile wide with mischief.

"Ms A! Ms!" she yelped, never taking her eyes away from the figure outside. "Ms A! There's a madman at the door!" She seemed positively delighted.

"That's nice." came a bored, distracted voice from further within the house.

"Heh-heh-heh..." the human giggled, her words having fogged up the window in front of her. Unashamedly, she pressed her pretty face forward, mashing it against the window as she continued to glare outside.

"I weely fink yoo shud cm shee wot hiz sayin."

A soft, irritated sigh was soon followed by gentle foot-steps as the shadows behind the human seemed to coagulate into the dusky-skinned figure of a drow - her white-hair pouring from atop a topknot that helmed her head. Her purple eyes lazily peered up and down the blonde.

"Yes. Fascinating."

Pulling her face away from the window to peer over her shoulder, the human girl grinned, "What do you think he's saying? I can't make everything out from this side of the glass!"

"He's saying 'Hello, I am an idiot shouting in the street.'"

"Let's let him in! It'll be funny listening to him babbling insanely!"

"Certainly not! If we were too - "

"Too late!"

The human took a skip over to the door and flung its doors open, greeting the man and questioning him on what he was saying - her blue eyes piercing into him intensely.

"*sigh* oh god..." Amara uttered like a tired old woman as she moved up behind her companion to listen.

2013-11-02, 10:31 AM
"The paladins left town?", says the gnome more to himself and with wide smile in his face, he then turn around the tavern and rise up, "The paladins have left the town to fight the orcs! A toast to those brave warriors! may they found and return safe and sound!", he then drink up his drink and leave the tavern thinking to himself "I know it isn't Christmas yet, but thank you so much Erythnul for this awesome gift, I promise I'll enjoy it very very much".

He then look around and mutters to himself, "It's time to knock on someone door".

(OOC: do we know each other? If yes, Nebehed leave the tavern he was drinking to the castle of his vile friend)

2013-11-02, 12:19 PM
Polëas accosted Nebehed as he saw him exiting the tavern.

"And where are you going, my old friend? Why are you not joining us" he indicated himself and Morag, "in celebrating how much easier it will be to cause mischief in this most wonderful city?" He said, in a slow, careful drawl.

Morag scowled at Nebehed from behind Polëas' back. Not that she disliked the gnome, she was quite amused by illusions in general, but she did not like the fact that both of them insisted on meeting in taverns: Morag disliked the general majority of the living, for they both feared and hated her "kind". So mostly she tried to avoid busy places. The scowl was thus more of hint at Nebehed not to re-enter the tavern.

(OOC: I'm assuming Polëas knows at least Nebehed ;) and possibly Dirna?)

2013-11-02, 05:29 PM
"Oh my friend, was just looking for you guys. So, have you ehard about the news? With that we can, you know, do our thing. Hey Morag, how're doing?", the gnome says with a conspirational tone, "I guess we should go to the castle and talk with our friend to begin the party".

2013-11-03, 11:16 AM
A tiny humanoid creature that looks like a djinn in miniature appears before the three and says, "My master requests your presence at the Castle. He says that the town is ripe for harvest and we must gather together to finalize plans." It then disappears to repeat the same message to Amara

Ven continues scouting with bird's eye viewing.

Is there an alarm system to alert the militia and townsfolk? How is it manned? Do the people at it look easy or hard to take down by one of us?

2013-11-03, 12:44 PM
Well it certainly seems that our friend is expecting us already. We had better make haste: we certainly won't be the only people hoping to profit from the situation. Said Polëas.

"Plans?" Queried Morag. "Why do we need to plan? What's wrong with the normal plan? The one where we go in and kill everyone, 'making friends' along the way." She smiled coldly and Polëas' laughed evilly.

"Maybe our friend has a better idea." Said Polëas, sounding as if he did not really care either way.

As Polëas set off in the direction of the castle, Morag laughed derisively and followed.

2013-11-03, 12:48 PM
"Let's go, just don't forget my legs are small!", says the gnome running behind towards the castle.

2013-11-04, 07:58 AM
Lernai soars through the sky when Dirna sees the paladins leave. She smiles, it isn't a pleasant smile, it betrays a deep cruelty. She whispers to Lernai: "Tonight it is the night. The city will burn and the weak will cry and the strong will rule. We will take what we want from them, and then we will sleep on a mound of gold and tears."

"Excellent, I long to burn their flesh and to devour their young. These warriors will not return to the place they once knew. But we must act with care, otherwise they will defeat us. Do you recall those people we met recently? I saw them at the old castle, maybe it would be an idea to go there first."

Several minutes later Lernai lands in the courtyard, and Dirna dismounts: "I won't be away for long, these doors aren't made for one as magnificent as you are, these people will see our way, and then we can burn and pillage."

She turns away from the dragon and walks into the hall, expecting a proper reception.

2013-11-04, 04:00 PM
Everything is ready. It has been for some time. You have just been waiting for the right moment.

Servants escort each of you into the heart of the old structure, where you each find the others waiting. Here in the strongroom, is a battered old table with a crude layout of the city and its surrounding area. Small figures are arrayed on it in waves and units, each with a small tag identifying it on a legend given to each of you by servants.

"My lords, as each of you is aware, the paladins have finally left the city. Our scout reports and spies have revealed the extent of the city's defenses, and we but await your command."

2013-11-04, 04:06 PM
"Which forces do we have, and what do they have left in the city?"

2013-11-04, 04:10 PM
"Hmmm, excelent", says the gnome a big smile, "how about this plan, we just...", and with a snap the gnome set the whole city map in illusory fires... even knowing he's an ilussionist, it's pretty hard to disbelief the flames. The gnome looks aware to everybody to see who we managed to fool or not, and with laughter he set the fire off.

Silent Image Will save DC 27 disbelief.
Sense Motive to see who failed it: [roll0]

"What's your plan?", he then ask the others.

0: Ghost Sound (2), Silent Portal (2), Read Magic (1), Detect Magic (1);
1: Silent Image (0), Net of Shadows (2), Dead End (1), Ray of Enfeeblement (2), Shield (2);
2: Phantasmal Assailants (2), Invisibility (1), Mirror Image (1), Vision of Entropy (1), Touch of idiocy (2);
3: Shadow Binding (2), Cone of Dimness (1), Vertigo Field (1), Mind Poison (1), Hesitate (1), Dispel Magic (1);
4: Phantasmal Killer (3), Greater Mirror Image (1), Greater Invisibility (1);

( ) Distracting Ember
( ) Wind Stride
( ) Counter Charge
( ) Mighty Throw
(STANCE) Child of Shadow

2013-11-04, 04:13 PM
What manner of alarm system do they have? How is it manned? I believe we should try for the element of surprise.

2013-11-04, 04:33 PM
Why do we need yet another plan? I thought we already had one? The one we always use, it's never failed us yet. Said Polëas, referring to the 'plan' that usually included recruiting or raising a bunch of allies and storming whatever place they intended to loot or seize.

2013-11-04, 04:44 PM
"Watchmen spaced in small towers around the palisade. They work in shifts, and there are always two men in each tower. Each tower has an alarm bell, and they are loud enough to rouse the keep from slumber.

As far as forces go, they are still full strength. The only difference is that they no longer have the Crusaders as additional protection."

2013-11-04, 04:44 PM
"Well, I guess we could just do what works. It has been a while since I've run rampant." says Ven, dashing his attempts at strategy and forethought.

Suddenly Ven leans on the table and something passes over his face. When he recovers, he states, "Whoooo, Malphas is gone. Wouldn't shut up, kept trying to get me flirting with this woman and that maid. Meanwhile I'm trying to concentrate"

2013-11-04, 05:00 PM
Or, says Ven, his mind clearing, perhaps Nebehed and I can pose as a shift of guard and take out the towers, at least the ones near where we will enter the town. I assume you have some way of disguising yourself, and I have the shifting faces of the Grinning Hound on my side. Then we can take the town while the militia are still in their nightgowns. What say you? And you all?"

2013-11-04, 07:22 PM
"We're already inside the city. All it takes is a flying dragon and killing the current ruler", says Nebehed.

"Like that I guess".

2013-11-04, 07:54 PM
"Ok then, lets do this. Full on attack. Let me just get a couple things

I send my familiar off to get the following spells (autosucceed for all these diplomacy checks):

0-caltrops, dancing lights, ray of frost
1-fell drain sonic snap , wall of smoke, magic missile,
2-Fell Drain Magic Missile, scorching ray, suggestion, *vestigewrack
3-Fell Drain Cloud of Knives, fell drain scorching ray, chain missile
4-fell drain chain missile, black tentacles
5-fell drain black tentacles

Binding Tenebrous, the Shadow that was, casting vestigewrack for +2
DC 21 binding check [roll0]

Regardless of the pact, I'm using Vestige metamagic to cast a Persisted Fell Drain Cloud of Knives

putting Naberius, the Grinning Hound in my Vestige Phylactery

2013-11-05, 04:15 AM
"I will attack then, Lernai will take me high above the city and in the darkness they won't notice us. I will set fire to parts of the town and kill everything in my way. Meanwhile you can march our forces right at the city, I will provide a distraction large enough for you to remain unnoticed until you are in the city. With some luck they'll even open the gates to escape.

Or we can try disguise, but chances remain that you will be noticed and there is a distance to cover unseen, costing more time."

2013-11-05, 04:45 AM
"I agree with the distraction plan. But my minions will join the assault once the cities knows it's under attack, as they aren't too great at hiding. Morag and I will enter the town before it all begins, as we won't need to disguise ourselves to do so. I suggest we await a signal from Dirna before starting the attack, as she'll have a better vantage point, and will thus know when the time is right." Suggested Polëas.

2013-11-05, 06:18 AM

"I can provide an apt distraction," a strong, feminine voice slithered from the shadows. From the murk materialised the figure of a drow - her amber eyes sitting at the centre of well-bred features.

"The only question is whether you'd like a town left to govern or not."

Taking several steps towards the congregation, the well-dressed drow retained an ornate knife placed upon her hip, while silks of red and purple hung from her shoulders. Behind her came the cheery-eyed, bubbly face of a young human woman (http://l1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/yv9QMC991IFPVxXjinu18g--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTE5MA--/http://media.zenfs.com/en-US/blogs/partner/Julianne-Hough-Photo-1-lgn.gif) - her smile as bright as her demeanor as she chewed her bottom lip excitedly and shot glances around at all of the other delegates.

"Apologies for the tardiness, but we were delayed in transit."

2013-11-05, 06:22 AM
"Having a town would be preferable, but if there is no other way we could always grind the town to dust. What is your suggestion?"

2013-11-05, 06:37 AM

"The wooden palisades and barracks retain the bulk of...Tareg's forces," the drow uttered the name of the Warlord as if she were tasting an unpleasant flavor.

"I can conjure the elements to wash away the filth, and pave the way for Mr Polëas underlings. Their presence should be thinner throughout the rest of the town, and easily dealt with, leading to our encirclement of..."

She then tapped the keep itself with one long, dusky-skinned finger.

2013-11-05, 07:09 AM
"What about making that dragon invisibile? Everything is funnier when invisible", says the gnome.

"Also, I prefer if the city survives the strike, so we can make them pay fully".

2013-11-05, 07:18 AM
"If we could be made invisible it would be even better, especially with some moderate wind. Then we would remain undetected while we strike at them. Do we know what sort of dwelling this would-be warlord has? It might be nice of us to pay him a nightly visit."

2013-11-05, 07:36 AM
"So can we start it? I have some crowd control spells and some powerful ones to kill the big guys".

(If we aren't in town) "We can try to use a circus entrance to bypass the gate, we let the undeads in town this way along with the rest"

2013-11-05, 12:04 PM
"I will also distract the town in another area" says Ven, returning to the room with a cloud of twisted-looking daggers surrounding him. He flares his wings a little and continues, I'll terrorize them as much as I can, and send up a dancing light to signal the army. Some of the things I kill though, will rise as wights in a day, so we may have to patrol when we are done to avoid a massive outbreak that we might not be able to handle."

So, my lords and ladies, shall we?

2013-11-06, 04:14 AM
"Good, let's get to work, we have a town to take, and I don't want to wait too long, Lernai is getting hungry."

2013-11-06, 10:10 AM
"Ok, let's go".

The group will divide in two groups: the dragon party and the ground party.
Since nebehed's Invisibilitylasts for 8 mins I guess maybe Nebehed go together with the dragonrider (he can also has some fun flying a dragon and giving people heart attacks within 180ft via Phantasmal Killer.

Or he can go with the ground party and let people invisible via Sphere of Invisibility (but if he does so he'll spent 30 mins exchanging his Hesitate spell for the said Sphere of Invisibility).

2013-11-06, 10:30 AM
Ven has also has invisibility, so Nebehed can help out with the ground forces. I don't know if I will need it, my self, because I will be in a deeper darkness centered on me that I can see through, thanks to Tenebrous. If I do, though, i can have another copy in about half a minute .

2013-11-07, 04:28 AM
how long do you wait before assaulting the city?

Also, it was my understanding you were in a small castle outside the city.

2013-11-07, 11:15 AM
"At night is easier to strike fear to their hearts, and also will be better to letthe paladins get as far as they can, so we won't have to worry about information of the attack reaching them so fast".

Nebehed's plan is to get everyone in town through Sphere of Invisibility and stay at a tavern (he like those) till night, when the flying dragon appears breathing fire and that will be the moment we'll enjoy the chaos to kill any resistance.

2013-11-07, 05:09 PM
Ven agrees heartily with this plan. How long is it until night fall? I hold all of my preparations (the spoiler in my earlier post) until we are about to leave.

2013-11-08, 05:58 AM
Dirna also agrees with the plan, she smiles, she looks forwards to the panic and bloodshed.

2013-11-08, 07:43 AM

And that was that. With no further discussion the room and started their own avenues of destruction.

"That was quick Miss A!" the blonde human whispered excitedly to her drow companion.

"Yes, disturbingly so." Amara returned, her eyes narrowed in thought as she stroked her chin.

"Well, we're to kick about the hornets nest then. Little reason for delaying."

The drow start to depart, the giggling blonde behind her. While Amara remained quiet, her human companion twitched and whispered in hushed, excited tones to her friend the spectrum of excitement she was feeling at the anticipated carnage to come.

2013-11-08, 09:48 AM
Nebehed will spend 30 mins to change Hesitate for Invisibility Sphere and then the group will enter the city, waitfor twillight and began the attack.

2013-11-08, 09:58 AM
Dirna will wait until nightfall, and then she takes to the sky, ready to sow chaos and destruction.

2013-11-08, 05:32 PM
Polëas will wait for the signal from the rest of the group before leading the heavy troops, or rather his undead minions, in the assault, while Morag will accompany Chimaera and hide inside the city

2013-11-09, 11:27 AM
The storm rages on, and as what little light the day had begins to fade, you move your forces into position.

The heavens open and rain begins to fall, but whips crack, and commands are given, and your armies trudge through the thickening mud.

Everyone with minions or armies make a stealth check, I will factor in modifiers from spells on my end to determine if you begin the assault with surprise or not.

2013-11-09, 12:29 PM
Nebehed stealth:
Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]