View Full Version : Dweomercats (Pathfinder)

2013-11-02, 12:29 PM
So, I just found this critter (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/dweomercat) on the SRD. With Spell Resistance, Lesser Globe of Invisibility and Dispel Magic as at will abilities, Antimagic Field as an SLA three times a day, and the ability to teleport directly adjacent to anyone who tries to cast a spell on it (although I'd assume that requires the Dweomercat to be aware of the spell- that it couldn't, for example, immediately teleport adjacent to anyone who attempted to Scry on it), it sort of seems like it was designed specifically to say "Screw you," to casters and/or give the martial classes in the party a chance to shine.

Are there any other creatures designed like this? Any ways to overcome a Dweormercat's abilities at around the appropriate level (levels six to eight)?

Craft (Cheese)
2013-11-02, 01:15 PM



*stabbed repeatedly*

Honestly this monster seems kinda boring for a standard party to fight. It does 14.5 average damage on a full attack assuming everything hits so it's no danger to your average melee combatant, and it has precisely 0 tricks it can use against non-casters aside from putting up its AMF to turn the magic weapons off. It doesn't so much let the mundane characters shine so much as it highlights just how boring standing in place and full attacking actually is.

It probably would be more interesting, however, if you threw it at a 3rd-level all-caster party as a BBEG. Or maybe against a higher-level standard party as a minion in a larger fight to go give the wizard a hug with its AMF turned on so the BBEG doesn't have to worry about being harassed by debuffs.

2013-11-02, 01:20 PM

Dweomercats Hooooooooo... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYdD38lnqQE)

2013-11-02, 01:27 PM
Yeah, as a solo encounter it seems very dull, but I could see it being used to some effect as a minion. Heh, maybe a druid boss with some pet dweomercats.

2013-11-02, 01:52 PM
I approve of the brilliance of taking the two facts:

cat > commoner
wizard - magic = commoner

and combining them into one creature.

Craft (Cheese)
2013-11-02, 02:21 PM
Yeah, as a solo encounter it seems very dull, but I could see it being used to some effect as a minion. Heh, maybe a druid boss with some pet dweomercats.

Here's how I'd do it against a standard party: Have a caster, a pair of archers (with Precise Shot), and a pair of dweomercats.

The two dweomercats drop from the ceiling with their AMFs already up (with 100 minute duration it shouldn't be a problem) and grapple the wizard and cleric, while the archers pelt the now-defenseless casters with arrows from a safe distance. The caster uses one of the bajillion ways a spellcaster can totally screw over a mundane character on the rogue and fighter.

If the cleric is a battle cleric rather than a standard support cleric, you might have trouble if they can break out of the grapple and go help the fighter and rogue.

2013-11-05, 06:07 PM
Here's how I'd do it against a standard party: Have a caster, a pair of archers (with Precise Shot), and a pair of dweomercats.

The two dweomercats drop from the ceiling with their AMFs already up (with 100 minute duration it shouldn't be a problem) and grapple the wizard and cleric, while the archers pelt the now-defenseless casters with arrows from a safe distance. The caster uses one of the bajillion ways a spellcaster can totally screw over a mundane character on the rogue and fighter.

If the cleric is a battle cleric rather than a standard support cleric, you might have trouble if they can break out of the grapple and go help the fighter and rogue.
Let's see... Two CR7's (the cats), two archers (unspecified CR, we'll call them 7 each, for now), and the caster (again, unspecified CR, we'll call the caster 7 for now). Five CR 7 opponents would make for an encounter level of 12... which means a 'tough fight' for a standard adventuring group puts the adventurers at about 10th level. The cat's CMB is +12; what's a good CMD for a 10th level Cleric in an AMF? This may not go as well as one might hope for the cats....