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2008-01-15, 05:42 PM

Moving up to the pair, Kaff, now once again encased in his armour, says, "so, what's the plan now? I mean we have to drop off the doc on . . . whatever planet she wants to go to but do we try to get some cargo going that way? We need more food and I'll head out with Trill in a while but do you want me to try to get a cargo?"

2008-01-16, 06:47 AM

Grin still firmly in place, Kera turns to Kaff. "I don't think we want to sit around here for too long, and we'd be looking for something pretty specific. I guess if there's something where we can do it, it's not dangerous, and it's going to Caroline or someplace else close by, that's doable. Especially if they can load us up quick. I dunno about you guys, but I'm not keen to take on passengers again soon. Anyway, Evayn is a better negotiator than any of us. We should probably stick to simple stuff that's not really subjective in price."

She gives Kaff a once-over. "With Evayn out of the picture for at least a while, what's your opinion on picking up another crewperson?" Then she shakes her head. "Don't answer that now. Just think about it. We can talk about it in hyperspace."

2008-01-18, 07:13 AM

The man pauses for a moment and you get the feeling his attention is split as he looks up your records on an adjacent view screen. After a several seconds he smiles a smile which gives you chill down your spine and says, "Ah, yes." He glances over at the other screen again and almost seems to nod and then turns back to you, "Seized by pirates? Or in league with pirates? Your pirate friends were apprehended not long after you dropped off the universe. Only 16 tons of fuel cells were recovered. You therefore owe us 2 tons, at..." He pauses and taps out something and then continues, "todays rate of 48.5 credits per kg, you owe us 97,000 credits. I see you left a security deposit when you signed up to contract with us of 5000 credits, so I'll just knock that off the tally. If you would be so kind as to transfer the remaining 92,000 credits to us, we will cancel the contracts on you with the bounty hunter guild." After a slight pause he says, "How is Bespin? There for the festival? I caught it two years ago, it was wonderful."

Seeing the expression on Corran's face, the man leans in an says, "Why don't you see about getting a loan? Maybe the Hutts will loan you the money or the Banking guild. Or... if you have the fuel cells, you can just return them." The man leans back, anxious to hear what Corran as to say.


Kera lands smoothly at the public docking facility. It was a short flight, maybe 2km. The facility has numerous open docks and a nice clean feel to it. The control center directs you to hanger E-12 and requests a 10 credit docking fee.

Trill has outfitted Nate's extendable arm with cleaning supplies and set him to work in the galley. Trill pops up briefly to the bridge and seeing Kera in the midst of landing, hands Daine a list of grocery supplies. He then heads back down to the crew quarters. He then begins pulling the all the sheets and clothing from everyones quarters and running them through the refresher.

2008-01-18, 10:28 AM
A verity of emotions flicker across Corran's face be for he answers, Sir I'm and honorable man and i would never sink to the fracking level of a pirate, those bastards set me adrift in my own fracking escape pod over a mud hole of a world overrun by rodents. it takes Corran several moments to recover from his anger before he continues, Sir i don't have the credit nor do i have the cells the only reason i took a job from you in the first place was i needed the Credits because i owed 20,000 credits on the Blue Drifter, you say you caught them my i ask if you also recovered my ship the Blue Drifter.

Sir I'm willing to work off my diet to you, I'm even willing to submit myself to the local cops to be imprisoned if you so deem it necessary. And as for How is Bespin, I don't know so far all I've seen is the out side of the medical facility and the inside of a medical tent standing naked for 4 hours being decontaminated for some sort of fugal disease that the passenger on the ship that rescued me caught and the 2k it took me to walk here, and as for the festival, i did not know it was going on until the clerk here informed me all calls are free do to the festival. And as for getting a loam i would never go to a Hutt. as for the Banking guild I'm willing to go and see if there willing to risk a loan to me for a 120,000 credits.

2008-01-19, 06:30 AM

Mr. Geary raises an eyebrow and says, "If you are without a ship and without collateral and without active contracts I doubt the Banking Guild will give you much of anything. Lets see about your ship." The man's attention is drawn away briefly, but after a moment or two he says, "Ah, yes, they eventually recovered your ship. However, the Banking Guilds took position of it after you didn't make any payments on your loan. Looks like they called it even, so you don't have to worry about that 20,000 credits."

The man smiles and the wrinkles in his forehead shift slightly giving him a slightly evil look as he says, "The Hutts, or some similar organization may be your only choice if you truly wish to repay us. Now, if you want to work off your debt, that is fine. Once you are captured, your outstanding debt is sufficient to cause your indenturement. You will be our slave. I should think putting you to work in one of our fuel cell factories is appropriate. If you work hard, you may even buy your freedom in 3 or 4 decades."

The man chuckles and adds, "In fact, if you manage to get here and turn yourself in, before the bounty hunters get you, I'll knock 2000 off the debt."


Based on the list Trill provided, you lost about 90 man-days worth of food. His shopping list doesn't contain anything expensive, but the resultant load of groceries will be quite bulky.

2008-01-19, 02:41 PM

Kera nods to Kaff and chucks the datapad at him. "No frills. Just get food. We're not exactly rolling in credits here. We have to get charts and fuel, too. Speaking of," she looks at Daine again, "hop to, mister. Refueling is more important than cleaning."

2008-01-19, 05:05 PM
Corran quickly digests the information on the fate of his ship the Blue Drifter, at the slightly evil look Mr. Geary gives him, Corran gives a wolfish look of his own when he replies, I never said i would work for you, you hut'uun, but i am willing to send you payments, I have a deal for you i'll send you payments between 500 to 1000 credits a months as long as you keep the Bounty Hunters off my back, use them to keep tabs on me if you want, and should i miss more then two payments they can drag me to you. it should only take me any where from 184 to 93 months to pay you back. So what do you say.

2008-01-20, 05:23 AM

Mr. Geary shakes his head, "We are not a bank nor are we some sort of financing company. If you want a payment schedule, then, as I suggested before, get a loan from the Banking Guild, Hutts, or whoever fills their role out on Bespin. Pay us off completely and then make your monthly payments to them. I suspect that you'll find your payment schedule is... well, optimistic, but that is between you and your lender."

The man clasps his hands in front of him and says, "I think we both have made our points, feel free to call back once you have the credits. I do have other business to attend to..." After a moments pause, while reaching for the disconnect button he adds, "and, I don't want to be watching when the get there." He clicks off leaving Corran alone in a cubicle in the comm-center. With the holo connection off, Corran can hear all the people moving around and jabbering. The cubicle offer no where to hide and only two messages printed on the back of the door, "Leave Door Open When No in Use." and "For a good time call : X85T-Bespin-38476TR"


Kaff and Trill prepare to leave. Trill recovers the shopping list from Daine as Daine heads out to re-fuel and recharge. Kaff and Trill find that they can not exit the hangar bay until someone pays for the bay. Daine finds that likewise, he can not begin the fueling process until someone pays.

Therefore, Kera is forces to haul her booty out to the computer terminal in the bay and pay for all these things and finds that the terminal also offers an updated set of star charts for 5 credits if she chooses.

Daine then begins the process of fueling the ship. Checking the fuel gauge he sees the ship is 94% full already, so this is really just topping things off. Kaff and Trill head out into the city.

Kaff and Trill

Once Kera pays the docking fee, the hatch opens and Kaff and Trill exit the hanger. The hanger door leads into a large round room with a turbolift down to ground level. Soon enough they are on the ground and outside of the docking facility. The facility is on a wide street with plenty of room for speeders, parked speeders, pedestrians, as well as large pots of flowering plants and a few trees.

This main street features lots of last minute construction on numerous buildings leading up the holidays next week. Lots of flower planting, fresh paint, new displays and such. The street is very busy with pedestrian traffic and speeders. Not quite as hectic as some of the core worlds, but quite busy for the outer rim.

Checking a local information display kiosk, Kaff and Trill heads towards their grocery destination.


After paying for everything Kera then goes back in and starts to wipe down the bridge, making frequent trips back to the common area get more cleaning supplies and put the dirty ones in the refresher. If this incident has done nothing else, it has forced the crew to really clean the whole ship.

{{ Docking Fee : 10 credits, Charts : 5 credits, Fuel : 30 credits }}

2008-01-20, 07:36 AM

Kera does buy new charts. You can never have new enough charts. And it's so cheap, anyway. To actually do the cleaning, Kera takes off her flight suit and pulls on a pair of plain, ordinary pants, and puts her hair up into a tail that isn't really big enough to earn the title of 'pony'. Aside from that, she's got a tank top and boots on. She sends the droid down to clean the cargo bay if it hasn't started already, then gets to work wiping down the bridge.

Next will be the common area, because they eat there, but before she moves on, she checks around for Daine. It is completely possible that he decided to get distracted by rebuilding the engine or replacing some coils or really anything else that's more fun than cleaning.

2008-01-20, 08:50 AM
Talking to himself after Mr. Geary hung up, I doubt the bounty hunters are that fast though i do agree my location is compromised, but i should have plenty of time to fire off a holo-message to my folks. And that what he dose he quickly records a message and sends it to the residence's they maintain on Mandalore and Corellia. he then leave the building and looks for an information kiosk.

What is said in the message to his folks

Hey Mom & dad
I'm sorry it's been so long since my last transmission but i ran into trouble on the last run, i was attacked by pirates and they stranded my on this uninhabited planet, but luck was on my side and i was rescued 8 hours ago. Dad i know it's been awhile since you did any Bounty hunting but if you have any contacts left could you find out what is going on, it looks like the company i was haling for blames me for the lost cargo, thank again, i'll contact you as soon as i can, if you need to contact me send the massage to the usual place and i'll recover it when i can.

2008-01-20, 10:16 AM

Corran exits the building and is forced to wait nearly a minute before he can safely cross the busy street to the information kiosk. While waiting, he sees Kaff and Trill exit the spaceport, walk up to the kiosk and then head off down the street to his right(north).

When Corran crosses to the kiosk, they are a little more than 40 meter north. Corran checks out the kiosk. While standing there a dark blue speeder zooms up and stops on the sidewalk, forcing a pair of Bothans to leap out of the way. A human youth, maybe 20 years old, wearing a blast vest and no helmet hops out of the speeder. He draws a blaster and in his other hand has a small holo projector. He clicks it and it makes a small holo projection(about 10cm tall). It is hard to tell from across the street, but the projection could be of Corran.

The black haired youth looks more like a local ganger than a professional bounty hunter, but even bounty hunters have to start somewhere. The youth is standing at the entrance to the comm-center watching people enter and exit. He is about 30 meters away.

Kaff and Trill

The kiosk indicates that an appropriate grocery store is 2 blocks north. They start walking that way.


Daine hooks up the fuel lines and engages the pumps which roar to life. After watching for a moment, he see the fuel indicator moving. He checks the auto-cutoff and then hears a pair of blasters firing.

Less than a minute later, Daine finds himself waking up with a pounding headache. When he moves to rub his aching head he discovers his hands and feet are restrained in binders.

Twisting he just manages to catch movement as someone enters the ship.

DC 18 Fort Save: 1D20 = [2] = 2, 1D20 = [18] = 18 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4017)

Escape Artist DC 30 to escape binds. 1 minute per attempt, you can take a 10 or 20.


After she changes into fresh clean cloths which Trill had already refreshed she looks around for Daine. Not seeing him outside, she heads back into engineering where the sounds of the power generators drown out much else. When she doesn't see him she turns around and finds a human youth, about 17 or 18 years old. He wields a heavy blaster and then, before she can react, or even fully turn around, he squeezes off a round.

When she wakes up, she is still in engineering, but now with a wicked headache. She struggles to stand and finds that her hands and feet are bound with binders. Twisting around she can see the youth going through the supplies in the common area, tossing occasional things into a large duffle bag.

When she initially struggles against the binder cuffs, she finds that her right arm is damaged somehow. Perhaps broken, perhaps out of joint, but whatever the damage, it really really hurts.

DC 18 Fort Save: 1D20+3 = [10]+3 = 13 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4018)

Escape Artist DC 30 to escape binds. 1 minute per attempt, you can take a 10. Attempts inflict 1WP more damage and may cause KO.

Broken Arm - 6 WP damage(-10 to actions using it). Once WP healed the bone is 'set' and the penalty drops to -2 for the next month.

2008-01-20, 11:18 AM
While at the information kiosk he look for information on place to get loans from he also look to see what job postings that are available, once he see the kid he realize there is no time like the present to confront his past, Corran nursling's his rifle form his shoulder and double checks to see if its has a charge, Corran also realize that he is still holding his helmet he's just about to drop it on when he calls out, Hey Kid you looking for me? Once the kid has had a good look, Corran drops the helmet in place and raise and aims his rifle at the Kid and says, I got you covered Kid drop your weapon and surrender.

2008-01-20, 11:54 AM

Daine immediate yells out "KERA! SOMEONE'S COMING IN!" as he struggles fruitlessly against the binders.

Not exactly much he can do with a +2 escape artist check.... Yay for laying helpless on the tarmack...

2008-01-20, 07:02 PM

Corran hollers over at the kid with the gun and holo-projector. The kids glances around a little, but clearly didn't really hear Corran over the sounds of the city and the various speeders which are passing between the two at high speeds.

Corran drops his helmet and takes aim on the kid and several pedestrians scream and quite a few turn and run. One sprints across traffic, causing an accident. The kid turns to look at the accident and only then notices Corran and his blaster rifle. The kid squints as if not quite able to tell if Corran is the person he is interested in. His eyes suddenly go wide and he drops the holo-projector to the ground. The projection winks out as the kid raises his gun at Corran. The kid seems to say something, but the roar of the speeders and the yelling associated with the accident make it nearly impossible to tell what he said.

Kaff and Trill

Still walking north, the accident, running and screaming, cause Kaff and Trill to stop and watch. From their vantage point they can clearly see the accident and a kid in front of the comm-center with a blaster pistol out.

2008-01-20, 07:56 PM

When she wakes up, Kera doesn't just have a headache, and serious pain in her arm, she's pissed off. Really, really pissed off. Taking in her situation, she keeps her mouth shut. Briefly. During that short span of time, she takes a few ragged breaths, looking to enhance her calm while she tries to figure out how to get herself out of this mess. She can't see Daine, so he must be in a similar position...yes, that's it. He's still alive and just tied up and maybe hurt. And if he's not, someone better kill me, or I'm going to rip this kid's f---ing heart out and eat it for breakfast.

She gives a bare hint of effort at testing the bindings, but the pain in her arm is just too much to push it. "Hey," she croaks out at the kid, clenching her jaw through the pain, "you're stealing from this ship? This bucket of bolts ain't got much to give. Not even paid off yet. We must have the worst luck in the galaxy, too, with the plague our last load of passengers brought on board. Some kind of fungus that all but killed half the fares. Ship's not fully cleaned from it yet."

2008-01-21, 12:48 AM
With one arm keeping the rifle steady and ready to fire, with his other air he motions to the kid that he can't hear him, Corran also motion that the kid drop his weapon, after all Corran had the advantage with his rifles 40 m range compared to pistol witch ranged from 6 to 12 m depending on the make.

2008-01-21, 06:16 AM

The kid, unfamiliar with tactical non-verbal communications decides to just drop prone instead of dropping his weapon. This action put the teenager totally out of view behinds a 1 meter in diameter and 1/2 meter tall pot of blue and yellow flowers.

Kaff and Trill

The teenager with the blaster suddenly drops prone and seems to cover his head as if anticipating something. After several seconds, whatever the kid was expecting still hasn't happened yet.


Your warning shouts don't yield any response.


The teenager leans his head back into view and says something under his breath which, over the noise of the generators, you can't hear. He does however point the blaster at you and fire. The blaster is still set to stun, so, at this range, it doesn't hurt you, just gives you a strange pins and needles type of sensation.

He then takes the dufflebag and move out of the common area and into one of the crew cabins.

2008-01-21, 07:33 AM
Holding His weapon steady and trained on the spot the kid at Corran begins to move forward until the kids insight again, if he's close enough to hear Corran say, Kid throw out your weapon and surrender i have you covered.

2008-01-21, 07:59 AM

Kid, I've seen you. There is no place far enough. Kera just lies there, head on the floor, thinking about all the things she'd really like to do to this punk who took her by surprise. It is, at least, distracting her from the pain. The one other thing she can do is look around. It's possible that there's something sharp around she could use to cut these damn bindings. Too bad there's no way to seal the ship from here, keep this little wipe from getting away with their stuff. Kaff has the datapad, so he could open it back up when he gets back. Or she could when she beats the crap out of this little s---. First things first.

Not sure what kind of check you want for 'looking for something sharp she can cut her bindings on', so I present a vanilla d20 roll: 19 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4019)

2008-01-21, 09:12 AM

Corran eases across traffic. The nearby lane is stopped due to the accident, so that is easy. The far lane(the lane closest to the kid), is still going at full speed. The drivers are all looking at the accident. Corran scoots across the lane and is barely clipped by a bright green and orange landspeeder(1 VP damage).

Corran moves around to get LOS on the teenager calling out his commands. The youth isn't actually holding the weapon anymore, but it lies beside the him on the sidewalk. Several pedestrians were standing around looking at the kid, but when Corran approaches with his rifle, the scatter, fleeing the scene.

Kaff and Trill

Looks like someone from the spaceport crossed the traffic with a blaster rifle aimed at that poor teenager. It almost looks like.... Corran. Yeah, it must be, who else would wear that strange wooden armor.


Twisting around, Kera sees she is in the engineering area. It looks like the kid went through Daine's tools and equipment rather quickly, leaving most of the containers and boxes open. Of course, it could have been Daine or Nate that left everything a mess too.

If you could stand up, there would probably be quite a few tools available, a few of which might actually cut through the binder cuffs.

2008-01-21, 10:28 AM

Daine squrms against the cuffs attempting to get free. He rolls to the side attempting to knock open his tool kit and dump its contents to get something to help free himself.

After a minute of trying, Daine starts rolling towards the door of the hanger out to the street, still yelling for help.

Escape artist checks: 13 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4020), 14 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4021)

2008-01-21, 12:15 PM

Figures. Kera squirms her way over to the closest wall. She uses her left shoulder to get to her knees and stand up as best she can as close to the tools she thinks might help as possible. Hopping a little if she needs to get to them, she does whatever it takes to knock a couple to the floor, then drops back down to the floor and starts trying to get to work on freeing her legs first.

2008-01-21, 01:34 PM
OK Kid get up slowly and leave the weapon where it is, then back up two passe and stop. once the kid follow his command Corran move forward with weapon trained on the kid, with the weapon still pointed at the kid Corran quickly bends down and picks up the Kid's and holodisk if it's nearby, once the kid's weapon is in hand he points it at the kid and lowers his rifle and one handed sling's it over his shoulder, with that Corran shifts the pistol into his gun hand, Corran moves toward the kids speeder as he dose he says, OK Kid get over here and get in the speeder were going to go for a ride.

2008-01-21, 04:07 PM

Upon hearing your command, the kid peeks out from behind his hand and says, "I didn't do nuffin! Don't kill me!" He pushes himself up to his knees and shuffles back a bit saying, "I ain't got nuffin, why don't you go mug someone else?"

When you suggest getting into the speeder, the teenager says, "What? You're going to steal my speeder too?" He looks around in panic, hopeful he'll see someone in the crowd to help, then says, "Aw, where's a stormtrooper when you need one? HELP!"

Holoprojector in hand, you prod the kid into the speeder with you.

Kaff and Trill

You can see Corran pick up some stuff off the ground and then kidnaps the teenager at gunpoint, getting into a speeder with the teen and preparing to drive off.


After taking a minute to struggle to her feet, Kera searches around Daine equipment desk and tool drawers, opening the drawer with her teeth and eventually using her face to knock some promising tools off the table to the floor where she'll be able to pick them up. Of course, the darn hydrospanner, drops right on her toe. *wham*

She then slumps back down and starts trying to work the cuffs off her feet, which she discovers is quite difficult with her hands behind her back.


Daine begins rolling and yelling for help. As he slowly approaches the hatchway he finds that it doesn't open onto the street but instead opens out into a long hallway with a turbolift at the far end. After several minutes he ends up rolling through a puddle of hydraulic drippings leaving a reddish-black patch nearly 1/3 of a meter in diameter on his chest. As he keeps rolling, it leaves secondary prints on the tarmac.

2008-01-21, 08:08 PM
Shut up now kid, the Meat Cans Can't help you, now drive us some where out of sight of prying eyes, then your going to answer some of my questions once I'm satistfied, i'll decide whether you live or Die, now drive or die now! the one good thing about waring a helmet is people cant see the insecurity on your face, especially when your hoping the kid won't call you bluff. As discretely as he can Corran switches the blaster over to stun.

2008-01-22, 05:46 AM

The teenager fumbles with the security keypad and has to enter the startup code several times before the speeder starts up. He then pulls off the sidewalk and heads north a couple blocks, eventually pulling off the main drag on to a side street and then into an alley behind some sort of grocery store.

Kaff and Trill

Corran and the kid hop in the speeder and drive off towards the north passing you and then turn off a couple blocks ahead. The whole time Corran has his blaster aimed at the teenager.


As Kera continues to work on her binders, she hears a couple more blaster shots and a bit of yelling. It sounds like the youth found the Doctor and her experiments. Watching the common area while she works on cutting herself free she sees Nate roll by with some dirty rags on his way to the refresher.

2008-01-22, 06:38 AM

"Nate," Kera hisses as she sees him roll past. "Drop that stuff, come here, and stay quiet." She stops what she's doing, which is proving ineffective anyway, and waits to see if the droid actually follows her commands.

2008-01-22, 11:33 AM
That's good kid, Now to baseness here are my first set of questions 1. whats your name and occupation, 2. why where you at that comm-center with your blaster upholstered an who where you after, and 3. who tip you off to be there.

2008-01-22, 05:25 PM

Kaff curses under his breath. It is against his training and his principals to be stunned by surprise. His old TO used to say, "when surprised, do something! Do anything! Even the wrong thing, the stupid thing! All of that is better than sitting and doing nothing!"

Unfortunately, and much to his own shame, that's exactly what Kaff just did.

He witnessed the whole event and stood doing precisely nothing.

Well, he wasn't going to let this stop him. "Take care of the supplies Trill." He runs to the nearest speeder that is stopped but has someone getting in/out. "I need you to follow that speeder!" He shouts and gets in while pointing toward the speeder with Corran and the kidnap victim.

2008-01-22, 06:09 PM

The teenager looks at Corran in a confused way and says, "Baseness? Where are you from? I've been a gardener for 3 years. Planting flowers, shrubs, and such. The ladies call me 'Reeko'. I was checking out the bounty listings over at the data center and yours suddenly updated with a last known position. 2000 credits for a thief. Thats more than I make in a year. I just transfered your picture to my pod and raced over hoping to catch you still inside." The kid motions at the blaster and says, "My brother hit the jackpot at a chance center and bought me a used blaster and paid the 50 credit fee to register me as bounty hunter so I could get some action with the ladies."

Kaff and Trill

Trill says, "Please be careful," and then continues walking towards the grocery. Kaff rushes across traffic looking for a speeder he can hop in. There don't seem to be any obvious choices... then he spots one up a block. Kaff runs full out to get to the speeder in time. He hops in and orders the driver to follow 'that speeder'.

The woman inside, a Duros, looks startled and hits the accelerator before Kaff is fully in his seat. He nearly gets tossed from the vehicle as she accelerates to full speed and then, without slowing down, whips around the corner after the speeder.

She follow and follows and the suddenly stops at the end of the alley that Corran turned down saying, "It is time for you to depart. My speeder will not fit in that alley, and they seem to have stopped."

The speeder with Corran and the kidnap victim have stopped about 15 meters down the alley from Kaff. Corran still points a blaster pistol at the teenager(and has his rifle slung over his shoulder).


Daine wiggles himself around twisting and pulling and bending until he finally gets his hands under his butt and the a little scootching and he gets them in front of him. Once in front, he can easily stand up and hop over to the computer terminal nearby. Now... who to call?

EA/T: 1D20+2 = [15]+2 = 17, 1D20+2 = [13]+2 = 15 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4031)


Nate rolls back into view and then navigates the common area and rolls up to Kera bumping her head as he rolls to a stop. He then says, very very quietly, "Master, Is this quiet enough? Do you have anymore of these challenging tasks or shall I get back to repairs?"

2008-01-22, 07:00 PM

"Yeah, get these cuffs off my wrists, or at least cut them apart so I can use my hands." She wriggles a little to get the cuffs facing the droid. "Without damaging me any more than I already am. And see about keeping it relatively quiet. Or didn't you notice the punk wandering around in here and taking stuff?"

2008-01-22, 09:09 PM
OK Reeko, today's your lucky day your going to Live, but you going to have a setback take your blast vest off and hand over any spare power packs you have for this blaster. Once Reeko hands over the power packs and the blast vest Corran gets out of the speeder and says, hey kid i have a suggestion if you going to stay in this business i sagest you get your self some tactical training and maybe some courses in private investigations, because one day your going to run into some one not as nice as me and get yourself killed. Corran then pops the power pack out of Reeko blaster and then tosses just the blaster to Reeko, OK Kid get out of here and don't come looking for me again or i won't be as nice as i am now.

2008-01-23, 06:23 AM
Corran and Kaff

The kid hands over his vest, using the quick release velcro type attachment to quickly pop it off. He says, "I don't have any spare packs. One hold 50 shots, I didn't figure I'd have to even fire a single shot, much less 50."

Once Corran is out of the speeder, he zooms off leaving Corran in the alley. At the end of the alley Kaff is waiting in a light blue speeder with a Duros driver.


Nate opens a small side comparment and then his extendable arm flips out with a nasty looking little saw on the end. He engages the saw and gets to work cutting the binders. The saw does make a fair bit of noise, but you doubt it would be heard over the normal ship noises or the clatter the kid is making as he rummages through the doctor's equipment.

2008-01-23, 11:22 AM
(Is it wrong to assume that Daine still has his ever present tool kit on his hip?)

Daine looks at the comm terminal and frowns for a moment. He drops his hands to his tool kit and snaps it open, looking inside for A) any tool that would help him cut the cuffs apart (just so he has both hands or can walk normally, or get them off quicker and B) The holdout blaster from the Imerial tech.

Would it still be an escape artist check to cut the cuffs on his wrists and ankles (ankles first and more importantly), or would it be computer use like other locks?

2008-01-23, 12:48 PM
Seeing Kaff in the speeder Corran with Blast Vest in hand walks up to the speeder side and say, OK, So which is it, where you coming to help me out, should i have need it, or where you going to help out that bumbling Novice of a Bounty hunter, because you thought i kidnapped him.

2008-01-23, 06:39 PM
Kaff and Corran



Daine twists reaching for his tool kit. Arg, just out of reach. Checking for the holdout pistol, he finds it is gone. Okay, tool kit it is. He twists and turns and eventually realizes he probably looks like a Bantha chasing its own tail. Using the computer terminal, he pushes the tool kit into reach. He then begins working on undoing the binder cuffs.

The tools are not exactly perfect for this, but they are better than nothing. Just as he gets the binders off, he hears a noise behind him as a teenage human with a large duffel bag and a blaster pistol. He fire once blasting Daine. The weapon was again set on stun and Daine collapses.

Fort Save(DC 18): 1D20 = [17] = 17 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4046)


Eventually the Nate frees her hands, disconnecting the binder, turning it into two bracelets. Using her good hand and Daine's tools, she is able to easily separate the binder on her ankles.

2008-01-23, 08:59 PM

Kera grabs the nearest tool that seems like it'll hurt. Something heavy. In her left hand. She holds her right close to her body, making an effort to not let it bang into anything. As she starts for the common area, she pulls out her comlink.

To Kaff: "Kaff, we've been hit. Some punkass kid came in and took us by surprise. My arm is broken, and I don't know where Daine is. I'm going after the little sonofabitch now. He's got at least some of our stuff."

"Nate, check on the passenger, make sure she's alive." She says this as she disappears down the stairs. Her immediate goal is to find this damn kid and beat the crap out of him. Without a blaster, that's a touchy thing, but she's hopeful that she can move quietly and quickly enough to get the drop on him. Assuming he's still in the bay.

Intention is to try to sneak up behind the kid before he can get out of the bay and whack him in the head with the heavy tool. if I thought there was a chance she could hit by throwing said tool, I'd suggest that, but she's at -4 to hit because of the off-hand penalty.

2008-01-24, 06:48 AM
Kaff and Corran

... {waiting on Kaff}

Kera and Daine

Kera with a hyperdrive transinverter bolt wrench in hand, heads out after the teenager after giving her orders to Nate. Nate replies, "I am not programmed for medical examinations, but I will ask the passenger if she is alive."

Kera sweeps the ship quickly and then heads out to the hangar bay. She finds Daine just regaining his feet after being stunned again. Looking out through the open hanger bay doors, she can see the turbolift doors just sliding shut(probably with the kid inside). The indicator shows the turbolift heading down(towards ground level).

2008-01-25, 03:50 PM

A bit surprised at the Duro's willingness to help him, Kaff doesn't look a gift horse in the mouth. When she drops him at the end of the alley, he quickly gets out and thanks her.

Then he sees Corran moving toward him and Kaff snaps up his rifle. "OK, So which is it, where you coming to help me out, should i have need it, or where you going to help out that bumbling Novice of a Bounty hunter, because you thought i kidnapped him."

"A little of both actually." Kaff replies keeping his tone and his rifle level, "what could you have done in the last hour to have you wanted by bounty hunters?"

2008-01-25, 04:21 PM
Actually it's about what happened to me two years ago the company i was shipping for blames me for the loss although they recovered most of it the they thought i stole the rest so they put a 2,000 credit bounty on my head until i pay them 97,000 Credits up front and in one payment, apparently while i was trying to explain what happened to me the Little slimy hut'uun of a manager, updated my sheet with my last know where abouts. so the bumbling Novice thought he could catch me unaware, the Fracking idiot doesn't even have any tactical training, he got his license because he thought it would be easy to do instead he almost got himself killed.,says Corran

2008-01-25, 07:06 PM

"I'll call Nate to get the cuffs off. I'm going to ^&$% that little prick up." Kera calls it out as she hesitates for just a moment in her pursuit of her prey. Daine's clearly alive, though, and definitely not any more hurt than she is, so she keeps going.

She checks for a second turbolift. Since there isn't one, just a freight elevator, she whacks the call button for it, sprints to the turbolift and hits the call button for that, then hovers halfway between until one of them opens. While she waits, she hits the comlink again.

To Nate: "Nate, exit the ship and assist Daine."

To Kaff: "He's leaving the dock. Get your ass back here and help me take this little mother^&$%er down." She relays a description of the kid, as specific as she can give based upon what she saw. "He has a bag full of our stuff and at least one blaster. Probably more than one."

2008-01-29, 04:21 PM

Listening to Corran, Kaff's natural suspicion erodes away. It seems plausible and he doesn't seem to show any of the well known lying symptoms.

"Alright, it seems that . . ."

Suddenly, his helmet com sounds and he hears Kera's voice. His blood seems to turn to ice and his suspicion returns. "The Mule's just been robbed! Quick, back to the starport, the thug's got a bunch of our stuff."

As Kaff begins to move, he watches Corran closely. His story and actions could have been just a diversion to draw attention away from the ship while his associates robbed it. In fact, he could have staged his whole rescue to check out the security of the ship that rescues him and then brief the thieves that rob it.

'Or he could be just what he seems and you could be paranoid.' Kaff thought as he ran toward the starport looking for someone carrying away a bunch of the Mule's belongings.

2008-01-29, 05:30 PM
Kaff hustles the 40 meters or so to the street corner where he'll be able to see both Corran and the exit of the spaceport(which is across the street and down 2 blocks).

Nothing seems out of the ordinary from here. Its about 150 meters to the entrance of the spaceport. Traffic headed in that direction is backed up by the speeder collision, but traffic in the other direction is moving okay.

Between Kaff and the spaceport entrance there are probably 30 pedestrians walking to and fro on either side of the main street.

2008-01-29, 09:16 PM
Corran is caught off guard by Kaff sudden statement and run for the street corner, Corran Finale replays, Ok give me a second and i'll catch up to you, although he feels some loyalty to the Crew that saved him, Right now he has a more important concern for himself, he know by now that people have no doubt reported the incident to the authorities, knowing that they'll be looking for his old wood armor. Corran puts down the bag carrying his thing including his folded up droid, he then as quickly as possible strips out of his armor and in to his last pair of coveralls, he then puts the stolen blast vest over the coveralls. with that he collects all the piece of his armour and straps them together and puts them in the bag, once that's done, he gathers his things and joins Kaff at the street corner and asks, Any idea who did this, or what they look like.

2008-01-30, 10:53 AM

Daine frowns, still shaking off being blasted twice with no warning, but follows Kera. "Careful," he says, snaking his hand out as he runs past her to the lift the robber took and kneels down in front of the console for it. "Lets see if we can't slow him down," he says as he starts trying to find a way to access it and see if there's any way to stop/recall the turbolift.

Computer Use:1D20+14 = [4]+14 = 18 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4094)

2008-01-30, 08:02 PM
Nate and Kera and Daine

Daine opens the panel on the turbolift and starts to work as Nate rolls up. The droids head rolls around to intently watch what Daine is doing and then says, "I have been ordered to assist you." Nates main eye zooms in on Daines hand and flips back and forth between watching his hands and his face and finally the droid adds, "I am unable to determine what you hope to accomplish by accessing this panel. Perhaps if you explained your objectives, I might be able to put my resources to greater use."

Daine finally gets access to the status and controls of the turbolift in question. It is currently on its way up from the ground level. The call orders show that it will stop on level three before coming up to level 4(where you seem to be).

Kera listens and watches but neither the turbolift nor the freight elevator open for a good 45 seconds. Then the turbolift arrives, empty.

Kaff and Corran

Corran quickly strips off his armor, breaking several straps made of woven grass. He quickly slips into the blast vest and runs to catch Kaff. Just after he catches up, there is a break in the traffic and they are able to cross the main street. Once across and on the same side as the spaceport they carefully watch anyone exiting and quickly and discretely close the distance to the entrance.

Nearly there, only 20 meters to go, a kid meeting the description Kera provided strides out of the spaceport. He wears a blaster on his hip and carries a large lumpy, overfull duffel bag on his shoulder. His pace suggests he is in a hurry, but isn't quite willing to run.

2008-01-30, 08:58 PM

"Nate, never mind. Go back to the ship and watch over the doctor." Kera gets herself into the turbolift as quickly as possible, nodding to Daine to get them moving as soon as she's inside it. Muttering uncharitable things in Rodian now, she does what she can to keep her broken arm in tight to her own body while hefting the wrench over her shoulder with the other.

She pauses in her muttering long enough to say, "that punk is not walking away."

2008-01-30, 09:37 PM
As Corran moves along side Kaff, He again un-slings his rifle and keeps it ready, Once he see the suspect Kid he raise his rifle up to his shoulder and points it at the kid and yells at the top of his lungs, freeze scumbag!!

2008-01-31, 08:21 PM
Nate and Kera and Daine

At Kera's new command, Nate's body rotates around and speeds off, the main eye and top dome remain watching Kera and Daine enter the turbolift.

Kaff and Corran

When Corran yells at the kid, the kid drops the duffel, draws his pistol and takes a knee behind the duffel bag. The kid takes aim with his blaster pistol, his other hand steadies his aim.

The kid watches Kaff and Corran for several seconds when it becomes obvious that the kid keep glancing to the side, off into the street. At about that moment, the high pitched whine of a racing speeder can be heard behind and to the left of Kaff and Corran.

2008-02-01, 10:42 AM

Daine grumbles darkly about the kids escape as he enters the turbolift with Kera. He looks at her a moment and frowns. "What's wrong with your arm?" he asks, tilting his head slightly.

2008-02-01, 10:47 AM

"It's broken," Kera replies matter-of-factly. "Can't this thing go faster?" She taps a foot impatiently and adjusts her grip on the wrench a couple of times.

2008-02-01, 10:50 AM

Daine frowns, looking at her for a few moments. "Sure, give me the wrench," he says, holding out his hand. "I'll disable the breaks and put it into a freefall." He grins slightly, still holding out his hand, his eyes still glancing down towards her arm a few times.

2008-02-01, 11:20 AM

Kera gives a snort. "Only place this wrench is going is into that little punk's brains. You can have it after that. Blood and gore free of charge."

2008-02-01, 02:56 PM
Corran tenses when the kid drew his weapon and for a moment Corran doesn't do a thing, but as soon as he realize the kid has friends on the way he opens fire on the kid.

initiative: (1d20+3=18) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1479285/)
Attack: (1d20+4=21) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1479287/)
Damage: (3d6=5) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1479288/)

2008-02-01, 05:12 PM

Noticing the kid dropping the duffel, Kaff too will aim at him but won't fire until the kid does (hold action). He will yell, "give it up kid! I don't want to kill you and you don't want to be dead!"

If the kid fires, Kaff will shoot back.

2008-02-02, 09:09 AM
The kid holds his fire and holds his fire, just watching. Kaff readies himself to return fire. Suddenly, the people nearby become aware of the impending blaster duel and run out of the way.

The turbolift Kera and Daine are in opens leaving them looking at the large courtyard/plaza sort of area from which all of the various spaceport pods branch. The far side of the plaza is the exit to the street. Near the exit to the street are parked several speeder bikes and two open-top speeders.

At the exit to the street, kneeling beside a duffel bag is the kid. He is looking off to the side, and pointing his blaster off to the side, at something down the street. He is about 45-50 meters away.

The sudden flurry of motion(from people fleeing the impending blaster battle) is accented by a dark blue speeder(with a bright yellow stripe), swerving off the main road and onto the sidewalk. A passenger in the rear of the speeder fires a small grapple gun which hooks the duffel bag.

Corran, not wanting to wait any longer, fires at the kid, but his blaster fires isn't really that close and he misses. The kid ducks and fires back at the two men before rushing over towards the speeder and diving into the back. The kids shot isn't much closer than Corran's was. Kaff, who dislikes being fired at, shoots back at the kid as he is diving into the speeder. His shot clips the speeder instead of the kid and deflects up into the sky.

Initiative :

Kid : 13
Kaff : 7+3=10
Corran : 1+3=4
Speeder : 9

Map (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/dauphinous/Spaceport1.jpg)

I don't allow cheating Free Rerolls in this game.
initiative: (1d20+3=4) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1479284/)
initiative: (1d20+3=18) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1479285/)
Attack: (1d20+4=9) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1479286/)
Attack: (1d20+4=21) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1479287/)

2008-02-02, 10:07 AM
I don't allow cheating Free Rerolls in this game.

((Sorry about that, here are two different actions you choose witch one he dose. and i'll under stand if you want me out.))

Once the kid makes it into the speeder Corran Changes position and runs in to the street into the speeder projected as if daring the speeder driver to hit him.


Suddenly for no reason Corran drops his rifle and pull his blaster pistol and puts it up to his head and pulls the trigger

Corran drops down on one knee and takes aim and fires at the speeders engine compartment hopping to disable it.

Attack (1d20+4=12) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1480455/)
Damage (3d6=12) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1480456/)

2008-02-02, 12:54 PM

The scene takes Kera a few moments to actually grasp. Then she starts running for the getaway speeder.

By comlink, to Kaff: "Go for the driver. I don't have a gun. Tell Trill to get back to the ship."

Init: 13 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4118)
Run x4 in a straight line

2008-02-02, 01:33 PM

Seeing the duffle bag and encounter, Daine sprints towards it.

Initiative: 20 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4119)

Gee, sure would be nice to have some GRENADES wouldn't it? Or the hold out pistol that was in Daine's tool kit... or the other blaster...

2008-02-02, 08:22 PM

Hearing Kera Kaff is more than happy to fire at the speeder driver.


Upon hearing her 'strongly suggest' to talk to Trill, Kaff thinks to himself, 'and how am I supposed to do that while I'm busy shooting at a speeder full of people who will happily kill me for the stuff they just stole?'

He decides to ignore that part and lines up his next shot.

2008-02-03, 08:47 AM
Daine and Kera run the hot angry winds of plateau region on Marfik Prime, closing the vast distance with the speeder.

The teenage thief straightens himself out and climbs into the front seat, blaster in hand. Kaff fires at the driver, but the shot misses, passing between the driver and the passenger.

The driver, not wanting to get blaster, guns the engine and accelerate forward up and through the flower beds. Corran fires at vehicle as it speeds off and manages to hit something, sending a puff of smoke out of the engine, but the vehicle doesn't stop.

The gunner is nearly tossed out of the speeder when it accelerated away and into the flower bed. He hits the button to reel in the duffel bag and then sits down and pulls out his blaster pistol.

The various pedestrians nearby scatter and flee the immediate area, most also scream, but a few just run.

Updated Map (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/dauphinous/Spaceport2.jpg)

Initiative :

Daine : 20
Kera : 13
Kid : 13
Kaff : 10
Driver / Speeder : 9
Corran : 4
Gunner : 3

Tally :

Speeder : Hull(18/25)

2008-02-03, 09:59 AM
As quickly as he can Corran fires two more shots at the sppeder.

Attack: (1d20+4=22, 1d20+4=18) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1480737/)
Damage: (3d6=10, 3d6=18) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1480738/)

2008-02-03, 07:41 PM

The effort of running is now keeping Kera's mouth shut, but that doesn't mean she isn't swearing on the inside, and thinking about the assorted things she'd like to inflict upon these jerks.

My kingdom for a blaster!
Move only, looking to end up next to the speeder just to the south of our target one, just in case a speeder-jacking is called for.

I've got a wrench, and I'm not afraid to use it. I'm a pilot on the edge.

2008-02-04, 11:17 AM

Daine runs forward. Only getting as far as he can, he does what he can, dives and grabs the duffle bag of stuff and tries to brace his feet as to pull it away from the person reeling it it.

2008-02-05, 04:50 PM

Kaff also sees the benefit of shooting as much as possible and flicks the selector on his blast rifle to multifire. He lines up the driver and fires.



2008-02-05, 07:46 PM
Bespin Spaceport Shootout Round 3

Daine rushes forward an lunges at the bag being dragged behind the speeder as it is being automatically reeled in by the grapple gun. Daine is dragged along a bit as he struggles against the machine.

Kera, having lost hope that the speeder will be stopped rushes towards the traffic heading in that direction, hopeful she can find something nice to speederjack.

The kid, dissatisfied with the damage the speeder is taking, fires his blaster at Kaff. The first shot was a clean miss, but the second shot was close, nearly clipping Kaff's head, but, rolling with the blow, he turned away at the last moment(take 6 VP damage). Kaff fires back at the driver and manages to clip him with the first of two shots, but doesn't cause much damage besides a burned shirt.

The driver, guns the speeder which starts to really move(speed 100m/rnd). As it zooms off, a trio of stormtroopers exit the spaceport command center, rushing towards the entrance to deal with the outlaws. The sudden acceleration of the speeder, rips the duffel bag from Daine's arms and yanks him forward knocking him onto his back in a bed of crushed yellow flowers.

The traffic breaks hard and swerves to miss the speeder, but doesn't stop.

Corran fires speeder as it passes by. His two shots both strike and the speeder's repulsorlift dies, dropping the vehicles to the pavement. After skidding a few meters, it grinds to a halt. After a momentary bit of confusion, the gunner turns and fires his blaster at Corran and climbs out of the crashed speeder. The shot, which would have been fatal, had Corran not fallen backwards onto his backside, simply scorches Corran's pant leg instead of killing him(takes 14 VP damage).

Once their speeder crashed to the ground, the rest of the traffic, having already slowed down earlier, stops altogether, not wanting to get involved in the gun battle.

Updated Map (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/dauphinous/Spaceport3.jpg)

Initiative :

Daine : 20
Kera : 13
Kid : 13
Kaff : 10
Driver / Speeder : 9
Stormtroopers : 5
Corran : 4
Gunner : 3

Tally :

Speeder : Hull(0/25)
Driver : VP=21/27, WP=14/14
Kid : ?
Gunner : ?
Kaff : VP=16/22, WP=14/14
Corran : VP=2/16, WP=12/12
Kera : VP=19/19, WP=4/10
Daine : VP=12/12, WP=11/11

2008-02-05, 10:39 PM
Getting to his feet Corran Grimaced from the pain of the blaster burn, he then moves forward to (Y-30) as he dose he fire one very badly aimed shot at the gunner.

Attack: (1d20+4=5) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1483203/)

2008-02-06, 09:26 AM

Great. Perfect. Just what we need. Impies. 'No, officer, I have no idea how those Imperial Stormtrooper blaster rifles ended up in our stuff.' Kera gives just a light groan as she slows down and decides to be the first one to offer her version to the troopers. She takes a moment to get her breath back.

"Officer, help! They attacked and robbed us!" She points to the downed speeder with the wrench and walks, getting about to where Daine was.

2008-02-07, 05:50 PM

Daine winces, laying in the flower bed. Lets see, they've stolen our stuff, took every weapon we had access to, and now there's a firefight over my head. Its kind of nice here. he thinks to himself, laying as much in cover as he can from either side flinging blaster fire back and forth.

2008-02-08, 04:46 PM

Seeing the speeder stop, Kaff runs across the road (to W31) and fires another shot at the Bothan with the Grapple gun.


2008-02-08, 08:19 PM
Bespin Spaceport Shootout Round 4

Daine stops to smell the flowers while the rest of the team struggles in a life or death battle with armed gunmen just outside of an alien spaceport. Kera calls for help from the Imperial Stormtroopers as she slowly approaches the battle, pausing when she standing over Daine flower strewn form.

The teenage kid, recovers from the crash and hops out of the speeder. He moves around to the front of the speeder and takes cover while firing his blaster at Kaff. The shot isn't even close, hitting the wall well behind and to the right of Kaff. Kaff, in turn, waits for a the speeder to move out of the way and fires back at the Gunner. His shot is spot on and would have hit if the gunner hadn't ducked.

The driver of the speeder crawls through the speeder and out the far door, keeping his head down as much as possible. The staled speeder begins to back up traffic and at least one of the smaller speeders hops up on the sidewalk and traverses around the battle.

The trio of storm troopers rush forward to the edge of traffic, the blaster rifles unleashing a flood of energy, with the precision that earned them their reputation. Their blasts strike the gunner, leaving a black smoking burn mark on his chest. He is staggered, but doesn't collapse from the wound.

Corran, obviously distracted by the Imperial assault, blinks at the wrong moment and his shot goes wide. The gunner, unsure what to do when faced with Imperial Stormtroopers, staggers backwards while fruitlessly firing back at them.

Updated Map (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/dauphinous/Spaceport4.jpg)

Initiative :

Daine(D) : 20
Kera(R) : 13
Kid(I) : 13
Kaff(K) : 10
Driver(S) : 9
Traffic : 6
Stormtroopers(E) : 5
Corran(C) : 4
Gunner(G) : 3

Tally :

Speeder : Hull(0/25)
Driver : VP=21/27, WP=14/14
Kid : ?
Gunner : VP=0/27, WP=7/14
Kaff : VP=16/22, WP=14/14
Corran : VP=2/16, WP=12/12
Kera : VP=19/19, WP=4/10
Daine : VP=12/12, WP=11/11

2008-02-08, 09:10 PM

Kera ducks down with Daine and exercises just about all the restraint she has left in her at the moment to keep from smirking. Not at Daine. At the stormtroopers who are on their side for the moment. All she can really hope for is that the guy didn't actually go into their cabin and get her shiny Imperial rifle from where she normally keeps it stowed under the bed. Because explaining its presence in that bag might be touchy when the stormies stop shooting and start looking for answers.

"The flowers are a nice touch, but I'd prefer someplace with a little less visibility and fewer people shooting nearby." She offers Daine the wrench. "I take it back, you can have it now. My arm is starting to hurt right through the adrenaline now."

2008-02-08, 10:36 PM
Corran Recovers form his momentary lapse in concentration and takes aim and fires at the gunner.

Attack: (1d20+4=19) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1486376/)
Damage: (3d6=14) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1486378/)

2008-02-09, 02:02 PM

Daine chuckles softly, accepting the wrench. He shakes his head slightly at Kera for a moment. "The way I figure, it would be better to let the people with guns handle the gunfight," he says. "This thing is terrible past a meter or two," he adds, waving the wrench. "Now the first thing we're going to do is get your arm looked at after they lovely stormtroopers so politely shoot them for us."

2008-02-09, 05:11 PM

OOC: Uh, didn't I move, or was the traffic too heavy?

Kneeling, Kaff points his rifle and fires at the grapnel gunner.


2008-02-09, 06:30 PM
Bespin Spaceport Shootout Round 5

Daine lies on his back chatting with Kera, who talks back and offers him the wrench to use as a weapon to exact revenge on the outlaws who smacked down his woman.

The Kid, fires his blaster pistol at the rushing troopers, hitting one in the shoulder, but not severely enough to knock the trooper down. Kaff takes a kneel just on the nearside of the flower bed and fires at the gunner. His aim is true and the gunner collapses, a thin trail of smoke rises from his chest.

The driver jumps on the back of the speeder which swerves around the action. The stormtroopers continue to rush forward firing at The Kid. Their shots miss him but hit the speeder causing it to detonate, showering the area in debris and flame. The explosion leaves a large area of the road covered in flaming debris and smoke. It also disabled the nearest speeder and set it on fire. The two Twi'leks in the vehicle seem stunned and confused regarding what just happened to their speeder.

Corran, determined to stay focused, shoots into the smoke at where The Kid used to be, but is unable to tell if his shots hit or not.

Updated Map (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/dauphinous/Spaceport5.jpg)

Initiative :

Daine(D) : 20
Kera(R) : 13
Kid(I) : 13
Kaff(K) : 10
Driver(S) : 9
Traffic : 6
Stormtroopers(E) : 5
Corran(C) : 4
Gunner(G) : 3

Tally :

Speeder : Hull(0/25)
Driver : VP=5/27, WP=14/14
Kid : VP=13/48, WP=14/14
Gunner : VP=0/27, WP=-30/14
Kaff : VP=16/22, WP=14/14
Corran : VP=2/16, WP=12/12
Kera : VP=19/19, WP=4/10
Daine : VP=12/12, WP=11/11
Stormtrooper(E1) : WP 4/12
Stormtrooper(E2) : WP 12/12
Stormtrooper(E3) : WP 12/12

2008-02-09, 07:04 PM

"Stuff first." Kera takes off running, plunging past Kaff, past the stormtroopers, and into the smoke. Intent on the bag full of their stuff, she skids to a stop next to where it should be.

2008-02-09, 07:48 PM
Corran moves to (Y-31) Corran will fire at any descernable target though the smoke.

Attack: (1d20+4=11) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1487301/)
Damage: (3d6=10) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1487306/)

2008-02-12, 04:19 PM

Watching the explosion, Kaff has no desire to get closer. Remaining kneeling, he says to the nearby stormtroopers, "watch out guys, I think there's at least one more back there."

2008-02-12, 04:54 PM
Bespin Spaceport Shootout Round 6

Daine continues to enjoy existence, taking an extended break to smell the flowers. Kera rushes into the field of smoke and burning debris. Feeling around, she grasps the bag and hauls it a few centimeters back away from the flaming speeders.

The Kid fires a couple more shots out of the smoke at the stormtroopers as the close on the area, firing numerous shots into the smoke, hopeful they will hit The Kid.

Kaff directs the assault and Corran fires a couple more random shots into the smoke.

As Kera and the bag clear the fire and smoke, the stormtroopers plunge into the smoke, blasters firing indiscriminately. After a minute or so, the fire had died down a little and the stormtroopers return.

The troopers walk up to the group and stop, "The youth and the driver of the speeder seem to have fled the area. Please return with us to the command post and file a report so we can track them down."

Tally :

Speeder : Hull(0/25)
Driver : VP=5/27, WP=14/14 - Fled
Kid : VP=13/48, WP=14/14 - Fled
Gunner : VP=0/27, WP=-30/14
Kaff : VP=16/22, WP=14/14
Corran : VP=2/16, WP=12/12
Kera : VP=19/19, WP=4/10
Daine : VP=12/12, WP=11/11
Stormtrooper(E1) : WP 4/12
Stormtrooper(E2) : WP 12/12
Stormtrooper(E3) : WP 12/12

2008-02-12, 05:38 PM
Corran safety's his weapon he hangs it back over his shoulder and say, Certainly officer.

2008-02-12, 06:51 PM

"Oh, I can give you a description, all right." Kera pulls on the bag with her one good arm, muttering about the likely ancestry of the punk kid and his accomplices. She then shoves the bag at Kaff. "Can I get some medical attention? I can tell you all about what happened. They," she indicates Kaff and Corran, "were out on the street, so they only saw part of it. This started on our ship." She points vaguely at the spaceport.

As soon as they wish it, Kera will follow the troopers.

2008-02-13, 07:31 AM
As the troopers stand around evaluating the circumstances, they begin to make calls for assistance, "Command, Please request a heavy lifter be sent to this location, we have two disabled vehicles. Also, send for mortuary services for one."

The other two troopers begin to herd pedestrians out of traffic and start getting speeders detoured around the area, at least until the disabled vehicles can be removed.

The trooper on the radio pauses and looks at Kera and then to Daine, who is lying in the flowers and asks, "Do you need transport to the medical clinic? What about him? Will he make it or shall I have someone recover his corpse?"

Assuming Daine survives, the trooper escorts the four team members to the command post where they accept a statement of the events. Inside the command center, there are about a dozen troopers and several officers. Most of the troopers and officers man consoles, monitoring video cameras mounted around the city. Several sit at desks working on computers. There are also a couple of uniformed pilots sitting in a side room watching a holovid sporting event.

The trooper takes the team over a desk and officer there accepts the statement of events. Most of the questions are pretty dry: Who are you? Where the crime occur? Who witnessed it? Who did it? Etc. The only 'tricky' question is, "What is the value of property stolen? If its over 1000 credits you will be asked for proof, but they will also wave the 50 credit filing fee."

2008-02-13, 10:29 AM

Daine follows along with the others into the command center, still slightly shocked by the whole event. He gives his statement, most of which involves getting shot in the back more than once just as he saw the person shooting him. He listens quietly with the others, looking to Kera worriedly as time seems to drag on further and further without sign of medical attention for her.

2008-02-13, 10:48 AM

"I think he'll make it." Kera grins and waves to Daine, offering him a hand up as soon as she's close enough. "Kaff, can you set this? I have a kit in the ship. Or it might be in the bag."

She has to restrain an urge to flick her eyes to the bag and back to the trooper when he asks about the value of the property in question. "I don't think anything we've got is worth that much, even put together, and we got it all back. No idea why they would target us, really. We're practically broke aside from the ship itself, but we can afford the fee. I'm actually most annoyed about the assault part, to be honest. Total value is probably about 500 credits."

Kera pays the fee, a little pleased to be getting out of there without having the bag searched.

2008-02-14, 07:23 AM
The officer stops when she says the contents are only worth 500 credits and after accepting the 50 credit fee, explains the crime is a 3rd tier offense, so there wouldn't normally be resourses available. Once paid, he continues the interview and eventually allows everyone to leave.

Stepping back out in the spaceport courtyard, the team finds everything back to 'normal'. High overhead a 50m long freighter is approaching the landing pods flanked by a pair of wedge shaped escort fighters. Out on the main street, traffic is moving again and several works stand amongst the flower beds repairing the damage caused by Daine's butt and/or the speeder. Trill walk casually in off the street hauling at least 40-50kg of grocery bags.

He approaches the group, smiles and says, "It is good to see everyone out and enjoying the city. Did you leave the doctor alone on the ship or is she off enjoying the sights and sounds of the city too?"

2008-02-14, 07:49 AM

Kera spends a good, long five seconds looking Trill over. Then she turns to Kaff. "You didn't send him back to the ship? Crap, she's still tied up and probably pissed off." We are never taking any job that involves coming to Bespin ever again. She walks quickly to the turbolift to get back to the ship, now actually holding her arm as she goes.

2008-02-14, 09:10 AM
Here Trill let me help you with some of those grocery bags. Once Corran has some of the grocery bags he'll walk with Trill and the other back to the ship.

2008-02-14, 04:40 PM
Trill hands over a couple bags and walks with Corran to the turbolift. As the team enters, Trill says, "Nice to see you back Corran. I take it the captain decided to offer you a position?"

The turbolift speeds the crew back up the pod, where the ship lies a short walk away. The ship is intact and still in the bay.

Inside they find that the good doctor is still tied up, but has twisted herself up to sit crosslegged, although her hands are still bound behind her and her feet are still bound. The first words out of her mouth are, "I shall certainly have to recommend your services to my colleagues." After a moment she adds, "I see you have the hoodlum's bag. Is my tri-phasic neutrino converter still intact? It is quite fragile, as I'm sure you are aware."

2008-02-14, 06:39 PM
Well not yet anyway apparently just after you an kaff spilt up so Kaff could confront me Kara called and said the ship was being robbed, so i decided to lend a hand since i still owed you one, Well we caught up with the thief but a baster fight broke out, and when all was said and done the stormtroopers wanted to have a word with use after that, we just got done with them when you came back. Also i think we should get Kara some medical attention for that broken arm of her before it gets infected

2008-02-16, 05:58 PM

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here. I know damn well this has to get set soon."

Once they're back at the ship, Kera rummages through the bag of stuff for her medkit. If it isn't there, she pulls it out of her cabin. "Daine, would you please free the doctor and see if her whatsit is in the bag?" She shoves the medkit at Kaff and helps him straighten her broken arm out, mostly by grabbing something and refusing to flinch while he works on it.

In an effort to distract herself a little from what Kaff is doing, she looks at Trill. "Trill, would you make us up something for..whatever meal it's time for. Lunch, I guess?" Then she turns to Corran. "How'd your thing go? Can't have been too fabulous if you're right back where you started."

2008-02-16, 08:51 PM
No not so good the company believes i stole 2 tons of fuel and now owe 92,000 Credits that they want it in full in one payment, they got a 2,000 credit bounty on my head, and now i need to locate a Hutt to lend me some credits, i also had a run in with a inept novice of a Bounty Hunter, how ever i let him go but i appropriated his only power pack and this blast vest.

2008-02-17, 07:06 AM
Trill nods at Kera, saying, "Oh, yes. Excellent idea Captain. I'll get right on that."

Trill leads Corran into the ship and into the common area and says to him, "Oh dear, I'm afraid if you sold those, you'd still be about 92000 credits down. Even if we sold The Angry Mule, we wouldn't have enough to help." Trill unpacks the groceries and starts putting them away. "I'm afraid honesty will prevent you from ever being able to pay off the debt. Its just such a huge amount. Even if the Hutts loan you the credits, the repayment terms will be very harsh. Maybe should you have a disguise."

Trill begins cooking lunch and smell in the common room switches from pine scent to the warm inviting smell of Bothan Jubilee. Trill says, "You know, change your appearance, maybe some facial tatoos or a mask. There are surgeons who can change your face. That along with a name change and some trickery and they may never find you."

Trill turns down the Jubilee and starts working on some egg based drink, while saying, "You know, pay us to drop you on some world, where you leave clues that you've gone onto some core system. In the meantime, you come back with us as crew, but in disguise, with a new name." He pauses a moment looking at Corran and then adds, "Maybe 'Martin'. That of course depends on what you decide to do with your face."

Meanwhile, just off the common room. Kaff set Kera arm, causing her substantial pain and suffer(and damage). Daine locates the tri-phasic neutrino converter. It is a small cube, about 10cm on a side, with a little glass window, which is now cracked. Looking through the window, Daine can see that most of the internals are now detached and roll around inside the device, like a kaleidescope.

The doctor doesn't take it well and she fumes on about, "Barbarians! No respect for scientific discover!" As she walks by the setting of Kera's arm, she adds, "You'll need to brace that or it'll separate." She glances around and then says to Daine, "Maybe some Quikset Enginecrete. That'll hold it steady until the bone mends, assuming you don't have a Bacta Bath around here somewhere."

{{ Kera takes 3 more damage. Fortitude Save DC 8 to avoid passing out. }}

2008-02-17, 08:41 AM

A string of strangled curses in a mish-mash of languages announces Kaff's efforts on Kera's arm. As he wraps it up and finishes splinting it, she slumps a bit and watches quietly. When he's done, she offers a heartfelt, quiet, and mildly whiny "ow".

Fort save: 22 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4185)
WP: 1/10

2008-02-20, 02:32 PM
The doctor walks away and heads into her room with her broken tri-phasic neutrino converter, just before her hatchway closes, she calls out, "I assume we will be taking off momentarily?"

With no better idea, Daine rushes off and makes up some Quikset Enginecrete. After a minute he returns with a small tray of gray paste and some stiffener strips. Using a spoon he scoops the paste onto her arm, mixing the strips into the paste. The paste becomes uncomfortably warm about 30 seconds after application and then starts to cool off quite a bit till its solid.

Trill brings over some food and seeing Kera's arm and cast, says, "Help her into the common area and strap her in. I'll help her eat while you Kaff and Daine get the ship into orbit and finally into hyperdrive."

2008-02-20, 07:30 PM

Kera sits still throughout the process, letting herself be tended. Trill's comment, though, makes her sits right up. "There is no &*%^ing way I am sitting around while you people try to astrogate. And I can fly with one arm tied behind my back. Or in a cast, as the case may be." With this, she gets to her feet, just a little woozy.

"Now, on the subject of you," she points to Corran with little energy behind it, "you went and got a bounty on your damn head, and we're supposed to want you on board? I don't think so. Been there, done that on the carting around people with prices on their heads. Thanks for the assist with those twerps, and now we're even. Luck on the evading capture thing." She starts up the stairs, pointing down them as she goes. "Exit is that way." After giving a nod to Kaff, that hopefully conveys 'escort him off the ship, please', she clomps up the stairs.

2008-02-21, 12:37 PM

Daine whistles slightly under his breath as he cleans up the remains of making the cast for Kera's arm. "Well then," he says as he drops the remains into the refuge bin and moves back to the recovered bags. He removes several items of his and Kera's things and carries them to stick them away, and put his weaponry back where it belongs.

As he closes the door to his and Kera's room, he moves towards the ladder to the cockpit, pausing to see what would happen.

2008-02-23, 06:39 PM
Well if that's how you feel but i do have other talents that could be of use like this. Corran stretch out his arm and makes a jester, at the same time he stretched out with the force to Move any small Object.

Move Object: (1d20+4=13) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1505504/) speend's 1 VP to Move an Object no heaver then 5 kg over to Kira

2008-02-23, 07:18 PM

Only two steps up, Kera stops. "Uh." Her mouth hangs open after making this incredibly articulate retort.

"People that can use the force are a good thing, and they're a bad thing. They're good, because they can make things happen the rest of us just can't. They're bad because they can make things happen the rest of us just can't."
- Captain Shanze

"Being a good person will screw you to a wall someday, but that's all that stands between you and being a complete ass. And we all know that being half-assed is so much more fun and satisfying."
- Captain Shanze

Dammit. Kera snaps her mouth shut and tears her gaze away from the floating cup, then heaves a heavy sigh. "Fine, fine. You're obviously in over your head and I'm a dumbass. Strap in and let's the heck offa this rock. We'll talk in hyperspace."

2008-02-23, 07:33 PM
Thank you Captain, and as soon as we have some time after lift off i'll see what i can do about helping heal that arm of yours, but first might i offer my services as a pilot or co-pilot until the arm is healed.

2008-02-23, 10:00 PM

"Your ass hits my chair and I'll whack you with my cast then throw you out the airlock." Kera takes a step, grabbing the railing for a little support. Through gritted teeth, she says, "But, I guess...you can...back me up as co-pilot. Just until I can get some rest or something." The grudging admission of the weakness that is threatening to overtake her is all that she offers as she takes the stairs with none of her usual bounce or cheer.

"Nate, get your metal self up to the bridge so you can do your damn job!"

Not sure if anything else will happen prior to needing this...
Kera will take 10 on any pilot checks that might need to be made, netting a grand total of: 10! *sigh*
Should anything happen that requires more finesse or skill than that, she will probably have to hand over control, along with a lot of angry thought bubbles, to Corran.
Astrogate to Caroline: [roll0]

2008-02-23, 10:31 PM
Corran follows Kira up the latter to the cockpit Corran sits himself at the copilots station. and quickly fimelrize himself with the controls. Once he done that he'll help Kira out.

Corran will also take 10 on any pilot checks plus a +10 modifier for a total of 20

Astrogate: (1d20+7=24) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1505817/)

2008-02-24, 07:37 AM
Nate rolls over and using his extendable arm, pulls himself up to the bridge, loud metal *thumps* issuing from his metallic form. Nate says, "As my master has requested, I am on the bridge doing my job. Ah, astrogation. It certainly appears you need my help. Please allow me to correct some of these errors."

Nate works his magic on some of the astrogation calculations while Kera launches the ship and brings them into orbit. Once clear of the planetary interference Kera finds that the Pilot Challenge is still underway. Also, that there seems to have been a noticeable increase in the number of starships arriving and moving to land.

Corran, Kera, and Nate enter the coordinates into the jump computer and hit the button. The computer makes a *Ant Ant * sort of sound and the display shows, "Invalid coordinates, Jump Impossible." Nate then says, "Very astute. There still seem to be a number of errors in the initial route you planned. Perhaps if we could take a bit more time to correct them all, the jump will be valid."

2008-02-24, 09:03 AM

"I said 'do your job', not 'provide commentary'," Kera snaps at the droid. She glares at the console. After just a few moments of that, though, she scraps what she had and starts over again.

{Take 10 on Astrogate for 24.}

2008-02-24, 10:40 AM
Corran trying not to laugh at the droids comments. Corran then scraps his own calculations and starts then over, once hes done doing the calculation Corran says, Are you sure you don't want me to take a look at Nate to see what i can repair.

2008-02-24, 12:01 PM
Nate simply beeps in Binary at Kera and Corran then gets back to the astrogation calculations.

Kera, more aware of the situation and pain, plots a new course and with the help of Corran and Nate, selects a good one, or a better one anyway. The planned route shows as just over 3 hours.

She engages the hyperdrive and engages it. The ion drives disengage and the hyperdrive fires up.

2008-02-24, 01:36 PM

Daine quickly follows Kera up, moving and sitting down at the sensors station and strapping himself in. He sits quietly, listening to the others and knowing when to keep his mouth shut over the whole situation. "That's ok," he says, frowning slightly towards the droid. "He and I can spend a little time together," he says, looking towards the droid. "Not a terrible thing to have a personality in a droid, its better than one that just sits there, dome mounted to the wall at least," he says, raising an eye brow at the droid for a moment before looking back to the sensor grid.

As they enter hyperspace he stands up, stretching slightly and looking towards Kera. "I'll be below with Nate," he says, tapping the droid on the dome a couple times with a knuckle before starting down the ladder. "Come on bolt head," he says, heading towards engineering.

2008-02-24, 02:15 PM

"One of these days, I'm gonna learn binary." Kera grumbles it and glares out at the stars whizzing by. She continues to grumble in a mumbling sort of way. "Stupid punk-ass kid has to come and mess with us. Stupid captain has to get messed up. Stupid passengers have to bring on a plague." She then speaks up in a normal voice, crossing her arms over her chest as best she can. "I am never doing any job that involves going to Bespin, ever again. Never, ever, ever, never. I don't care how much they offer to pay or how innocent a cargo it is. Not going to happen."

She turns her head, still scowling, to look at Corran. "You're gonna have to come up with a plan to avoid getting noticed. I do not want to tangle with bounty hunters."

2008-02-24, 02:39 PM
I know, and i think i have a idea, would you mind if we made a run to the Mandalore, i could buy a Mando' helmet from one of there Armour smiths.

2008-02-24, 03:13 PM
Not recognizing the name 'bolt head', Nate ignores Daine and turns to Kera and says, "I am unable to continue doing my job here, I must return to the engineering area where I have access to the appropriate tools." Without further ado, Nate turns and rolls over to the ladder and lowers himself down with a loud metallic thump.

2008-02-24, 03:49 PM

Kera just blinks at Corran a couple of times. She's pretty sure she knows where 'the Mandalore' refers to. "You want to go halfway across the frigging galaxy to buy a helmet that you don't even have any money for? Are you nuts?" After redirecting her glare back out at space, she says, "For clarification, that roughly translates to: yeah, I mind a little. We have to pay for the fuel to get there. As you are, I'm sure, keenly aware, fuel ain't free. We aren't going to the core from out here without someone paying us to. Aside from that, we aren't making a run anywhere without a job of some kind included unless it's really short, like this one. We can't afford to waste our time doing whatever for nothing."

2008-02-24, 10:49 PM
Slightly red faced Corran says, Sorry Captain its been a wile since I've had to think of where plants are in relationship to each other. i guess i could regrow the beard and maybe see about getting a false ID.

2008-02-25, 03:21 PM

In far too grumpy a mood to actually provide constructive advice, Kera just glares out the window. After a minute or so, "Tell the doc it'll be about three hours." Then she goes silent again, still glaring.

2008-02-25, 08:19 PM
Nate finds his way to engineering where he continue to work on repairing his damaged programming and damaged circuits.

Once the ship is in hyperspace, Trill brings a tray of food up to Kera. "Good, you are resting. Please eat. You'll need you strength to get well." Seeing her expression, Trill offers, "Can I make you something special to drink?"

2008-02-25, 09:12 PM
Yes, captain, Corran gets up and descends the ladder and heads strate to the good doctor room he knocks on the door and once she responds he tell her that the arrival time is in three hours. Corran then heads back to the bridge Once on the bridge Corran says, Captain are you ready for me to work on that Aim of yours.

2008-02-26, 01:26 PM

"Thanks, Trill." She doesn't sound very thankful, but she does unclench enough to actually eat something. "No, I'm good. I don't need anything special."

When Corran gets back, she gives him a quirked eyebrow. "If that's an obtuse way of referring to my arm, sure, you can look at it if you want." She holds the appendage encased in Quickcrete out for him.

2008-02-26, 07:20 PM
Corran Close his eyes and places his hand on her Arm As he stretches out into the force to try to heal her.

((Spends 1 VP to heal VP or 2 for WP
Heal Another [roll0]
VP [roll1]
if roll is high enough.
VP [roll2]
WP [roll3]))

2008-02-26, 10:11 PM

Kera watches Corran skeptically, feeling very little and not terribly impressed by his efforts. "Is this some sort of jedi trick for trying to cop a feel with the force? You can give up on that line of thinking right now. Not interested."

2008-02-28, 08:20 PM
Once Kera stops eating, Trill grabs the tray to take it back and clean up. He pauses and asks Corran, "There is more... if you want it." Trill then climbs down the ladder with the food tray.

{{ Was Corran going to try again? Got lots more VP to spend... You'll get back 9 VP over the course of hyperspace, so you might as well spend that much. You'll be at full power when we land.}}

2008-02-29, 08:30 AM
Thank you Trill yes' i'll have some and can you add a pot of caf to the tray, says Corran, Over the next couple hours Corran tries several times to heal Kera. after each attempt he eats and drinks some more.

Heal Another (1d20+3=5, 1d20+3=17, 1d20+3=12, 1d20+3=20) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1511510/)

WP [roll0]
WP [roll1]
WP [roll2]
WP [roll3]

2008-02-29, 10:46 AM

Daine stops Nate in the Engineering Alcove. "Let's try to get some work done on you to improve your general disposition," he says, grinning slightly at the bot. He pauses to gather some tools, then gets to work on Nate.

Repair: 1D20+16 = [16]+16 = 32 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4349)
Focusing on that oh so important Charisma score. :smallbiggrin:

2008-02-29, 02:05 PM

The grumpy slowly drains away. Kera can really only a keep a good, solid angry up for a little while before it becomes too much of an effort. She slumps in her seat some, putting her feet up carefully on the console so they don't accidentally hit some button or lever. The view is mesmerizing in a way, and she kind of just slides into a zen sort of state. Whatever Corran is trying to do every so often, it doesn't make any difference, as she can't feel a damn thing.

Until it finally works. "Whoa." She snaps out of her zombified glaze to blink several times and look at Corran. "Okay, that, whatever that was, I felt it." She flexes her fingers some. "Still hurts, but less. Nice."

{WP: 6/10}

2008-03-01, 01:19 PM
After finally having secessed Corran slumps in his chair exhausted, your welcome it's the least i could do, but well have to try again tomorrow I'm exhausted this take a lot out of me.

2008-03-01, 02:21 PM
Trill brings up the food and brown caffeine liquid as Corran slumps into one of the seats on the bridge. Trill offers it and whispers to him, "Maybe you should come down to the galley and let her be. If you are tired, I can make up one of the crew quarters for you."

Regardless of whether Corran follows, Trill heads back downstairs and continues the long tedious process of sanitizing everything that was exposed to the chemical treatment.

2008-03-03, 07:14 PM
Everyone rests for the remainder of the journey, except Daine, who works on Nate, but for Daine, that is relaxing. Nate and the trip computer let everyone know several minutes before the ship drops out of hyperspace in the Caroline system.

... { anyone need to do anything }

When the ship finally drops back into normal space, the bridge crew is nearly blinded by the massive white star at the center of the Caroline system. Caroline I is a small lava cover planet in close orbit around the star and is totally devoid of life. Caroline II, is a medium sized planet that appears a whitish pink color from space. The entire surface is a massive salt flat, except for a few rocky spires near the equator. All humanoid life on Caroline is imported, that is, there are no indigenous humanoid lifeforms.

When the ship drops out of hyperspace, the doctor pokes her head out from her room and provides Corran with a set of landing coordinates. Aside from the brightness of the place, the only real hazard during landing is the landing. With no features at all, it is nearly impossible to tell, visually, how high up you are. So, despite the daytime landing, the pilot is forced to make an instrument only approach.

{{ Who is flying? Pilot Check DC 15 }}

The small community at the landing site seems, from the air, to be focused on some sort of pollution generating industry. Large black clouds rise from several of the buildings in the community.

2008-03-03, 08:57 PM
Corran takes the set of landing coordinates and shows them to Kera. with Kera's permission Corran will bring the ship in for a landing.

Pilot (1d20+10=24) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1515317/)

2008-03-03, 10:22 PM

Rising up out of her zen-like state when the computer announces their impending arrival, Kera puts her feet down. Her scowl, which had fallen off her face earlier, returns as she realizes that she needs to be able to turn her wrist in order to make the landing - something she simply cannot do right now without an intense amount of pain.

She restrains carefully the urge to smash her lovely cast into the console next to her. "Fine. I'm completely &*%^ing useless anyway. I'll just be in my &*%^ing cabin if anybody wants any-&*%^ing-thing, which no one &*%^ing will." She gets up and storms down the stairs, moving briskly into her quarters and wishing she could slam the door behind herself, because that would be highly satisfying right now. Or, at least, it seems like it would be highly satisfying. Letting it *swish* closed behind her certainly isn't.

2008-03-03, 10:34 PM
with Kera storming off Corran shrugs to himself as he thinks, Well i guess i'll take that as yes or at least you can land the ship for now, until I'm better. shrugging again Corran returns his attention to the task at hand.

2008-03-04, 07:06 AM
Corran easily sets the ship down on one of the open pads which surround the small village. As the ship got closer and closer to the village, it became obvious that the village was not an industrial center at all, but have been attacked recently. The black smoke comes from several buildings and seems to be the result of something inside the building burning.

Corran is able to see at least 3 corpses inbetween the buildings. There are a couple people walking around and fighting the smaller fires by throwing salt on them to smother them.

The touchdown is very soft, as the pack salt landing pad flexs slightly under the weight of The Angry Mule. Anticipating the landing, the doctor exits her quarters immediately at touchdown with her gear in tow. Seeing Kaff nearby she says, "Crewman! Open the hatch and allow my egress."

2008-03-04, 04:40 PM
After effecting a smooth landing Corran is slightly unsettled by the signs of a recent attack instead of shutting down the engine's he puts them in hot standby. Corran then hits the comm panel and calls Kera, once she is on the line Corran Says, Captain, we've landed at the doc coordinates , but it looks like there's been some sort of recent attack, because from where I'm at i can see at least 3 body's lots of smoke and some active fires, I'd like to know how long you want to hang around here, or should i head sky ward as soon as the good doctor leaves.

2008-03-04, 07:08 PM

Lying on the bed, Kera swears in Rodian. It is her language of choice for such things because it sounds so colorful. She just lies there for a little bit, still generally angry at the universe, then lets out an unhappy sigh and gets herself off the bed. She grabs her rifle and slings it over the shoulder of her good arm. Once the door opens, she shouts out, "I heard you," for Corran's benefit.

She stomps over to and down the stairs, intending to have a look out the cargo bay door to make a decision. Why it should fall to her to make a damn decision, she still isn't completely sure. Probably because she, at least, knows how. Even if it isn't her preferred job. I could fly a damn figure eight pirouette around this guy with my eyes closed if my damn arm wasn't broke.

Arriving in the cargo bay when the door is already open, she walks as far as she can get without actually stepping off the ship and takes a good look around. "Bloody hell."

2008-03-06, 06:59 PM
The doctor hauls her gear across the threshold and few steps away from the ship and looks up. Suddenly she drops her baggage and spins around glaring at Kera. "You! Why did you attack this village? What did I do? What did these innocent people ever do to you?"

2008-03-06, 07:32 PM

WTF? The accusation is so bizarre, Kera looks at the doctor like she's just asked her to hit someone with a fish. "Are you frickin' nuts? You think our ship did this? We just got here, doc. And we have two puny little guns, both of which you would have noticed firing from the lights flickering inside. This kind of sick, effed up crap is not even within our capabilities, let alone something we would do. You wanna point fingers, look someplace else. Now. You want us to help look for survivors, or what?"

Without waiting for an answer, Kera smacks the button on the wall for the ship's PA. "All hands off the ship. Bring weapons. And Daine, grab my medkit."

2008-03-06, 08:35 PM
The doctor calms a bit as logic regains control of her brain. She finally nods several times and says, "Of course. You are right. I heard no weapons fire during the approach and landing." The woman lowers her head and says, "I am sorry, but I have an attachment to these people."

Hearing the captain's orders, she moves herself and her gear out of the way so that the crew may exit.

Fairly quickly, Trill arrives at the door with a cooking knife in hand and an obviously fake 'mean' expression on his face. Just behind him rolls up Nate, with his extendable arm holding a power saw. The saw is powered up and making quite a loud screechy whine. Trill, wisely, steps out

2008-03-06, 08:53 PM

Mental note: call for people by name. Kera rubs her temple a little bit with her good hand. "Nate, switch that thing off. Trill, sorry. I shouldn't have been quite so terse. No immediate threat. This is a search and rescue sort of situation. Weapons are in case there's some kind of enemy hiding here. You'd be a great help if you carried the medical stuff for us."

"Nate, do you have sensors capable of detecting life forms?"

2008-03-06, 09:02 PM
Corran finishes shutting the ship down before getting up, On his way to the back hatch he picks up his Blaster rifle. Once at the Back hatch Corran snaps a smart salute and says, Reporting As order Captain.

2008-03-07, 06:55 AM
The droid powers down his buzz saw and makes a dejected sort of *blur burr burrr* sound. Nate then says, "I can detect their forms, but not their life. Not at least without interacting with them." Nate jabs Trill in the leg, with his extendable arm, causing Trill to jump and move out of the way. Nate then says, "See."

Trill puts down the knife and upon seeing the destroyed village, says, "I can help out." When Daine finally wanders in, Trill takes the medical supplies from him.

2008-03-07, 11:16 AM

Daine emerges, a large blaster on his hip and the supplies in his hand, which he quickly hands over to Trill. He raises his eyebrow slightly as he looks out the cargo bay. "Well then," he comments quietly. "And here I was hoping for a uneventful delivery."

2008-03-07, 11:23 AM

"I'm beginning to think we magnetically attract trouble. Okay, how about two groups. Kaff, you and Corran go with the doctor and see what you can find. Take Nate and start that way." She points off to the left side. "Daine and Trill and I will head off the other way." She holds up her comlink. "Keep in touch. Let's give a shot at keeping each other in visual, too."

She tucks her comlink back into a pocket and unslings her rifle. "Search and rescue, guys. Ask first, shoot second. Check for clues about what actually happened while you're at it. I'm damn curious."

2008-03-07, 11:51 AM

Daine steps off the ramp of the cargo bay, his hand resting on the butt of the blaster on his hip. "Maybe," he says, motioning around the side of the ship. "We should ask the people putting out the fire first?" he asks, raising a brow towards Kera.

2008-03-07, 12:00 PM

Looking up and paying the surroundings more attention than a glazed glance, Kera clucks her tongue and chuckles at herself. "Yeah, ok, that's worth a shot. C'mon." She nods her head to indicate direction and starts walking towards the apparent survivors. Letting the doctor take the lead, she peers around as they walk, checking in windows or whatever sorts of openings are present.

2008-03-07, 01:24 PM
Before following Kera and the others Corran says, Captain shouldn't we post a guard to keep an eye on the ship.

2008-03-07, 02:01 PM

Yesterday, Corran's question would have brought a really snarky reply about how there's really no one here to do anything to the ship. Yesterday, though, she hadn't been tied up inside said ship when security was left relatively lax due to a sense of...security.

She pulls out the Captain's Datapad and seals the ship. "Not an issue."

2008-03-07, 05:37 PM
Roger that captain, Corran then follow while keeping an eye out for trouble.

Search [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

2008-03-07, 05:43 PM
Four humans, a Trill, and a mutant astromech droid step into the main plaza of this small community. Every living being you see is dealing with small fires, but each ends up glancing at the group and basically ignores them.

The doctor hauls her stuff across the plaza and into a small home which had the front entrance ajar.

The community is made up of two dozen or so white, or nearly white domed structures with high arching entryways. Evenly spaced around the plaza are a series of awning or parasols to provide shade for those walking around.

As the team gets further from their ship, the discover that the sun is really bright and hot and the fact that everything is white makes everyone's eyes hurt. The plaza is formed from white bricks of salt. The space around the buildings are covered with salt dunes and is almost beach like. The air is also very dry and everyone's nasal passages dry up and become tender very quickly.

The buildings have scorch marks from blaster fire. The bodies in the plaza have scorch marks from blaster fire. There are drag marks from each building, across the plaza, and to the east. The drag marks and foot prints stop abruptly at a flat spot between two of the buildings, probably where a speeder was parked.

When you approach the people putting out fires, one yells out, "Come on, give us a hand, this one is almost out."

2008-03-07, 06:07 PM
Swinging his rifle over his shoulder, Corran then pitches in to help put out the fire.

2008-03-07, 07:09 PM

Lacking the ability to help very efficiently with only one hand, Kera stands back, out of the way. "Nate, don't you have a fire extinguisher? This is the time to use it, my little metal friend." She bites back on the questions she wants to ask about everything for now. When the fires are out, then she can ask.

2008-03-08, 06:54 AM
Just as Corran starts to heave handfuls of salt on the fire, Nate says, "Of course." The little droid rolls over to the fire and easily dispatches it. Of course he ended up spraying the villagers and Corran at the same time, but hey, Corran looks good with a white fluffy beard.

He moves building to building putting out each fire. Within a couple minutes he rolls back over and says, "I will need a recharge before we find the next burning village."

The remaining villagers approach and older woman, mid 30s, with a face blackened from the fire says, "Thank you for saving what remains of our village. I fear it is still hopeless. The raiders took every last drop of water we had. The next supply ship isn't expected for over a week and I fear we will not survive." A nearby man, maybe about 20, puts his hand on her shoulder and says, "All is not lost, mother." He turns to the group and says, "Thank you strangers. We have money and resources... do you have water to trade?" Seeing Corran's blaster, he says, "Perhaps we could hire you to hunt down the raiders and recover our water and other supplies?"

2008-03-08, 10:24 AM

"Good job, Nate." Kera looks around, taking in as much detail as possible. Her mind churns through some possibilities for what kind of force could cause this sort of damage, and she finds herself nodding a little. "We can trade some food and water, at least." Dammit. I'll have to check the charts to see if there's anyplace nearby besides Bespin we can resupply at after this. Stupid Bespin. If we have to go back there... "Trill, we'll hold onto four days' worth for us to be on the safe side. Figure out how much that means we can sell to them.

"So, before we consider hunting down your raiders, how about you tell us about them? How many they are, what kind of weapons they have, that sort of thing."

2008-03-08, 11:07 AM
I'm more then willing to help, but the finale decision is up to my Captain.

2008-03-08, 11:19 AM
The woman says, "The raiders operated out of the hills to the northeast. They've got a couple speeders that they use when they attack. One of the speeders has a big repeating blaster thing on it. The raiders themselves use slug throwing rifles."

The woman gestures to the spaces around the buildings and drag marks then says, "They come in and take our water tanks, fuel tanks, food, and whatever valuables they can find."

The woman looks to her son and he says, "They've got 3 speeders and 4 speeder bikes. I think there are about 8 of them. I'm not sure what species they are. They wear coverings, wrapped around their body and faces. I don't recognize the language they use."

2008-03-08, 02:04 PM

Nothing wrong with fighting for what you believe in. The dumb part is believing in it in the first place.
-Captain Shanze

Whenever you get the urge to do something for nothing, ask someone to slap you in the face. It'll shake those damned altruistic intentions right out.
-Captain Shanze

Kera looks off to the northeast. It isn't that she expects to see anything, it's just a subconscious movement. They say 'that way', and she looks that way. Can't help it. Besides, it distracts her a little from their pleading, righteous need. "Sounds doable. We'll need to confer about our readiness for this sort of thing before we can commit to helping out. It's not our usual sort of trade." She starts back to the ship. "C'mon. Seemed more dire than it turned out to be. Let's chat about this."

Once back at the ship, she unlocks it with the datapad and walks inside, heading up to the common room and sitting down. She unslings her rifle and leans it against the wall. After waiting for everyone get back and assemble one way or another, she heaves a mildly annoyed sigh. "So, estimate of 8 of them, definite of 4 of us, plus Nate. They have 3 speeders and 4 bikes, we have the Mule. They have a big repeater and slug throwers, we have the ship's guns and blasters. I gather that we'd like to help them, because we're all decent people and their situation sucks. Question is: do we think this is a winnable fight? We can't afford to be stuck here more than a couple of days, even if they are paying us, just because of supplies. Nothing but our consciences stopping us from just selling some water and food and leaving."

2008-03-09, 11:29 PM
There's an old mando proverb I'd like to introduce them to Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur it basically means "Today is a good day for someone else to die" but your right we have to look at the odds and they definitely not the best of odds but i still think we can do it.

2008-03-11, 07:12 AM
The mother says, "Come on. We should go reclaim Zeke while we can." With that, the two of them wander over to one of the corpses and start dragging it to one of the smaller white buildings that has light blue writing on the door.

Once the group moves a bit away Kaff says, "This could be dangerous. They outnumber us. No offense to Trill and Nate, but I've never seen them shoot and don't know if they are capable." Trill nods and says, "None taken. I am not a good shot at all, but I'm willing to help. Maybe there is something I can do which doesn't involve shooting."

Kaff motions to the droid and says, "He's got that buzz saw, but no blaster. Daine could probably hook him up, but I'd feel better about it if we fixed all his programming bugs first."

Kaff continues his tactical assessment, "Their slug rifles probably can't damage the Mule, but that repeating blaster might be able to. We should try to take that out with the ship's weapons. We should also do what we can to destroy their speeders with the ship's cannons. I haven't had much luck hitting something the size of a person with the ship weapons, so at that point we'll probably have to land and take out the raiders on foot."

Kaff hefts one of the grenades he bought and says, "These might help, but they are pretty expensive, so we may want to weigh their cost against what we are being paid before we plan on using them. If things get desperate, we can use them to save ourselves or we can just fly away."

2008-03-11, 09:56 AM

Daine nods as he listens to the others. He frowns slightly, leaning against a counter. "Hell, we probably can help, it doesn't sounds too bad, but," he says, holding up his hand, "keep a few things in mind. One... this is a freighter, not a fighter or gunship. Two, we only have two of four guns. Three, there is no three, just a desire to be careful." He chuckles and shrugs. "I've been shot at more times than I care to have been," he admits. "What's a few more times?"

2008-03-11, 11:41 AM
the other thing is if we can minimize the damage to the other vehicles beside the one with the cannon, we could find are selves with transportation on other worlds or a source of quick cash.

2008-03-11, 12:06 PM
Kaff nods at Corran and says, "We may not be able to get a 4 man speeder into the cargo hold, but we could put several of them speeder bikes they mentioned. Even used, they are probably worth quite a few credits."

Kaff pauses and says, "Of course... I don't like the idea of plotting to kill a bunch of folks so we can steal their rides. Maybe the captain can talk things out with them and resolve the situation peacefully."

2008-03-11, 03:13 PM
There's are only oneway to deal with pirate and raider and that's in a language they best understand and that's violence and death!.

2008-03-11, 03:33 PM

"Jedi you are not," Daine says as she shakes his head. "Going in guns blazing sounds like an idiotic idea unless we know precisely what we're dealing with," he says, frowning slightly. "As it stands we don't know anything but what we were told, and that info only says what they brought on these little raiding parties."

2008-03-11, 08:50 PM
Bah, the Jedi, for all there talk of peace they lead and faugh a war across this Galaxy!, and look at where it got them, for the most part there flame is gone from this Galaxy!. There's only one way left, and that to fight fire with Fire!!.

2008-03-11, 09:15 PM

I don't want to talk things out. I want to kill them and steal their rides. Sitting and listening are not strong points for Kera, but the ache in her arm is really starting to get the better of her, so she sits back and does exactly that.

"Okay. Objectives. One - prevent them from attacking the outpost again. Two- end up ahead on the credit balance sheet. Three - fail to die. We can fill two and three by just leaving after we trade with them and not giving a crap. One is harder and if we intend to accomplish all three, we need brains here, not brute force applied indiscriminately.

"So, first things first. We need more accurate information. We can fly overhead and get that. I say we go do that, then land someplace else and come up with a plan then. We'll take care of the trade now, and not commit to helping, because we aren't stupid enough to just say 'yes' without knowing about the Imperial Star Destroyer lurking behind the moon." Not certain how Corran will take that, she looks directly at him and clarifies. "That's a metaphor."

2008-03-11, 09:38 PM
The Imperials Are no better then the Republic that came before them, But i Can see your point of view, and I agree.

2008-03-12, 05:01 PM
Kaff listens for order, but hearing no direct orders, offers his opinion, "I think you've got your list reversed, Cap'n. Seems like it should have gone 3, 2, 1 instead."

Kaff glances over to The Angry Mule and says, "Well, not much more we can do here. Shall we board and get this going. If their base is far enough away, we may catch them before they even make it back."

2008-03-12, 08:48 PM

"Hey," Kera sticks her tongue out at Kaff, "that wasn't in order of importance." She looks over at Daine and makes a face that suggests she doesn't really like any of the choices. "Anyway, we can go do the flyby now if you all want to, but I'm against intervening without some kind of agreement for the amount we're going to get paid for doing it. I'll go tell them we'll be back after we do some recon."

Kera scowls a little. Atmosphere flying is even more fun than space flying, especially skimming the ground. And she can't do it right now. And this time, she's going to have to watch out the window, which means she's going to have to watch someone else fly her ship. She gets up. "I want to take care of the trade first, though. Get something concrete so we aren't feeling desperate. Trill, you have some numbers for me?" She jabs Daine lightly in the ribs with a finger. "C'mon and we'll see about this trade, at least. I know you can talk me into stuff. Let's see if it works on other people."

2008-03-12, 11:53 PM

Daine chuckles and follows Kera. "Somehow I doubt the same means of persusuaion work on other people especially when you have a club on your arm," he says, grinning slightly as they walk out.

2008-03-13, 05:43 PM
Trill says, "Numbers Captain? Oh, on our food stocks? We haven't exactly been fully restocked since that disinfectant episode. We normally can carry up to 6 man-months of food and 4 man-months of water. We've got the water, but we've only restocked about 1 man-month of food."

Kaff glances over towards the struggling villagers and says, "You looking to just sell what we've got for some cash or are you thinking of taking on some of their salts or.. you thinking of something else?"

Kaff glances up at the blazing white sun and says, "I only suggested hitting them in transit because, tactically, that is the best option. If we hit them in their lair, they may have additional resources, traps, larger weapon systems, or any number of such things to make life real deadly for us."

Trill meekly suggests, "If we give them all that we have, we can easily get to another system inside of a day to restock. The Mule is a merchant ship, not a warship."

2008-03-13, 08:02 PM

"I'm not saying your idea isn't good on general principle, Kaff." Kera stops where she is, turning around to look at Kaff. "The problem is more in the execution." She holds up her cast. "Remember this? I'm &*%^ing useless right now. That means there are only three people to do your commando raid." Her hand goes back down to her side. "And I'm not getting us into a fight I can't participate in, because that would be stupid. We'll check them out and see what we can see for now. After we make this trade."

She starts after Daine again, nodding to Trill. "Thanks, Trill." Once outside the ship, she heads for the group of people they were talking to before.

2008-03-13, 09:19 PM
Kaff nods at the captain and says, "I am sorry about your arm, but I think you missed the point of my plan altogether. If we assault them in route, we wouldn't even land the ship. Just blow up their speeders from a couple hundred feet up using the ship's weapons. Anyone that survives will probably be injured and stuck in the middle of a salty wasteland."

2008-03-16, 07:18 PM

"And if they shoot back with their 'big repeater', whatever that actually is, we might, in fact, be outclassed. Actual damage to the ship is unacceptable to me at this point. Because if there is any one thing I do not want right now, it's to be stuck on this damn rock for one minute longer than we have to be." Kera waves Kaff off with a very fake sweet smile as she walks backwards away from the ship. "The more you argue about it, the longer it'll be until the trade is taken care of." Then she turns around and heads for the people she aims to trade with.

2008-03-17, 06:06 AM
Kaff nods at the captain, snaps to attention and says, "Aye Sir. Lets get this trade done and get off this rock. The brightness of this place is giving me a headache."

Kaff direct Trill and Nate back to the ship, but finds the hatch secure and so they sit in the shade of the ship and wait.


Kera walks back over to the mother and son, who are busy picking up the pieces of their lives, so suddenly destroyed by the raiders. The mother says, "Oh thank you! I'm so glad you've decided to help us."

2008-03-17, 07:20 AM

Kera's face is drawn and serious. This is hardly a time for smiling. "We have 3 man-months of water we're willing to trade. We're not well stocked on food right now, so I don't have much to offer, just a week of that if you want it. As far as your raiders are concerned, we're going to do some recon. Our ship isn't a gunship, and we're not in a really good position to be doing this sort of thing right now." She moves her arm with the cast a little, subconsciously emphasizing her point. "If we think we can take them, we will, but if it looks too heavily stacked against us, we won't. Either way, we'll let you know."

2008-03-17, 08:30 AM
The woman's face varies from sad to happy to depressed and back again. Her son puts his hand on her shoulder and says to Kera, "We will happily trade for the water and food. Our problem right now is that they took the water tanks themselves so we have limited storage capabilities. 3 Man months, thats about 200 liters. It might be enough to get us to the next freighter."

The woman glances up at her son and adds, "We don't have much in the way of currency. A few republic credits. A few grams of rare metals. Mostly we deal in salts. Your ship looks like it could easily hold 50 cubic meters of salts. How does that sound?"

2008-03-17, 08:46 AM
Corran Follows Kera back to the people she'd like to trade with, to keep her safe, but say nothing for this is the Captains show.

2008-03-18, 09:53 AM

Daine listens to the woman for the few moments, then nods slightly, running numbers in his head. It was a lot of salts, but he wasn't sure of the pricing of such things. He shrugs, slightly dubiously, then leans closer to Kera. "Not bad I guess, we should arrange for it to be here after we go though," he says quietly. "Lighter would be better for now."

2008-03-18, 12:50 PM

We shouldn't take the first offer...we shouldn't take the first offer...they're screwed if we try too hard...we have no idea what the salts are worth...&*%^...if this is what they're offering for the water, what will they have to pay us with for taking out the raiders? Giving a very light sigh, Kera returns Daine's shrug.

&*%^. "Alright, we'll leave the water, because we're decent people, and if our ship gets blown up, we might as well have given it to you anyway. Get your salts ready, we'll pick them up on our way offworld. Bring whatever you've got that can hold the water as soon as you can. The sooner we get airborne again, the better our chance of catching them off guard."

2008-03-18, 06:28 PM
The woman and her son run off and tell everyone and soon enough they are all cycling back and forth between their homes and the ship with fairly small containers(2-3 liters). It takes them each several trips, but they manage to drain the tank until Trill give Kera the 'all done' signal.

The villagers all appear as though they have suffered while living here. The humans appear almost inhuman, from the constant burning sun and extreme dehydration. The survivors are composed of 17 humans, 5 more humans of a very distinctive, homogeneous lineage and 4 Xexto, who are forced to wear gloves on the feet to keep their fingers from being damaged by the salts on the burning hot ground.

They take what they've got put it inside, out of the blinding white sun. The son returns and says, "The salts can be picked up at the processing plant. Its about 3km west of here. I sent them word to expect you and what to release."

Water dispensed, goods arranged for, only 19 minutes elapsed.

2008-03-18, 06:45 PM

Nodding, Kera moves to step inside. "We'll be back." She gestures to Corran and Kaff. "Okay, let's go. Corran," she clenches her jaw, "you fly, Kaff on guns from the bridge, Daine on the sensors, and I...am useless, so it hardly matters. Don't wait, just get moving."

She waits until they are all inside, then smacks the button for the cargo bay door before heading up to the bridge at a leisurely pace.

2008-03-18, 08:43 PM
Yes, Ma'am, with that Corran heads to the bridge one on the bridge Corran sit down at the control and quickly goes though the preflight check one that's complete he starts the ship up and brings it system back online and preps for take off.

((Do i need a computer use check to do the start up))

2008-03-19, 05:18 AM
Kaff rushes up to the bridge, taking the gunner's seat, aft and slightly port of Corran and his pilot console. Daine, when he arrives will take the sensor/shield operations console(aft and starboard from Corran). Kaff and Corran get to work prepping things and in a minute, they are sure everything is ready to go.

{{ I don't think you need to roll to startup unless you do a quick start. }}

I assume you are heading after the badguys. Kaff says Corran, "When we get close, remember, the weapons are mounted with a aft firing arc, so swing her around or some other sort of pilot thing so that I can fire."

{{ Need a sensor roll from Daine (computer use). }}

2008-03-19, 09:39 PM
OK that could percent some problems, i guess are best bet would be to dive in on them and when we pull out you let them have it, or we hover with are aft section pointed down.

2008-03-20, 12:17 PM

"Just do fly by's," Daine says as he slips into the seat and straps himself in. "Its harder to hit a moving target, and it would be rather foolish to try to stand the Mule up on her tail," he says as he raises his brow at Corran. He starts up the sensors as soon as he sits, seeing what he can see.

Computer Use: 1D20+14 = [16]+14 = 30 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4640)

2008-03-20, 07:31 PM
Kaff warms up the weapons while Daine fires up the sensors and shields. Presented with his problem and a solution from Daine, Corran has a plan and flies off to engage the speeders.

Sure enough Daine picks up the group of speeders about 75 km north east of the village. Can't tell how many there are from this distance, but they are still moving north at about 60kph. At The Angry Mule's top speed(800kph), it'll be about five and a half minute till you get there.

... time passes ...

Daine cleans up the sensor image and you can see that two of the speeders are pulling a hover platform loaded up with booty. The last speeder, the one with the repeating blaster, it flying point. The speeder bikes are in pairs along the flanks.

Daine feeds the sensor data to Kaff's weapon station and he says, "Just do a flyby. I'll try to take out the speeder with the blaster weapon first."

2008-03-20, 08:39 PM
OK Roger that Here we go!, Corran Begins his first attack run pass on the thieves.

Pilot check [roll0]

2008-03-21, 02:47 PM

Kera stops on her way up the stairs, good hand gripping the railing tightly. I don't want to watch someone else do my job. I really don't want to watch that. She glares at the step in front of her for a little bit as the ship takes them on their way to intercepting the 'bad guys'. Then she blows out a heavy sigh and turns around to sit down heavily on a step. I wonder if this is how Dad felt when he put me in the pilot's seat the first time? No, probably not exactly, but maybe kinda.

She just sits there for a couple of minutes, listening to the ship. She hadn't done a lot of atmosphere flying in the Mule yet, but she'd done plenty before this. The sounds tell the story of what's going on. The engine whine says they're going at top speed, and the funny groaning says the ship isn't super happy about it. No surprise there. We need some upgrades. Yeah, 'we'. Dammit. I'm a part of the damn crew.

The change in speed is obvious as they near the speeders, both from the sounds and physics. Kera stands up, not really pleased to be doing so, and takes the rest of the stairs up, coming into view as Corran starts the first 'attack run'. "I'll help out with the timing."

Kera will attempt to do the Command thing, assisting Kaff, but fail.
Cha check: 9 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4651)

2008-03-21, 03:30 PM

Daine nods slightly as his fingers fly across the console manipulating the shields and power systems. He shuts down the hyperdrive and reroutes power to the shields first as they fly to the speeders, then angles the shields forward for the first part of the run, only to be switched to rear as they pass over the speeder.

He pauses, looking towards Kaff. "Aim for the speeder. I want the gun," he says with a grin.

Repair for Rerouting power: 1D20+16 = [9]+16 = 25 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4653)

2008-03-21, 06:03 PM
... Daine heads down to Engineering and reroutes power to the shields, raising the maximum shield power by 25% (from 40 to 50 points) Once done, he heads back up the bridge to man the sensor/shield post...

Round 1

Corran dives down at the speeders and then starts to slow down just as he passes over. Daine shifts power to the rear deflectors while Kaff fires the ship's weapons. Sadly, the speeders are just too agile for him and his shots blast the salty surface instead. The salt explodes into a white spire of dust with an orangish glow from the cannon.

The speeders pulling the hover platform slow down and turn port to avoid the chaos of battle. The speeder bike pairs swoop around in a wide arc and accelerate away from the group. The passenger of the speeder stands up and fires up the mount heavy repeating blaster, directing its energy at The Angry Mule

Initiative :

Speeder Bikes : 13+1-1 = 13
Speeder with Gun : 7+1-2 = 6
Mule : 8+3-8 = 3
Speeders : -10+1-2 = -11

Rolls :

Kaff : 7+6-8 = 5 To Hit vs AC 8
Ground Fire : 6+4-2-6 = 2 to Hit vs AC 7

2008-03-21, 06:42 PM

"Okay, so that wasn't the best advice. Try another angle..." Kera does what she can to help Kaff out with the guns. She knows she's better at math than he is, and uses that to their advantage. As she does so, she pointedly avoids looking at Corran, the flight controls, the pilot seat, and the console near him. The thought that she'll have to clean her seat later flits through her mind.

Kaff will bow to my command! 21 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4657)
+2 to hit, please.

2008-03-22, 09:26 AM
Corran pulls the Mule up into an hard port side turn, to get back in to position for another attack run, Corran then begins the run. The hole time he maneuver's the Mule he hear her groans of protest, Corran mutters to her, Hold together girl

Pilot check [roll0]

2008-03-22, 12:40 PM

Daine stays on the computer working the shields to provide the best protection he can from the speeder fire. "Easy," Daine says, frowning as he listens to the Mule. "Freighter, not fighter."

Computer Use: 1D20+14 = [13]+14 = 27 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4661)

2008-03-22, 12:43 PM
Round 2

Corran matches speed with the armed speeder. Kaff, with Kera's encouragement, blasts the speeder. Having taken a devastating blow from the ship's cannon, powers down, causing it to drop to the salty surface. The front edge of the speeder digs into the salt flats, sending the driver flying out of craft. The gunner is also thrown from the speeder ripping his arm off in the process. His limp arm dangles from the weapon, accidentally discharging it before dropping to the group.

The other speeders continue to flee the scene in all directions. The two speeders hauling the hover platform has turned around and is heading roughly south, about 3/4 of a km away. The two pair of speeder bikes headed in opposite directions are are now nearly 1km away.

Daine, utilizing his sensor information, allows Corran to easily pilot the ship around all of the hostile weapons fire.

Rolls :

Kaff : 19+6+2-8 = 19 To Hit vs AC 8
Damage (5d10*2) = 5+10+7+7+7 = 36*2 = 72
Random Arm Fire : 4-2-10 = -8 to Hit vs AC 9

Speeder with Blaster : -8 / 60 Hull Points

2008-03-22, 03:31 PM

"Go for the goodies." She pauses and smirks at Daine. "Those are some words to live by." She lifts her head to address Corran again, though she maintains her visual rejection of his location. "I mean head for the speeders with the hover platform. Ignore the bikes for now."

2008-03-22, 06:04 PM
Yes ma'am, Corran takes the Mule toward the target Kera wants.

2008-03-22, 06:32 PM
Corran has no trouble catching up with the two speeders and their hover platform loaded with goodies. After Kaff fires a couple warning shots, the speeders stop and the driver of each hops out of the vehicle and moves away from it.

2008-03-23, 10:59 AM

"If anyone has a moral objection to shooting people who raid trading outposts, this is the time to chuck them out the airlock. Take those people down, then we'll pick that stuff up, speeders and all."

2008-03-23, 11:56 AM
Kaff says, "Uh, Captain. Its one thing to shoot at them while defending a village. Its quite another to hunt them down and kill them, doubly so after they have surrendered." That and the targeting sensors can't hit something that small.

2008-03-23, 12:12 PM

"Yeah, let's just let them run up to the ship and shoot at us while we're working to get that stuff on board. That's a much better tactic. Or, better yet, we can just chase them off so they can regroup and hit those people even harder as some kind of retribution. Oh, I like that option even more. I mean, what do we care? We'll be long gone by then." She's being incredibly sarcastic, of course, and gives Kaff a suitably sour expression to go with it.

She looks down as the screen, though, and sees the real point, noting the targeting computer's deficiency in the matter. "Fine. If the guns can't shoot something that small, get ready to land next to those speeders. Kaff, you're on cover in case they try to disagree about ownership. Daine, I'll need your help with this. Corran, you stay up here and keep her ready to lift right back off. Fire off a few warning shots if they try to approach."

2008-03-23, 12:39 PM
Roger that Captain, Corran will Lands the Mule as quickly as possible with the aft weapons and cargo bay door facing the Vehicles and as closely as possible.

Pilot check [roll0]

2008-03-23, 03:00 PM

Daine nods and unstraps himself. He stands and heads down out of the cockpit as quickly as he can, pushing himself up. "She has a point," he says as he moves. "How many people did they kill?"

He moves to the cargo hold, unholstering the captain's pistol as he waits for the others, then hits the control to open the bay.

2008-03-23, 04:11 PM
Kaff fires a couple more times in their area to disburse them further. When Corron maneuvers to land, the hot salty exhaust cloud that is kicked up obscures the view of them for a moment. When it clears, they have moved even further away.

Kaff rushes down to the cargo bay to provide covering fire, should it be needed. When he gets there, he frowns at Daine's question and simply says, "They did surrender, it just isn't right to shoot at them after that." After a pause he does concede, "Of course, we aren't the law around here, so..."

Kaff moves out onto the platform and sweeps around the ship to make sure they aren't hiding just out of view and says, "Its clear Captain. We could report the incident to those cruisers we saw in Bespin. Let them deal with it. Be nice for them to have something to do besides harassing cargo freighters."

2008-03-23, 04:45 PM

"Kaff, you're such a softie." Kera chuckles a little bit as she follows him and Daine down to the cargo bay, picking up her rifle on the way. Once outside, she looks over the speeders and platform and starts working on getting them into the ship as quickly as possible.

"I suppose. I was kind of hoping to avoid a return trip to Bespin right now, though. It's not like Evayn is going to be any better off. They said he'll have to stay for 6 weeks. And, you know, I have some kind of negative memories of the place right now."

She looks around and realizes that Corran is where he cannot possibly hear anything. "What do you guys think about Corran?"

2008-03-24, 09:57 AM

Daine nods slightly. "Can't say I disagree about Bespin," he says as he moves towards the speeders and cart. He stops at the nearer bike, and pauses to look around, then swings a leg up and over it and spends a moment looking over the controls. "Lets get this loaded into the cargo bay and go pick up that repeater," he says with a slight grin.

"As for Corran," he shrugs slightly. "I don't know yet. Something doesn't add up about him." He sits up on the speeder. "He gets marooned, and 'magically' comes back with a story about having a bounty on his head. For all the actual proof he has, he could very well be some sort of pirate or crook."

2008-03-24, 12:52 PM

"Or something." Kera climbs into the other speeder and steers it slowly and carefully into the cargo bay. "I dunno." She shrugs. Because most of what she thinks of him at the moment is tied up in what she thinks of her current condition, she doesn't elaborate. She'd probably say something like 'I hate that bastard sitting in my chair' if she did pipe up.

The sentiment is not completely masked by her concentration on the task at hand, though. Contrary to her usual bluster, piloting something with one hand essentially tied behind her back is not actually as easy as she makes it sound, and she is quite focused as she does the incredibly simple job.

2008-03-25, 07:17 PM
Kera and Daine easily load the hover platform into the back of the ship. The hooligans don't show their faces in the area. Once the platform is loaded, there isn't room for either of these speeders, but you could put a speeder bike or two into the cargo bay(if you had them).

Once the stolen goods are loaded, Corran moves the ship back to the destroyed gunspeeder and lands. Daine goes out and, after 10 minutes or so, has removed the heavy repeating blaster from the speeder wreckage.

2008-03-27, 01:13 PM

"Damn shame about the speeders. We could strip them for parts. I don't want to just leave them here where those dumbasses can get them back." She reaches into Daine's toolkit and pulls out a wrench, then sets to work. "Keep us covered, Kaff. This may take a little while."

Repair check? +7 to the roll
We want the highest value parts, and are willing to take up to an hour to extract them, destroying less valuable components to rip them out more quickly.
We definitely do not want to leave the speeders in working condition.

2008-03-27, 01:21 PM

Daine grins slightly and nods, in agreeance with Kera. "Better for everyone involved," he says as he move to strip the speeder, taking slightly more care to extract things, but working as fast as he can.

Repair: 1D20+16 = [17]+16 = 33 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4756)

2008-03-27, 09:49 PM
Corran Continues to sit and keep the Mule ready to fly, but after a while Corran takes out his comm-link and calls the other, Hey guys do you need any help out there.

2008-03-28, 06:11 AM
Daine and Kera begins to disassemble the speeder for what they think are their most valuable parts. As the pieces come flying off it becomes obvious that once disassembled, the speeders will fit in the cargo hold. Most of the work is already done, but with less than an hours additional work, the speeders will be in small enough pieces to squeeze both of them into the cargo hold.

Of course, Kera has already damaged some component during her earlier move vigorous wrenchings. But that'll just give Daine something to do when you want to put them back together again.

2008-03-28, 06:59 AM

Giving a rather sheepish grin as soon as the realization is made that it only takes a little disassembling to get the speeders to fit in the hold, Kera stops her destructive methods and works more constructively on the task.

To Corran: "We're just taking a little booty, as it were. Doing our part to slow down the ability of the raiders to regroup, you might say. Come down and give us a hand"

Kera waits to say anything else until Corran gets there. "So, funny thing about finding this all intact," She gestures to the platform and its contents. "I kind of feel like a heel for taking the salts for the water if we're just going to give back what they lost. I'm thinking we should refill our water from these tanks and just call it even. Maybe we can call the salts payment for taking down the raiders, but I don't really believe we did much more than make those idiots more desperate and more likely to kill people the next time they try this."

2008-03-28, 09:48 AM

Daine lays on his back under the edge of one of the speeders, losening bolts and connections of the engine pod. "An unfortunately side effect," he says. He stops mid sentance to roll out of the way as the engine pod drops the six inches to the sandy dirt. "Is that they might retaliate against the town more," he finishes as he eyes the engine.

2008-03-28, 02:54 PM
OK i'll be right down, Corran gets up and heads down and out of the ship, once out side Corran sees the current activates and takes out his tool kit from his belt and sets to work helping takeing the speeders apart

Repair [roll0]

2008-03-28, 05:57 PM
Over the next half an hour, the crew disassembles the two speeders and begins the tedious job of hauling all the part onto the ship and into the back of the cargo hold(so you can easily get the water out when you arrive back at the village).

As the crew finishes up, small dust trails can be seen in the distance, to the north east, where a speeder or some similar device is kicking up the powdery surface salts.

2008-03-29, 06:32 AM

As soon as she sees the signs of a speeder, Kera stops what she is doing. "Corran, get up to the bridge, looks like we've got company incoming." Kaff, get up there, too. Guns are probably called for in this situation." Picking up one last piece of speeder and pocketing the tool she's using, she nods to Daine to get him to move inside the ship and does the same herself.

2008-03-29, 08:21 AM
Kaff radios back down, [I'm on weapons and ready. Just need to get airborne and facing the right way.] In the background before he turns off the commlink you can hear Trill say, "oh dear."

By the time Kera and Daine get in and through all the 'junk' in the cargo bay, they find Trill in the common area tightening his safety harness.

2008-03-31, 11:10 AM
Corran picks his way though the cargo bay as fast as he can once though he race though the common area, and heads straight for the latter to Cockpit, he scrambles up the latter and into the pilots chair, before lifting off Corran makes sure the cargo bay door is closed.

Pilot [roll0]:smallbiggrin:

2008-03-31, 11:58 AM

Daine moves as quick as he can. He grins towards Trill as he passes through the commons area. "I'll be on shields from engineering," he yells as he pushes his way into the engineering alcove and wedges himself in position in front of the console, one boot against the wall next to it, his back pressed up against the wall.

2008-03-31, 05:22 PM
The ship leaps into the air and a crash can be heard from the cargo bay as the content settle. Daine brings up the shields from engineering, but nothing attacks the ship. You can't quite make out the shape of whatever is causing the dust to kick up, but it isn't a speeder. It seems to be some sort of large beast running along the surface.

The flight back to the village is very quick and the landing pad is still clear. With the fires out, even the last remnants of smoke trails have stopped rising from its buildings.

2008-04-01, 06:55 PM

A few curses in Rodian slip out of Kera's mouth as she dodges speeder parts and climbs the stairs up to strap herself into a seat. She fumes a little bit for no reason other than that she's supposed to be the one causing this sort of thing, not one of the people dealing with it. Corran doesn't really fly like she does, though. It's not fundamentally different, it's just not the same.

"Put us down and let's get this over with," she calls up. I hate wasting negotiation. She gets back up as soon as the ship touches down and wades through the parts to get to the cargo bay door and open it.

2008-04-01, 08:06 PM
Corran dose as he is told and lands the ship, on the pad.


Edit: damn forgot the fracking backslash

2008-04-01, 08:09 PM
well here goes try two

Yes ma'am, Corran dose as he is told and lands the ship, on the pad.


2008-04-02, 05:35 AM
Corran sets the ship on the pad with a thunk and a bit of rocking as the hydraulics compensate for the roughness of the touchdown. The landing causes more speeder parts to settle and by the time Kera reachs the cargo bay she finds that she must climb up and over the piles to get to the door.

When she lowers the hatchway, the same woman is there waiting for you, although her son is no where in sight. She begins to ask, "Was there a problem with the salt? We sent them a message and they..." Her voice trails off as she sees the hover platform with the village's water tanks on board. She looks to Kera, attempting to decide if Kera is here to sell them back the water or simply return it or something else.

2008-04-02, 06:08 AM

Giving a grin as she shoves some of the parts out of the way gently with a foot, Kera nods to the woman. "We found something. Pretty sure it belongs to you. I think what we scavenged will more than make up for the trouble." She puts a little more effort into moving the parts out of the way so the platform can be unloaded.

"I gotta be honest. I don't think we got rid of your problem. We just slowed 'em down. You want my advice, you need to look into some serious self-defense here. Eventually, they'll come back, and they'll probably be more serious about it. Only way to actually stop something like that from happening is to be stronger than them. Make the risk not worth the reward kind of thing."

2008-04-02, 06:53 PM
The woman waves down some other villagers to help unload the platform and says, "Does that mean you don't want the salt?"

She looks a little perplexed about the rest of the conversation, but her son arrives for the end of Kera's lecture and says, "We'll see what we can do. Have a nice flight and stop by again if you're in the market for salts."

2008-04-02, 07:43 PM

"Not unless you want to give the water back." She offers what minimal assistance she is capable to get the platform out of the ship, but mostly just keeps herself out of the way. "Good luck to you folks. I hope you catch a break."

She gives them a friendly salute and hits the button to shut the cargo bay doors as soon as they're clear. Not bothering to actually go up the stairs, she calls up them, "Corran, take us to the coordinates to pick up the salts!" Then she just holds onto the railing with her good hand.

2008-04-03, 07:39 PM
The woman smiles slightly and says, "It its all the same to you, we'll keep the water. We have more than enough salt. You are welcome to it."

As she walks away, her son says, "Try to keep it off the internals of the speeders or they'll corrode on you."


The flight to the salt 'factory' is short and uneventful. Having heard about the arrival, the workers have already stacked 50, cubes of salt out near the platform. The cubes, each a meter on a side, are stacked two cubes high in a neat grid 5x5. Waiting out near the cubes is a droid operated wheeled scoop lifter.

With nothing hazardous nearby, Corran is able to take his time landing and once the cargo bay doors are open, the droid starts loading the cubes while the crew stands by watching.

Once everything is loaded, all that is left is a destination(and astrogation check).

2008-04-04, 06:25 AM

Hitting the button to shut the cargoi bay once more, Kera takes the stairs all the way up to the bridge with the intention to set up the astrogation. We need to resupply, but we can go a couple of days. Hmm. "Just get us up into space for now. I gotta pick someplace to go. What kind of place would value salt, but not really water?" The question is asked rhetorically as she peruses the starcharts.

2008-04-04, 05:26 PM
Yes Ma'am, Corran Left the ship off and heads for space, Corran think for a moment as he pilots the ship about Kera questions, finally Corran Says, How about Utapau i once heard that they export water, i believe they are also the home of a major starship manufacturer maybe we could buy some upgrades for the Mule too.

((Take 10 on pilot check for a total of 20))

2008-04-04, 08:23 PM

"Uh, okay...I don't have random stuff like that memorized." She starts working on the astrogation to Utapau.

Astrogation check: 17 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=4805)

2008-04-05, 08:15 AM
Corran lifts the ship off sending a cloud of white dust in every direction and heads for orbit. By that time Daine manages to finish off Nate's charisma upgrade. Nates rolls up to the bridge and assist's Kera in her jump. Not too bad, given the distance... should be about 68 hours, 7 minutes, and 30 seconds... or so.

Engage. The stars streak and the ship jumps to hyperspace.

{{ You've got quite a lot of down time... anyone want to make weapon upgrades, ship repairs, or the like? Nate will self repair for that time. }}

Once Trill hears about the jump he says, "We've got about a 6 day supply of water. Just in case we can't acquire any on Utapau, I'd like to suggest we try to conserve a much as possible. Assuming the captain is okay with that?"

2008-04-05, 12:06 PM

"Yeah," Kera says as he takes the stairs down, "that's fine. I don't really think it'll be an issue, but sure, we can do a little conservation for a couple of days." Crossing over to her and Daine's cabin, "I need some rest. It's been a long damn day." With this, she disappears into the room.

2008-04-05, 05:55 PM
FYI... we seem to be into page 50... so new IC thread.
