View Full Version : [D&D 3.5] Light Blindness vs. Sensitivity

2013-11-03, 11:59 AM
I've been trying to figure out how these two detriments actually affect the races that have them.

According to the description of Sundark Goggles, Light Sensitivity can be negated by wearing the goggles, but Blindness cannot.

The descriptions of each are as follows:

Light Blindness: Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds ____ for 1 round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.

Light Sensitivity: ______s are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

The two are almost ambiguous except for certain semantics. I'm curious to see what the Playground things of the "abrupt" wording here, and whether or not this would mean that gradual exposure to sunlight through shifts in the day (sleeping outside) or walking out of a cave with your back turned would eliminate all the penalties due to lack of an initial "abruptness" in the exposure.

2013-11-03, 02:27 PM
I would say the googles protect from light, but your character is still sensitive to sudden changes of light, and light descriptor spells like daylight.

2013-11-03, 05:32 PM
whether or not this would mean that gradual exposure to sunlight through shifts in the day (sleeping outside) or walking out of a cave with your back turned would eliminate all the penalties due to lack of an initial "abruptness" in the exposure.

Maybe, but probably not; you'd have to spend at least a few minutes in the transition process to avoid it, I'd say, based purely on my own experiences with mild light sensitivity.