View Full Version : [IC]AD&D[2e]{CLOSED}

2013-11-03, 07:19 PM
This is a temporary thread which we'll stop using once I get the actual IC up and running, this is merely here to show an example of an ICE, saving us time later on, there is a very good chance we'll not finish this encounter.

IMPORTANT: Nothing that happens to your characters here is real, this is a testing ground, so if a character dies it doesn't matter :smallwink:

Okay then:


As you step into the dimly lit sanctuary, "#" foot snags on a thin wire stretching across the door frame, before you can shout warning to the rest of your party members, a heavy Stone door comes rushing down behind you sealing you in the darkness, the smell of rotting flesh fills your nostrils, and as your eyes become accustom to the dim lantern light you see the distinctive eight legged shapes of the giant Avounchi Arachnids beginning to close in around you, Two 50ft to the North, Two 70ft from the South and an enormous sized Spider advances from the West. (40ft away)

Prepare to roll initiative!

2013-11-04, 03:29 AM
Upon noticing the spiders Hais notches an sheaf arrow and prepares to fire at the closest threat. Targeting the spider 40 feet to the west he fires a couple of arrows at it.
Initiative [roll0] Speed Factor 8 Reaction Mod +1 THACO 17

To Hit1 [roll0] 17-17=0 ac
To Hit2 [roll2] 17-9=6 ac

Damage1 [roll1]
Damage2 [roll3]

2013-11-04, 04:01 AM
(Lets see if I remember how all this works, gotta knock the rust off.)

Walker nearly retches as the smell of rotting flesh assaults his nose, and feels a sensation of dread as he hears over 3 dozen scrabbling little spider legs scuttling across the ground. He took his spear, setting it to the defense, unwilling to rush into the mandibles of Arachnid's Death, and wanting to keep them from rushing him.

Initiative: [roll0] + 6 Weapon Speed -2 Setting Against a Charge
To Hit: [roll1] with a THAC0 of 20.
Damage: [roll2] if against one of the medium targets. [roll3] if the larger spider charges.

2013-11-04, 06:56 AM

Great she thought just great with her stuff missing still and not replaced she could do little in this fight.
Drawing her blade she moved back to allow the warriors to act - perhaps if she managed to get in position it would be a different matter.

Initiative: [roll0] Speed 3
Ready weapon and stay behind the others.

2013-11-04, 12:44 PM
A small hop comes to Whisper as she feels the stone door slam behind them, immediately covering her nose with her sleeve. Cautiously, she pushes her back against the stone door and casts her gaze about the dimly lit sanctuary to minimize the risk of something trying to attack her from behind. Although, with Brann at her side, she feels somewhat safer about their current situation, as the dog's limbs steel themselves to fend off anything that might come near.

Like the gigantic arachnids. A pleasant end is not particularly promised for the group if any of them should fall to these, but she'd do her best to make sure that would never happen. Deftly snatching the sling from her pocket, and a well-rounded stone from the other, she follows the example of her comrades and aims carefully for the largest spider, approaching 40ft from the East, before loosing the stone.

Whisper begins searching for any webs in the room, with her keen elven senses easily piercing the darkness.

Intiative: [roll0] Speed Factor 6
To hit: [roll1] THAC0 20
Damage: [roll2]

2013-11-04, 07:51 PM
Barlemus stumbles after tripping over the wire. "Hey, what wiseguy left this here?" he demands, annoyed. It's only when the door seals behind them that he realizes what just happened. "Oh...uh-oh."

Drawing his blade and readying his shield, he turns toward the spiders approaching from the south and charges, striking first at the one on the right.

Barlemus makes a charge attack with his long sword against the spider on the right to the south.
Initiative [roll0] +5 weapon speed
To hit [roll1] +1 specialized weapon, +2 charging
Damage [roll2]

2013-11-05, 11:31 AM
A.R.S - 01 - Spider Sanctuary.

"The Spiders converge from all sides, mandibles dripping with deadly poison they charge, their skittering legs carry the hideous creatures with unbelievable speed..."

Seeing the Spiders close in Ket draws her blade and steps back to allow the warriors to act - perhaps if she managed to get in position it would be a different matter.

Barlemus draws his blade and readies his shield, he turns toward the spiders approaching from the South and charges, his keen blade slices straight through the Spider on the right, killing it instantly, it's bisected corpse clatters harmlessly onto the floor.

Whisper snatches the sling from her pocket, and a well-rounded stone from the other, she follows the example of her comrades and aims carefully for the Enormous spider, approaching from the East, the smooth stone flies straight, slamming the great beast in one of it's sixteen eyes, it squeals with pain, then begins to charge towards her, snapping it's mandibles with hungry anticipation.

Walker took his spear, setting it into the ground, unwilling to rush into the mandibles of Arachnid's Death, he readies for the inevitable charge.

The Spider next to Barlemus rears onto its hind legs, attempting to clamp its venomous fangs into his unarmoured forearm, Barlemus manages to batter it away with the pommel of his sword before it manages a firm grip on his arm.

The two Spiders North of the party advanced onto Walker, easily avoiding the Spear they lunge at Walker's torso their poisoned pincers snapping ravenously, the Darker Spider lunges to far to the right, narrowly missing Walker's torso, but the yellow hued Spider manages to bite through Walkers thin clothing. (1) Damage.

The Enormous Spider closes in on Whisper angered by it's injured eye it clamps it's massive jaws around her chest lifting her off the floor, its fangs sink deep into her fragile elven body. (5) Damage.

Upon noticing the Spider holding Whisper, Hais notches an sheaf arrow and unleashes two arrows into it's side. Both puncture it's furry coating, causing green blood to spew forth, the Spider roars with pain, dropping Whisper to the floor and turns its attention towards Hais.

Walker, take (1) damage, you are now adjacent to two Spiders.

Barlemus, you are adjacent to one Spider

Whisper, take (5) damage, you are unconscious and bleeding, (-1HP)

Hais, you are adjacent to the Enormous Spider.

:Next Round Starts:

2013-11-05, 11:55 AM

Seeing Whisper go down she knew she had to act moving in behind the large spider while its attention was focused on Hais might just allow them to deal with it.

For a man she might have tried more stealth - but where should one stab a spider anyway?

If the spider turned on her she might have to run - and if she was lucky she might live with that.

Attack (17 THAC0)*: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
*If she can't get behind it is 19

2013-11-05, 03:09 PM
Walker noticed someone was hurt. Well, someone other than him that is. He could feel himself nearing the ragged edge of the end of life, in a state of a strange sort of calm and clarity even as part of his mind, a primal center called out that he was likely to die here, blood drained by spiders larger than him. He let out a long, loud howl, ripping out his throat in challenge and call, imitating those timber wolves he had heard most of his life. He doubted it would rattle spiders, but perhaps. Sliding back towards Whisper slowly, he tried to keep her covered, defending his new pack mate, and trying to jam his spear into the spider that had wounded him (Or his buddy who had merely only tried to), if it followed him, but more than willing to not press the issue if it did not advance on him.

[roll0] New Round Initiative + 6 Weapon Speed.
[roll1] Vs THAC0 20
[roll2] damage if it actually hits/have something to hit.

2013-11-05, 06:24 PM
Not aware yet of what was going on with the others, Barlemus focused on dispatching his other foe first. Then he would look to see who needed help most and go aid them.

He swings his blade again, this time hoping to take down the second one.

Barlemus attacks with his long sword against the spider he is adjacent to.
Initiative [roll0] +5 weapon speed
To hit [roll1] +1 specialized weapon
Damage [roll2]

2013-11-05, 08:01 PM
Barlemus then makes a second attack!

To hit [roll0] +1 specialized weapon
Damage [roll1]

2013-11-06, 03:50 AM
Seeing and hearing Whisper go down Hais is more than determined to kill the monstrosity now. He stills his mind preparing to deliver more arrows to the enormous target. The bow practically hums as he notches another arrow and fires, his whole body almost on fire as he becomes one with the weapon.

Initiative [roll0] Reaction Mod +1 Weapon Speed 8 THACO 17

To Hit [roll1] 17-6=11ac
To Hit [roll2] 17-12=5ac
To Hit [roll3] 17-15=2ac

Damage [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Damage [roll6]

2013-11-06, 11:22 AM
With a low, potent growl, Brann turns its attention to the closest spider that would pose a threat to its fallen mistress. Digging its hind legs into the ground, it bares its teeth before making a powerful leap at the enormous spider, its fangs seeking its chitinous hide.

Initiative: [roll0] Not sure what any modifiers to this are.
Attack: [roll1] THAC0 18
Damage: [roll2]

2013-11-07, 06:25 PM
A.R.S - Round 02 - Spider Sanctuary.

"The spiders attack mercilessly, spurred on by their fallen comrade they come back for round two..."

Hearing Whisper go down Hais is more than determined to kill the monstrosity now. He stills his mind preparing to deliver more arrows to the enormous target. The bow practically hums as he notches another arrow and fires, his whole body almost on fire as he becomes one with the weapon. Unleashing a trio of arrows, into the rearing beast, two pierce the soft underbelly whilst the last bounces harmlessly of it's thick skin, still Hais manages to deliver enough force to finally stop the Enormous arachnid taking out any more of his party, it's gigantic body slumps in a pool of green goop.

Ket stealthily moves behind the Spider, looking for a soft spot along it's armoured abdomen, Hais distracting it sufficiently, she notices the perfect place to land her blow, it falls to the ground with a giant "Whoompf" Two of Hais's arrows protruding from it's underbelly.

Barlemus swings his blade at the second spider, narrowly missing it's furry hide, choosing it's moment the Spider leaps straight for his face, just managing to bring the sword back under control he thrusts through the body of the leaping spider, stopping it dead.

Walker finds himself separated from the group and backed up against the wall of the sanctuary, the two spiders close in, unperturbed by the death of the giant, they attack viciously, tearing at Walkers clothing. The first is easily sidestepped by Walker as he attempts to defend himself, the second one however manages to grab hold of Walkers leg, pulling him down, grappling for with the spider Walker tries to kick it off, but it's too late it bites down, hard and deep.

With a low, potent growl, Brann turns its attention to the closest spider that would pose a threat to its fallen mistress. Digging its hind legs into the ground, it bares its teeth before making a powerful leap at the spider straddling Walker, Brann however is intercepted by the other Spider, both end up sprawled out on the floor.

Walker take (2) Damage, you are unconscious and bleeding (-1HP)

Whisper take (1) Damage, you are unconscious and bleeding (-2HP)

Brann is adjacent to one Spider.

:Next Round Starts:

2013-11-07, 06:45 PM
Having vanquished both foes, Barlemus turns back to the group. He sees two of his companions are down, but the largest of the spiders has also been dropped. "Someone help Walker and Whisper!" he calls, before charging right at the spider that just bit the druid.

Barlemus makes a charge attack with his long sword against the spider that just bit Walker.
Initiative [roll0] +5 weapon speed
To hit [roll1] +1 specialized weapon, +2 charging
Damage [roll2]

2013-11-07, 07:34 PM

"Help them how" she asked "with my amazing healing salve - which I don't have" she snapped back sharply "maybe if I close my eyes and wish really hard".

She moved to the spider with the dog, waiting to time her blow to deal with the eight legged beast.

Initiative: [roll0] Speed 3
Attack*: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
*THAC019 normally, 17 is rear attack, 17 if Spider is off balance, 15 if both.

2013-11-07, 07:36 PM
Undiminished by his head's brief love affair with the stone floor, Brann nimbly returns to its feet and bares its ferocious teeth at the spider that knocked it out of the air. All too aware of its proximity to the two fallen people, the dog fearlessly sprints at the spider and attempts to take a chunk out of its hide.

Initiative: [roll0] Again, unsure of modifiers here.
Attack: [roll1] THAC0 18
Damage: [roll2]

2013-11-07, 09:18 PM
Walker takes a shuddering series of breaths as he feels his life force ooze out. He makes a pained noise that sounds almost like a canine's whine.

(Bleeding out, unconscious, more of a placeholder post)

2013-11-07, 09:25 PM
Although the situation has gotten desperate Hais calms his mind and his body getting ready to unleash a torrent of arrows until these arachnids flee or are vanquished. His senses seem to slow down as he reaches for another sheaf arrow, but the opposite is true. He aims for the spider that the dog is attacking.

Hais trades his movement for increased rate of fire.
Initiative [roll0] Reaction Mod +1 Weapon Speed 8 THACO 17

To Hit [roll1] 17-14=3ac
To Hit [roll2] 17-7=10ac
To Hit [roll3] 17-8=9ac

Damage [roll4] +2 more if within 30 feet
Damage [roll5] +2 more if within 30 feet
Damage [roll6] +2 more if within 30 feet

2013-11-09, 08:38 AM
A.R.S - Round 03 - Spider Sanctuary.

"The Spiders realise their end is near and turn to flee, the party prepare to cut them down as they try to escape"

Having vanquished both foes, Barlemus turns back to the group. He sees two of his companions are down, but the largest of the spiders has also been dropped. "Someone help Walker and Whisper!" he calls, before charging right at the spider that just bit the druid. The Spider barely has time to turn and face it's attacker before being skewered on the fighters blade.

Undiminished by his head's brief love affair with the stone floor, Brann nimbly returns to its feet and bares its ferocious teeth at the spider that knocked it out of the air. All too aware of its proximity to the two fallen people, the dog fearlessly sprints at the spider and attempts to take a chunk out of its hide, at the last moment the Spider sidesteps the charging canine, and seeing it's chance to escape skitters across the floor towards the darkness.

Ket moves with Brann, looking to attack the Spider whilst its attention is elsewhere, she fumbles with her dagger, missing the opportunity to strike and the Spider manages to weave round her heading for the other end of the room.

Although the situation has gotten desperate Hais calms his mind and his body getting ready to unleash a torrent of arrows until these arachnids flee or are vanquished. His senses seem to slow down as he reaches for another sheaf arrow, but the opposite is true. Unleashing another trio of arrows at the fleeting shadow of the Spider, two sail aimlessly into the darkness, but the last strikes true, impaling the beast, putting an end to its escape.

Spiders Defeated, for now...

Walker's health drops to -2HP

Whispers health drops to -3HP

XP Gain: 87XP


2013-11-09, 09:02 AM

Clutching her dagger firmly after nearly dropping it, she steadies herself and moves to Whisper seeing about fixing her wounds and stopping the bleeding.

With luck the other elf would be fine, if the dog approached she would pat it on the head - it likely worried about its master.

Not sure if there is any roll for this.

2013-11-09, 03:17 PM
Hais seeing the last spider downed turns to deal with Whisper and Walker. Seeing whisper getting attention he starts binding Walkers wounds. Hoping that he's not too late.

2013-11-09, 03:26 PM
I'm going to go ahead and close this thread, shift all IC to the new IC thread, see the OOC post, thanks everyone :smallbiggrin: