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2013-11-03, 09:49 PM
You find yourselves embroiled in the celebrations of the Spring Festival. It's a beautiful, sunny day in Holbrook Town and everywhere one could conceivably stuff an artisan or a juggler in the cramped town center you see a collection of jewelry or a floating array of knives and stones. Every tavern has its doors wide open, the cook fires belching out the fantastic combination of bacon, biscuits, and pies. The singing and dancing crowds form an amorphous mass with arms that shove into the overfilled halls and inns where the various bands play, while the bulk of the motion is out in the dirt roads. You count no less than six songs duking it out amongst themselves for supremacy of entertainment.

Amongst other celebrations, the town honors those youths who've ventured out in the last year to become adventurers, and hosts a small dungeon complex for them to navigate. But before they slaughter random cave dwellers, they get to dine on roasted pheasant and shanks of lamb, boiled roots and green salads, fresh fruits, and more mead than one's constitution modifier was ever meant to handle.

There are about a dozen returnees who've been herded into one tavern- The Rusty Wench- where the town mayor is droning on about honor and courage and several other multisyllabic phrases that he was unable to pronounce three ciders ago. You all (the party) each drew lots and are now sitting at the same table, pressed into service with each other through luck. There are two other parties and, as tradition dictates, there will be separate entrances into the dungeon by the different groups.

But before all that you all have the chance to mingle, reminisce, annoy, and generally make fools of yourself as befits those placed in the same room as an open bar.

2013-11-04, 07:17 PM
Varus takes his seat at his allotted table after picking up a salad at the bar. He was not able to make it back to Hollbrook last year for the Spring Festival, and missed the ruckus of a small town celebrating. Though life in the middle of nowhere was less exciting, Varus doesn't get caught up in revelry, taking the time to reflect on his training for the perils ahead.

2013-11-04, 09:40 PM
Teshrich sets a couple pieces of baked fish on a plate and quietly pads over to the same table as Varus, taking a seat next to him. "It's nice to be back home for a while. Not that I haven't enjoyed seeing more of the world, even if it's mostly been by guarding caravans. I hear you did a bit of that too."

2013-11-04, 11:20 PM
Bronius walks into the Rusty Wench, uncomfortable for returning in the first for years. He silently sits down in a seat at the table carrying with him a small plate of lamb. He says "May Syreth bless this land and protect us all from harm" before taking a bite out of the lamb.

2013-11-05, 12:36 AM
Varus pauses, then diverts the conversation to the present events, "Oh, that was so long ago. I have been focusing a lot more on self-improvement, and less on adventuring." Varus awkwardly plays with his food, "This will be a good opportunity to get back in the game."

2013-11-05, 05:18 AM
Albert gets to the table carrying two huge mugs of Ale and a whole baked pheasant. He sits near the rest of the party and listens to the conversations while eating. He looks at Varus, who had a salad before him.
"Why don't you get some normal food?" he asks, looking suspiciously at the salad.

2013-11-05, 09:06 AM
"What's weird about salad? I even eat it from time to time," Teshrich said between bites of fish. He turned back to Varus. "Yeah, it's always a lot of fun when the town puts something like this together. It'll be good practice, if nothing else."

2013-11-05, 02:06 PM
He smiles at Albert's comment and the conversation as a whole, "I felt like having something light."

Varus' voice gains a slight fierceness to it, excited about the challenge ahead. "I am hoping for a lot more than practice. I have been doing that for far too long."

2013-11-05, 03:51 PM
Vitaria hummed as she walked through the town, happy that her plan had succeeded. Getting picked for the dungeon crawl had been easy enough, the Elders who made the drafts had been allured by her appearance and youth. Her foolish Mother thought Vitaria would mingle with simple bandits and raiders for glory, but she had found an easier way. The dungeon crawl was a fast way to earn the experience and praise she would need to be a competitor for the crown, and though the slender crintis travel cloak was dusty and she had been forced to leave two of her companions dead in order to get to the festival in time, her step was light and her face without burden. She found a suitable stable for Brego, her dearest of possessions and started walking towards the Rusty Wench.

The sun as always stinged her eyes, and though she did not get blinded like her fullblooded brethren, Vitaria still kept her head cloaked. Though trying not to show it, she was as always on guard, her hands close to her two trusted swords and her walk like a flow of movements, shifting from one warrior stance to the next. The tall Crinti felt her heart lighten when she saw the tavern and as she walked out of the stinging sun and into the dark noise inside, she pulled her hood back and put up her most innocent of smiles.

Many heads turned as Vitaria stepped in. Though they had surely heard rumors of a half-drow in the competition actually seeing one in person drew many stares from the crowd, some even recoiled. Though Vitaria took great pride in her dark skin, red eyes and silvery hair, whenever she strayed this far from home people started to get less confortable.

After a casual glance across the room, she identified her table, loosened her cloak to show some shoulder and sat down with her new companions. She smiled and introduced herself "Hi, I'm Vitaria Kerdem, daughter of Hasifi. I'm a stranger to these lands and had a long road, so I hope you will forgive me for my bluntness and let me say I'm pleased to make your acquaintance," she said with a cute smile. While not putting on her usual confident self, Vitaria knew better than challenging the northern mens perception of women, she'd learned the hard way that a helpless female could sometimes get farther than a strong one, and that changing the perception when needed proved for some extra flair. "Would anyone be so kind as to guide me in the arts of ordering a meal and some wine, as I said, its been a long round and I'm frankly exhausted, pardon my Sylvan... "

2013-11-05, 07:28 PM
Everyone turned almost at once, and Varus followed suit to see what the hubbub was about. Where others saw a strange, dark-skinned foreigner - their opinions lost to Varus - he saw a lovely young elven woman. He fell prey to the same charms that got her into the festival, but managed to compose himself before she walked their way.

He managed to skillfully stifle a snicker when Vitaria asked for assistance, "There is little artistry in ordering food. Burton will happily get you what you need if you ask him. He is there, behind the bar."
Varus had completely forgotten to introduce himself to the group. What better a time than when the last seat at the table was filled. "My name is Varus Lisadrian, son of Malwe and Lolindir." Varus points to his parents, who are seated near the mayor. "And that is my master, Po Qinn." he says so with such pride and a smile as attention is directed to a drunk old Rokugani* man who was suddenly getting quite loud with the bartender, as if he knew there was an audience. "He taught me everything I know."

Or whatever Asian-equivilant is in the setting.

2013-11-05, 07:51 PM
As the Dark Elf finds her table, The Mayor's eyes find somewhere away from the voluptuous young lady. It takes him a full round action to find his tongue from whence it dangled to say And here we have a surprise competitor in todays festivities! Our little town is always happy to extend its borders, so to honor our many foreign allies we are pleased to treat Miss Vitaria Kardem as one of our own! What do you say folks?"

If not from the party, there are still loud and obscene cheers from the less couth of adventurers. Talking about the "competition" spurs the mayor into finally pulling out the script he's been reciting for years. Half the words are swapped in his intoxicated drawl, but it's not like you all haven't heard it before:

Long ago a mythical horn fell from the heavens. So beautiful was its sound, it was said to strike hope into one's very soul. The horn was said to have landed in this very town! It is the namesake of this town, Kathleen Holbrook, who picked up this amazing horn and blew into it for the first time. And it changed her forever. Where she stepped, angels carried her banner. Where she slept, the very spirits of the mountains watched over her. When she played that heavenly harmony, Devils wept and Demons fainted. And when she retired from her pursuits of glory and peace, she came to reside in this very town as our benevolent protector and ruler.

Now that was many years ago. When she passed it is said that she left the horn in the depths of a small fort just outside town, Fort Hope that all the town knows so well. And that one day a hero shall come when the world requires that he (or she) should save it from the perils of fiends. At first, the town left the fort alone, in reverence to Kathleen. As time went on, some went into the fort to try to find this legendary instrument, never finding more than a meager array of dungeon fodder. Many started to doubt its existence at all. Over time, the "quest for the horn" has become part of the town's traditions, and once a year a silver horn is placed in the bottom of the fort's cellars, guarded by random monsters found in the countryside or caves. Young adventurers compete to be the first to find the horn, and this year, it's you all.

There are two other teams composed mostly of friends or family from your respective childhoods that have also donned the mantle of curious trouble-seeker. As you look on at them, you are glad to know that it's just a friendly competition between buddies currently drinking ale and singing inappropriate shanties together.

2013-11-05, 08:28 PM
"Hmm, I wonder who are on the other two teams?" Bronius says quietly to no-one in particular, taking a bit out of a piece of lamb, not paying much attention to Vitaria's entrance besides to see what everyone was looking at.

2013-11-05, 09:57 PM
Teshrich looks up at Vitaria as she sits at the table. Having grown up as one of the few catfolk in town and having also traveled to lands where he was the first many people had seen, he wasn't quite as taken aback by her appearance as many in the bar were, but gave her a look of curiosity. "I don't think there's any offense to be taken in being happy to see one's comrades, even if it's for the first time. Welcome to the team, I'm Teshrich. I grew up here, my parents run a shop if you need any furs, clothes, or meat. Where are you from?"

Silently, under the table, he cast mage hand, and used the hand to float his plate over to the bar, pick up another piece of fish and a roll of bread and set them on the plate, carry the plate back, and set it down in front of him. He tried to suppress a grin as he continued his meal.

2013-11-06, 03:08 AM
Vitaria smiled to her team, and especially towards Albert, it would be wise to have an ally. She then waited for the major to finish speaking before getting up for a glass of wine and some barbecued lamb. "I am from Dambriath, a land one months ride south from here. I have been traveling for the last years, seeking recognition and new experiences as most others, and as customary for my family. It is a rote of passage almost, a way of growing up." Between the sentences, she deftly knifed small portions of lamb from the bone and ate it from the tip. "For example, I have never seen one of your kind before," she said, looking at Teshrich. "I do not see any other like you present either, where do you normally reside?"

2013-11-06, 03:52 AM
Varus takes the opportunity to mingle and stands, "Let us go see. It could not hurt to rekindle some friendships before going into a dungeon." He makes his way to another table of participants and greets them with a cheery tone, "What have you all been up to lately?"

2013-11-06, 09:51 AM
"Oh, I'm from here. My family is around somewhere, but there are only a few of my kind here. There are more of us in the grasslands and deserts to the east, but I'm not surprised you haven't seen one of us, being from that far south." He takes a few more bites of fish and a drink of water and swishes his tail. When one of the townspeople passes their table, he asks, "Does the competition start tomorrow or tonight?"

2013-11-06, 08:39 PM
The two other tables are stacked high with dirty plates and chipped mugs. Many of your childhood friends sitting about you, some you would have never guessed lured by the siren's call of the nigh suicidal profession.

The first table has a bookish fellow sitting while the rest of his team chats and indulges in the fare. You recognize him as Lawrence Nox, now a mage of some repute. Growing up you could never imagine the thin, pasty fellow as ever leaving his precious library. You most certainly didn't expect him to be pecked on the cheek by one of his teammates- Victoria Anastina. A girly girl if ever there was one, decked to the nines in heavy armor that has been colored pink. You can be sure the matching Ranseur with the pink ribbon standing at the weapon's check towards the front of the tavern is hers too. A year ago the girl would never have been caught dead around such a feeble kid. But when blade and arrow failed, if was Nox's spells and cunning that saved her from some kind of rampaging ogre with hide tougher than the bread pudding that Albert's younger brother Fafnir and a half orc you recognize as Tusk Gnomejuggler are taking turns tossing to each other as a weighted ball.
Fafnir is part of Nox's party while the half orc bard belongs to the last table. Also included in this last mix is Ochne Zuchar, a loner whom at least one of you likely had the pleasure of punching in the face at least once, and a young girl from the local temple of Ehlonna- Venna Cord, whom you could have sworn was an item with Zuchar a year ago. Except he went to some big city magic school and rumor has it he's got a girl over there? Awkward. The two are avoiding eye contact while Zuchar shows off tricks with his pet eagle. You aren't certain why a grown man has taught an eagle how to kiss him. Some people in this town are just weird.

Eventually Ochne will stroll over to have a chat with Bronius. Well met. I believe we haven't had the honor of introductions, though I do know you mr. Burkhard. My mother speaks well of you. I believe she and your mother share tea on occasion. Ms. Blackleaf speaks well of you, which my mother retells me in the form of something along the lines of "real son a mother could be proud of". In jest of course! You note that, while it first appears to be white painted armor, his breastplate is actually composed of white dragon hide.

One of the other participants will answer Teshrich's question: They will be walking over to the fort within the hour!

2013-11-06, 08:48 PM
Bronius turns in surprise and responds to Ochne

"Surely you must be mistaking me for someone else. I've not seen my mother for many years since she left me in the woods in a moment of desperation. While I forgive her for her actions, I do not believe she knows of either my return or my actions. If this is your attempt at teasing, I suggest you find another topic. However, I do not believe I've made your acquaintance either. So greetings to you, let the best man win in this competition!"

2013-11-07, 07:51 AM
Zuchar responds to Bronius in confusion. Your Mother? Blackleaf? Knight of the forest. Defender of the weak. Champion of Syreth? Dark skin, leaves for hair, walks through trees? That is your mother, right?

You all can continue roleplaying in the tavern if you like, just include a mention of where you are for that portion of your post.

The streets are crowded with screaming children and parents. A cacophonous assembly of brass announce the Adventurers disembarkation of the tavern and journey to the Fort.

Fort Hope hasn't acted as a fort in years. It's sides were opened up to reveal a network of load bearing arches that could more easily be passed by the throngs of townsfolk. They have packed the four towers overlooking the healing fountain, the ceilings above the fort proper, and inside the fort walls, leaving an open area in the middle of the fort courtyard with the healing fountain. Standing in the middle waiting for you are healers from the nearby temples blessing the fountain ready and a High Druidess steeping tea.

The townsfolk make just enough space for the parties to squeeze past them while receiving pats on the back, handshakes, and adorations etc. from them. Though it's only about a mile and a half from the tavern, it still takes almost a whole hour for the procession to meander its way to Fort Hope.

After a brief explanation of the rules (You can't kill each other or do anything that would lead to death or great bodily harm; if any one of you is in danger of dying, return immediately to the healing fountain, don't destroy the fort) the party is shown to a stone door in the ground leading to the caves and cellars below. The first intelligible thing the mayor says all day: Good Luck

Everyone except Ravitiate should have received an email from me with the map. You may arrange yourself at the bottom of the stairwell as you desire. Roll for initiative.

The room is a light with several torches anchored near the corners of this room. Smooth stone floors indicate just how many young adventurers have passed through these halls. In the center of the room, feeding on a bucket of fish parts is an amalgam of slurping teeth and shrieking maws. The aberration has grown weary of sushi, however, and its many eyes peer upon the party hungrily.

Everyone make a spot check and a will save vs. Sonic Mind Affecting Compulsions.

2013-11-07, 10:42 AM
Vitaria spends the rest of her time in the tavern getting to know the city. She keeps playing gullible, a bit timid and overly formal in conversations, she wants people - especially the other two groups to underestimate her and think her as a bit weak.

Before they journey to the fort, Vitaria grabs some apples, carrots and other fresh fruit from the feast in the tavern and feeds Brego, then proceeds to ride together with the group to the fort.

Before walking into the darkness, she attaches the Grey Ioun Stone to Brego's forhead as they've done so often before (Which works like a torch). She then proceeds to cast a persisted Divine Favour on herself. If she can stay mounted when riding down the stairway, she will. If not, she orders Brego to walk at her side.

Spot: [roll0]
Will save: [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]
Knowledge (Dungoneering) [roll3] for information on the aberration and it's tactics

Edit: Vitaria smiles, luck is at her side this evening, yes indeed.

2013-11-07, 04:21 PM
Albert who was grumpy almost all the time spent his time drinking ale and eating, although he listened with great concentration when his teammates spoke about themselves and their recent activities. He didn't say too much himself, seeing that most of interesting things he did in the temple of Odin were a secret...
When he saw the dark elvish girl, he commented it only with "Hmpth. A drow." and went back to eating/drinking routine.

Albert walks in front of his comrades, to protect them from being squished by the first danger they find here. When he sees their first enemy he could only say "What the...?" but prepares for a fight anyway.

Initiative [roll0]
Will save [roll1]
+2 if it is a spell or SLA
... if it fails, he would delay effects by 1 round
Spot check [roll2]

2013-11-07, 08:05 PM

"Apologies, I misheard you earlier. My mind has been a little off returning for this competition and my hometown after many years. Yes Blackleaf is my mother, but I did not know that she had tea with your mother."


"Well a challenging fight right from the start, wonderful!" says Bronius as he draws his sword.

Will Save
Initiative [roll2]
Lore Check [roll]1d20++4
Untrained Knowledge Dungeoneering Check (to use Knowledge Devotion) [roll3]

2013-11-08, 01:14 AM
Teshrich casts shield just before heading down, not sure of what to expect but wanting to be prepared either way. He moves down the steps quietly, but when they reach the bottom, he readies his glaive and steps up between Varus and Albert in case the thing attempts to charge them.

Initiative: [roll0]
Will save: [roll1]
Spot check: [roll2]

2013-11-08, 04:38 AM
Varus mingles awkwardly with the third party for a majority of their time left before going into the dungeon. When the time comes, he wishes them luck, and follows the proceedings. He bids fond farewell to his parents, and enters the dungeon.

Walking down the stairs, Varus takes a point up front and mentally prepares for the perils ahead.
Upon seeing their first foe, he feels uneasy. Varus didn't have much experience with monsters, and none with any so strange as this.
Initiative: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Will Save: [roll2] +2 if Enchantment

I do not have an editor. Recommendation?

2013-11-08, 07:21 AM
Assuming 26 starts and 26 VS Mind Effects are sufficient:

Vitaria spurs Brego to approach the beast and draws her short swords with lightning speed. As she closes in she stabs the aberration with both blades in rapid success. She spurs Brego to attack as well (auto-passes DC10)

Vitaria - Wolf Fang Strike
[roll0] for [roll1] +4 if denied Dex to AC.

edit: Writing on the phone and screwed up the rest of the text. Need one offhand attack and one hoof from Brego

2013-11-08, 07:51 AM
I was a bit off in my calculations, but rolling a 6, it won't matter anyway.

STR: +1
BAB: +3
Divine Favor: +2
Mounted: +1 (If <large size)
Flanking: +2
Masterwork sword: +1
Two Weapon Fighting: -2
= 8

Offhand: [roll0] VS AC for [roll1] + an additional 4 damage if opponent is denied Dex to AC

1 hoof: [roll2] for [roll3] damage.

We moved so that Brego stands in the squares I5/I6

Vitaria shouts out to Brego that he should attack. She then moves to I5 to attack, drawing her blades with lightning speed. When facing the abberation, she does two swift stabs:

Main hand: [roll4] VS AC for [roll5] + an additional 4 damage if opponent is denied Dex to AC
Off hand: [roll6] VS AC for [roll7] + an additional 4 damage if opponent is denied Dex to AC

Vitaria sighs, might be her luck left her a bit to switly...

2013-11-08, 08:41 AM
Prior to Entering the Dungeon
As Vitaria approaches the inner fort, the old Druidess steps forward to treat with her. My apologies dear, the dungeon is not ADA* compliant. While your steed will manage the first few areas, there are perils beyond for which a creature of his size will be... greatly penalized. I can assure you that if you leave him here with me I will look after him personally.

Fight with Gibbering Mouther
The amorphous blob of teeth and nonsense has eaten away at the floor around him, making the stone more like quicksand in a five foot radius.

Vitaria is the first to notice the quicksand effect. You may change her actions, as I assume you don't want her walking into the mire.

The Mouther moves closer towards the party, it's many eyes leering hungrily. It begins decomposing the stone around it into the same quicksand-like substance.

Your collective knowledge rolls are enough to know that the creature is a gibbering mouther, and your characters may act as if knowing the MM entry. Your spot checks are high enough to witness, not only the quicksand effect, but that Albert has been affected by the Mouther's gibbering, even though it wont take effect until next round. The Mouther moves to G-5. Vitaria, Brontius, and Varus act before the Mouther. Note that the Mouther is not subject to critical hits nor flanking, so abilities that deal extra damage to flat footed foes, such as sneak attack might not apply.

In the future I shall roll party initiative to speed up gameplay. I forget how tedious PbP combat can be without the DM taking such liberties. I'm taking a small vacation over the weekend. I can make posts on my phone, but wont be able to update the map.

As for editing the Map, I use Inkscape for all my SVG needs. Because it's free and I'm cheap.

2013-11-08, 09:24 AM
"This is a Gibbering Mouther, be careful approaching, he makes the ground around him soft like quick sand," Vitaria scream out. She orders Brego to stay, moves to H8 while drawing her bow and casts an Extended Bulls Strength on herself. It will last for 8 minutes.

2013-11-08, 11:05 AM
If it moves through my reach threat range to attack one of us before my next turn, here's my aoo.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-11-08, 12:25 PM
Bronius uses his goad feat, Taunting the Gibbering Mouther as best as he can

"Yo, Monster! Your Mother was a dog! Have at Thee!"

2013-11-08, 06:59 PM
Varus takes a step forward to ensure his shuriken's effectiveness and tosses a pair into the hideous mass.
"As long as we keep enough distance, we should be fine."

5ft step to E4, then Flurry of Blows with the shuriken.

Attack 1

Attack 2

2013-11-09, 11:38 AM
Unless I get hit, assume I'm using 5 foot steps to stay at reach range and attacking with my glaive each turn, and using my aoo if it moves from my reach. Here are my next few attack rolls:

Damage: [roll]id10+4
Hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Hit: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Hit: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Hit: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

2013-11-09, 01:02 PM
Vitaria wont engage in melee as long as the mouther makes the ground like quicksand, she will instead use her bow, even though its subpar. She will move away from the mouther, but keep within 30 ft range so she can move up.

If the mouther stops destroying the ground around him, Vitaria will drop her bow and engage in melee. What I do in melee depends on the situation somewhat, I'll write down some examples later.

[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]
[roll4] for [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7]
[roll8] for [roll9]

2013-11-09, 01:43 PM
Albert shrugs off the foreign influence on his mind and charges, trying to get rid of this horrifying ... and confusing creature. As he attacks, his great warpike is covered in shadowy wisps of energy.

Charge, but only fluff wise, as he is too close to actually charge there... he actually needs to take only a single 5ft step...
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

...I have no idea if this blob can fall prone... but if it can, it should pass DC 16 reflex save, or fall.

2013-11-09, 06:38 PM
Varus takes a brief moment to take in the situation. "None of their weapons are proving effective. Sustained melee combat is too risky with the quicksand. If that thing gets comfy, they're in for a world of hurt. "When the Mouther moves up to attack, Varus grabs it around one of its jaw-like features and tosses it away from the party. He continues tossing the creature as long as it pesters the party.

The first turn is spent meditating to use Adaptive Style, changing maneuvers known (4 Mighty Throw, 1 Burning Blade).

Touch Attack: [roll0]
Trip Attempt: [roll1]

Touch Attack: [roll2]
Trip Attempt: [roll3]

Touch Attack: [roll4]
Trip Attempt: [roll5]

Touch Attack: [roll6]
Trip Attempt: [roll7]

2013-11-09, 08:05 PM
The Mouther will sit in it's spot and turn the stone in a five foot radius into quicksand. It will then take a five foot creep to the position immediatly up, and mouth off menacingly.

Attempts to trip and/or make prone the mouther successfully twist it around, but has no effect due to the creature's bizarre anatomy. The various stings and blows look to be whittling away at the creature.

2013-11-09, 08:49 PM
Since the creature has no anatomy to grip, Varus rethinks things. Seems force is the only solution, and he prepares himself accordingly.

Takes a 5ft step back to 3C.
Full-round action for Adaptive Style again.
Burning Blade x3
Sudden Leap x1
Fire Riposte x1
Swift action to change to Settung Sun Stance. I don't think it does, but I'm hoping that takes care of the quicksand. If not, hopefully it'll die before it can finish another set of quicksand.

I'm a bit confused as to whose turn it is. If Varus has another before the Mouther moves, he'll charge (into 4E) after activating Burning Blade.
If it attacks, he activates Fire Riposte. Do you want to roll for counters/AoOs?

Charge Attack 1
[roll1]+[roll2] (Bludgeoning + Fire)

Charge Attack 2
[roll4]+[roll5] (Bludgeoning + Fire)

2013-11-09, 09:04 PM
Bronius uses his goad feat over the next four rounds, while readying an action to heal an injured ally that comes with in reach

This forces will saves equal to DC 15 if it fails the mouther can only make melee attacks against Bronius but can still use it's other abilities.

2013-11-10, 05:00 AM
After delivering the mighty hit Albert stands still, aiming his pike at the monster, but his eyes loose focus for a short moment, as he begins to talk to himself quietly.
"The ale today was quite fine... the one in the temple was better, the priests know how to brew... Cookies were good too... He he, cookies..."
The, as if nothing happened he resumes the fighting stance, and focuses again at the enemy.

2013-11-11, 05:34 AM
With the horrid monster dead, Vitaria stashes the bow away and smiles. The first challenge, while not appealing to her strengths was easy enough, it seems her companions might be more useful than they look.

"Good work everyone," she says, and proceeds to do a quick search in the room for traps and other secrets:


[roll1] where 2 is being able to recover the arrow.

2013-11-11, 04:18 PM
The first attempt at spittle missed Albert, though his armor has been lightly warped and discolored at his breast plate. The spot is still smoking at the end of combat as he returns to his senses.
It takes a combined effort of ranged weapons to take down the abomination, but it finally falls after a third round of Vitaria's bow. But not without leaving it's mark. With Albert approaching, the creature hungrily attacks, missing until its babbling consumes his mind, upon whence the Mouther begins to engulf the Dwarf. Between Bronius' goad and the monster's aversion to dark meat, it releases him almost as quickly as it started to attach. The confusion is enough for the last arrow to pierce one eye too many, but not before the creature gets off one last spittle of acid.

The spittle sucessfully hits Bronius, dealing 2 Acid damage. He makes his save against against blindness. The mouther hit Albert with a single bite, which was enough to deal a full point of damage (Yeah! Take it!) unless he has DR. In which case the attempt to engulf didn't go through, but he didn't take any damage from blood drain anyway.

With the fell creature fallen, the party has the luxury to look about the room. The Smooth stone floors, you start to suspect, are an effect associated with the tendancy for Gibbering Mouthers to partially digest them, more so than entripid adventurur feet. You note that the walls aren't quite as smooth in some areas, where paint and plaster have given way to the natural stone surface. The walls are further bolstered by thick woodeen beams that support an, oddly, tiled ceiling. Each tile appears to bear a shield design etched but not colored.

The doors leading out (not the direction you all came from) are made of wood and a simple inspection suggestes that they are neither locked not stuck. The hinges show warp from the repeated application of torque, likely from the over ambitious choosing to knock the doors down with their boots.

Upon closer inspection, Vitaria finds a space recently painted over that reveals a small chest, Inside the chest are two small vials both with delicate silk ribbons attached to the necks with cards tied in basic bows. One card, attached to a light blue drink smelling vaguely of peppermint, reads "drink me". The other, with an orange liquor smelling like apples and cinnamon, reads "throw me".

Knowledge arcana: Colors, flavors, smells, and textures can all be easily influenced in potion making. There is a base flavor, smell, etc. for each type of potion, but it is relatively easy to mask a draught once complete after brewing.

The wooden chest is lined with smooth fabic on the inside and fasioned of good quality oak. It is likely worth at least 200 Gold.

2013-11-11, 06:08 PM
When the slim half-elf found the treasure, her first instinct was to try to grab it for herself, but with a room as small as this, the move would be too risky. Instead, Vitaria calls the other ones over for inspection, holds up the two potions and ask if someone is proficient in analyzing potions. "I confesses that while I dabble some, my knowledge potions are not superb," she stutters and tries to feign embarassment.

She also informs the party that her backpack is magical, and she should be able to carry the velvet for the party of they find it acceptable.

She also asks the group where they which door they would like to go next.

I actually forgot that I had Fire Arrows in the damage rolls, oh well. Let's hope 1 or 2 made it ^_^

[roll0] where 2 is a recovered arrow

2013-11-11, 11:57 PM
Teshrich listens at each of the doors leading out of the room, hoping to gather some idea of what might be in the next rooms and whether or not what's there is prepared for them before moving on.

He doesn't offer to look at the potions, since his knowledge of magic doesn't extend to potions. "Let's not take too long here, the other teams are probably moving ahead already."

Listen check: [roll0]

2013-11-12, 06:33 PM
Before he can put his ears to the door leading south, Teshrich feels an intense cold coming off of the wooden frame and under the door. The door to the east has no discernible noises from the other side.

2013-11-12, 07:39 PM
Bronius walks up to Teshirch and whispers "Do you hear anything through the door?"

2013-11-12, 08:57 PM
"Nothing to the east. The way to the south is very cold. I suggest we check the room to the east first." If nobody stops him, he opens the door leading to the east and peeks through.

2013-11-13, 08:30 PM
Behind the door Teshrich sees a long, narrow passageway-maybe 3ft wide and 10ft tall. The floor is composed of natural stone, upon which lies loose gravel. On the opposite end of the hallway, about 40ft away is a rocking chair upon which sits a sleeping hobgoblin wearing heavy armor and carrying a glaive. Behind the hobgoblin is a heavy wooden door that appears to be shut. Under the chair is an old lantern inside of which a thick candle burns brightly. Next to the chair is a mug of some kind, it's contents still steaming.

2013-11-14, 12:40 AM
Vitaria creeps up next to Teshrich and spots the hobgoblin. "A sentry!" she whispers. "I could disable it while its still asleep," she says, looking at the group for confirmation. She also does a quick look to see if there's anyone or anything hidden.

Spot: [roll0]

2013-11-14, 01:57 AM
Varus gets close with his team mates and whispers, "I can get in faster, and without kicking rocks around." Varus does a quick check of the room to make sure there are no obvious traps. "*Everyone fine with killing a sleeping foe?" To Varus, they couldn't risk alerting more guards, but he wasn't about to alienate his team by doing something like that.

If a coup de grace can be used with nonlethal damage instead, then nix everything from the asterisk onward.
From my research, nonlethal coup de graces are impossible, but you're the GM.

Spot Check: [roll0]

2013-11-14, 03:54 AM
Vitaria simply responds "Rather him than me..." though she was rather bitter about the presumption that she would kick rocks around. In truth, now she wanted Varus to go in and make a fool of himself. "That would teach him some respect," she mumbled, though only to herself.

2013-11-14, 08:24 AM
"To kill an unconscious foe is dishonorable, can we at least try knocking the hobgoblin out non-lethally? If we just kill a sleeping foe, we'd be no better than what we perceive hobgoblins to be" says Bronius in a cautious whisper

2013-11-14, 09:06 AM
Teshrich nods in agreement with Bronius. "I agree, and besides, he may have valuable information about the dungeon, and we have a chance to get the drop on him. No sense killing him yet." He turns to Vitaria. "You seem nimble. Perhaps if the two of us sneak up on him, we can tie him up, find out what he knows about the rest of the dungeon, and move on."

Teshrich takes a look down the corridor as well. If nobody spots any traps and the others agree to the plan, he moves quietly down the hallway and stops with 5 feet between himself and the hobgoblin and levels his glaive at the hobgoblin's chest.

Spot check: [roll0]
Move silently check: [roll1]

2013-11-14, 09:51 AM
"I could do an unarmed strike at him, though I'm guessing it won't knock him out" Vitaria whispers back. When Teshrich makes his suggestion, Vitaria absolutly beams at him. "I'll do my best non-leathal strike at him, and if it doesn't knock him out, I'll ask that you knock him out". Vitaria then stashes the potions and velvet since noone seemed to care, tells Brego to keep standing and joins Teshrich in a silent wak towards the hobgoblin.

While walking, she keeps looking for trip wires and other concealed traps that might wake the beast up.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

Not sure if I need a hit roll or not, but, Vitaria does a Wolf Fang Strike:

Main Hand damage: [roll2]
Off Hand damage: [roll3]

edit:+4 extra damage if Hobgoblin is flat footed

Modifiers: +3/+1 (STR)+4 (Shadow Blade)+2 (Divine Favor)

Main hand: [roll4] VS Flat footed AC
Offhand: [roll5] VS Flat footed AC

Modifiers: 3 (BAB)+3 (STR)+2 (Divine Favor)+2 Flanking (Island of Blades)-2 (Wolf Fang Strike)

All damage is non-leathal.

2013-11-14, 04:45 PM
As you try sneaking through the pebbles, you realize quickly that the floor underneath is hollow and slippery enough to make the smooth pebbles knock about with the slightest provocation, resulting in a deafening cacophony compared to the previous whisper quiet. Fortunately, the armed hobgoblin only stirs a bit at the first foot of intrusion into the hallway. Subsequent motion, however, will surely wake him.

If you wish to rush the guard through the pebbles, you will also need balance checks to avoid falling prone. Charging through the pebbles is impossible.

3.5 is very poor about certain stealth operations, and knocking someone out is one of those. Coup de grace nonlethal is fine. If using a nonlethal weapon, you may apply the normal bonuses. -4 to attack if using a lethal weapon.

But don't coup de grace attacks auto hit? Shush!:smallwink:

2013-11-14, 05:02 PM
Vitaria freezes as the pebbels stir about, the tent ion unbearable. While alone, a hobgoblin is an easy match, but everyone knows that they rarely are. "I have a spell that might stun him, hobgoblins are rarely strong in mind. Should I try it or do you have a suggestion?" she whispers towards Teshrich and anyone else within whispering range.

2013-11-14, 05:16 PM
Varus takes action when the pebbles cause such a ruckus. After pulling rope out of his bag, shadows envelop him. In an instant, Varus is behind the Hobgoblin. A moment later, and a flaming fist comes down on his head.
"I told you I could be more quiet." Varus whispers across the room. He lets a smirk cross his face and starts binding the unconscious guard.

If there's an unarmored location, Varus will strike there instead, since armor goes clang when you hit it.

Turn 1: Pull rope, then Initiate Shadow Jaunt.
Turn 2: Initiate Flame Blade and then (non-lethal) coup de grace the Hobgoblin.
Damage: [roll0]+[roll1] I think he's out.
Turn 3: Use Rope: [roll2]
My unarmed strikes are good for lethal or non-lethal.

2013-11-14, 06:22 PM
Varus takes action when the pebbles cause such a ruckus. After pulling rope out of his bag, shadows envelop him. In an instant, Varus is behind the Hobgoblin. A moment later, and a flaming fist comes down on his head.
"I told you I could be more quiet." Varus whispers across the room. He lets a smirk cross his face and starts binding the unconscious guard.

"Well, I was hoping to question him before knocking him out, but that works." Teshrich takes two blankets, a fishing net, and a bedroll out of his pack and lays them out on the floor to cushion their footsteps and limit the noise while the rest of the party walks over the gravel down the corridor to the unconscious hobgoblin. He casts detect magic and looks over the armor, the glaive, and the door, and leans in to sniff the contents of the mug.

2013-11-14, 07:53 PM
Vadus' fist slams through empty space as the illusion fades, too hasty to hear Teshrich's report that the whole hobgoblin, chair, and other features are illusions. You hear a deep, booming voice from the walls: You have been judged...

The voice is still resonating along the wall as the marbles start to heat up...

Behind the party, the cold door slams open, unleashing a chilling burst of wind into the square room. You can hear the crashing thud of massive footsteps coming from the icy hallway.

Yeah, the marbles were a red herring. Get it? Red? Cause they're getting red hot!? Nothing? Yeah, my wife thought it was dumb too.

Roll for initiative, everyone except Varus make a fort save, Varus make a reflex save.

I have a marathon this weekend. I will make a valiant effort to update the map before I leave for it, but that may not happen until Saturday night. Sorry. I'd like to promise that I'll have more time later, but then Chanuks-giving is around the corner. Well, one deathtrap at a time, right?

2013-11-16, 11:16 PM
Teshrich takes a brief moment to say the incantation for blades of ice (blades of fire with energy substitution), and stabs the fire elemental forming in the corridor.

To hit: [roll0]
Base damage: [roll1]
Ice damage: [roll2]
If it's subject to sneak attacks and denied dex: [roll3]

If the thing tries to stand or move towards him, Teshrich will hit it again.

Up to four attacks of opportunity per round due to combat reflexes, ice damage applies to any attacks made before my next round.

To hit: [roll4]
Base damage: [roll5]
Ice damage: [roll6]
If it's subject to sneak attacks and denied dex: [roll7]

To hit: [roll8]
Base damage: [roll9]
Ice damage: [roll10]
If it's subject to sneak attacks and denied dex: [roll11]

To hit: [roll12]
Base damage: [roll13]
Ice damage: [roll14]
If it's subject to sneak attacks and denied dex: [roll15]

To hit: [roll16]
Base damage: [roll17]
Ice damage: [roll18]
If it's subject to sneak attacks and denied dex: [roll19]

2013-11-18, 12:54 AM
"Guess I'm next," Vitaria says and moves up to J3. She then initiates a Mighty Throw and attempts to throw the Ice Elemental into I3.

Melee touch: [roll0] VS Touch AC
If successful - Trip Attempt: [roll1] vs opposed strength check.

She shouts out to Brego "Charge my friend!" but the horse remains frightful stays in the corner.

2013-11-18, 06:01 AM
"Judged?" Varus didn't have the luxury of time for wondering who was judging him, as the corridor grew in ways to kill him.
The smoke fills Varus' lungs and things get fuzzy. He thinks twice about opening the door into another trap and stumbles his way through the smog. Try as he might, ducking under the fire elemental proves to be another unwise decision.

2013-11-18, 12:08 PM
"Frikking snow monster! ...I will give you judgment, you little!" It sounds more as if Albert was barking this phrases than simply saying them as he charges at the elemental.

Charge! (to I 4)
Attack [roll0] (+4 if prone)
Damage [roll1]
If it hits - DC 16 reflex or fall prone. (possibly again...)
-2 AC for the round.

AoO, if it tries to stand up.
Attack [roll2] (+2 if charge bonus lasts for the round, although I don't see why it would. and +4 if it counts as prone, when standing up)
Damage [roll3]
...and dc 16 reflex for the usual...

2013-11-18, 02:34 PM
"May Syreth protect us" says Bronius as he prepares to channel holy magic to help his allies

Ready action to move towards and use lay on hands on any hurt ally within my movement range.

2013-11-18, 09:31 PM
Teshrich's blades strike true, though he is unable to find a weak spot on their otherworldly form. The fire elemental lets out a groan as the ice pierces through.

When Vitaria strikes with her open hand, she finds the cold to burn fiercely through her garments. Further, this creature is stronger than it looks, and appears to have partially anchored itself to the ground in ice.

Albert's warpike sends shards of the Ice elemental flying of down the hallway it came from, but the creature's form shifts and dodges the attempt to render it prone.

The Elementals use their turn to grow, filling up the entire volumes of two five foot squares to the ceiling. Waves of energy pour off of them as they expand.
They seem to be bolstered by the effects of the hallways.

Reflex DC 18 for half damage: [roll0] Fire or Ice for any character within 5ft of the elementals (everyone but Bronius by my map. Brego too unless Vitaria wants him to have charged). Varus has to make the reflex save for damage every turn that he is stuck in the hallway, regardless of proximity to the elementals.

Only the fire elemental was caught getting up, and Teshrich got an AOO for the turn.

2013-11-18, 10:00 PM
Teshrich takes a five foot step back to F8 (if I can hit it from there, or G8 if not). He takes another stab at the elemental, and is prepared to attack it if it tries to move through the door.

Reflex save: [roll0]
To hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

To hit: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

To hit: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

2013-11-20, 08:11 AM
"Well... I've gotta say that they usually get smaller when I hit them... growing is new. Anyone smart out there, ideas appreciated."
Albert shouts as he dodges the ice and attacks once again.

Reflex [roll0]

Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
If it hits: DC 16 reflex or fall prone
and if the first doesn't work regular Trip attempt [roll3]

Knowledge Arcana [roll4] and The Planes [roll5]
To find out if they would keep growing/ if moving them to opposite corridors would harm them.

2013-11-22, 08:40 PM
Albert's warpike smashes hard onto the Ice elemental, shattering the creature into a shower of icy sparks which skitter back into the icy hallway.

Varus slides into the main room, his eyes trying to find purchase on something other than the spinning walls while Bronius makes an effort to ease his ally's suffering.

Meanwhile, Teshrich's blade finds no purchase against the growing monster whose flames have grown to licking at the ceiling. The elemental launches a fierce jab followed by a quick jab of pure flame at the feline, only one of which hits. 10 points of fire damage singe Teshrich's fur.

Though Albert's academic training fails him, conventional wisdom leads him to believe that the opposite elements can and will damage opposite elementals.

As he looks back at the remains down the icy hallway, he sees that the frozen shards are starting to reform...

Only Teshrich (Slashing with the Glaive), Albert (Smash puny iceling), and Varus (recovering from nausea) have posted actions or are accounted for. I have posted actions for the elementals for the end of round two, but Vitaria and Bronius still get actions. I would appreciate if you all could also calculate your current HPs based on damage taken and whether you passed the reflex saves (for Vitaria, Albert, and Teshrich). You may also post round three actions and beyond if you know what you're doing

2013-11-23, 11:50 AM
Varus deciphers up and down, and manages to stop the spinning. "I've got fire if I can get in to the ice elemental." He stands in meditation, hands in fists at his core.
First round, returning/changing maneuvers.
Varus is really slow...=/

2013-11-24, 11:33 AM
Bronius spends the next 12 seconds finishing the healing and preparing to heal whoever is next injured.

2013-11-26, 05:44 AM
The brass, dwarvencraft gears which reside in Albert's head finally begin to move providing enlightenment comparable to a light bulb appearing above his head. Yes, he has a brilliant idea!

"Move it lass!" he shouts, stumbling past Vitaria, to pick the icy shards as fast as possible.
"...Glad I have these triple layered gauntlets..." he murmurs under his breath.

Albert jumps back to the room, and, with a glee which would be seen by everyone if not for his helmet he throws the remains of ice elemental into the hot corridor.
"Hah. Take this!"

2013-11-26, 10:00 AM
I was afk and out for it several days, but quoting what I posted in the OOC-thread:

Vitaria's next round after Amakule posts:

"You're more pesky than you look," Vitaria says and her blades flashes into her hands. In rapid succession, her blades stab at the icy creature, ice spraying around them. She then pulls back and orders Brego to attack the creature

Full attack, 5 ft step back behind Albert.

Main hand: (1d20+9)[10] for (1d6+9)[10]
Off hand: (1d20+9)[26] for (1d6+7)[8]

Brego: (1d20+11)[31] for (1d4+8)[12]
Edit: Threat confirmation: (1d20+11)[30] for an additional (1d4+8)[12] damage (rolled in post below)

Threat confirmation: (1d20+11)[30] for an additional (1d4+8)[12] damage


Round 3:

If the elementals doesn't seem to be dented by the barrage of attacks in this round, Vitaria will ask the party to pull back and force the elementals to exit their hallway. "If they draw power from the hallway, we should back off and draw them from their source."

She will try to Tumble 15 ft to G2 and out of attack of opportunity range, and ask Brego to "Heel" behind her to F2.

Tumble DC 15: [roll0]

She will try to spot where the source of energy in the fire hallway is:

Spot: [roll1]

If she spots anything, she will cast "Create Water" on it, hoping to disable and/or reduce the fire elemental's power. If she doesn't spot anything, she will target the Fire Elemental itself - targetting as much water as possible to be conjured above him and landing on his head and body - up to a maximum of 8 gallons in total.

If the elementals seem to take damage, both Vitaria and Brego will keep full attacking the Ice Elemental each round.

Full attack routines for the next 3 rounds, unless either take so much damage that healing must be prioritized.


Main Hand: [roll2] VS AC for [roll3] damage
Off Hand: [roll4] VS AC for [roll5] damage

Main Hand: [roll6] VS AC for an additional [roll7] damage
Off Hand: [roll8] VS AC for an additional [roll9] damage


Hoof 1: [roll10] VS AC for [roll11] damage.
Hoof 2: [roll12] VS AC for [roll13] damage

Hoof 1: [roll14] VS AC for [roll15] damage.
Hoof 2: [roll16] VS AC for [roll17] damage


Main Hand: [roll18] VS AC for [roll19] damage
Off Hand: [roll20] VS AC for [roll21] damage

Main Hand: [roll22] VS AC for an additional [roll23] damage
Off Hand: [roll24] VS AC for an additional [roll25] damage


Hoof 1: [roll26] VS AC for [roll27] damage.
Hoof 2: [roll28] VS AC for [roll29] damage

Hoof 1: [roll30] VS AC for [roll31] damage.
Hoof 2: [roll32] VS AC for [roll33] damage


Main Hand: [roll34] VS AC for [roll35] damage
Off Hand: [roll36] VS AC for [roll37] damage

Main Hand: [roll38] VS AC for an additional [roll39] damage
Off Hand: [roll40] VS AC for an additional [roll41] damage


Hoof 1: [roll42] VS AC for [roll43] damage.
Hoof 2: [roll44] VS AC for [roll45] damage

Hoof 1: [roll46] VS AC for [roll47] damage.
Hoof 2: [roll48] VS AC for [roll49] damage

Edit: I've got to learn how to read.

"We need to stop the ice from escaping!" Vitaria shouts, and uses her action to grab as much ice as she can and throws it into the fire corridor without aiming at the fire elemental

2013-11-27, 04:30 PM
Varus recovers from the fumes as Albert and Vitaria snatch up ice and toss it at the Fire Elemental. Between the ice and water bath, the fire elemental drops down into smuldering ashes surrounding a white hot core. As the ice melts into the fire corridor, the icy corridor losses its chill effect.

Though the fire corridor is still uncomfortably hot, it is no longer covered in flames. Passage through is safe, though you may lose finger prints if you attempt to touch the walls, floor, or ceiling without gloves. Note that the corridor width is only 3ft.

Barus is able to spend the rest of his rounds healing the wounded while Teshrich analyses the core from afar.

It is about 4 inches in diameter and strongly resonates an aura of conjuration. Unlike the ice elemental, the fire elemental doesn't rise from the core in the heat of the corridor though you suspect it could come back. Attempts to touch the core unprotected from fire will automatically deal 2d6 non magical fire damage and engender a reflex save to avoid catching fire. Efforts to move the spherical core reveal it to weigh about 5 pounds. It does not cool down, regardless of how long the party waits, and efforts to forcefully cool it wear off within a round.

At the end of each of the hallways is a steel door that open neither away or towards. Magic runes on the door (as identified by Vitaria) suggest that opening the door by sliding it to either side (left oir right) will result in a different effect, though you don't know what.

If anybody wishes to open a door, please include an initiative roll so that I know who opened which door in which direction first

Overhead you hear the screams and cheers of the crowd as one of the other parties makes their way up. There is no sound of horns or trumpets, however, so they must just be heading up for healing.

2013-11-28, 07:32 AM
Vitaria flashes a cute smile towards Barus as she lines up for his healing hands, batting her eye lashes as he touches her. She then shifts her expression to a more serious one and casts Protection from Evil on both herself and Brego, tells him to stay on "heel". She then shifts into Flame's Blessing Stance (granting her fire resistance 5), and proceeds in the narrow Fire Corridor.

When identifying the door Vitaria turns towards the group and asks "I have no indication regarding direction, but this pathway is narrow and numbers might not help much. We could choose to split up and take each door simultanously?"

Search for any hint or indication as to the contraption of the doors: [roll0]

2013-11-29, 09:24 AM
"Splitting up is never a good idea. Let's choose one and go with it, we can go back if something goes wrong." says Albert as he walks to join Vitaria near the doors.

2013-11-29, 05:51 PM
Varus catches the little flirtation and a twinge of jealousy shoots through. Master Po never taught him what to do about women and the feelings they stir up. Varus felt uncomfortable that she could affect him this way, but he kept it to himself. Last thing he needs is an awkward situation clouding both their judgements. He couldn't see that she wouldn't be phased in the slightest if he spoke his mind.
"I agree with Albert. Splitting up adds getting lost to the list of possibilities, and we're stronger as a group." Varus joins the others lined up in the corridor and pulls out his collapsible pole. Once on the other side of it, Varus pushes the fire elemental's core into the hallway. He didn't want anyone to accidentally bump into it.

2013-11-30, 07:40 PM
Search for any hint or indication as to the contraption of the doors: [roll0]

Vitania finds a loose tile in the floor. Underneath are two small vials. One is empty and the other filled with water. The vials are held in two small shafts made of copper. Silver wire forms a coil around the vials and stretches off towards the door. Between the two vials is a nice sized diamond that seems to serve no useful function in the contraption. It must be worth a fortune.

2013-12-01, 04:21 AM
Varus peers over the dwarf at the device in front of them. "Do you think it's another trap?" He's uneasy about triggering another, but he doesn't want the third group to get ahead of them. He starts tapping his foot with impatience. "Just say it's fine and let's get going."

2013-12-02, 01:01 AM
"I'm not sure, but diamonds are a girls best friend, and I won't leave without it," Vitaria says with a smile.

Disable device: [roll0]

Disable device: [roll1]
Disable device: [roll2]
Disable device: [roll3]

2013-12-02, 04:32 AM
If Vitaria is able to get the diamond without further hassle and nothing explodes so that we need healing, she'll stash the diamond in her backpack and then open the door to the right.

Initiative (w/Nerveskitter): [roll0]

2013-12-03, 02:29 PM
As Vitaria opens the door to the right she briefly glimpses a narrow passageway. As the door clicks open at the right position, a swirl of color yields instantly to a bright backdrop and a violent gust of air.

Everyone must make a DC 15 reflex save or be ejected from the hallway and into the open space ahead. Those that enter the space, after a brief panic searching for "up", discover just they can fly within this new space.

The "room" is a shift into what must be the elemental plane of air. It is bright and slightly cool. A Blanket of clouds cover what constitutes "down" from the portal, which sits inside a stone gateway carved into a floating chunk of stone. The stone gateway sits perpendicular to a smooth surface of the chunk, the other side being neither carved nor worked. Similar stone objects can be seen in the distance. Some are no larger than a person while others must be the size of houses. There is another portal on a much larger rock several hundred yards away. This rock and it's portal are covered in vines.

2013-12-04, 01:18 AM
Reflex: [roll0] vs DC 15

Vitaria's first instinct is to grab for a rope, but she quickly dismisses the thought when she sees Brego. He's fumbling around in the air, clearly scared. She flies over to him and tries her best to comfort him. Neither of them have ever flown before, but the horse takes it a lot worse. "There there, don't you worry," she whispers, patting his nose and mane.

2013-12-07, 12:36 PM
Reflex [roll0] vs 15

"Watch out! A flying dwarf incoming... NOW!" shouts Albert as he is pulled into the room. His first thought was to try and stop the 'fall' with his weapon... but decided against flailing the huge, razor sharp tool of destruction in the middle of tight corridor filled with his allies.

After a moment of flying around in the next room he gets used to the feeling and turns to the group, still standing in the corridor.
"You going or what?"

"How did the village put up enough money for that...?" he mutters to himself in pure amazement.

2013-12-11, 07:47 PM
Floating along in the air, the party eventually comes to rest on one of the floating stone surface covered in vines. This one has a gate similar to the entrance to this space you used. The portal is not active however.

Everybody make a listen check

2013-12-12, 05:26 AM
Listen check [roll0]

2013-12-16, 01:49 AM
Listen check: [roll0]

2013-12-16, 10:05 PM
On the floating island of rock with the gateway gravity finds the party gently and lands them on the flat surface. The rocky shape is covered in vines bearing a red flower. No one hears or sees the venomous viper slithering through the foliage.

Roll for initiative.

Vitaria senses the lunging serpent in time to dodge a venomous kiss. unhappy with missing its prey, the huge viper rears up to its full height and stares menacingly down and the party, tasting the air for warm blood.

I am sorry about the map. I have finally gotten something crude that shows the floating islands with regards to each other, but working without a mouse is nothing short of painful. After tomorrow's relative-filled day of chaos I shall set out to remedy the situation.

If your initiative beats 15 you go before the Viper, which is not flat footed.

2013-12-17, 03:13 AM
Rolling initiative: [roll0]

2013-12-17, 03:43 AM
Vitaria quickly draws her short swords and she shifts into the Island of Blades-stance. "Brego, charge!" she shouts.

I'll roll a Knowledge (Nature) to see if I know anything about this creature's tactics: [roll0]

I'll full attack if able. If not, I'll move and use Wolf Fang Strike so I can still attack with both blades.

Vitaria's attacks:

BAB: 4
Dex: 4
Divine Favor: 2
Weapon Focus: 1
Masterwork Weapons: 1
Flanking (Island of Blades): 2
Two Weapon Fighting: -2

Str: 1/0
Dex (Shadow Blade): 4/4
Divine Favor: 2/2
Dex to Damage VS Flat-footed: 4/4

Main-Hand: [roll1] VS AC for [roll2] damage
Off-Hand: [roll3] VS AC for [roll4] damage

Edit: Subtract 4 damage from each attack if the Viper isn't denied Dex to AC, just realized he wasn't flat footed...


2 Hoofs:
1: [roll5] VS AC for [roll6] damage
2: [roll7] VS AC for [roll8] damage

2013-12-17, 03:46 AM
Critical threat off-hand:

Threat roll: [roll0]
Additional damage if threat >= vipers AC: [roll1]

Edit: Subtract 4 damage if the Viper isn't denied Dex to AC, just realized he wasn't flat footed...

2013-12-22, 10:26 AM
Vitaria and her mount slice and smash the creature to bits... Only to find the monster regenerating. There are now three snakes, smaller in size than the original, springing from the cuts of Vitaria's blade.

This snake is not native to the material plane nor the elemental plane of air. It's markings effectively camouflage it within dense foliage, like the underbrush of this rock, but it's not using if effectively. You suspect it is used to the flotsam of the elemental plane of water, well known for poisonous serpents.

The serpens lash out at Albert, biting steel for the most part. One gets a lucky strike. Albert takes 4 piercing damage and must make a fortitude save.