View Full Version : Need suggestions for future level ups (PF/3.5)

2013-11-04, 01:27 PM
I was going over the Pathfinder version of the Duelist PrC, to see if Precise Strike applied to ranged damage as well, to discover that the ability is not +Int to damage, but +Class level. As such, I don't feel that I'll be level dipping in the class anymore. This leaves the question of where to go with my character. Important details as of now are:

Factocum 7

Approx. 70 HP
Saves F/R/W +6/+10/+6
AC 20
Inspiration pool 7
Str 10 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 25 Wis 14 Cha 10

Mythic Abilities

Defensive move (Pick one enemy each round, movement doesn't provoke that target)
Directed assault (When I crit an enemy, allies get a bonus to crit confirm, I can spend mythic power to convert ally hits into crit threats)
Master of escape (At the start of every round, roll Escape Artist to try and remove one movement related debuff)
Surprise Strike (Swift action, spend MP to attack, target is flat-footed, denied DR)


Font of inspiration x 2
(Mythic) Weapon Finesse (add dex to damage)
(Mythic) Dodge (Spend MP, +10 AC vs 1 attack as Immediate action)

I have a couple of ideas what I want to do, but I'm not sure which. I could just spend all my time in Factotum, since it is a really interesting class. Alternatively, after taking my 8th level of Factotum, I jump into Lore Warden Fighter for a few levels, picking up feats to get Kirin Strike or Greater Dirty Trick.

What all do you think?

2013-11-04, 01:40 PM
I was going over the Pathfinder version of the Duelist PrC, to see if Precise Strike applied to ranged damage as well, to discover that the ability is not +Int to damage, but +Class level. As such, I don't feel that I'll be level dipping in the class anymore. This leaves the question of where to go with my character. Important details as of now are:

Factocum 7

Approx. 70 HP
Saves F/R/W +6/+10/+6
AC 20
Inspiration pool 7
Str 10 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 25 Wis 14 Cha 10

Mythic Abilities

Defensive move (Pick one enemy each round, movement doesn't provoke that target)
Directed assault (When I crit an enemy, allies get a bonus to crit confirm, I can spend mythic power to convert ally hits into crit threats)
Master of escape (At the start of every round, roll Escape Artist to try and remove one movement related debuff)
Surprise Strike (Swift action, spend MP to attack, target is flat-footed, denied DR)


Font of inspiration x 2
(Mythic) Weapon Finesse (add dex to damage)
(Mythic) Dodge (Spend MP, +10 AC vs 1 attack as Immediate action)

I have a couple of ideas what I want to do, but I'm not sure which. I could just spend all my time in Factotum, since it is a really interesting class. Alternatively, after taking my 8th level of Factotum, I jump into Lore Warden Fighter for a few levels, picking up feats to get Kirin Strike or Greater Dirty Trick.

What all do you think?

I would go into swashbuckler, it is my favorite class and there is a bonus to Int to damage rolls, very nice especially for your character

2013-11-04, 01:55 PM
That is definitely an idea. 3 levels of nothing else will really sting, though. Could probably see about taking the Arcane Stunt ACF out of Complete Mage, since my Reflex is already far and away my best save.