View Full Version : some help with my rogue. 3.5e

2013-11-04, 07:31 PM
My Character is a rogue, he is level 5 and i have his stats and feats listed here, im just looking for some feedback and maybe possible items,feats, if i need to change some skill points around and such,

*added info,
i have noting atm my dm blind me and some bandets stole all my items.

thanks for the help and i will try and answer any questions about my Character

*edit we are only using the 3.5 e players handbook, no other books atm,*

2013-11-04, 07:51 PM
While balancing, people are flat-footed (lose their Dex modifier to AC and vulnerable to sneak attack) unless they have 5 or more ranks in Balance. You might want to protect yourself from this while also exploiting it to get sneak attacks.

Otherwise your skill selection looks fine.

Sir Chuckles
2013-11-04, 07:56 PM
Your feats are the first steps to building an ambush Rogue. You skill points are a little all over the place, but you have your core abilities right. Remeber that you only get your bonus Sneak Attack damage at 30ft or less.

With that Longbow of Shock, you probably don't need to be packing Shuriken (Ninja Stars, as you have it) or the crossbow. Just more arrows.

It's fine for a simple PHB-only campaign.

The only problems I really see is that you're carrying too much stuff to not have a form of carrying.
You do not list a backpack, sack, basket, bag of holding, or pack animal.
Combine that with your 8 Str and ~50lb total carrying weight (assuming you're nude under that leather) you're at a medium load (which will hamper your AC and skill checks).

...I didn't count that "staff of liiionion" on there (you need to work on spelling and such) for weight, because I don't know what it is. Realistically, it could put you into heavy load (bad!).

You have a few other strange items (you just have a guinea pig in your pocket?), but no big deal.

Ultimately, it just need a bunch of...custodial work.

2013-11-04, 09:56 PM
Okay, just... check out my weapon handbook in my sig below.

I'd focus on poisons. Specifically bloodspikes. No chance to poison yourself if they come pre-loaded.

Buy a weapon with assassination (+1 bonus) no chance to poison yourself AND it does an extra +1d6 sneak attack. You can't beat that with a stick.

Take craft poison and make your own poisons.
Maybe craft alchemy and become a flask rogue.

Get some augment crystals.
You don't have the strength for a bow or the ninja stars, dump them for the crossbow. Add an underslung crossbow bayonet sword so you don't have to drop your weapon if it turns melee.

Get an oil chamber for your armor. Get rid of one of your invisibility potions for Invisibility oil. Costs the same except you can spray it on yourself with a swift action.

Typical round:
Standard action: Attack.
Swift action: Turn invisible (after you attack)
Move action: Run away.

2013-11-04, 10:23 PM
Um, the OP says PHB 3.5 only.

Sir Chuckles
2013-11-05, 12:52 AM
Um, the OP says PHB 3.5 only.

A brutally limiting stipulation for a Rogue, but at least he'll be able to act as a Psuedo-Ranger.

You don't have the strength for a Composite bow, but a regular longbow is fine.
It's not optimal, but you can skip Rapid Reload.

Ask your DM if you can count your longbow as a club or quarterstaff.

2013-11-05, 09:45 AM
In regards to your carrying capacity, do you really need a rapier, a dagger AND a shortsword? I can understand carrying a backup weapon, but a backup for the backup? Considering both the rapier and the shortsword deal piercing damage, the shortsword I think weighs more, and has a smaller threat range, I'd ditch the sword. My thoughts though. I don't know how many backup weapons people here typically hold onto.

2013-11-19, 07:26 PM
Thanks for all the info so far it has helped me move some stuff around and sort out my sheet, any more advice would be really helpful

2013-11-19, 10:31 PM
I think I missed a feat on your sheet, no? I only saw one. You need to add skill synergies to your totals.
Also seconding dropping some weapons, and adding thrown weapons like alchemists fire, and a tanglefoot bag.

Sir Chuckles
2013-11-19, 10:54 PM
It still needs much custodial work.
Chack? (Chalk?)
4 healing potains d8? (You mean Potion of Cure Light Wounds?)

Aside from that, it's really only important that you can read it properly, like notes in a class.

The only two things that I would bring up is your bow and Feats.
Separate your feats and special abilities (Put a space between them or something) for clarity.

Your bow is listed as a "Longbow of Shock". Can't do that. Needs to be a +1 weapon before you can put things like Shock onto it.

2013-11-20, 01:22 PM
It still needs much custodial work.
Chack? (Chalk?)
4 healing potains d8? (You mean Potion of Cure Light Wounds?)

Aside from that, it's really only important that you can read it properly, like notes in a class.

The only two things that I would bring up is your bow and Feats.
Separate your feats and special abilities (Put a space between them or something) for clarity.

Your bow is listed as a "Longbow of Shock". Can't do that. Needs to be a +1 weapon before you can put things like Shock onto it.

The bow I found in a magic shop I robbed, I just got it identified in the last session and the roll for the + bonus is happening in the next session,

I think the cleaning up has also been done, so any other info on items or feats a ms such be a big help

2013-11-21, 01:34 AM
I think I missed a feat on your sheet, no? I only saw one. You need to add skill synergies to your totals.
Also seconding dropping some weapons, and adding thrown weapons like alchemists fire, and a tanglefoot bag.

no the feats were just cluttered with everything else i just cleaned up the whole sheet so i hope it helps and i have also added in the synergie, forgot compleatly about that, thanks

2013-11-21, 02:36 AM
Odd tip:

Go pick up a blackjack if you can. It's pretty cheap, only 1 gp. And with your sneak attack, actually useful. I only mention it because, well... sometimes you want to take prisoners. Rogue + Blackjack + Sneak attack is about the most efficient, reliable way to do it in a core game.

Averis Vol
2013-11-21, 03:03 AM
If I were you, seeing as you still have about 2.5k and a bad strength score, how about a partially charged wand of grease (30 charges puts its price at 450 gp) and a hewards handy haversack. The wand is so you can consistantlyish get your Sneak attack off at a range as well as adding partial crowd control. Your bow is pretty stacked for your level, being at least +2 and all, so that's an awesome bit of damage boost, which is why I suggest getting yourself the haversack.

as for advancement, in a strictly core game, your options to boost static damage, because lets get real here, a lot of things will mess with your sneak attack, I would suggest boosting your strength as much as you can. While it shouldn't be your first priority, this will lead to better base damage output (As you can grab a composite bow), better physical skills (potentially important, potentially useless, and better melee capability. As always get yourself more dex for better to hit and maybe a pair of bracers of the archer (because, again, you need all the help you can get.) Also, if you have an wizard in the party, buy him/her a pearl of power and a scroll of flame arrows when you get the chance; it will get you on his good side because you bought him a fancy doo-dad and expanded his/her spellbook, plus it gets you some extra damage (see above quotations.)

2013-11-21, 06:19 AM
Odd tip:

Go pick up a blackjack if you can. It's pretty cheap, only 1 gp. And with your sneak attack, actually useful. I only mention it because, well... sometimes you want to take prisoners. Rogue + Blackjack + Sneak attack is about the most efficient, reliable way to do it in a core game.

I have one its just under sap, I'll change the name to blackjack for ease of reading

2013-11-21, 07:16 AM
My bad. Plus I notice "sap" is actually the correct name now. Was muddled and thinking of earlier editions or possibly another game where they called it a blackjack.

2013-11-21, 07:36 AM
Thats cool mate, I think blackjack would be easier for everyone to read at a quick glance,

2013-11-21, 08:08 AM
If I were you, seeing as you still have about 2.5k and a bad strength score, how about a partially charged wand of grease (30 charges puts its price at 450 gp) and a hewards handy haversack. The wand is so you can consistantlyish get your Sneak attack off at a range as well as adding partial crowd control. Your bow is pretty stacked for your level, being at least +2 and all, so that's an awesome bit of damage boost, which is why I suggest getting yourself the haversack.

as for advancement, in a strictly core game, your options to boost static damage, because lets get real here, a lot of things will mess with your sneak attack, I would suggest boosting your strength as much as you can. While it shouldn't be your first priority, this will lead to better base damage output (As you can grab a composite bow), better physical skills (potentially important, potentially useless, and better melee capability. As always get yourself more dex for better to hit and maybe a pair of bracers of the archer (because, again, you need all the help you can get.) Also, if you have an wizard in the party, buy him/her a pearl of power and a scroll of flame arrows when you get the chance; it will get you on his good side because you bought him a fancy doo-dad and expanded his/her spellbook, plus it gets you some extra damage (see above quotations.)

seem my bow is not as stacked as we thought my dm is only giving me a +1.

and also about my gold i have just over 25k, not 2.5 my dm is using pp as 100 gp not 10 so i can adford to buy some more nice things

2013-11-21, 08:58 AM
A +1 Shock weapon [8300gp] is rather nice for a 4th level character

2013-11-21, 09:15 AM
A +1 Shock weapon [8300gp] is rather nice for a 4th level character

I just leveled up to 5, so I'm editing according

2013-11-21, 04:16 PM
In regards to your carrying capacity, do you really need a rapier, a dagger AND a shortsword? I can understand carrying a backup weapon, but a backup for the backup? Considering both the rapier and the shortsword deal piercing damage, the shortsword I think weighs more, and has a smaller threat range, I'd ditch the sword. My thoughts though. I don't know how many backup weapons people here typically hold onto.

sorted this mostly still have a little bit left to do but nealry there, i dont see why i had so much weps, thanks for pointing it out to me

2013-11-22, 11:05 AM
A brutally limiting stipulation for a Rogue, but at least he'll be able to act as a Psuedo-Ranger.

You don't have the strength for a Composite bow, but a regular longbow is fine.
It's not optimal, but you can skip Rapid Reload.

Ask your DM if you can count your longbow as a club or quarterstaff.

I'm looking into either putting some more points into strength or maybe get a item with +strength, and it does count as a club he says it's cool

2013-11-22, 11:25 AM
Since you seem to have the cash, I suggest upgrading to Masterwork Thieves Tools for the +2 bonus. There are also some handy Alchemical items, like Antitoxin, an excellent Fort save bonus if you know you are running into something with poison. Holy water is nice even if just used to test for evil alters and such, and every once in awhile Alchemical Fire is good, say when fighting a Troll. It might also be a good idea to carry some kind of light source, in case the DM suddenly realizes the dungeon you are in is dark.

Agreed that there is really no reason to carry both a crossbow and a longbow, pick one.

2013-11-22, 11:51 AM
Since you seem to have the cash, I suggest upgrading to Masterwork Thieves Tools for the +2 bonus. There are also some handy Alchemical items, like Antitoxin, an excellent Fort save bonus if you know you are running into something with poison. Holy water is nice even if just used to test for evil alters and such, and every once in awhile Alchemical Fire is good, say when fighting a Troll. It might also be a good idea to carry some kind of light source, in case the DM suddenly realizes the dungeon you are in is dark.

Agreed that there is really no reason to carry both a crossbow and a longbow, pick one.

Yeah I have been looking into upgrading them but I'm not on best terms with the guild atm, unless you know another way I can upgrade them,

I have been trying to find what Alchemical items suit me, and such and yeah the bows are my next thing since I'm getting my bow identified this session I'll prob sell the crossbow due to it being inferior to the longbow of shock, but the main thing I liked about the crossbow was that I could fire it at close range with a penalty, I'm not sure if I can do the same with the bow. Not 100% sure of the details of it

2013-11-22, 01:31 PM
The only penalty to shooting a bow at close range is that if anyone's in position to smack you in melee they get to take a shot at you. Also feats that are more effective if you're close with your longbow like Point Blank Shot.

2013-11-22, 02:46 PM
With 25k gold, you need to ask your DM if you can use the DMG. As it stands, you have no access to magic items. You could pretty much buy almost everything in the PHB with the amount of money you have (the biggest boats are what stops you).

If he says yes, let us know our recommendation options have been extended.

If he says no, buy a warship. 25k for a boat. That, or buy 25 water clocks.

If you want to be really silly, buy either 500,000 (if 1pp = 100gp = 1,000sp = 10,000cp) or 50,000,000 (if your dm maintains the 100 ratio meaning that 1pp = 100gp = 10,000sp = 1,000,000cp) 10 foot ladders for 5cp each (number is now x). Then proceed to remove the rungs from the ladders. This gives you 2x 10-foot poles (2sp each) and 11x former ladder rungs. Since a ladder is 20lb and the 10ft poles are 8 each (2 per ladder), that means the rungs provide 4lb of wood per ladder, meaning you have 4x additional lbs of wood. Firewood can be sold at a rate of 1cp per 20lb, so you can add on x/5 cp.

You have now gone from 5x cp to either
Assuming 1sp = 10cp: 40x + x/5 cp
Assuming 1sp = 100cp: 400x +x/5 cp

Either way, you now have 8 times the money you started with. Buy a country.

2013-11-22, 04:43 PM
The only penalty to shooting a bow at close range is that if anyone's in position to smack you in melee they get to take a shot at you. Also feats that are more effective if you're close with your longbow like Point Blank Shot.

Ok cool did not know that and I already have that feat, it comes in real handy

2013-11-22, 04:47 PM
Also if you're serious, get precise shot ASAP if you don't already have it. Don't be that guy who shoots into melee and hits your teammates. It's very irritating. Especially if you end up doing 1d8+1d6+3d6 to their back when they're facing down with something dangerous that can smack them hard anyway. Remember, if you shoot into melee your enemies get cover. And if you miss by the cover, you hit the cover... your teammates. It sucks.

2013-11-22, 04:47 PM
With 25k gold, you need to ask your DM if you can use the DMG. As it stands, you have no access to magic items. You could pretty much buy almost everything in the PHB with the amount of money you have (the biggest boats are what stops you).

If he says yes, let us know our recommendation options have been extended.

If he says no, buy a warship. 25k for a boat. That, or buy 25 water clocks.

If you want to be really silly, buy either 500,000 (if 1pp = 100gp = 1,000sp = 10,000cp) or 50,000,000 (if your dm maintains the 100 ratio meaning that 1pp = 100gp = 10,000sp = 1,000,000cp) 10 foot ladders for 5cp each (number is now x). Then proceed to remove the rungs from the ladders. This gives you 2x 10-foot poles (2sp each) and 11x former ladder rungs. Since a ladder is 20lb and the 10ft poles are 8 each (2 per ladder), that means the rungs provide 4lb of wood per ladder, meaning you have 4x additional lbs of wood. Firewood can be sold at a rate of 1cp per 20lb, so you can add on x/5 cp.

You have now gone from 5x cp to either
Assuming 1sp = 10cp: 40x + x/5 cp
Assuming 1sp = 100cp: 400x +x/5 cp

Either way, you now have 8 times the money you started with. Buy a country.

I'll ask him about using the DM but I don't think he would have any prob with that,

I'm so tempted to do the ladder thing but I think the DM would kill me cos he is already getting mad at me for "meta gaming" by looking up things to buy outside of game that my player did not know, but I told him that I just got all that cash so there is lots of things I wanted that I could not afford, but he was not to happy with that answer

2013-11-22, 05:19 PM
With 25k gold, you need to ask your DM if you can use the DMG. As it stands, you have no access to magic items. You could pretty much buy almost everything in the PHB with the amount of money you have (the biggest boats are what stops you).

If he says yes, let us know our recommendation options have been extended.

If he says no, buy a warship. 25k for a boat. That, or buy 25 water clocks.

Also he said that I'm allowed to use the DMG

Sir Chuckles
2013-11-22, 05:30 PM
I'll ask him about using the DM but I don't think he would have any prob with that,

I'm so tempted to do the ladder thing but I think the DM would kill me cos he is already getting mad at me for "meta gaming" by looking up things to buy outside of game that my player did not know, but I told him that I just got all that cash so there is lots of things I wanted that I could not afford, but he was not to happy with that answer

The ladder thing might be considered metagaming (Using outside knowledge that your character could not have possibly known.
Things like that are generally more laughed at than actually done. Like Pun-Pun to Kobold (a theoretical character that achieves an infinite divine rank at Lv5, not meant to be played).

As for "looking things up in the DMG", I would not consider that metagaming. Unless your DM strictly says "You cannot buy anything outside the guild", then you should be able to say that you're shopping around and the DMG is what is shown. He can simply say "No you can't buy a boat in the middle of the desert".

Straight up denying to access to it is bad form, in my opinion in most situations.

You could easily say "My character would like to buy magic items. I go looking for magic items shops and ask the shopkeeper 'What does this sword do?'".

If he says "No, you can only buy within the guild." then keep asking him what you can and can't buy. In character, this would be "I walk into the guild shop and pester the shopkeeper with 'Do you have something better than this? Do you have potions?' and so on."

If he straight up denies your character shopping (Not "You can't buy things right now. You have to finish the current mission." That's ok.) with little to no reason (again, metagaming is not a good reason), then complain a bit make some good arguments. Diplomacy is a powerful skills, in game and out.

If he uses the setting to deny you ("You cannot buy things here. The nearest magic shop is 753 miles away!"), then wait until the setting gets more pleasant and put all your money in a sack and use it to bludgeon people.

2013-11-22, 06:06 PM
Actually, they've gotten Pun Pun down to level 1.

My advice is to enchant your main weapon. You have significantly more money than you should at this level.

2013-11-22, 06:20 PM
Actually, they've gotten Pun Pun down to level 1.

My advice is to enchant your main weapon. You have significantly more money than you should at this level.

Well my main weapon atm is my bow of shock and the reason I have so much cash is I sold some loot that I was never going g to use XD

Subaru Kujo
2013-11-22, 06:55 PM
I don't know how many backup weapons people here typically hold onto.

Uhhhh... With my current rogue, plenty. 2 daggers in his boots, a rapier and a magical dagger on the hips, and a spiked chain like spear in the right arm (it's kinda hard to explain).

Previous rogue just had daggers out the wazoo. Half a dozen on each side of her chest.

If you can carry them and the rest of the group doesn't need em, having backups for your back ups is always a good idea.

2013-11-22, 07:11 PM
I had one warrior based on personal skill rather than a legendary weapon. That character had 10 masterwork morningstars (no ranged weapon since he could out fly most opponents).

However I have never had more than 3 main/magical weapons (primary melee, secondary melee, tertiary ranged)
Lvl 1: Mundane, Mundane, Mundane
Lvl 3: Mwk, Mundane, Mundane
Lvl 5: +1, Mwk, Mundane
Lvl 7: +1, +1, +1
Lvl 9: +2, +1, +1
Lvl 11: +2, +2, +2
Lvl 12: +3, +2, +2
Lvl 14: +4, +2, +2
Lvl 15: +5, +3, +2
Lvl 17: +6, +4, +2
Lvl 18: +7, +5, +3
Lvl 19: +8, +5, +3
Lvl 20: +9, +6, +4

2013-11-22, 07:28 PM
Thing is, the longer you go on, the more weapons you'll need to carry.

Because there'll be a time where, with your adventures you'll want Silver weapons, Cold Iron weapons, Holy Weapons or Unholy weapons, and various combinations of it where you'll want a Cold Iron Holy Dagger AND a Silver Holy Dagger, etc.

Because remember, your initial attack has to inflict damage to trigger Sneak attack. If your 1d6/1d8 doesn't get past the enemy's DR/10 Holy and Silver.... you're screwed.

Averis Vol
2013-11-22, 07:34 PM
seem my bow is not as stacked as we thought my dm is only giving me a +1.

and also about my gold i have just over 25k, not 2.5 my dm is using pp as 100 gp not 10 so i can adford to buy some more nice things

Holy ****, That's more than I was expecting o.O (And still, thats a nice bow ya got there.)

Okay, so how about a pair of gloves of dexterity +4 (16k) in addition to my prior suggestions. This ups your AC, to hit, reflex saves and various skills. Not bad, and kind of a necessity. If you would rather save a bit, the +2 are only 4k. You'll have to upgrade eventually, but you can put the gold you have now towards something else.

Actually, screw the bag of holding, you could pick up a ring of invisibility (20k) a pair of gloves of dexterity +2 (4k) and a wand of grease (750gp) and still have enough left for room and board. Personally, that ring is one of my favorite buys, but really expensive. IF you could swing PF, the goggles of the master sniper allow you to sneak attack from any range; this is one of the few items I would say is necessary to pester your DM about (But I probably wouldn't for long, but they are reeeeeaaaalllly sweet for a ranged rogue.)

2013-11-22, 07:41 PM
I would suggest getting a ring of blinking as soon as you can. It's 27k gold, but it gives you a 50% miss chance (great for low AC characters) and makes everyone flat footed so you can just hack away with sneak attack damage.

It also reduces fall damage and automatically halves and AOE damage you may take which really helps out as rogues are a very low HP class.

2013-11-22, 08:13 PM
Thing is, the longer you go on, the more weapons you'll need to carry.

Because there'll be a time where, with your adventures you'll want Silver weapons, Cold Iron weapons, Holy Weapons or Unholy weapons, and various combinations of it where you'll want a Cold Iron Holy Dagger AND a Silver Holy Dagger, etc.

Because remember, your initial attack has to inflict damage to trigger Sneak attack. If your 1d6/1d8 doesn't get past the enemy's DR/10 Holy and Silver.... you're screwed.

Yeah I see where you are coming from and I think that's a whole aspect that I have to look into

2013-11-22, 08:15 PM
Holy ****, That's more than I was expecting o.O (And still, thats a nice bow ya got there.)

Okay, so how about a pair of gloves of dexterity +4 (16k) in addition to my prior suggestions. This ups your AC, to hit, reflex saves and various skills. Not bad, and kind of a necessity. If you would rather save a bit, the +2 are only 4k. You'll have to upgrade eventually, but you can put the gold you have now towards something else.

Actually, screw the bag of holding, you could pick up a ring of invisibility (20k) a pair of gloves of dexterity +2 (4k) and a wand of grease (750gp) and still have enough left for room and board. Personally, that ring is one of my favorite buys, but really expensive. IF you could swing PF, the goggles of the master sniper allow you to sneak attack from any range; this is one of the few items I would say is necessary to pester your DM about (But I probably wouldn't for long, but they are reeeeeaaaalllly sweet for a ranged rogue.)

Lol thanks I worked hard for the loot to get that much, and yeah I'm looking into things one thing I would like some feed back on is the Efficient Quiver, anyone use on or is it any good.

2013-11-22, 08:16 PM
I would suggest getting a ring of blinking as soon as you can. It's 27k gold, but it gives you a 50% miss chance (great for low AC characters) and makes everyone flat footed so you can just hack away with sneak attack damage.

It also reduces fall damage and automatically halves and AOE damage you may take which really helps out as rogues are a very low HP class.

Sounds nice little bit expensive at this point like I would rather have some other things that one really nice thing, but I'll look into this the bounses are amazing

Sir Chuckles
2013-11-22, 08:25 PM
I would suggest getting a ring of blinking as soon as you can. It's 27k gold, but it gives you a 50% miss chance (great for low AC characters) and makes everyone flat footed so you can just hack away with sneak attack damage.

It also reduces fall damage and automatically halves and AOE damage you may take which really helps out as rogues are a very low HP class.

Seconding this.

Sell off a few of your items. You genuinely do not need the crossbow.
Sell the Rapier, use your bow as a club.
Keep the dagger. My rule of thumb is "Always have a sharp object".

2013-11-22, 09:35 PM
Sounds nice little bit expensive at this point like I would rather have some other things that one really nice thing, but I'll look into this the bounses are amazing

It's not a 100% necessity to get, but if I'm playing any sort of squishy character I pick it up as soon as I can. Especially if I'm playing a rogue or assassin. It can be the biggest pain to constantly try to maneuver so you can take advantage of sneak attack damage and this allows you to always sneak attack.

It also gives you the ability to walk through walls. It's risky, but it would allow you to ghost your way into some vaults and load your bag of holding with gold before fleeing. You can look up the spell Blink on the SRD for a full list of what it can do.


Averis Vol
2013-11-23, 02:36 AM
Always good to see a player getting rewarded well for his work. The efficient quiver is, in essence, a bag of storing for arrows. But it can also store your bow in the spear length holder, you just need to unstring it. Also, ArcturusV brings up a good point, you should probably buy a bunch of different arrow types so you aren't left out to dry when you face lycanthropes or fey, or demons or what have you.

2013-11-23, 07:55 AM
Seconding this.

Sell off a few of your items. You genuinely do not need the crossbow.
Sell the Rapier, use your bow as a club.
Keep the dagger. My rule of thumb is "Always have a sharp object".

Ok looking into this more, looks promising

2013-11-23, 07:57 AM
Always good to see a player getting rewarded well for his work. The efficient quiver is, in essence, a bag of storing for arrows. But it can also store your bow in the spear length holder, you just need to unstring it. Also, ArcturusV brings up a good point, you should probably buy a bunch of different arrow types so you aren't left out to dry when you face lycanthropes or fey, or demons or what have you.

Yeah I was well happy when I got the prices and Ok that's cool I think I might get that and look into the arrows cos like I said I have the cash to spend atm

2013-11-23, 01:03 PM
It's not a 100% necessity to get, but if I'm playing any sort of squishy character I pick it up as soon as I can. Especially if I'm playing a rogue or assassin. It can be the biggest pain to constantly try to maneuver so you can take advantage of sneak attack damage and this allows you to always sneak attack.

It also gives you the ability to walk through walls. It's risky, but it would allow you to ghost your way into some vaults and load your bag of holding with gold before fleeing. You can look up the spell Blink on the SRD for a full list of what it can do.


Looking at the link you left it looks like a really good item and I'll Def have a chat with my dm to see what he thinks if it,

Does anyone have any thoughts on how my rouge is built and feats and skills and such

Sir Chuckles
2013-11-23, 05:13 PM
Looking at the link you left it looks like a really good item and I'll Def have a chat with my dm to see what he thinks if it,

Does anyone have any thoughts on how my rouge is built and feats and skills and such

Again, you really shouldn't have to ask your DM if a magic item is ok to use. There are some notable exceptions that he should tell you from the beginning,(For example, I do not allow anyone to buy Candles of Invocation. My players aren't smart enough to realize that they can abuse the Gate spell, and my players are still in the "Evocation is the best because spells that don't do direct damage are useless" phase, but I still ban it) but unless your DM stonewalls you and says "You cannot buy magic items at this time", you should have no problems getting it. Again, I think it's poor form to be that restrictive.

As for Feats, you're about to get another one next level. Do you plan on cross-classing or taking a Prestige class? That will affect your feat choice.

I'm going on a assumption here and guess that your group is relatively new to D&D. If that's the case, you're doing better than some of my players, who have been playing for 4 years.

2013-11-23, 05:28 PM
Again, you really shouldn't have to ask your DM if a magic item is ok to use. There are some notable exceptions that he should tell you from the beginning,(For example, I do not allow anyone to buy Candles of Invocation. My players aren't smart enough to realize that they can abuse the Gate spell, and my players are still in the "Evocation is the best because spells that don't do direct damage are useless" phase, but I still ban it) but unless your DM stonewalls you and says "You cannot buy magic items at this time", you should have no problems getting it. Again, I think it's poor form to be that restrictive.

As for Feats, you're about to get another one next level. Do you plan on cross-classing or taking a Prestige class? That will affect your feat choice.

I'm going on a assumption here and guess that your group is relatively new to D&D. If that's the case, you're doing better than some of my players, who have been playing for 4 years.

Yeah most of us are and it's my dm first time as a dm and first time in d&d so he's still kinds learning I think, but Thank you I have been reading and looking around on my class and such,

As cross classing the prestige class I'm kinda looking at is the unseen hand, and with feats I'm limited to just the PHB so there are not a lot of ranged ones in there bar point and rapid,

Sir Chuckles
2013-11-23, 07:46 PM
Yeah most of us are and it's my dm first time as a dm and first time in d&d so he's still kinds learning I think, but Thank you I have been reading and looking around on my class and such,

As cross classing the prestige class I'm kinda looking at is the unseen hand, and with feats I'm limited to just the PHB so there are not a lot of ranged ones in there bar point and rapid,

Curious, how do you plan on qualifying for Master of the Unseen Hand as a Rogue?

And yes, when you're restricted to PHB for Feats, especially for a bow-Rogue, you're pretty much always told "Anything with the word "Shot" in it, except Far."
You don't need Far Shot as a Rogue, your Sneak Attacks only apply to 30ft. With works will with Point Blank Shot. I'd take Rapid Shot next.
Again, that's depending on the idea that you're staying mostly Rogue and focusing on archery (Which would be ideal, as your Strength won't support a throwing character).

2013-11-23, 09:36 PM
Curious, how do you plan on qualifying for Master of the Unseen Hand as a Rogue?

And yes, when you're restricted to PHB for Feats, especially for a bow-Rogue, you're pretty much always told "Anything with the word "Shot" in it, except Far."
You don't need Far Shot as a Rogue, your Sneak Attacks only apply to 30ft. With works will with Point Blank Shot. I'd take Rapid Shot next.
Again, that's depending on the idea that you're staying mostly Rogue and focusing on archery (Which would be ideal, as your Strength won't support a throwing character).

Em I was kinda unsure. My dm said that he would play as. Jerro and kinda go from there, but im kinda unsure atm,

The feats I had in mind where rapid shot next then maybe weapon fitness or maybe some thing else a bit unsure and also how do my skills look I know they are a bit scattered but I think I have the idea now is what I should have it

2013-11-23, 09:45 PM
And yes, when you're restricted to PHB for Feats, especially for a bow-Rogue, you're pretty much always told "Anything with the word "Shot" in it, except Far."

Manyshot is not going to do you much good, since you are not going to get access to Greater Manyshot (and even then, it's a heavy feat investment and strictly inferior to Rapid Shot).

The must have archery feats are Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot and Improve Precise Shot. And seeing as your feat choice is so limited, you might as well get them all. You already have Improved Initiative, which is always a nice feat (and gives you a better chance to catch your enemies flat footed by going before them in the 1st round).

Equipment-wise, the already suggested Wand of Grease is a godsend (unless your DM decides you abuse it too much and gives everyone in game 5 ranks in Balance), special abilities for your bow might also be a good investment since DR and immunities to Sneak Attack will probably be quite prevalent with your enemies very soon.

A brutally limiting stipulation for a Rogue

This is very true indeed - no access to ambush and "pseudo-ambush" feats (the latter group being stuff like Craven, Arterial Strike, Staggering Strike and Hamstring), no abilities to overcome SA-immunities, no access to the best (to the point of being essential at higher levels) bow special abilities might prove crippling to you if your DM does not take these limitations into consideration for his campaign design.

Edit: Get special material arrows. Essential for overcoming DR in core-only game.

Also, the efficient quiver/Quiver of Ehlona is a good buy, ask your DM if you can store more arrows in the middle compartment (normally used for javelins and similar items, should be able to hole at least 60 additional arrows, technically much more, depending on how you calculate that space).

Hewards Handy Haversack / Bag of Holding are also quite cheap items that help a lot with carrying capacity and are a boon to every adventurer (especially one that tends to help himself to other peoples possessions).

And a buckler - cheap, can be used with a bow, provides extra space for magical enchantments.

The feats I had in mind where rapid shot next then maybe weapon fitness or maybe some thing else a bit unsure and also how do my skills look I know they are a bit scattered but I think I have the idea now is what I should have it

You mean Weapon Finesse, I assume :) I don't think you have enough resources to focus both on ranged and melee combat.

2013-11-28, 11:06 AM
Manyshot is not going to do you much good, since you are not going to get access to Greater Manyshot (and even then, it's a heavy feat investment and strictly inferior to Rapid Shot).

The must have archery feats are Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot and Improve Precise Shot. And seeing as your feat choice is so limited, you might as well get them all. You already have Improved Initiative, which is always a nice feat (and gives you a better chance to catch your enemies flat footed by going before them in the 1st round).

Equipment-wise, the already suggested Wand of Grease is a godsend (unless your DM decides you abuse it too much and gives everyone in game 5 ranks in Balance), special abilities for your bow might also be a good investment since DR and immunities to Sneak Attack will probably be quite prevalent with your enemies very soon.

This is very true indeed - no access to ambush and "pseudo-ambush" feats (the latter group being stuff like Craven, Arterial Strike, Staggering Strike and Hamstring), no abilities to overcome SA-immunities, no access to the best (to the point of being essential at higher levels) bow special abilities might prove crippling to you if your DM does not take these limitations into consideration for his campaign design.

Edit: Get special material arrows. Essential for overcoming DR in core-only game.

Also, the efficient quiver/Quiver of Ehlona is a good buy, ask your DM if you can store more arrows in the middle compartment (normally used for javelins and similar items, should be able to hole at least 60 additional arrows, technically much more, depending on how you calculate that space).

Hewards Handy Haversack / Bag of Holding are also quite cheap items that help a lot with carrying capacity and are a boon to every adventurer (especially one that tends to help himself to other peoples possessions).

And a buckler - cheap, can be used with a bow, provides extra space for magical enchantments.

You mean Weapon Finesse, I assume :) I don't think you have enough resources to focus both on ranged and melee combat.

ok i got my dm to allow one book of my choice so i need some help picking what book would be best for my rogue as in with feats and such anyone ahve any idea

2013-11-28, 11:16 AM
ok i got my dm to allow one book of my choice so i need some help picking what book would be best for my rogue as in with feats and such anyone ahve any idea

Sure - Magic Item Compendium :smallsmile:

Other than that I would say Champions of Ruin for Craven and Splitting bow enhancement, though there are other good options in different splatbooks that I am sure others will point out soon enough,

Averis Vol
2013-11-28, 11:24 AM
ok i got my dm to allow one book of my choice so i need some help picking what book would be best for my rogue as in with feats and such anyone ahve any idea

Lets see. Expanded psionic has greater manyshot which will help with surprise rounds and hit and run tactics, and it also has a feat called deadly precision which lets you reroll 1's on SA dice. Not bad with that alone, but you can also pick up psionic and greater psionic shot which helps to nuke in the early rounds.

It also opens up dips in psy warrior to get some nice powers like compression and the option of taking Dorjes of some of the better psy war powers.

2013-11-28, 11:29 AM
Eh, with just one book I'd pick Exalted Deeds. Pick up Ancestral Weapon for your bow, which means that you can pick up any ability you want, regardless of what he wants to loot you, for your bow. You can pick up Anointed Knight to get things like Unicorn Blood on all your arrows which can really mess up someone's day, etc. No sneak attack progression but eh. Hard to set up with archery, relatively speaking. On any hand you're losing out action economy because even if you grease wand, you're still on a "One on, one off" sort of pattern. First round SA, grease on second round. SA on the third... fight is probably over by then. Not really getting any advantage over just using Hide and Snipe.

Might need to pick up a one level dip in something like Slayer of Dominel to get the spellcasting you need to actually use Alchemy, which isn't bad. Has some decent utility spellcasting for a rogue. Could just pick up sorcerer as well of course.

2013-11-28, 11:44 AM
I second the MIC.
Not only is it full of great utility items (Belt of Battle, Dimension Stride Boots, Weapon Crystals) but it is a resource that your whole party can benefit from.

2013-11-28, 02:23 PM
Dungeonscape for penetrating strike ACF. There is also a fairly cheap item in the MIC that makes immune targets vulnerable to SA damage IIRC (hand slot).

2013-11-28, 02:39 PM
Dungeonscape for penetrating strike ACF. There is also a fairly cheap item in the MIC that makes immune targets vulnerable to SA damage IIRC (hand slot).

There is, but AFAIK it is melee only. Weapon crystals are the best option for an archer.

Incidentally, Penetrating strike is kinda melee only as well, since it requires you to flank. It is of course possible to rebuild the character as melee oriented, but it's a rather drastic change of tacticts.

The feats from that book are kinda meh as well, so the best things it offers, IMO, are wand chambers (but you're still limited to core spells).

2013-11-28, 02:48 PM
Ah, missed it was exclusively ranged. I like a ranger dip for ranged rogues: that way it is easy to pick up a wand of hunter's mercy to keep in the wand chamber for those sweet x3 crits. It's especially good with Craven.

2013-11-28, 02:48 PM
There is, but AFAIK it is melee only. Weapon crystals are the best option for an archer.

Incidentally, Penetrating strike is kinda melee only as well, since it requires you to flank. It is of course possible to rebuild the character as melee oriented, but it's a rather drastic change of tacticts.

The feats from that book are kinda meh as well, so the best things it offers, IMO, are wand chambers (but you're still limited to core spells).

thanks for all the help guys i will keep this all in mind but i up dated my sheet to reflect my new suition

2013-11-28, 03:01 PM
Ah, missed it was exclusively ranged. I like a ranger dip for ranged rogues: that way it is easy to pick up a wand of hunter's mercy to keep in the wand chamber for those sweet x3 crits. It's especially good with Craven.

Yup, it's a nice opening combo. Sadly not for the OP, since he can't use a SpC spell and a CoR feat :(

Anyways, Craven and Splitting bow are the main reasons I suggested CoR as the second best option for the extra book allowed :smallbiggrin: