View Full Version : Judges needed for Iron Author 2 - A picture is worth a thousand words

Fat Daddy
2007-01-08, 06:43 AM
The inaugral Iron Author contest will be wrapping up in about a week or so. I am going to need volunteers to judge the next one. If you are interested please post in this thread.
PLEASE, only post if you will be able to post judgments in a timely manner (within about 5 days of each deadline max).
I will post here and PM those volunteers who will be doing the judging.


2007-01-08, 07:05 AM
I'll volunteer to judge.

2007-01-08, 04:03 PM
I too would like to judge. I would, of course, not be participating in the contest, but it doesn't seem like you have any shortage of people.

edit: Round two looks interesting though. I'm almost tempted to participate, but I think judging would still be more fun.

2007-01-09, 07:11 PM
If someone who hasn't already judged wants to do it, I'l bow out, but otherwise, I'm in!

Fat Daddy
2007-01-20, 10:19 AM
Tormsskull, averagejoe, and Dispozition, thank you for volunteering. Iron Author 2 began last night. The brackets are posted with the links and pictures on page 2 post 57 of that thread. Please take some time and familiarize yourself with the topics so you can judge their incorporation when the time comes.

Also, please take a moment and introduce yourself to the authors over on that thread as well. Tell them what you will be looking for in the story and what ever else you deem relevant.

Judging: I want to make this round much more timely than the last one was. In that effort you are the critical factor. The stories will be due by Friday January 26th. I want to post the round 2 brackets the following Friday. That means you will have about 6 days to read and judge all 16 stories as I would like all judgements submitted by Thursday, January 25th.

If you have any questions about anything let me know. Thanks again! This contest wouldn't get off the ground without you!