View Full Version : Self made energy weapons.

2013-11-06, 10:52 PM
Ok, so, let's say I wanna make a blade out of meta physical material. What can I do to make this happen? Bonus points if I can also scale it with level, and appear/disappear at will with out a silly once or a couple of times a day or some such restriction.

And just an up front, I'm not looking for Anything that involves custom spells,powers or magic Items.

2013-11-06, 10:58 PM
Soulknife (XPH); take one level. Warlock Level 1, take Eldritch Glaive blast shape and do 1d6 damage with reach as a standard action all day long.


You could give us more information, or at least insight into what you want. mean, there are a ton of published spells that make weapons out of energy, Flameblade (SRD) for example.

mabriss lethe
2013-11-06, 11:41 PM
These are just off the top of my head:

Call weaponry (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/callWeaponry.htm) is a first level psionic power that will conjure up pretty much any type of weapon. The Soulbound Weapon ACF (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070214a) for Psychic Warrior allows you to expand on the normal limits of the power.

As mentioned above, the soulknife (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/classes/soulknife.htm) class is the prepackaged "I make a magic sword with my brain" class. Unfortunately, it's not a very good class.

The Incarnate Weapon Soulmeld from Magic of Incarnum will allow you to summon a weapon based on your alignment. It's specific to the Incarnate class, but you can also pick it up with the Shape Soulmeld feat.

The Pyrokineticist Prestige Class (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/pyrokineticist.htm)gains the ability to create an energy whip at 1st level.

There are various vestiges available to the Binder that will grant you access to different magically created weapons. Eurynome springs to mind, but I think there are one or two others.

2013-11-07, 12:07 AM
Mordenkainen's sword is a poor fit, but the first one I thought of; you'd need shenanigans to make it persistable, and then more shenanigans to make the cost reasonable, and it only comes online at level 13, but if you can get past those it'd probably work pretty well.

There's also ice axe, thunderlance, flame blade, and various others at lower levels.

2013-11-07, 12:13 AM
Soulknife (XPH); take one level. Warlock Level 1, take Eldritch Glaive blast shape and do 1d6 damage with reach as a standard action all day long.


You could give us more information, or at least insight into what you want. mean, there are a ton of published spells that make weapons out of energy, Flameblade (SRD) for example.

Eldritch glaive is a full round action, you cant opt to use it as a standard action.

2013-11-07, 12:16 AM
Define metaphysical.

Like... I want to kill someone with a smell?

I want to wield the concept of time?

I want to make liquid moon light and turn it into a laser cannon?

I want to shoot green at my enemies because reasons?

I want to manifest my own self loathing into a large multi-pronged dagger that I use to cut out the hearts of those who dare to oppose me? (and have it give me a +4 to disarm, while I'm at it.)

2013-11-07, 12:18 AM
Or more standard damage types? Like City? or Vile? Do you want a sword made out of city energy?

2013-11-07, 12:23 AM
Or more standard damage types? Like City? or Vile? Do you want a sword made out of city energy?
Things I didn't know I needed until right now.

2013-11-07, 12:32 AM
Things I didn't know I needed until right now.

I want. I want that.

Fax Celestis
2013-11-07, 01:06 AM
I want. I want that.

City scimitar of sand.

2013-11-07, 01:12 AM
More the Self Loathing dagger/sword made out of City type stuff.

Yeah, Soul Knife, not really doing it for me. That Psi-warrior item looked not bad though. Not exactly what I had in mind, but not bad. The Incarnum soulmeld was closer, but, not really sure that it scales well with level.

mabriss lethe
2013-11-07, 01:42 AM
Even if you choose a less powerful option, you can always make up the difference by either taking an initiator class from Tome of Battle, or using Martial Study/ stance and/or maneuver granting items.

There are also a few Domain feats that either deal extra damage or add a rider effect to your attack. Except Knowledge Devotion, they're all 1/day with a duration of 10 rounds, but you can get extra uses if you have turn or rebuke undead and spend various amounts of turn attempts to power them. The weapon based devotions are generally considered sub-par, but there are a few of them that only take a single turn attempt to power. That doesn't sound all that great at first, but if you take two devotions that cost 1 turn attempt each and couple it with a 5th level or higher level Binder using Tenebrous, you can maintain the effects of both of them indefinitely.

Big Fau
2013-11-07, 01:49 AM
More the Self Loathing dagger/sword made out of City type stuff.

Yeah, Soul Knife, not really doing it for me. That Psi-warrior item looked not bad though. Not exactly what I had in mind, but not bad. The Incarnum soulmeld was closer, but, not really sure that it scales well with level.

It [Incarnate Weapon] does and doesn't. At the low-levels it's ahead of the curve, and around the mid-levels you're going to want special abilities more than you'll want the enhancement bonus. It may be possible to "enchant" the weapon via Kensei, Ancestral Relic, founding a Legacy, or Ironsoul Forgemaster (as you do technically make the weapon) and keep those enhancements for as long as you don't unshape the Soulmeld, but this requires some measure of DM Fiat.

Turning your Incarnate Weapon into a Legacy Item is the most likely to succeed, as there is a precedent for it (there's a Soulknife Legacy Item that becomes your Mindblade if you want it to).

2013-11-07, 05:49 PM
Alright, so, someone I know IRL pointed me at this PrC in Tome of Magics shadow magic section called the Shadowsmith, and pointed out an adaptation section that said the class can be changed to force instead of shadow if desired.

How workable would this be?

2013-11-07, 06:05 PM
What about a brilliant energy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#brilliantEnergy) weapon? I thought that was supposed to be the default D&D "light saber"? It doesn't appear and disappear at will, but it also costs only gold instead of more precious commodities like feats or prestige class levels. Although, just glancing at the stats, it doesn't look that great for the price.

2013-11-07, 06:48 PM
From incarnum theres the Incarnum Blade prestige class that can make any melee weapon as well as the Incarnate Weapon soulmeld that makes a weapon.

2013-11-07, 07:01 PM
What about a brilliant energy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#brilliantEnergy) weapon? I thought that was supposed to be the default D&D "light saber"? It doesn't appear and disappear at will, but it also costs only gold instead of more precious commodities like feats or prestige class levels. Although, just glancing at the stats, it doesn't look that great for the price.

If you combined it with a glove of storing you'd be set. Then you can build your character however you'd like.

Epsilon Rose
2013-11-07, 07:02 PM
If you're open to homebrew, there are some really good homebrew fixes for Soul Knife, including some that greatly enhance what it can make or fuse it with incarnum. You might want to give those a look if you like the general idea of the Soul Knife, but not it's execution (it is considered one of the weaker classes).

Oh, also, if PF material is open, there's a teifling racial archetype for Magus, called fiend flyer, that can summon weapons.

mabriss lethe
2013-11-07, 09:52 PM
Alright, so, someone I know IRL pointed me at this PrC in Tome of Magics shadow magic section called the Shadowsmith, and pointed out an adaptation section that said the class can be changed to force instead of shadow if desired.

How workable would this be?

Just a note: Conjuring up a weapon using Shadowsmith won't be possible until, at the earliest, character level 8 (11 if you want an enchanted version) and the power would only be useful for a number of times per day equal to 1/2 your shadowsmith level. That's a pretty high price to pay when you can pick up similar abilities as early as level 1.

mabriss lethe
2013-11-08, 09:33 AM
I'm just going to add one little thing here:

When it comes to a "make your own weapon" ability, you have to look at several criteria.

-Cost of acquisition: Some methods will require either a dip or a long term commitment to a specific class or managing to qualify for a prestige class. Some will require one or more feats. It will depend on the build you use as to which will be easier on you.

-Ability to upgrade: Depending on which route you use, your ability to upgrade your weapon of choice will vary from nigh unlimited to minimally.

-Action economy: Some methods will require a full round action, others a standard, a move, a swift, or even free.

Unfortunately, None of the abilities that grant weapons will grant high marks in all three categories, so you've got to go with what's more important.

If you want good marks in every category, you'll have to go with a real weapon, using various ways to magically "hide" it when not in use, refluffing it.

2013-11-08, 10:18 AM
Most "metaphysical materials" are going to involve spells or item creation somehow. Incarnum Blade, Eldritch Blast/Glaive, and Soulknife are the only things I know of offhand that don't.

A possibility for "make your own" weapons: the Kensai PrC from Complete Warrior. With a few levels of this, you can self-enchant your signature weapon to be a Brilliant Energy weapon.

2013-11-08, 03:24 PM
Take a look at the LeShay from the SRD/Epic Level Handbook

LeShay Weapons (Su)

Each leShay carries two personal melee weapons that he or she manifests from his or her own life essence. The weapon can change form as he or she shifts from class to class, typically appearing as a bastard sword (one in each hand). When not in combat, the weapons simply do not exist, but leShay can “draw” their weapons from nowhere as a free action. LeShay weapons are considered light weapons for a leShay, regardless of their size.

2013-11-08, 04:04 PM
Take a look at the LeShay from the SRD/Epic Level Handbook

Ok, you have my attention, how does one go about acquiring such weapons?

2013-11-08, 04:25 PM
There's one weapon in Weapons of Legacy that can absorb into yourself, gaining the ability to project it as a mind blade.

Ok, you have my attention, how does one go about acquiring such weapons?By being a leShay. And an NPC, since they don't have Level Adjustment.

2013-11-08, 04:26 PM
Ok, you have my attention, how does one go about acquiring such weapons?

High cheese, mostly. Or DM fiat. A Sarrukh using its Manipulate Form ability could grant it, you might be able to use Illithid Savant (I don't recall if it's only class features or if it can take racial abilities too). Epic level spells can do it too.

2013-11-08, 04:28 PM
High cheese, mostly. Or DM fiat. A Sarrukh using its Manipulate Form ability could grant it, you might be able to use Illithid Savant (I don't recall if it's only class features or if it can take racial abilities too). Epic level spells can do it too.

I don't suppose Alter self or a comperable ability would allow me to crib Just that one particular trick of there's would it?

2013-11-08, 04:32 PM
Polymorph shenanigans have a HD cap, and the LeShay is 50 HD. I'm not aware of any method to break it pre-epic.

2013-11-08, 04:34 PM
I don't suppose Alter self or a comperable ability would allow me to crib Just that one particular trick of there's would it?Nope. The amount of cheese needed to copy the leShay's ability is so great that by the time you get there you'd already be basically omnipotent.

Or you could just use that psychic warrior ACF above, and get the same thing from lv1.

2013-11-08, 04:34 PM
Oh well, that's kinda a pity, it would have fixed the problem for me swiftly.

Edit: So, that Psi-warrior AFC, if I wanted to manifest that called weapon power twice and spend the PP to do so, including the PP to augment it twice, would I per chance be able to summon a pair of identical weapons with the benefits of that AFC?

mabriss lethe
2013-11-08, 04:51 PM
This is a specific weapon every time you summon it, and it automatically gains a weapon enhancement at the following levels:

I'd say no for summoning two soulbound weapons, though you could summon your soulbound weapon and then summon a second weapon via a normal use of Call Weaponry.

Edit to add: Note that soulbound weapon does nothing to modify the manifesting time of Call Weaponry. It's the one drawback of the ACF. Each manifestation is takes an entire round.

2013-11-08, 05:29 PM
A bit obscure, and technically 3rd Party (but it was written by Bruce Cordell who wrote the XPH so it's less like, weird and unbalanced as other stuff like say, the BoEF) is the book Hyperconscious, in which there is the Voce Warrior prestige class. If you want to Fus Ro Dah, this is the class to do it with. You willingly give up all weapons in favor of your Echoic Saber, a sound sword you create as a move action and maintain as a nonaction. Basically, you kind of hum (you can still talk at the same time, no worries) and make a sword out of sound that you can use either melee or ranged. All your weapon-based feats (like Weapon Focus, though by the wording it would also apply to things like Lightning Mace and any other feat that could be used by an Aptitude Weapon) change to be used for your Echoic Saber. You can use it all you want, and for 10 rounds/day/escalation, you can escalate your saber to gain an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 (or equivalent weapon special abilities that you can change with meditation, like the Soulknife) (each number counts as a different escalation, which means you can use 10 rounds of +2 Echoic Saber, 10 rounds of +4, etc, in the same day). In my opinion, the coolest feature it gets is at level 10 when you can, 1/day, auto hit, auto crit, and force a Fort save 10+damage dealt or they DIE.

The class is sort of psionics-based, but has full BAB and progresses manifesting for only 3 out of its 11 levels. As a result, I'd say it's best used by a martial class with a one-level dip in Psychic Warrior for the requisite skills and knowing the power Synesthete.

2013-11-08, 10:47 PM
Similar to the LeShay weapons, you could take the 'assume supernatural ablity' feat and polymorph into an 18HD tulani to gain their 'sword of light': +4 brilliant energy holy longsword.

Averis Vol
2013-11-09, 03:18 AM
I saw it asked but didn't see an answer. But if you are open to homebrew, I have just such a class in my signature. The spirited blade manifests weapons called soul arms, that are mentally linked weapon hilts that grow a semi transparent glowing blade of mental energy on command. The class is almost completely wisdom SAD and I feel it's an adequately powered replacement for the soul knife.

/shameless plug