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View Full Version : Epic campaign ideas?

2013-11-07, 02:28 AM
I have been toying with running an epic campaign, especially since the DM who usually DMs is getting a little burned out and would like to just sit back and play. I'm the next best person to DM so I figured I would run an epic campaign since none of us ever did it before and should be alot of fun!

I'm unsure how to go about it though, do I start the party at level 20 and make them do a grand quest to reach level 21 and then begin their epic campaign (like a prologue) or do I just jump right in? Also what are some good ideas for story elements, we are playing in Faerun and it would likely involve some of the gods of the realm. Has anyone ever ran an epic campaign if so what should be the overall theme? All help is much appreciated. :D

2013-11-07, 05:22 AM
This is something I think about from time to time, and plan to do when I get the chance. (I am one of three DM's and we're all running quite dedicated story-arcs, so god knows when they'll finish.)

It really does depend on what sort of a story your going for.

One way I was looking at wad starting everyone at an ECL (effective character level) of 15 (though this can be any number you want). Then I was going to make all of the players pick a race with a level adjustment off at least 10+ and then go from there with everyone at level 1 to 4, but an ECL of 15. The advantage of this is you can go past 20 without needing any epic classes. Also, you can play as demons and angels and all the stuff in between.

This allows to get crazy out of hand stories, but it would be tough. For example, any spell-caster is going to have a tough time with lev1 spells and a slow level advancement. I would combat the level advantage with lowering the amount of XP needed to level up, that's easy.
It's easy to fighters and such, the'll no doubt get a bunch of strength bonus and their HD will give them feats to help their combat. The tough part is adjusting the spellcaster's damage, you do not want that too get too out of hand, bit at the same time the need to feel useful as well.

2013-11-07, 05:34 AM
I ran an epic campaign not to long ago, gonna admit it was a doozy. First things first: How much does your group power build?

If your not the best builder in the party, do not go epic. The issue is, they will play things that blow you outta the water. If your the best buikder, lets proceed

Step two is: get there sheets a week in advance and research the whole thing step by step. Know every trick they have, every feat every power everything period. Why? Epic fights take alot of work building, and its easy to go overboard or under. And TPK/Blow out's are not fun

Step 3: Build a story line thats worthy of praise and note. These are epic characters, there already warlords kings ect, give them something wort there time. Others can help you far more than i can

Step 4: Realize epic games are the most difficult to dm and the most rewarding. You can really live your wildest dreams now, and the players can do it all. Just note that you have to closely monitor everything they do at every level to make it work. Do not allow epic spellcasting.....Ever. Also realize that if you have a god wizard playing beside a fighter, the fighter will be junk. You will have to give shiny items to compensate fopr weakness's ect and so forth

In conclusion, epic games are worth the work. But they require a suave DM who has the time and knack to see it work and balance out

2013-11-07, 05:40 AM
This is something I think about from time to time, and plan to do when I get the chance. (I am one of three DM's and we're all running quite dedicated story-arcs, so god knows when they'll finish.)

It really does depend on what sort of a story your going for.

One way I was looking at wad starting everyone at an ECL (effective character level) of 15 (though this can be any number you want). Then I was going to make all of the players pick a race with a level adjustment off at least 10+ and then go from there with everyone at level 1 to 4, but an ECL of 15. The advantage of this is you can go past 20 without needing any epic classes. Also, you can play as demons and angels and all the stuff in between.

This allows to get crazy out of hand stories, but it would be tough. For example, any spell-caster is going to have a tough time with lev1 spells and a slow level advancement. I would combat the level advantage with lowering the amount of XP needed to level up, that's easy.
It's easy to fighters and such, the'll no doubt get a bunch of strength bonus and their HD will give them feats to help their combat. The tough part is adjusting the spellcaster's damage, you do not want that too get too out of hand, bit at the same time the need to feel useful as well.

You show me level 5 PC's (Even with LA 10n chassis race) who can beat a cr of 15. That would make the most underpowered characters in the game, im sorry. If you gave them the option of going LA 0-10, and made LA give full HD/Saves/Bab as per there typing like PF dows, then LA is easier to swallow. But look at a Vampire Lord Fighter. ECL 15, with an hp of 38 and BAB of 5. A Hill giant will win in fist to cuffs

2013-11-07, 10:43 AM
I've dabbled into early epic levels, and it's taught me quite a bit.

1. Focus on the story first. First and foremost you want to keep your players engaged and involved. As long as they are interested, they can forgive some mis-calculations on encounters. Politics, power plays, and intrigue should be more pronounced. The players should feel like they have just joined a much larger game that plays on an entirely different level than before.

2. Don't worry when your players steam roll encounters. The characters are EPIC, and should feel that way. They spent 20+ levels earning their power, and finally they should be able to cut loose and shine. Encounters will be short, and decided in one or two turns for the most part. Either the party will have things in hand, or stuffs hitting the fan quick. This is why story is so important, as it will help keep things interesting for a party that is uber efficient in combat encounters.

3. Don't pull punches. At 20+ levels, the party should have all the resources it needs to handle most contingencies. Possibly including a TPK.

4. Party Balance goes out the window. This is the big challenge. You know the whole tier system people obsess about on these boards, and the issues with class balance? Yeah.... it gets completely out of hand in epic. Casters will be king, and can really dominate the party. A lowly melee character will be hard pressed to reach an opponent and take a swing before the casters rain mass death on everything. To put it in perspective.... my focused specialist conjurer at 20th level could cast 5 gates on his turn, calling in pretty much anything in the Epic level hand book (I liked 5 Xixecals), plus a contingent conjuration triggered Elemental Monolith. That kind of power should be enough to take over a small nation and destroy armies. This is before even going epic and having access to epic feats and magic. Compare that to a fighter who can chop down a half dozen opponents a turn, and it doesn't really compare. Again, that's why the story is important. Less emphasis on combat, more on story. It also might help to have a private conversation with the casters to reign it in a little to make the melee's feel useful.

5. Be prepared for LONG combats. Even though they last only 2-3 turns tops, they will take hours to complete due to all the options and factors involved.

That's about it. Here are some epic ideas.....

1. in a FR campaign there is a cult of the Dragon member who took advantage of the year of Rogue Dragons to stockpile dragon corpses. He has also been putting Dracoliches under his thrall. His goal? He will fulfill the prophecy that the cult was founded on, but shall be the master of the undead dragons. He will command a rage of dracoliches and crush the nations of world and all who stand before him. (Epic caster/wearer of purple +a dozen or so dracoliches that can keep coming back).

2. Epic/Evil truenamer = Gate spam. If built well, he can spam out quite a few gates for a horde of Balors and pit fiends.

3. Fun with high level ECl monsters and classes/PrCs,

2013-11-07, 11:24 AM
Your epic adventurers should go on a quest for a spoon.

A spoon you might ask? What's so special about this spoon?

What if I tell you this is the Spoon of Planar Sundering. This spoon, for some bizarre reason is one of the two objects that can rip the planes asunder. Fortunately, without it's compatriot object, the Fork of Teeth Gnashing, the Spoon of Planar Sundering can do no harm.

Unfortauntely, the Fork of Teeth Gnashing has been recovered from the 435th layer of Abyss by the Demon Prince Graatz and the Spoon of Planar Sundering has been stolen from Bahamut's horde on Celestia. It is extremely likely that Graatz is seeking to merge the two objects to form the Spork of Planar Gnashing at which point he would be free to rip apart the planars and make them in his own image and no deity would have the power to stop him.

2013-11-07, 11:58 AM
As a long time fan of FR campaign setting . and novels I have always thought of how awesome it would be to be approached by a member of the Harpers.

Your deeds that have gotten you to this stage of epic, has of course turned the eyes of a deity or two in your direction. Have a representative of either approach the party with a task of worthiness.

Plot 1: The Harpers
The Red Wizards of Thay, after years of plotting and attempts, have succeded in at last capturing Sindell. With her Spellfire Channeler abilities she has been their elusive target for a long time. With the coming of the Winter Equinox a mere three months away, The Wizards of Thay prepare for a horrid ritual that will utterly destroy her and unlock the powers of Spellfire for themselves.

Mystra has her chosen seeking them out to save Sindell's eternal soal before it is too late. But she fears that the harpers alone cannot save her so they must try to get the players to join the crusade, and in exchange, they shall become harpers and the newest of her Chosen.

The task is greatly hindered as the Thay have employed into their ranks large families of Prismatic and Force Dragons, Each led by Advanced Great Wyrm Dracoliches.

(The dm can use the chosen of mystera from FR handbook, or as a alternate take on the Paragon templet from EPH)

Plot 2: Red Wizards of Thay
The time has come at last for The Red Wizards of Thay. Their once futile efforts to claim the spellfire channeler now seems a very good possibility. They have divised a way to abduct Sindell without alarming the other Harpers. In the Kingdom of King Battlehammer, deep in Mithril Hall, the keeper of the spellfire is to visit. Representing the Harpers she is here to extend membership to the dark elf Drizzt.

Here, the Wizards may strike. Deep underground, where years before Breuner downed the black dragon, an opening to the underdark was opened. With a newly formed alliance with the Drow, the Wizards now need the most powerful of generals to lead their armies to retrieve her. They in fact find the players in reputation have the desires traits to do so.

With promises of wealth, power and the likes they will hire the players to command their armies to get the girl and get her back to perform the ritual to absorb her and hold the secrets of power supreame, spellfire.

2013-11-07, 12:43 PM
All very good ideas. I wasn't planning on allowing the use of epic spells since they seem completely ridiculous. Maybe down the road but we'll see. My group isn't the biggest power builders as we don't have all the books, and psi's are banned because everyone hates them lol. To start I was thinking of going with "and end of times" scenario where the world is rapidly approaching the apocolypse and its up to the PCs to figure out whats going and to stop it if they can.

2013-11-14, 07:53 PM
As far as plots I was kicking around something that I think might be interesting. In an epic fight against some evil bad guy / power / whatever, the PC's lose and the world "IS" destroyed.

Assume they narrowly escape into the astral plane or whatever.

But there might yet be a way to reverse it....

This would involve all manner of plane hoping, meeting deities, various side quests while tracking down cosmic relics that are the personification of ideals or nigh impossibilities (Tears of a lich, the innocence of a succubus, the sin of a solar, etc, etc).

Perhaps even venturing into the outlands to find the un-void and seed of fate's widdershins.

Figure there'd be stages to this rebirth/reincarnation of the world with various cosmic forces becoming polarized to help and hinder with many a deception, and betrayal.

The cataclysmic ending being the characters being offered divine rank 0 for preventing the world's rebirth and being offered divine rank 0 for recreating the world depending on the forces in play and how the campaign goes.

Except that somewhere in the adventures the cleric stumbles across the fact that the remaking of the world would result in the unmaking of anything left of the world (which would include the PC's!).

Epic is definitely more about the story then the mechanics. Could be fun.